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Created September 24, 2012 12:30
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Emacs extension for chinese calendar
;;; chinese-calendar.el --- calendar for chinese
;; Copyright (C) 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
;; Author: Charles Wang for the original version
;; Milton Wu(wulei) for the current version (
;; Keywords: calendar, i18n
;; This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
;; any later version.
;; This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
;; the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
;;; Commentary:
;; installation:
;; put the following line in your .emacs
;; (add-to-path 'load-path "path/where/to/chinese-calendar.el")
;; (require 'chinese-calendar)
;; ChangeLog
;; July 30, 2005 change to 1.2.2
;; * Correct the chinese holiday bug
;; July 17, 2005 change to 1.2.1
;; * Correct the position disorader problem, now Canlendar window can display chinese
;; characters with ASCII character perfectly.
;; July 5, 2005 change to 1.2
;; * Add format-cntime-string function
;; * Correct the character's wrong position problem in calendar display window
;; * Forrbiden auto-fill-funciton in the calendar dispaly window
;; * Most of the function was highly rewritten, thus it's more readable and
;; reasonable
;; July 4, 2005 change to 1.1
;; * Add the jieqi relative function, Thus calendar can display the chinese
;; 24 jieqi in the display window
;; * Add the chinese-lunar-day function, Thus calendar can define traditional
;; chinese holiday and brithday in lunar calendar date
;; April 6, 2005 initial version 1.0
;; * Everything based on the Charles Wang 's wcy-chinese-calendar.el
;; * Display the chinese character in the calendar buffer
;; TODO :
;; 1. export calendar in html tex format file
;; 2. hack the display-time function let's it show chinese year month jieqi name
;;; Code:
(require 'calendar)
(require 'cal-china)
(require 'cal-move)
(require 'holidays)
(require 'diary-lib)
(require 'solar)
(defvar displayed-month)
(defvar displayed-year)
(defun chinese-calendar-move-hook ()
(add-hook 'calendar-move-hook 'chinese-calendar-move-hook)
(defun chinese-calendar-init-windows-hook()
(add-hook 'initial-calendar-window-hook 'chinese-calendar-init-windows-hook)
(setq calendar-offset 0)
(setq chinese-calendar-celestial-stem
["甲" "乙" "丙" "丁" "戊" "己" "庚" "辛" "壬" "癸"])
(setq chinese-calendar-terrestrial-branch
["子" "丑" "寅" "卯" "辰" "巳" "午" "未" "申" "酉" "戌" "亥"])
(defvar chinese-shuxiang-name
["鼠" "牛" "虎" "兔" "龙" "蛇" "马" "羊" "猴" "鸡" "狗" "猪"])
(defvar chinese-number ["一" "二" "三" "四" "五" "六" "七" "八" "九" "十"])
(defvar chinese-calendar-jiqi-name
["小寒" "大寒" "立春" "雨水" "惊蛰" "春分"
"清明" "谷雨" "立夏" "小满" "芒种" "夏至"
"小暑" "大暑" "立秋" "处暑" "白露" "秋分"
"寒露" "霜降" "立冬" "小雪" "大雪" "冬至"]
;;store the current year's jieqi list
(defvar chinese-calendar-current-year-jieqi-list nil)
(defvar chinese-month-name
"正月" "二月" "三月" "四月" "五月" "六月"
"七月" "八月" "九月" "十月" "冬月" "腊月"])
(defvar chinese-day-name
"初一" "初二" "初三" "初四" "初五" "初六" "初七" "初八" "初九" "初十"
"十一" "十二" "十三" "十四" "十五" "十六" "十七" "十八" "十九" "二十"
"廿一" "廿二" "廿三" "廿四" "廿五" "廿六" "廿七" "廿八" "廿九" "三十"
(setq calendar-day-abbrev-array
["Sun日" "Mon一" "Tue二" "Wed三" "Thu四" "Fri五" "Sat六" ])
(setq calendar-day-name-array calendar-day-abbrev-array)
;(setq calendar-day-name-array
; ["星期日" "星期一" "星期二" "星期三" "星期四" "星期五" "星期六" ])
;(setq calendar-day-abbrev-array ["Su" "Mo" "Tu" "We" "Th" "Fr" "Sa" ])
(setq solar-n-hemi-seasons
'( "春分" "夏至" "秋分" "冬至"))
(setq solar-s-hemi-seasons
'("秋分" "夏至" "春分" "冬至"))
(setq calendar-week-start-day 1)
(defun chinese-calendar-week-name (date)
(let ((day (calendar-day-of-week date)))
(concat "星期"
(if (eq day 0)
(aref chinese-number (1- day))))))
(defun chinese-calendar-display-form (date)
(let* ((weekname (chinese-calendar-week-name date))
