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Last active May 14, 2016 02:37
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postgres aligned output files

process postgres aligned output files

this files are created by using \a to enable aligned output and \o filename

\o output.csv
select * from my_table;
use strict;
use Data::Dumper;
$Data::Dumper::Indent= 1;
use Util::Matrix;
my $fnm1= shift (@ARGV);
my $fnm2= shift (@ARGV);
my $tbl1= pga::read_table ($fnm1);
my $tbl2= pga::read_table ($fnm2);
my $tbl_x= pga::read_table ('sj_dump.csv');
my $tbl_y= $tbl_x->filter(2, 1251);
my $idx_y= $tbl_y->mk_idx(0);
my $missing= pga::diff ($tbl1, $tbl2);
my @column_names= @{$tbl1->{'columns'}};
# print "columns: ", Dumper (\@column_names);
# print "missing: ", Dumper ($missing);
push (@column_names, 'hit');
my $cn_hit= $#column_names;
my @out_rows;
foreach my $row (@$missing)
# print "row: ", Dumper ($row);
$row->[$cn_hit]= '';
if (exists ($idx_y->{$row->[4]}))
$row->[$cn_hit]= 'name';
push (@out_rows, $row);
# Util::Matrix::print(\@column_names, $missing);
Util::Matrix::print(\@column_names, \@out_rows);
exit (0);
sub x1
my $fnm1= 'sj_current.csv';
my $fnm2= 'sj_dump.csv';
my $tbl1= pga::read_table ($fnm1);
# print "tbl1: ", Dumper ($tbl1);
my $tbl2= pga::read_table ($fnm2);
my $missing= pga::diff ($tbl1, $tbl2);
# print "columns: ", Dumper ($tbl1->{'columns'});
# print "missing: ", Dumper ($missing);
check_1251 ($missing);
write_inserts ('SchlagwortJelinek', $tbl1->{'columns'}, $missing);
sub write_inserts
my $tbl_name= shift;
my $col_names= shift;
my $rows= shift;
my $fnm_sql= 'insert_missing.sql';
open (SQL, '>:utf8', $fnm_sql) or die;
my @col_names= @$col_names;
my $col_count= @col_names;
my $cnt= 0;
foreach my $row (@$rows)
my @col;
my @val;
for (my $i= 0; $i < $col_count; $i++)
if (defined ($row->[$i]) && $row->[$i] ne '')
push (@col, $col_names[$i]);
push (@val, $row->[$i]);
print SQL "INSERT INTO \"$tbl_name\" (",
join (',', map { $_ } @col),
") VALUES (",
join (',', map { "'".$_."'" } @val),");\n";
close (SQL);
print "written $cnt rows to $fnm_sql\n";
=head2 check_1251
find out if either column 0 or column 2 have the value 1251;
complain otherwise
sub check_1251
my $rows= shift;
foreach my $row (@$rows)
next if ($row->[0] == 1251 || $row->[2] == 1251);
print "check row: ", Dumper($row);
package pga;
# postgres aligned output
sub mk_idx
my $tbl= shift;
my $col= shift;
my $idx;
foreach my $row (@{$tbl->{rows}})
# print "row: ", main::Dumper ($row);
my $v= $row->[$col];
push (@{$idx->{$v}}, $row);
$tbl->{index}= $idx;
=head1 filter($table, $column_number, $value)
return a new table consisting only of those rows from $table that contain the given $value in given $column_number.
sub filter
my $tbl= shift;
my $col_num= shift;
my $val= shift;
my @out_rows;
foreach my $row (@{$tbl->{rows}})
push (@out_rows, $row) if ($row->[$col_num] == $val);
my $res= { columns => $tbl->{columns}, rows => \@out_rows };
bless ($res);
=head2 diff ($tbl1, $tbl2)
look for items from $tbl2 which are not present in $tbl1
sub diff
my $tbl1= shift;
my $tbl2= shift;
my $idx1= $tbl1->{index};
my $idx2= $tbl2->{index};
my @missing;
ROW2: foreach my $id (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %$idx2)
if (exists ($idx1->{$id}))
# TODO: check if both rows are identical or report otherwise;
next ROW2;
push (@missing, @{$idx2->{$id}});
(wantarray) ? @missing : \@missing;
sub read_table
my $fnm= shift;
unless (open (FI, '<:utf8', $fnm))
print "cant read $fnm\n";
return undef;
my @lines= <FI>;
close (FI);
# TODO: check for empty files or other stuff...
chop (@lines);
my $columns= shift (@lines);
my $rows= pop (@lines);
my @columns= split(/\|/, $columns);
# print "columns: ", main::Dumper(\@columns);
print "rows=[$rows]\n"; # TODO: check if $rows is
push (@lines, $rows) unless ($rows =~ m#^\(\d+ rows\)$#);
my @rows;
my $res=
'columns' => \@columns,
'rows' => \@rows,
bless ($res);
foreach my $line (@lines)
my @l= split (/\|/, $line);
push (@rows, \@l);
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