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Last active July 23, 2024 14:43
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getldd - script to recursively extract all the shared libraries of an elf executable
# usage: ./getldd mybinary
# will hard copy all the shared libs to
getldd() {
for i in $(ldd $1 | grep / | xargs echo) ; do
test -r "$i" && realpath "$i" && getldd $i
realpath $1 > $DEPS
getldd $1 | sort -u >> $DEPS
All the deps:
$(cat $DEPS)
To copy all the deps, do something like:
for i in \$(cat $DEPS) ; do mkdir -p /tmp/mydest/\$(dirname \$i) && cp -va \$i /tmp/mydest/\$i ; done
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gonoph commented Jul 23, 2024

modified script to use the absolute filename.

Also included the binary on the command line as part of the list of dependencies to simplify the output logic.

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