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alias ..="tcsh -l"
alias sux="sudo tcsh -l"
# .bash_profile
# Get the aliases and functions
if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
. ~/.bashrc
if [ -f ~/.bashrc.local ]; then
. ~/.bashrc.local
# User specific environment and startup programs
export PATH
export PATH="$HOME/.cargo/bin:$PATH"
# .bashrc
# Source global definitions
if [ -f /etc/bashrc ]; then
. /etc/bashrc
# User specific aliases and functions
# remove annoying global aliases
noalias() {
x=`type $1 2>&1 | grep " is aliased to "` && unalias $1
# unalias l. ll ls vi
noalias l.
noalias ll
noalias ls
noalias vi
noalias egrep
noalias fgrep
noalias grep
alias ..="tcsh -l"
alias sux="sudo tcsh -l"
# Alias definitions.
# You may want to put all your additions into a separate file like
# ~/.bash_aliases, instead of adding them here directly.
# See /usr/share/doc/bash-doc/examples in the bash-doc package.
if [ -f ~/.bash_aliases ]; then
. ~/.bash_aliases
set -P
alias .. source ~/.login
set prompt='csh %m:%n> '
set prompt='%m:%n> '
setenv PERL5LIB "$HOME/perl:/usr/local/lib/perl5"
setenv SHELL $shell
set path=($HOME/bin $path)
alias sux sudo tcsh -l
alias S SLS -P
alias tsv ~/bin/csv --UTF8 --TAB
setenv EDITOR `which vi`
setenv LC_ALL en_US.UTF-8
setenv LESSCHARSET utf-8
setenv PYTHONSTARTUP ~/.pythonrc
alias cal ncal -wbM
if (-x ~/.login.local) then
source ~/.login.local
if (-x ~/.cargo/cenv) then
source ~/.cargo/cenv
# ~/.pythonrc
# enable syntax completion
import readline
except ImportError:
print("Module readline not available.")
import rlcompleter
readline.parse_and_bind("tab: complete")
# turn Red Hat's annoying missfeature off
hardstatus off
utf8 on
" turn off rainbow effect [ ]
syntax off
set ai
set copyindent
set ts=2
set number
sysctl -a net.ipv6.conf 2>/dev/null | awk '/disable_ipv6/ { print $1"=1"}' | xargs sysctl
sysctl -a net.ipv6.conf 2>/dev/null | awk '/disable_ipv6/ { print $1"=0"}' | xargs sysctl
sysctl -a net.ipv6.conf 2>/dev/null | awk '/disable_ipv6/'
=head1 NAME
display fingerprints of all public keys and keys in authorized_keys
use strict;
my ($version, $has_E)= get_ssh_version();
my $hash_algorithm= 'MD5';
my @files= <*.pub>;
while (my $arg= shift (@ARGV))
if ($arg eq '--') {}
elsif ($arg =~ m#^--(.+)#)
elsif ($arg =~ m#^-(.+)#)
# print ">>> arg=[$arg] 1=[$1]\n";
my @opts= split ('', $1);
foreach my $opt (@opts)
if ($opt eq 'E')
$has_E= 1;
$hash_algorithm= shift (@ARGV);
# print "NOTE: hash_algorithm=[$hash_algorithm]\n";
push (@files, $arg);
# print "files: ", join (' ', @files), "\n";
push (@files, <authorized_keys*>);
printf ("%-24s %5s %-51s %-7s %s\n", qw(file size fingerprint type notes));
foreach my $file (@files)
my @cmd= qw(ssh-keygen -l);
push (@cmd, '-E', $hash_algorithm) if ($has_E);
push (@cmd, '-f', $file);
# print "cmd: [", join (' ', @cmd), "\n";
my $res= `@cmd`;
my @lines= split ("\n", $res);
foreach my $line (@lines)
my ($size, $fp, $notes)= split (' ', $line, 3);
my $type= 'unknown';
if ($notes =~ m#(.+)\s+\((.+)\)#) { ($notes, $type)= ($1, $2) }
$fp= join(':', $hash_algorithm, $fp) unless ($has_E);
printf ("%-24s %5d %-51s %-7s %s\n", $file, $size, $fp, $type, $notes);
sub get_ssh_version
# my @cmd= qw(ssh-keygen --version); # apparently, there is way to display the version directly
my @cmd= qw(ssh-keygen -?); # apparently, --version does not fail as expected on some systems, e.g. openssh-5.3p1-118.1.el6_8.x86_64
# print "cmd: ", join (' ', @cmd), "\n";
my $res= `@cmd 2>&1`;
# print "res=[$res]\n";
my $version= 'unknown';
my $has_E= 0;
foreach my $l (split ("\n", $res))
# print "[$l]\n";
if ($l =~ ' -L Print the contents of a certificate.') { $has_E= 0; }
elsif ($l eq ' ssh-keygen -l [-v] [-E fingerprint_hash] [-f input_keyfile]') { $has_E= 1; }
if ($version eq 'unknown')
my @cmd2= qw(ssh -V); # let's try this ...