(day (extract-calendar-day date))
(month (extract-calendar-month date))
(year (extract-calendar-year date)))
(format "%4d年%2d月%2d日 %s" year month day weekname)))
(defvar chinese-date-diary-pattern
'((month "/" day "[^/0-9]")
(month "/" day "/" year "[^0-9]")
(monthname " *" day "[^,0-9]")
(monthname " *" day ", *" year "[^0-9]")
(dayname "\\W")
(year "年[ ]*" month "月[ ]*" day "日[^/0-9]星期[一二
; (day "/" month "[^/0-9]")
; (day "/" month "/" year "[^0-9]")
; (backup day " *" monthname "\\W+\\<[^*0-9]")
; (day " *" monthname " *" year "[^0-9]")
; (dayname "\\W")
(setq calendar-date-display-form '((chinese-calendar-display-form date)))
(setq diary-date-forms chinese-date-diary-pattern)
(defun chinese-calendar-next-jieqi-date (d)
"Return the next Jieqi after or on the absolute date d,
the Return data form is absolute date"
(solar-date-next-longitude d 15))
(defun chinese-calendar-create-jieqi-list (year)
" Create the year's jieqi ,store it in the variable
The format is (year (month day) (month day) ... (month day))
(if (not (equal chinese-calendar-current-year-jieqi-list nil))
(setq chinese-calendar-current-year-jieqi-list nil))
(let* (
(calendar-absolute-from-gregorian (list 1 1 year))))
(i 0)
jieqi-date temp-date
(setq chinese-calendar-current-year-jieqi-list (list year))
(while (< i 24)
(setq i (1+ i))
(setq temp-date (chinese-calendar-next-jieqi-date start-date))
(setq jieqi-date
(floor (calendar-absolute-from-astro temp-date))))
(setq chinese-calendar-current-year-jieqi-list
(cons (list (car jieqi-date) (car (cdr jieqi-date)))
(setq start-date (1+ temp-date)))
(setq chinese-calendar-current-year-jieqi-list
(nreverse chinese-calendar-current-year-jieqi-list))
(defun chinese-calendar-jieqi-p (month day year)
"If the date is jieqi return t,else return nil"
;;if the jieqi-list is empty or the jieqi-list is not for this year
;;then create the jieqi-list for the year
(if (or (equal chinese-calendar-current-year-jieqi-list nil)
(equal (car chinese-calendar-current-year-jieqi-list) year)))
(chinese-calendar-create-jieqi-list year))
(if (member (list month day) chinese-calendar-current-year-jieqi-list)
(defun chinese-calendar-jieqi-name (month day year)
"Get the chinese jieqi name if that day is a jieqi, else return nil"
(if (chinese-calendar-jieqi-p month day year)
(let ((name-index (+ (* 2 (1- month)) (/ day 15) )))
(aref chinese-calendar-jiqi-name name-index))))
(defun count-chinese-character (string)
"count the numbers of chinese character "
(length (remq nil
(mapcar 'multibyte-string-p
(mapcar 'char-to-string string)))))
(defun chinese-calendar-day-name(date)
"Return this day's chinese-calendar name , the date is gregorian date "
(let* ((c-day (nth 3
(calendar-absolute-from-gregorian date)))))
(format "%s" (aref chinese-day-name (1- c-day)))))
(defun chinese-calendar-year-name (date)
"return chinese month name string ,the date form is (month day year)"
(let* ((year (car (cdr (calendar-chinese-from-absolute
(calendar-absolute-from-gregorian date))))))
(calendar-chinese-sexagesimal-name year))
(defun chinese-calendar-month-name (date)
"return chinese month name string ,the date form is (month day year)"
(let* ((a-date (calendar-absolute-from-gregorian date));;绝对日期
(c-date (calendar-chinese-from-absolute a-date));;阴历日期
(c-month (nth 2 c-date)))
(format "%s%s"
(if (not (integerp c-month));; .5格式表示是闰月
"闰" "")
(aref chinese-month-name (1- (floor c-month)))
(defun chinese-calender-set-mode-line ()
(let* ((date (calendar-cursor-to-date))
(s1 (calendar-date-string date t))
(s2 (format "农历%s年%s%s "
(chinese-calendar-year-name date)
(chinese-calendar-month-name date)
(chinese-calendar-day-name date)))
(s3 (chinese-calendar-cursor-holidays))
(x (list s1 s2 s3))
(y (make-string (apply '+ (mapcar 'count-chinese-character x )) ? )))
(setq calendar-mode-line-format
(append x (list y)))
