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Created June 30, 2011 18:24
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<div id="BlogLeft">
<?php require_once('includes/structural/future_idCard.php'); ?>
<div id="recent_blogs_future" class="round_10px">
<?php echo $prof->first_name; ?>'s Recent Questions
<div id="SomeRecentBlogsHouse">
$query = "SELECT `id` FROM `cysticQuestions` WHERE `userID` = '".$prof->id."' && `id` != '" . mysql_real_escape_string($question->id) . "' && `status` != 'dead' LIMIT 6";
$request = mysql_query($query,$connection);
while($result = mysql_fetch_array($request)) {
$recent = new Question($result['id']);
echo "<div class='old_blogs_future round_10px'>";
echo "<div class='blog_icon_future'>";
echo "<a href='" . $recent->url() . "'>";
echo "<img src='styles/images/question_icon_777.png' border='0' />";
echo "</a>";
echo "</div>";
echo "<div class='recentBlogTitles'>";
echo "<a href='" . $recent->url() . "'>";
echo $recent->title;
echo "</a>";
echo "<br />";
echo "<span class='recentBlogdate'>";
echo "on " . date("M d, Y",strtotime($recent->date));
echo "</span>";
echo "</div>";
echo "</div>";
<div id="UserBlogArchivesLink">
<a href="MyQuestions.php?id=<?php echo $prof->id; ?>">
View All <?php echo $prof->first_name; ?>'s Questions
<div id="BlogProfileRight">
<div id="blogName" style="clear:both;">
<?php echo strip_tags(stripslashes($question->title)); ?>
<div id="blogInfo">
<?php echo date('M d, Y',strtotime($question->date)) ." at ".date('g:i A',strtotime($question->time)); ?>
if($prof->id == $auth->id) {
<div id='blogInfo'>
<a href='EditQuestion.php?id=" . $question->id . "'>
<div id="BlogBody">
<?php echo strip_tags(stripslashes(nl2br($question->body)),"<p><img><b><br><br /><i><a><ul><li><ol><u><span>"); ?>
<script src=""></script><fb:like href="<?php echo $question->id; ?>" show_faces="true" width="400" action="recommend" font=""></fb:like>
<div id="CommentBlogSection">
<div id="comment_bar_future" style="margin:20px 0px 20px 0px;" class="round_10px">
<div id="comment_box_future">
<form name="CommentBox" method="post" action="QuestionsProfile.php?id=<?php echo $question->id; ?>">
<?php if($auth) { ?>
<textarea name="answer" class="round_10px defaulted"><?php if($auth->id != $prof->id) { echo 'Answer'." ".$prof->first_name.'\'s question here...'; }else{ echo 'Answer my own question here...'; } ?></textarea><br />
<input type="submit" name="subAnswer" value="Answer" class="post" />
<?php }else{ ?>
<textarea name="answer" class="round_10px" disabled>Please sign in to answer...</textarea>
<?php } ?>
$query = "SELECT * FROM `cysticAnswers` WHERE `questionID` = '".$question->id."' AND `Status` = 'active' ORDER BY `date` DESC, `time` DESC";
$request = mysql_query($query,$connection);
while($result = mysql_fetch_array($request)) {
$poster = new User($result['userID']);
<div class="comment_structure_future clearfix">
<a name="comment_<?php echo $result['id']; ?>"></a>
<div class='comment_polaroid_future'>
<a href='<?php echo $poster->id ?>'>
<img src='<?php echo $poster->img('mini'); ?>' border='0'/>
<div class='comment_body_future round_10px'>
<div id='CommentNameProfile'>
<a href='<?php echo $poster->id; ?>'>
<?php echo $poster->first_name. " ". $poster->last_name; ?> says...
