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Basic Docker, Kubernetes, and OpenShift commands for management

Helpful commands for management in Docker, Kubernetes, and OpenShift

Clean up old podman images

    # clean up any containers that have Exited
    for i in $(podman ps -qa);
        # this does it in parallel
        podman rm $i &
    # clean up any images that aren't tagged properly
    for i in $(podman images -qf dangling=true);
        # this does it in parallel
        podman rmi $i &
    # wait for all those forks to finish

Clean up old docker images

clean ()
    # clean up any containers that have Exited
    for i in $(docker ps -qa);
        # this does it in parallel
        docker rm $i &
    # clean up any images that aren't tagged properly
    for i in $(docker images -qf dangling=true);
        # this does it in parallel
        docker rmi $i &
    # wait for all those forks to finish

Print the current docker container stats on the current node

dockerstats() {
  local TT=$(mktemp)
  local TTT=$(mktemp)
  # get list of containers
  docker ps | grep -v "k8s_POD." > $TT &&
  # calculate length of header row
  MAX=`cat $TT | head -n 1 | wc -c` &&
  # calculate length of NAMES column
  MIN=`echo NAMES | wc -c`
  # how much to cut
  CUT=$[ $MAX - $MIN ] &&
  # cut everything out but the names of the containers
  cut -b ${CUT}- $TT | tail -n +2 > $TTT &&
  # only show the stats using the names
  docker stats `cat $TTT`
  # clean up
  rm -f $TT $TT

Get OCP stats for all pods

ocpodstats ()
  # this syntax is fixed in OCP 3.7
  # list all the pod stats (replace "oc adm" with "kubectl" for the raw kube command)
  oc adm top pod --heapster-namespace=openshift-infra --heapster-scheme=https --all-namespaces |
  # KLUDGE the NAME row so it's sorted at the top
  sed 's/^NA/0A/' | sort | sed 's/^0A/NA/'

Get OCP stats for all nodes

ocnodestats ()
  # this syntax is fixed in OCP 3.7
  # list all the pod stats (replace "oc adm" with "kubectl" for the raw kube command)
  oc adm top node --heapster-namespace=openshift-infra --heapster-scheme=https

Watch OCP stats using the two oc*stats functions above

ocstats ()
  # declare the bash functions inside the watch command as it starts in a different shell
  watch -n 3 "$(declare -f ocnodestats)" \; "$(declare -f ocpodstats)" \; ocnodestats \; ocpodstats
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