(defun chinese-calendar-day-name-displayed(month day year)
"If this day is a jieqi return it's jieqi name
else if this day is the first day of a month return that month's name
else return the day name"
(let* ((jieqi-name (chinese-calendar-jieqi-name month day year))
(month-name )
(c-day (nth 3
(calendar-absolute-from-gregorian (list month day year)))))
(if jieqi-name
(if (= c-day 1)
(let* ((month-name
(chinese-calendar-month-name (list month day year))))
(if (= 2 (length month-name))
;;avoid to display leap month name in 3 characters
(char-to-string (aref month-name 0))
(char-to-string (aref month-name 1)))))
(chinese-calendar-day-name (list month day year))))
;;test this function use this
;;(format-cntime-string "%Y年%m%d%q%o" (encode-time 0 0 0 4 2 1992))
;; the result is "壬申年正月 初一立春壬申年春节"
(defun format-cntime-string (string &optional time universal)
"string format is '%y %m %d %j %h '
`%Y' This stands for the year with century
`%m' This stands for the month (01-12).
`%d' This stands for the day of month, zero-padded.
`%q' This stands for the jieqi of that day ,
if the day is not a jieqi ,output empty string
`%o' This stands for the holidays of that day,
if the day has no holiday, output empty string
any other argument is totally same as the function format-time-string
(if (not time)
(setq time (current-time)))
(let* ((calendar-list (decode-time time))
(list (nth 4 calendar-list)
(nth 3 calendar-list)
(nth 5 calendar-list))))
;;Replacs %y with chinese year name
(setq string
(chinese-calendar-replace-all-matched-text string "%Y"
(chinese-calendar-year-name date)))
;;Replacs %y with chinese month name
(setq string
(chinese-calendar-replace-all-matched-text string "%m"
(chinese-calendar-month-name date)))
;;Replacs %y with chinese date name
(setq string
(chinese-calendar-replace-all-matched-text string "%d"
(chinese-calendar-day-name date)))
;;Replacs %y with chinese jieqi name
(setq string
string "%q"
(let ((jieqi-name
(car date)
(nth 1 date)
(nth 2 date))))
(if jieqi-name
;;Replacs %h with chinese holiday name
(setq string
string "%o"
(mapconcat 'identity (check-calendar-holidays date) "; ")))
(format-time-string string time universal))
(defun chinese-calendar-replace-all-matched-text (string rexp replace-text)
"Replace all matched rexp aginst string with replace-text"
(while (string-match rexp string)
(setq string (replace-match replace-text t t string) )
;;; the following function is copied from calendar.el or cal-china.el
;;; because they don't conform with the chinese traditional presentation.
(defun calendar-chinese-sexagesimal-name (n)
"The N-th name of the Chinese sexagesimal cycle.
N congruent to 1 gives the first name, N congruent to 2 gives the second name,
..., N congruent to 60 gives the sixtieth name."
(format "%s%s"
(aref chinese-calendar-celestial-stem (% (1- n) 10))
(aref chinese-calendar-terrestrial-branch (% (1- n) 12))))
(defun chinese-calendar-shuxiang-name (year)
" The chinese shuxiang name of the year."
(let ((n (mod (- year 4) 12) ))
(aref chinese-shuxiang-name n))
;;;;在mode line 显示光标当前日期的节日名称,如果该日是节日的话
(defun chinese-calendar-cursor-holidays ()
"set mode line , holidays for the date specified by the cursor in the calendar window.
return today's hoilday name string if today is a holiday ,otherwise return 2 space "
(let* (
(date (calendar-cursor-to-date t))
; (date-string (calendar-date-string date))
(holiday-list (check-calendar-holidays date))
(holiday-string (mapconcat 'identity holiday-list "; ")))
( format " %s" holiday-string)
(defun generate-calendar-month (month year indent)
"Produce a calendar for MONTH, YEAR on the Gregorian calendar.
The calendar is inserted in the buffer starting at the line on which point
is currently located, but indented INDENT spaces. The indentation is done
from the first character on the line and does not disturb the first INDENT
characters on the line."
