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Created September 27, 2012 09:12
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Save goncha/3793040 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
cfengine to sync files from phub
bundle agent sync_app
"opt_dir" string => "/home/app/opt",
comment => "Program directory";
"etc_dir" string => "/home/app/etc",
comment => "Configuration directory";
comment => "Make sure irectory exists.",
create => "true",
perms => u_dir_p("755", "app", "users");
comment => "Make sure irectory exists.",
create => "true",
perms => u_dir_p("755", "app", "users");
comment => "Sync this direcotry on all server except policy hub.",
copy_from => u_rcp("/home/app/opt", "$(sys.policy_hub)"),
depth_search => u_recurse("inf"),
action => u_immediate;
comment => "Sync this direcotry on all server except policy hub.",
copy_from => u_rcp("/home/app/etc", "$(sys.policy_hub)"),
depth_search => u_recurse("inf"),
action => u_immediate;
body perms u_dir_p(p,u,g)
mode => "$(p)";
owners => { "$(u)" };
groups => { "$(g)" };
body action u_immediate
ifelapsed => "0";
body depth_search u_recurse(d)
depth => "$(d)";
exclude_dirs => { "\.svn", "\.git" };
body copy_from u_rcp(from,server)
source => "$(from)";
compare => "digest";
trustkey => "false";
servers => { "$(server)" };
preserve => "true"; # keep permission
stealth => "true"; # keep timestamp
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