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Last active May 27, 2021 05:20
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Type definitions for @xstyled/styled-components
declare module '@xstyled/styled-components' {
import _styled, {
} from 'styled-components'
export * from 'styled-components'
interface Breakpoints {
xs: any
sm: any
md: any
lg: any
xl: any
type BreakpointObject<ArgType> = {
[Key in keyof Breakpoints]?: ArgType
/* Augments a type to be Type | BreakpointObject<Type>,
* in other words, allow a property to be `1` or `{ xs: 1, sm: 2 }`
type WithBreakpointArgs<Props> = {
[Key in keyof Props]?: Props[Key] | BreakpointObject<Props[Key]>
interface BoxPropsBase extends JSX.IntrinsicElements {
/* See props documentation at:
background: number | string
backgroundColor: number | string
backgroundImage: number | string
backgroundSize: number | string
backgroundPosition: number | string
backgroundRepeat: number | string
opacity: number | string
overflow: number | string
transition: number | string
border: number | string
borderTop: number | string
borderTopColor: number | string
borderRight: number | string
borderRightColor: number | string
borderBottom: number | string
borderBottomColor: number | string
borderLeft: number | string
borderLeftColor: number | string
borderColor: number | string
borderWidth: number | string
borderStyle: number | string
borderRadius: number | string
display: number | string
alignItems: number | string
alignContent: number | string
justifyContent: number | string
justifyItems: number | string
flexWrap: number | string
flexBasis: number | string
flexDirection: number | string
flex: number | string
justifySelf: number | string
alignSelf: number | string
order: number | string
gridGap: number | string
gridColumnGap: number | string
gridRowGap: number | string
gridColumn: number | string
gridRow: number | string
gridAutoFlow: number | string
gridAutoColumns: number | string
gridAutoRows: number | string
gridTemplateColumns: number | string
gridTemplateRows: number | string
gridTemplateAreas: number | string
gridArea: number | string
width: number | string
height: number | string
maxWidth: number | string
maxHeight: number | string
minWidth: number | string
minHeight: number | string
size: number | string
verticalAlign: number | string
position: number | string
zIndex: number | string
top: number | string
right: number | string
bottom: number | string
left: number | string
boxShadow: number | string
textShadow: number | string
margin: number | string
m: number | string
marginTop: number | string
mt: number | string
marginRight: number | string
mr: number | string
marginBottom: number | string
mb: number | string
marginLeft: number | string
ml: number | string
mx: number | string
my: number | string
padding: number | string
p: number | string
paddingTop: number | string
pt: number | string
paddingRight: number | string
pr: number | string
paddingBottom: number | string
pb: number | string
paddingLeft: number | string
pl: number | string
px: number | string
py: number | string
fontFamily: number | string
fontSize: number | string
lineHeight: number | string
fontWeight: number | string
textAlign: number | string
letterSpacing: number | string
color: number | string
textTransform: number | string
row: number | string
col: number | string
/* adds support for { xs: arg } and makes all props optional */
export type BoxProps = WithBreakpointArgs<BoxPropsBase>
// const styled: {
// [Key in keyof JSX.IntrinsicElements]: ThemedStyledFunction<
// Key,
// DefaultTheme,
// BoxProps
// >
// }
// type BoxPropsWithBreakpointArgs = WithBreakpointArgs<BoxProps>
// Box: React.ComponentType<BoxProps>
export const Box: ThemeStyledFunction<'div', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
breakpoints: (
styles: BreakpointObject<FlattenSimpleInterpolation | string>,
) => TemplateStringsArray
/** Support for xxBoxes, i.e. aBox, articleBox
* List of dom elements from Styled Components:
* */
const styled: typeof _styled & {
aBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'a', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
abbrBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'abbr', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
addressBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'address', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
areaBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'area', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
articleBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'article', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
asideBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'aside', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
audioBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'audio', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
bBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'b', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
baseBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'base', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
bdiBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'bdi', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
bdoBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'bdo', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
bigBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'big', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
blockquoteBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'blockquote', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
bodyBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'body', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
brBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'br', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
buttonBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'button', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
canvasBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'canvas', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
captionBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'caption', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
citeBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'cite', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
codeBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'code', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
colBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'col', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
colgroupBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'colgroup', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
dataBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'data', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
datalistBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'datalist', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
ddBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'dd', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
delBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'del', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
detailsBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'details', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
dfnBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'dfn', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
dialogBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'dialog', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
divBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'div', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
dlBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'dl', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
dtBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'dt', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
emBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'em', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
embedBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'embed', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
fieldsetBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'fieldset', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
figcaptionBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'figcaption', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
figureBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'figure', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
footerBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'footer', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
formBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'form', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
h1Box: ThemeStyledFunction<'h1', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
h2Box: ThemeStyledFunction<'h2', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
h3Box: ThemeStyledFunction<'h3', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
h4Box: ThemeStyledFunction<'h4', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
h5Box: ThemeStyledFunction<'h5', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
h6Box: ThemeStyledFunction<'h6', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
headBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'head', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
headerBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'header', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
hgroupBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'hgroup', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
hrBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'hr', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
htmlBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'html', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
iBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'i', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
iframeBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'iframe', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
imgBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'img', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
inputBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'input', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
insBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'ins', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
kbdBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'kbd', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
keygenBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'keygen', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
labelBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'label', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
legendBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'legend', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
liBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'li', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
linkBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'link', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
mainBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'main', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
mapBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'map', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
markBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'mark', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
/* This one breaks, it looks like marquee is not supported in JSX.IntrinsicElements */
// marqueeBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'marquee', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
menuBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'menu', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
menuitemBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'menuitem', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
metaBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'meta', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
meterBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'meter', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
navBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'nav', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
noscriptBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'noscript', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
objectBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'object', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
olBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'ol', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
optgroupBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'optgroup', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
optionBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'option', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
outputBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'output', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
pBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'p', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
paramBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'param', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
pictureBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'picture', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
preBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'pre', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
progressBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'progress', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
qBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'q', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
rpBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'rp', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
rtBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'rt', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
rubyBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'ruby', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
sBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'s', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
sampBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'samp', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
scriptBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'script', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
sectionBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'section', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
selectBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'select', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
smallBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'small', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
sourceBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'source', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
spanBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'span', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
strongBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'strong', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
styleBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'style', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
subBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'sub', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
summaryBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'summary', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
supBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'sup', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
tableBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'table', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
tbodyBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'tbody', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
tdBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'td', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
textareaBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'textarea', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
tfootBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'tfoot', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
thBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'th', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
theadBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'thead', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
timeBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'time', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
titleBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'title', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
trBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'tr', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
trackBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'track', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
uBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'u', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
ulBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'ul', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
varBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'var', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
videoBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'video', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
wbrBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'wbr', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
// SVG
circleBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'circle', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
clipPathBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'clipPath', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
defsBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'defs', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
ellipseBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'ellipse', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
foreignObjectBox: ThemeStyledFunction<
gBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'g', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
imageBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'image', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
lineBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'line', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
linearGradientBox: ThemeStyledFunction<
markerBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'marker', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
maskBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'mask', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
pathBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'path', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
patternBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'pattern', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
polygonBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'polygon', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
polylineBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'polyline', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
radialGradientBox: ThemeStyledFunction<
rectBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'rect', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
stopBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'stop', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
svgBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'svg', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
textBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'text', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
tspanBox: ThemeStyledFunction<'tspan', DefaultTheme, BoxProps>
export default styled

These are some in-progress type definitions for @xstyled/styled-components. Adding them to your project should allow you to use the <Box> component with all of the system props, i.e.:

import styled, { Box } from '@xstyled/styled-components' 

const Heading = styled.aBox``

const Example = () => (
   <Box mt={2} my="auto">
      <Heading>My Box</Heading>

Give them a shot, and if you have any issues, make a comment below.

  • (fixed) Other props that can be passed on to <Box>, such as borders, are missing.
  • (fixed) styled.xxxBox components
  • use csstype for css values
  • It would be nice to automatically read what a user sets their breakpoint keys to in their own styled.d.ts, and use that for the Breakpoint keys, falling back to the styled-system defaults. In my project, i'll just be using mobile, tablet, desktop.
  • Review the rest of the @xstyled/styled-components API to see if there is anything missing. (For the most part, the styled-components definitions are all that is needed)
  • When tested a little more, submit to DefinitelyTyped

See also:

Copy link

@mfbx9da4 you don't need to anymore! This is now part of definitelytyped so you can now install @definitelytyped/xstyled__styled-components

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