(let* ((blank-days;; at start of month
(- (calendar-day-of-week (list month 1 year))
(last (calendar-last-day-of-month month year))
(goto-char (point-min))
(list (format " %4d年%2d月 农历%s年%s 属相:%s"
(chinese-calendar-year-name (list month 1 year))
(chinese-calendar-month-name (list month 1 year))
(chinese-calendar-shuxiang-name year))
) ? 36)
indent t)
(calendar-insert-indented "" indent);; Go to proper spot
(insert " ");;补上一个半角空格对齐就比较完美了
(calendar-for-loop i from 0 to 6 do
(insert (calendar-day-name (mod (+ calendar-week-start-day i) 7)
() t))
(insert "  "));一个全角空格一个半角空格
(calendar-insert-indented "" 0 t);; Force onto following line
(calendar-insert-indented "" indent);; Go to proper spot
;; Add blank days before the first of the month
(calendar-for-loop i from 1 to blank-days do (insert "   "))
;; Put in the days of the month
(calendar-for-loop i from 1 to last do
(insert (format "%2d%s " i ;;两个半角空格
(chinese-calendar-day-name-displayed month i year)))
(- (point) 3) (1- (point))
'(mouse-face highlight
help-echo "mouse-2: menu of operations for this date"))
(and (zerop (mod (+ i blank-days) 7))
(/= i last)
(calendar-insert-indented "" 0 t) ;; Force onto following line
(calendar-insert-indented "" indent)))));; Go to proper spot
(defun generate-calendar (month year)
"Generate a one-month Gregorian calendar centered around MONTH, YEAR."
; A negative YEAR is interpreted as BC; -1 being 1 BC, and so on.
; Note that while calendars for years BC could be displayed as it
; stands, almost all other calendar functions (eg holidays) would
; at best have unpredictable results for such dates.
(if (< (+ month (* 12 (1- year))) 1)
(error "Months before January, 1 AD are not available"))
(setq displayed-month month
displayed-year year)
(generate-calendar-month month year 20)
;;防止auto-fill mode justify this window
(defun generate-calendar-window (&optional mon yr)
"Generate the calendar window for the current date.
Or, for optional MON, YR."
(let* (
(buffer-read-only nil)
(auto-fill-function nil)
(today (calendar-current-date))
(month (extract-calendar-month today))
(day (extract-calendar-day today))
(year (extract-calendar-year today))
(or (not mon)
(let ((offset (calendar-interval mon yr month year)))
(and (<= offset 1) (>= offset -1)))))
(day-in-week (calendar-day-of-week today)))
(if mon
(generate-calendar mon yr)
(generate-calendar month year))
(if today-visible today (list displayed-month 1 displayed-year)))
(set-buffer-modified-p nil)
(if (or (one-window-p t) (/= (frame-width) (window-width)))
;; Don't mess with the window size, but ensure that the first
;; line is fully visible
(set-window-vscroll nil 0)
;; Adjust the window to exactly fit the displayed calendar
(sit-for 0)
(if (and (boundp 'font-lock-mode)
(and mark-holidays-in-calendar
;;; (calendar-date-is-legal-p today) ; useful for BC dates
(sit-for 0))
(if mark-diary-entries-in-calendar (mark-diary-entries))
(if today-visible
(run-hooks 'today-visible-calendar-hook)
(run-hooks 'today-invisible-calendar-hook)))))
;;重新定义 calendar-date-is-visible-p函数,
(defun calendar-date-is-visible-p (date)
"Return t if DATE is legal and is visible in the calendar window."
(let ((gap (calendar-interval
displayed-month displayed-year
(extract-calendar-month date) (extract-calendar-year date))))
(and (calendar-date-is-legal-p date) (> 1 gap) (< -1 gap))))
(defun calendar-cursor-to-visible-date (date)
"Move the cursor to DATE that is on the screen."
(let* ((month (extract-calendar-month date))
(day (extract-calendar-day date))
(year (extract-calendar-year date))
(first-of-month-weekday (calendar-day-of-week (list month 1 year))))
(goto-line (+ 3 ;;日期从第三行开始
(/ (+ day -1
(- (calendar-day-of-week (list month 1 year))
(move-to-column (+ 20
(* 8 (mod
(- (calendar-day-of-week date)
; (calendar-cursor-to-nearest-date)
(defun calendar-cursor-to-nearest-date ()
"Move the cursor to the closest date.