<?php echo strip_tags(stripslashes(nl2br($result['answer'])),'<br><br />'); ?>
<div id='CommentInfoProfile'>
<?php echo date('M d, Y',strtotime($result['date'])); ?> at <?php echo date('g:i A',strtotime($result['time'])); ?> &bull;
<?php if ($poster->id == $auth->id || $prof->id == $auth->id) { ?>
<a href="#" onclick="confirmation('DeleteConfirmQuestionComment.php?id=<?php echo $result['id']; ?>');">
<?php } ?>
<a href='#reply_form_<?php echo $result['id']; ?>' name='reply_to_<?php echo $result['id']; ?>' class='reply_link'>Reply</a>
<div id="thumb_holder">
<div id="thumb_report">
<a href="">
<div class= "thumb_counter" id="thumb_counter_<?php echo $result['id']; ?>">
+<?php echo $result['thumbsUp']; ?>
<div id="thumb_thumb">
<?php $comment_id = $result['id'];?>
<a class="myButtonLink" href="Profile_test.php?id=<?php echo $prof->id; ?>" id="<?php echo $comment_id; ?>">Vote Up!</a>
<div class='profile_comment_tail_future'>&nbsp;</div>
$query = "SELECT
`QuestionCommentID` = '" . $result['id'] . "'
&& `status` = 'active'
ORDER BY `date` ASC, `time` ASC";
$request2 = mysql_query($query,$connection);
while($reply = mysql_fetch_array($request2)) {
$replier = new User($reply['FromUserID']);
<div class="response_structure_future">
<a name="response_<?php echo $reply['id']; ?>"></a>
<div class="response_polaroid_future">
<a href="<?php echo $replier->id; ?>">
<img src="<?php echo $replier->img('mini'); ?>" />
<div class="response_body_future round_10px">
<div class="response_arrow_future"></div>
<div class="response_tail_future"></div>
<div class="response_data_future">
<div class="response_name_future">
<a href="<?php echo $replier->id; ?>">
<?php echo $replier->first_name . " " . $replier->last_name; ?> says...
<?php echo strip_tags(stripslashes(nl2br($reply['comment'])),'<br><br />'); ?>
<div class="response_info_future">
<?php echo date('M d, Y',strtotime($reply['date'])); ?> at <?php echo date('g:i A',strtotime($reply['time'])); ?>
<?php if($auth->id == $replier->id || $auth->id == $result['ToUserID']) { ?>
<a onclick="confirmation('DeleteQuestionReply.php?id=<?php echo $reply['id']; ?>&ret=<?php echo urlencode($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); ?>');"> &bull; delete</a>
<?php } ?>
<div id="thumb_holder_replies">
<div id="thumb_report_replies">
<a href="">
<div class= "thumb_counter_replies" id="thumb_counter_replies_<?php echo $reply['id']; ?>">
+<?php echo $reply['thumbsUp_reply']; ?>
<div id="thumb_thumb_replies">
<?php $comment_reply_id = $reply['id'];?>
<a class="myButtonLink" href="Profile_test.php?id=<?php echo $prof->id; ?>" id="<?php echo $comment_reply_id; ?>">Vote Up!</a>
<?php } ?>
<a name='reply_form_<?php echo $result['id']; ?>' style="clear:both"></a>
<div id='reply_to_<?php echo $result['id']; ?>' class="respond_structure_future" <?php if(isset($_GET['reply_to']) && $_GET['reply_to'] == $result['id']) { echo 'style="display:block;"';}else{ echo 'style="display:none;"';} ?>>
<div class="respond_polaroid_future">
<a href="<?php echo $auth->id; ?>">
<img src="<?php echo $auth->img('mini'); ?>" />
<form name='comment_reply' action='<?php echo $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; ?>' method='post'>
<div class="respond_body_future round_10px">
<div class="respond_arrow_future"></div>
<div class="respond_tail_future"></div>
<div class="respond_data_future">
<textarea id="reply_to_<?php echo $result['id']; ?>_textarea" name='reply'></textarea><br />
<input type='hidden' name='comment' value='<?php echo $result['id']; ?>' />
<div class="respond_nevermind">
<a href="reply_to_<?php echo $result['id']; ?>">nevermind</a>
<input type='submit' class="submit" name='sub_comment_reply' value='Reply' />
<?php } ?>
<div style="clear:both">
<!-- this is the click function -->
$('.myButtonLink').click(function(e) {
var comment_id = $(this).attr('id');
var currentCount = $('#comment_id').text();
type: 'POST',
url: 'thumbs_questions.php',
data: 'comment_id=' + comment_id,
success: function(data) {
$("#thumb_counter_"+comment_id).text("+ "+data);
if(data.result == "error") {
} else {
$('.myButtonLink').click(function(e) {
var comment_reply_id = $(this).attr('id');
var currentCount = $('#comment_reply_id').text();
type: 'POST',
url: 'thumbs_questions_replies.php',
data: 'comment_reply_id=' + comment_reply_id,
success: function(data) {
$("#thumb_counter_replies_"+comment_reply_id).text("+ "+data);
if(data.result == "error") {
} else {
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