my $res2= `@cmd2 2>&1`;
print "res2=[$res2]\n";
# TODO: figure out how to match that ...
($version, $has_E);
=head2 Ubuntu
* openssh-client 1:7.2p2-4ubuntu2.1
=head2 CentOS
* openssh-5.3p1-118.1.el6_8.x86_64
=head1 TODO
optionally display fingerprints using other hashing algorithms
# find or create screen session
# $Id: SLS,v 1.4 2022/04/15 15:46:06 gonter Exp $
=head1 USAGE
SLS [-opts] [session]
reattach or create screen which matches given session name
SLS mistkisten
... reattaches or creates a screen called "mistkisten"
SLS mistk
... reattaches the screen called "mistkisten" which was created earlier (or otherwise it creates a screen called "mistk")
=head1 Options
-P ... supress process listin
-n ... do not actually perform screen command
-c ... create new session even if one matches
-t ... print entire process tree for a given screen session
use strict;
use Data::Dumper;
$Data::Dumper::Indent= 1;
my $print_tree= 0; # 0 print only last command; 1 print all commands in the tree
my $create= 0;
my $doit= 1;
my $list_processes= 1;
my $debug= 0;
my @PARS= ();
PARS: while (defined (my $arg= shift (@ARGV)))
if ($arg =~ /^-/)
if ($arg eq '--') { push (@PARS, @ARGV); last PARS; }
elsif ($arg eq '-c') { $create= 1; }
elsif ($arg eq '-n') { $doit= 0; }
elsif ($arg eq '-P') { $list_processes= 0; }
elsif ($arg eq '-t') { $print_tree= 1; }
elsif ($arg =~ /^-(D+)/) { $debug += length ($1); }
else { &usage (); exit (0); }
push (@PARS, $arg);
my $S= &screen_ls ();
## print Dumper ($S);
my $hostname= &get_hostname ();
if (@PARS)
my $wanted= shift (@PARS);
my $dir_changed= 0;
my @screens= &find_screens_by_label ($S, $wanted);
my $cnt= @screens;
print "create=$create cnt=$cnt screens=", join ('|', @screens), "\n";
if ($create || $cnt == 0)
{ # no matching screen or force creation
if (@PARS)
my $cdir= shift (@PARS);
&chdir ($cdir);
$dir_changed= 1;
my $cmd_title= "settitle '$hostname:$wanted'";
print ">>> $cmd_title\n";
system ($cmd_title) if ($doit);
my @cmd_screen= ('screen', '-S', $wanted);
my $rc_wanted= ".screenrc-$wanted";
push (@cmd_screen, '-c', $rc_wanted) if (-f $rc_wanted);
print ">>> ", join(' ', @cmd_screen), "\n";
if ($doit)
if (!$dir_changed && $wanted =~ /notes/i) { &chdir ("common/Notes"); $dir_changed= 1; }
system (@cmd_screen);
elsif ($cnt == 1)
$wanted= shift (@screens);
my $cmd_title= "settitle '$hostname:$wanted'";
print ">>> $cmd_title\n";
system ($cmd_title) if ($doit);
my $cmd_screen= "screen -dR '$wanted'";
print ">>> $cmd_screen\n";
system ($cmd_screen) if ($doit);
else # $cnt > 0: more than one screen found, so give user a chance to be more specific
my $PS;
if ($list_processes)
$PS= &ps ('alfxww');
## print Dumper ($PS);
&print_screens_by_label2 ($S, $PS, @screens);
my $PS;
if ($list_processes)
$PS= &ps ('alfx');
## print Dumper ($PS);
&print_screens_by_label ($S, $PS);
exit (0);
sub chdir
my $dir= shift;
print ">>> chdir '$dir'\n";
# sleep (5);
unless (chdir && chdir $dir)
print ">>> ATTN: cant change to '$dir' (", $@, ")\n";
sleep (5);
sub usage
exec ("perldoc '$0'");
sub get_hostname
my $x= $ENV{'BLA'};
unless ($x)
my ($OS, $y)= split (' ', `uname -a`);
$x= $y;
if ($x)
my @x= split (/\./, $x);
my $x= shift (@x);
# check if $x may need more info
return $x;
sub find_screens_by_label
my $S= shift;