The position of the cursor is unchanged if it is already on a date.
Returns the list (month day year) giving the cursor position."
(let ((date (calendar-cursor-to-date))
(column (current-column)))
(if date
(if (> 3 (count-lines (point-min) (point)));;日期从第三行开始
(goto-line 3)
(move-to-column column)))
(if (not (looking-at "[0-9]"))
(if (and (not (looking-at " *$"));;非行尾
(< column 21))
(re-search-forward "[0-9]" nil t)
(backward-char 1)
(re-search-backward "[0-9]" nil t)))
(defvar calendar-starred-day)
(defun calendar-cursor-to-date (&optional error)
"Return a list (month day year) of current cursor position.
If cursor is not on a specific date, signals an error if optional parameter
ERROR is t, otherwise just returns nil."
(let* (
(month displayed-month)
(year displayed-year))
(if (and (looking-at "[ 0-9]?[0-9][^0-9]")
(< 2 (count-lines (point-min) (point))))
(if (not (looking-at " "))
(re-search-backward "[^0-9]"))
(list month
(string-to-int (buffer-substring (1+ (point)) (+ 4 (point))))
(if (looking-at "\\*")
(re-search-backward "[^*]")
(if (looking-at ".\\*\\*")
(list month calendar-starred-day year)
(if error (error "Not on a date!"))))
(if error (error "Not on a date!"))))))
(defun mark-visible-calendar-date (date &optional mark)
"Mark DATE in the calendar window with MARK.
MARK is either a single-character string or a face.
MARK defaults to diary-entry-marker."
(if (calendar-date-is-legal-p date)
(set-buffer calendar-buffer)
(calendar-cursor-to-visible-date date)
(let ((mark (or mark diary-entry-marker)))
(if (stringp mark)
(let ((buffer-read-only nil))
(forward-char 6)
(delete-char 1)
(insert mark)
(forward-char -5))
(make-overlay (point) (+ 4 (point))) 'face mark))))))
(defun list-calendar-holidays ()
"Create a buffer containing the holidays for the current calendar window.
The holidays are those in the list calendar-notable-days. Returns t if any
holidays are found, nil if not."
(message "Looking up holidays...")
(let ((holiday-list (calendar-holiday-list))
(m1 displayed-month)
(y1 displayed-year)
(m2 displayed-month)
(y2 displayed-year))
(if (not holiday-list)
(message "Looking up holidays...none found")
(set-buffer (get-buffer-create holiday-buffer))
(setq buffer-read-only nil)
(if (= y1 y2)
(format "Notable Dates from %s to %s, %d%%-"
(calendar-month-name m1) (calendar-month-name m2) y2)
(format "Notable Dates from %s, %d to %s, %d%%-"
(calendar-month-name m1) y1 (calendar-month-name m2) y2)))
'(lambda (x) (concat (calendar-date-string (car x))
": " (car (cdr x))))
holiday-list "\n"))
(goto-char (point-min))
(set-buffer-modified-p nil)
(setq buffer-read-only t)
(display-buffer holiday-buffer)
(message "Looking up holidays...done")
(defun list-holidays (y1 y2 &optional l label)
"Display holidays for years Y1 to Y2 (inclusive).
The optional list of holidays L defaults to `calendar-holidays'. See the
documentation for that variable for a description of holiday lists.
The optional LABEL is used to label the buffer created."
(let* ((start-year (calendar-read
"Starting year of holidays (>0): "
'(lambda (x) (> x 0))
(int-to-string (extract-calendar-year
(end-year (calendar-read
(format "Ending year (inclusive) of holidays (>=%s): "
'(lambda (x) (>= x start-year))
(int-to-string start-year)))
(completion-ignore-case t)
(cons "All" calendar-holidays)
(if (fboundp 'atan)
(cons "Equinoxes/Solstices"
(list (list 'solar-equinoxes-solstices))))
(if general-holidays (cons "General" general-holidays))
(if local-holidays (cons "Local" local-holidays))
(if other-holidays (cons "Other" other-holidays))
(if christian-holidays (cons "Christian" christian-holidays))
(if hebrew-holidays (cons "Hebrew" hebrew-holidays))
(if islamic-holidays (cons "Islamic" islamic-holidays))
(if oriental-holidays (cons "Oriental" oriental-holidays))
(if solar-holidays (cons "Solar" solar-holidays))
(cons "Ask" nil)))
(choice (capitalize
(completing-read "List (TAB for choices): " lists nil t)))
(which (if (string-equal choice "Ask")
(eval (read-variable "Enter list name: "))
(cdr (assoc choice lists))))
(name (if (string-equal choice "Equinoxes/Solstices")
(if (member choice '("Ask" ""))
(format "%s Holidays" choice)))))
(list start-year end-year which name)))
(message "Computing holidays...")
