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Last active July 5, 2024 07:27
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  • Save gontard/cb603059bb0332ef0396c7f89f4f828a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save gontard/cb603059bb0332ef0396c7f89f4f828a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
import org.apache.ivy.core.cache.ArtifactOrigin
import sbt.*
import sbt.Keys.*
import sbt.Project.inConfig
import sbt.internal.RemoteCache.*
import{HashUtil, JarUtils}
import sbt.internal.librarymanagement.IvyActions.mapArtifacts
import sbt.nio.Keys.*
import sbt.plugins.SemanticdbPlugin
object RemoteCacheExtensionsPlugin extends AutoPlugin {
// The version of the remote cache used to force the cache invalidation.
private val remoteCacheVersion = "0bad107b"
override def trigger: PluginTrigger = allRequirements
override def requires = SemanticdbPlugin // don't let it override our own semanticdbTargetRoot
object autoImport {
val maybePushRemoteCache = taskKey[Unit](
"Push remote cache artifact(s) to the cache server " +
"if the artifact is not already present in the local repository."
// See
val maybePullRemoteCache = taskKey[Option[String]](
"Retrieve the remote cache artifact unless the previous run already " +
"attempted to retrieve the same remote cache id."
val cacheGenerators = settingKey[Seq[Task[Seq[File]]]](
"List of tasks that generate cache files to include in remote cache artifacts."
private val basePlaceholderRegex = "\\$\\{BASE\\}".r
private val cachesDirectory = "__caches"
import autoImport.*
override def globalSettings: Seq[Def.Setting[_]] = Seq(
pushRemoteCacheTo := Some(MavenCache("local-cache", file("/tmp/remote-cache"))),
allowMachinePath := false // Ensure ThisBuild / rootPaths contains all necessary paths to abstract machine-specific path
override def projectSettings: Seq[Def.Setting[_]] =
remoteCacheSettings ++ Seq(Compile, Test).flatMap(remoteCacheConfigSettings)
private val remoteCacheSettings: Seq[Def.Setting[_]] = Seq(
maybePushRemoteCache := maybePushRemoteCache.?.all(anyConfigsInThisProject).value
def remoteCacheConfigSettings(config: Configuration): Seq[Setting[_]] = {
configCacheSettings(compileArtifact(config, cachedClassifier(config))) ++
// All tasks consuming classDirectory (where the remote cache is extracted)
// should block until the pulling is over
compileIncremental := compileIncremental.dependsOn(maybePullRemoteCache).value,
products := products.dependsOn(maybePullRemoteCache).value,
copyResources := copyResources.dependsOn(maybePullRemoteCache).value,
maybePullRemoteCache := Def
.taskDyn[Option[String]] {
import CacheImplicits.*
val log = streams.value.log
val projectRoot = baseDirectory.value
val maybePulledRemoteCacheId = maybePullRemoteCache.previous.flatten
// if we have uncommited changes, there is very little chance that we get a hit so don't bother trying
if (hasLocalChanges(projectRoot)) {
log.debug(s"local changes detected in $projectRoot, not attempting to pull")
} else {
Def.taskDyn[Option[String]] { // lookup remoteCacheId within a nested task to avoid doing it unnecessarily
val currentPullRemoteCacheId = remoteCacheId.value
// don't try to pull something we already pulled or tried to pull before
if (maybePulledRemoteCacheId.contains(currentPullRemoteCacheId)) {
s"attempt to pull $currentPullRemoteCacheId detected, not attempting again"
} else => Some(currentPullRemoteCacheId))
maybePushRemoteCache := Def.taskDyn {
val log = streams.value.log
val is = (pushRemoteCache / ivySbt).value
val projectId = remoteCacheProjectId.value
val config = pushRemoteCacheConfiguration.value
val module = new is.Module((pushRemoteCache / moduleSettings).value)
val artifacts = Map(config.artifacts: _*)
val classifier =
val isArtifactInLocalCache = module.withModule(log) { case (ivy, md, _) =>
// copied from
def crossVersionMap(moduleSettings: ModuleSettings): Option[String => String] =
moduleSettings match {
case i: InlineConfiguration => CrossVersion(i.module, i.scalaModuleInfo)
case _ => None
val resolver = ivy.getSettings.getDefaultRepositoryCacheManager
val cross = crossVersionMap(module.moduleSettings)
val ivyArtifacts = mapArtifacts(md, cross, artifacts).map(_._1)
if (isArtifactInLocalCache) {
log.debug(s"remote cache artifact already published for $projectId $classifier")
} else { {
case Inc(inc: Incomplete) =>
s"Something went wrong when publishing the remote cache artifact for $projectId $classifier"
case _ =>
packageCache / artifact := Artifact(moduleName.value, cachedClassifier(config)),
// compute the remote cache id from the hash of the local cache id and the hash of the remote cache id of all dependencies
remoteCacheId := Def.taskDyn {
Def.value {
val data = settingsData.value
val log = streams.value.log
val thisProject = thisProjectRef.value
def remoteCacheIdTask(project: ProjectRef, configuration: String): Task[String] =
(project / ConfigKey(configuration) / remoteCacheId).get(data) match {
case Some(value) => value
case _ => constant("")
val tasks: Seq[Task[String]] = internalDependencyConfigurations.value.flatMap {
case (project, configurations) =>
// avoid circular call to remoteCacheId
.filterNot(_ == && project == thisProject)
.map(c => remoteCacheIdTask(project, c))
// the parent value takes into account:
// - the sources (.scala)
// - the dependencies including transitive (.jar)
// - the extra options for the incremental compiler
val parentValue = remoteCacheId.value
log.debug(s"1 ${name.value} ${} $parentValue") => combineHash(Seq(hash, parentValue)))
remoteCacheId := {
val log = streams.value.log
// Take resources into account when generating the remote cache key
// - proto files have an impact on the generated code