my $wanted= shift;
print ">> matching /$wanted/i\n";
my @res= ();
my $Sl= $S->{'labels'};
foreach my $l (sort keys %$Sl)
print "l=[$l]\n";
if ($l =~ /$wanted/i)
push (@res, $l)
sub print_screens_by_pid
my $S= shift;
my $PS= shift;
my $Ss= $S->{'screens'};
foreach my $p (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %$Ss)
my $x= $Ss->{$p};
my ($pid, $status, $label)= map { $x->{$_} } qw(pid status label);
printf ("%7d %s %s\n", $pid, $status, $label);
&print_cmd ($PS, $pid, 0);
sub print_screens_by_label
my $S= shift;
my $PS= shift;
&print_screens_by_label2 ($S, $PS, sort keys %{$S->{'labels'}});
sub print_screens_by_label2
my $S= shift;
my $PS= shift;
my @labels= @_;
printf ("%7s %8s %s\n", 'PID', 'Status', 'Label');
my $Sl= $S->{'labels'};
foreach my $l (@labels)
my $x= $Sl->{$l};
my ($pid, $status, $label)= map { $x->{$_} } qw(pid status label);
printf ("%7d %s %s\n", $pid, $status, $label);
&print_cmd ($PS, $pid, 0);
sub print_cmd
my $PS= shift;
my $pid= shift;
my $indent= shift;
return unless ($PS);
## print join (' ', __LINE__, 'pid', $pid, $indent), "\n";
my $p= $PS->{'pids'}->{$pid};
my $c= $PS->{'c'}->{$pid};
if (defined ($p) # note: a process with the screen's pid is not in ps list
&& ($print_tree || !defined ($c))
$indent += 2;
my $label_idx= $PS->{'label_idx'};
my ($pid, $cmd)= map { $p->[$label_idx->{$_}] } qw(PID COMMAND);
printf ("%7d %s %s\n", $pid, ' 'x$indent, $cmd);
## print ' 'x$indent, join (' ', @$p), "\n";
if (defined ($c))
## print ' 'x$indent, join (' ', '->', @$c), "\n";
foreach my $cpid (@$c)
&print_cmd ($PS, $cpid, $indent);
sub screen_ls
local *S;
open (S, "screen -ls|") or return undef;
my %screens= ();
my %labels= ();
my $screens=
'screens' => \%screens,
'labels' => \%labels,
while (<S>)
print ">>>> $_\n" if ($debug >= 2);
if (/^There are screens on:/
|| /^\s*$/
{ # NOP;
elsif (/^(\d+) Sockets in (.+)/)
($screens->{'cnt'}, $screens->{'socket_dir'})= ($1, $2);
elsif (/\s+(\d+)\.(.+)\s*\((Attached|Detached)\)/)
my ($pid, $label, $status)= ($1, $2, $3);
my $extra;
if ($label =~ /(.+)\s+\((.+)\)/)
($label, $extra)= ($1, $2);
$label=~ s/\s*$//;
## print ">>>>> pid='$pid' label='$label' status='$status'\n";
my $screen=
'pid' => $pid,
'label' => $label,
'status' => $status,
$screen->{'extra'}= $extra if ($extra);
$screens{$pid}= $screen;
$labels{$label}= $screen;
close (S);
print Dumper ($screens) if ($debug >= 3);
sub ps
my $options= shift || 'alf';
local *PS;
open (PS, "ps '$options'|") or die "cant call ps with options='$options'";
my %pids= ();
my @labels= ();
my %label_idx= ();
my %c= ();
my $ps=
'labels' => \@labels,
'label_idx' => \%label_idx,
'pids' => \%pids,
'c' => \%c,
my $columns= 999;
while (<PS>)
## print ">>> $_\n";
my @f= split (' ', $_, $columns);
unless (@labels)
{ # first line is the label of the output
@labels= @f;
for (my $i= 0; $i <= $#labels; $i++)
$label_idx{$labels[$i]}= $i;
$columns= $i+1;
$ps->{'columns'}= $columns;
my ($pid, $ppid)= map { @f[$label_idx{$_}] } qw(PID PPID);
## print ">>>>> pid='$pid' ppid='$ppid'\n";
$pids{$pid}= \@f;
push (@{$c{$ppid}}, $pid);
close (PS);
[2008-06-25 19:30]
=head1 TODO
=head2 Config File
rk_dir= DIR => CD vor screen -S ausfuehren
(what the hell, what does rk_dir mean? chdir?)
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