(let* ((holiday-buffer "*Holidays*")
(calendar-holidays (if l l calendar-holidays))
(title (or label "Holidays"))
(holiday-list nil)
(s (calendar-absolute-from-gregorian (list 1 1 y1)));;从第一个月开始
(e (calendar-absolute-from-gregorian (list 12 1 y2)));;到最后一个月结束
(d s);;算法中的月份
(never t)
(displayed-month 1)
(displayed-year y1))
(while (or never (<= d e))
(setq holiday-list (append holiday-list (calendar-holiday-list)))
(setq never nil)
(increment-calendar-month displayed-month displayed-year 1);;一次只搜索一个月
(setq d (calendar-absolute-from-gregorian
(list displayed-month 1 displayed-year))))
(set-buffer (get-buffer-create holiday-buffer))
(setq buffer-read-only nil)
(if (= y1 y2)
(format "%s for %s" title y1)
(format "%s for %s-%s" title y1 y2)))
(goto-char (point-min))
'(lambda (x) (concat (calendar-date-string (car x))
": " (car (cdr x))))
holiday-list "\n"))
(goto-char (point-min))
(set-buffer-modified-p nil)
(setq buffer-read-only t)
(display-buffer holiday-buffer)
(message "Computing holidays...done"))))
(defun holiday-fixed (month day string)
"Holiday on MONTH, DAY (Gregorian) called STRING.
If MONTH, DAY is visible, the value returned is the list (((MONTH DAY year)
STRING)). Returns nil if it is not visible in the current calendar window."
(let ((m displayed-month)
(y displayed-year))
(if (= m month)
(list (list (list month day y) string)))))
(defun holiday-float (month dayname n string &optional day)
"Holiday on MONTH, DAYNAME (Nth occurrence) called STRING.
If the Nth DAYNAME in MONTH is visible, the value returned is the list
\(((MONTH DAY year) STRING)).
If N<0, count backward from the end of MONTH.
An optional parameter DAY means the Nth DAYNAME on or after/before MONTH DAY.
Returns nil if it is not visible in the current calendar window."
(let ((m displayed-month)
(y displayed-year))
(if (= m month)
(list (list (calendar-nth-named-day n dayname month y day) string)))))
(defvar diary-entries-list)
(defvar original-date)
(defvar date-string)
(defun mark-sexp-diary-entries ()
"Mark days in the calendar window that have sexp diary entries.
Each entry in the diary file (or included files) visible in the calendar window
is marked. See the documentation for the function `list-sexp-diary-entries'."
(let* ((sexp-mark (regexp-quote sexp-diary-entry-symbol))
(s-entry (concat "\\(\\`\\|\^M\\|\n\\)\\("
(regexp-quote sexp-mark) "(\\)\\|\\("
(regexp-quote diary-nonmarking-symbol)
(regexp-quote sexp-mark) "(diary-remind\\)"))
(set-buffer calendar-buffer)
(setq m displayed-month)
(setq y displayed-year))
(setq first-date
(calendar-absolute-from-gregorian (list m 1 y)))
(setq last-date
(list m (calendar-last-day-of-month m y) y)))
(goto-char (point-min))
(while (re-search-forward s-entry nil t)
(if (char-equal (preceding-char) ?\()
(setq marking-diary-entry t)
(setq marking-diary-entry nil))
(re-search-backward "(")
(let ((sexp-start (point))
(setq sexp (buffer-substring-no-properties sexp-start (point)))
(re-search-backward "\^M\\|\n\\|\\`")
(setq line-start (point)))
(forward-char 1)
(if (and (or (char-equal (preceding-char) ?\^M)
(char-equal (preceding-char) ?\n))
(not (looking-at " \\|\^I")))
(progn;; Diary entry consists only of the sexp
(backward-char 1)
(setq entry ""))
(setq entry-start (point))
;; Find end of entry
(re-search-forward "\^M\\|\n" nil t)
(while (looking-at " \\|\^I")
(or (re-search-forward "\^M\\|\n" nil t)
(re-search-forward "$" nil t)))
(if (or (char-equal (preceding-char) ?\^M)
(char-equal (preceding-char) ?\n))
(backward-char 1))
(setq entry (buffer-substring-no-properties entry-start (point)))
(while (string-match "[\^M]" entry)
(aset entry (match-beginning 0) ?\n )))
(calendar-for-loop date from first-date to last-date do
(if (diary-sexp-entry sexp entry
(calendar-gregorian-from-absolute date))
(calendar-gregorian-from-absolute date))))))))
;;;重新定义fancy-diary 的日期标记
(defun fancy-diary-display ()
"Prepare a diary buffer with relevant entries in a fancy, noneditable form.