// - other resources can have an impact on the test execution
// But gitignored files should not have an impact on the remote cache key
val excluded = Set("parameters.conf", "parameters.conf.sample", "local.sbt")
val resources = (unmanagedResources / inputFileStamps).value
// Put the build definition in the hash as it can change the build output
val buildFiles = (Global / checkBuildSources / inputFileStamps).value
val inputs = (resources ++ buildFiles)
.filterNot { case (path, _) =>
}.map { case (_, stamp0) =>
val previous = remoteCacheId.value
log.debug(s"2 ${name.value} ${} $previous")
combineHash(inputs :+ previous)
// also put the repositories used for the build as they are part of the incremental compile inputs
remoteCacheId := {
val log = streams.value.log
val resolversToString =
val previous = remoteCacheId.value
log.debug(s"3 ${name.value} ${} $previous")
combineHash(resolversToString, previous)
// combine with a version to allow for breaking changes in the remote cache format
remoteCacheId := {
val log = streams.value.log
val previous = remoteCacheId.value
log.debug(s"4 ${name.value} ${} $previous")
combineHash(remoteCacheVersion, previous)
cacheGenerators := Seq.empty,
packageCache := {
// Call the parent task to create the remote cache jar containing the compiled classes, the unmanaged
// resources and also the zinc incremental cache
val cacheJar = packageCache.value
val log = streams.value.log
val base = (ThisProject / baseDirectory).value
val cacheFiles = Defaults.generate(cacheGenerators).value
val baseRegex = base.toString.r
.map { file =>
log.debug(s"Including $file into package cache")
// Make cache file content machine-independent by transforming absolute paths to path relative to the
// project base directory. (awaiting
val transformedFile =
IO.withTemporaryFile(file.getName, "transformed", keepFile = true) {
temporaryFile =>
val content =
val transformedContent =
baseRegex.replaceAllIn(content, basePlaceholderRegex.toString())
IO.write(temporaryFile, transformedContent)
val jarEntry = s"$cachesDirectory/${IO.relativize(base, file).get}"
transformedFile -> jarEntry
pullRemoteCache := {
val log = streams.value.log
// Cache files have been extracted into __caches by the parent pullRemoteCache, we now move them to their
// expected destination and turn them machine-*dependent* again by transforming relative paths
// to absolute ones
val base = (ThisProject / baseDirectory).value
val extractedCacheDir = classDirectory.value / cachesDirectory
val cacheFiles = extractedCacheDir.allPaths.filter(_.isFile).get
cacheFiles.foreach { cacheFile =>
val target = base / IO.relativize(extractedCacheDir, cacheFile).get
log.debug(s"Restoring $target from package cache")
val content = basePlaceholderRegex.replaceAllIn(, base.toString)
IO.write(target, content)
) ++ semanticdbConfigSettings(config) ++ zincCacheWorkaroundsSettings(config)
private def semanticdbConfigSettings(config: Configuration): Seq[Def.Setting[_]] =
// include semanticdb in the remote cache artifact as soon as it is enabled
semanticdbIncludeInJar := semanticdbEnabled.value
) ++ SemanticdbPlugin.configurationSettings
// The scalac options are stored in the zinc cache, thus these options must be machine-independent.
private def zincCacheWorkaroundsSettings(config: Configuration): Seq[Def.Setting[_]] = Seq(
// relativize semantic DB target root which is part of the scalac options
config / semanticdbTargetRoot := {
val old = (config / semanticdbTargetRoot).value.toPath
(LocalRootProject / baseDirectory).value.toPath.relativize(old).toFile
private def cachedClassifier(conf: Configuration) = s"cached-${}"
private val anyConfigsInThisProject = ScopeFilter(
configurations = inAnyConfiguration
def hasLocalChanges(tree: File): Boolean =
scala.sys.process.Process(s"git status --porcelain -- ${tree.getAbsolutePath}").!!.trim.nonEmpty
private def combineHash(vs: Seq[String]): String = {
val hashValue = HashUtil.farmHash(vs.sorted.mkString("").getBytes("UTF-8"))
def combineHash(str: String, strings: String*): String =
combineHash(str +: strings)
import RemoteCacheExtensionsPlugin.autoImport.*
import sbt.*
import sbt.Keys.*
import sbt.Project.inConfig
import sbt.librarymanagement.Configuration
object TestQuickExtensionsPlugin extends AutoPlugin {
override def trigger: PluginTrigger = allRequirements
override def requires: Plugins = RemoteCacheExtensionsPlugin
object autoImport {
val runTest =
taskKey[Unit]("Execute tests")
import autoImport.*
override def projectSettings: Seq[Def.Setting[_]] =
def testQuickCacheConfigSettings(config: Configuration): Seq[Def.Setting[_]] =
runTest := (if (Constants.useTestQuick) testQuick.toTask("").value else test.value),
cacheGenerators += Def
.task {
val s = (test / streams).value
val succeededFile = Defaults.succeededFile(s.cacheDirectory)
val cacheFiles = if (succeededFile.isFile) Seq(succeededFile) else Seq.empty
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gontard commented Jun 13, 2024

This is fantastic thanks for posting! I'm curious about How were you able to determine that fullResolvers was an input to zinc?

It's been a while. I don't remember.
But if you check the zinc cache files in your project: (e.g. /target/scala-2.13/zinc), you will find references to your repositories.

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Very helpful @gontard! Trying to figure out why my project is recompiling despite a perfect cache hit is proving very frustrating.

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gontard commented Jun 14, 2024

compileIncremental task logs can help: /target/streams/compile/compileIncremental/_global/streams/out

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