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Last active August 20, 2020 20:43
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download all youtube channel videos with maximum information
# Copyright (c) 2020 Gonçalo Baltazar <>
# MIT License
# download all youtube channel videos with maximum information
# pip3 install --upgrade youtube-dl
# ffmpeg -y -loglevel repeat+info -i -i -c copy -map 0:v:0 -map 1:a:0 file:out.mkv
set -e
cd -- "$(dirname -- "$0")"
[ -f ".ytdl-max-dump-lock" ] && echo "already running or last execution did not end correctly" && exit 1
# example from `man flock`
[ "${FLOCKER}" != "$0" ] && exec env FLOCKER="$0" flock -en "$0" "$0" "$@" || :
mkdir -p data data/channel
now() {
date +%s.%N
ytdl() {
youtube-dl \
--no-continue \
--write-description \
--write-info-json \
--write-annotations \
--write-thumbnail \
--write-all-thumbnails \
--all-subs \
--write-sub \
--write-pages \
--playlist-reverse \
-o '%(id)s.%(ext)s' \
--download-archive archive.txt \
-f bestvideo+bestaudio/best \
--ffmpeg-location=/dev/null \
--keep-video \
-i \
-v \
cd data/channel
mkdir -p "$CH" "$CH/data" "$CH/runs"
cd "$CH"
mkdir -p "$RUN_DIR" "$RUN_DIR/dump"
end() {
now > "$RUN_DIR/end"
cd "$CH_DIR/data"
find . -maxdepth 1 -name '*.dump' -print0 | xargs -r0 mv -t "$RUN_DIR/dump"
rm ../../../../.ytdl-max-dump-lock
trap end EXIT
touch ../../../.ytdl-max-dump-lock
cd data
ytdl "$CH" 2>&1 | tee "$RUN_DIR/log.txt"
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