This function is provided for optional use as the `diary-display-hook'."
(save-excursion;; Turn off selective-display in the diary file's buffer.
(set-buffer (find-buffer-visiting (substitute-in-file-name diary-file)))
(let ((diary-modified (buffer-modified-p)))
(subst-char-in-region (point-min) (point-max) ?\^M ?\n t)
(setq selective-display nil)
(kill-local-variable 'mode-line-format)
(set-buffer-modified-p diary-modified)))
(if (or (not diary-entries-list)
(and (not (cdr diary-entries-list))
(string-equal (car (cdr (car diary-entries-list))) "")))
(let* ((holiday-list (if holidays-in-diary-buffer
(check-calendar-holidays original-date)))
(msg (format "No diary entries for %s %s"
(concat date-string (if holiday-list ":" ""))
(mapconcat 'identity holiday-list "; "))))
(if (<= (length msg) (frame-width))
(message "%s" msg)
(set-buffer (get-buffer-create holiday-buffer))
(setq buffer-read-only nil)
(calendar-set-mode-line date-string)
(insert (mapconcat 'identity holiday-list "\n"))
(goto-char (point-min))
(set-buffer-modified-p nil)
(setq buffer-read-only t)
(display-buffer holiday-buffer)
(message "No diary entries for %s" date-string)))
(save-excursion;; Prepare the fancy diary buffer.
(set-buffer (make-fancy-diary-buffer))
(setq buffer-read-only nil)
(let ((entry-list diary-entries-list)
(holiday-list-last-month 1)
(holiday-list-last-year 1)
(date (list 0 0 0)))
(while entry-list
(if (not (calendar-date-equal date (car (car entry-list))))
(setq date (car (car entry-list)))
(and holidays-in-diary-buffer
(list (list holiday-list-last-month
(list date))
;; We (do not) need to get the holidays for the next 3 months.
(setq holiday-list-last-month
(extract-calendar-month date))
(setq holiday-list-last-year
(extract-calendar-year date))
(setq holiday-list
(let ((displayed-month holiday-list-last-month)
(displayed-year holiday-list-last-year))
(let* ((date-string (calendar-date-string date))
(let ((h holiday-list)
;; Make a list of all holidays for date.
(while h
(if (calendar-date-equal date (car (car h)))
(setq d (append d (cdr (car h)))))
(setq h (cdr h)))
(insert (if (= (point) (point-min)) "" ?\n) date-string)
(if date-holiday-list (insert ": "))
(let* ((l (current-column))
(longest 0))
(insert (mapconcat (lambda (x)
(if (< longest (length x))
(setq longest (length x)))
(concat "\n" (make-string l ? ))))
(insert ?\n (make-string (+ l longest) ?=) ?\n)))))
(if (< 0 (length (car (cdr (car entry-list)))))
(insert (car (cdr (car entry-list))) ?\n))
(setq entry-list (cdr entry-list))))
(set-buffer-modified-p nil)
(goto-char (point-min))
(setq buffer-read-only t)
(display-buffer fancy-diary-buffer)
(message "Preparing diary...done"))))
(defun mark-calendar-days-named (dayname)
"Mark all dates in the calendar window that are day DAYNAME of the week.
0 means all Sundays, 1 means all Mondays, and so on."
(set-buffer calendar-buffer)
(let ((prev-month displayed-month)
(prev-year displayed-year)
(succ-month displayed-month)
(succ-year displayed-year)
(setq day (calendar-absolute-from-gregorian
(calendar-nth-named-day 1 dayname prev-month prev-year)))
(setq last-day (calendar-absolute-from-gregorian
(calendar-nth-named-day -1 dayname succ-month succ-year)))
(while (<= day last-day)
(mark-visible-calendar-date (calendar-gregorian-from-absolute day))
(setq day (+ day 7))))))
(defun mark-calendar-date-pattern (month day year &optional color)
"Mark all dates in the calendar window that conform to MONTH/DAY/YEAR.
A value of 0 in any position is a wildcard."
(set-buffer calendar-buffer)
(let ((m displayed-month)
(y displayed-year))
(mark-calendar-month m y month day year color);;21.3用该函数
;(mark-calendar-month m y month day year);;21.2用该函数
(defun solar-equinoxes-solstices ()
"*local* date and time of equinoxes and solstices, if visible in the calendar window.
Requires floating point."
(let ((m displayed-month)
(y displayed-year))
(let* ((calendar-standard-time-zone-name
(if calendar-time-zone calendar-standard-time-zone-name "UTC"))
(if calendar-time-zone calendar-daylight-savings-starts))
(if calendar-time-zone calendar-daylight-savings-ends))
(calendar-time-zone (if calendar-time-zone calendar-time-zone 0))
(k (1- (/ m 3)))
(d0 (solar-equinoxes/solstices k y))
(d1 (list (car d0) (floor (car (cdr d0))) (car (cdr (cdr d0)))))
(h0 (* 24 (- (car (cdr d0)) (floor (car (cdr d0))))))
(adj (dst-adjust-time d1 h0))
(d (list (car d1) (+ (car (cdr d1))
(/ (car (cdr adj)) 24.0))
(car (cdr (cdr d1)))))
(abs-day (calendar-absolute-from-gregorian d)))
(list (calendar-gregorian-from-absolute (floor abs-day))
(format "%s %s"
(nth k (if (and calendar-latitude
(< (calendar-latitude) 0))
(* 24 (- abs-day (floor abs-day)))
(if (dst-in-effect abs-day)
(defun holiday-china (cmonth cday cname)
"Chinese calendar holiday, month and day in Chinese calendar (CMONTH, CDAY).
If corresponding MONTH and DAY in gregorian calendar is visible,
the value returned is the list \(((MONTH DAY year) STRING)).
Returns nil if it is not visible in the current calendar window."
(let* ((m displayed-month)
(y displayed-year)
(gdate (calendar-gregorian-from-absolute
(+ (cadr (assoc cmonth (chinese-year y))) (1- cday))))
(gm (car gdate))
(gd (car (cdr gdate)))
(gy (car (cdr (cdr gdate)))))
(if (= m gm)
(list (list (list gm gd gy) cname)))))
(setq general-holidays
'((holiday-fixed 1 1 "元旦")
(holiday-chinese-new-year )
(holiday-fixed 3 8 "妇女节")
(holiday-fixed 3 12 "植树节")
(holiday-fixed 5 1 "劳动节")
(holiday-fixed 5 4 "青年节")
(holiday-fixed 6 1 "儿童节")
(holiday-fixed 9 10 "教师节")
(holiday-fixed 10 1 "国庆节")))
(setq china-holidays
'((holiday-china 1 15 "元宵节")
(holiday-china 3 1 "我的生日")
(holiday-china 5 5 "端午节")
(holiday-china 9 9 "重阳节")
(holiday-china 8 15 "中秋节")))
(setq christian-holidays nil)
(setq hebrew-holidays nil)
(setq islamic-holidays nil)
(setq other-holidays
'((holiday-fixed 2 14 "情人节")
(holiday-fixed 4 1 "愚人节")
(holiday-fixed 12 25 "圣诞节")
(holiday-float 5 0 2 "母亲节")
(holiday-float 6 0 3 "父亲节")
(holiday-float 11 4 4 "感恩节")))
(setq calendar-holidays
(append general-holidays china-holidays other-holidays))
(defun holiday-chinese-new-year ()
"Date of Chinese New Year."
(let ((m displayed-month)
(y displayed-year))
(increment-calendar-month m y 1)
(if (< m 5)
(let ((chinese-new-year
(car (cdr (assoc 1 (chinese-year y)))))))
(if (calendar-date-is-visible-p chinese-new-year)
(list chinese-new-year
(format "%s年春节"
(calendar-chinese-sexagesimal-name (+ y 57))))))))))
(define-key calendar-mode-map [prior] 'scroll-calendar-right);;一次只移动一个月
(define-key calendar-mode-map (kbd "M-v") 'scroll-calendar-right)
(define-key calendar-mode-map [next] 'scroll-calendar-left)
(define-key calendar-mode-map (kbd "C-v") 'scroll-calendar-left)
(provide 'chinese-calendar)
;;; chinese-calendar.el ends here
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