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Created September 22, 2021 07:35
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Ansible playbook to update a dash masternode without dashman on Ubuntu
# update_dash_mns.yml
- hosts: dash_masternodes
vars_files: vault.yml
become: yes
become_method: sudo
- name: 'Ensure dashd job is no longer present. Removes any job that is prefixed by "#Ansible: dashd" from the crontab'
name: "dashd"
state: absent
- name: Download dash binary
become: no
dest: /tmp
mode: 0440
- name: Stop dashd
become: no
command: ./dash-cli stop
chdir: /home/dash/.dashcore
- name: Unarchive dash binary
become: no
src: /tmp/dashcore-
dest: /tmp/
remote_src: yes
- name: Copy dashd
src: /tmp/dashcore-0.17.0/bin/dashd
dest: /home/dash/.dashcore/
owner: dash
group: dash
mode: u=rwx,g=rx,o=rx
- name: Copy dash-cli
src: /tmp/dashcore-0.17.0/bin/dash-cli
dest: /home/dash/.dashcore/
owner: dash
group: dash
mode: u=rwx,g=rx,o=rx
- name: Delete downloaded archive
become: no
path: /tmp/dashcore-
state: absent
- name: Update all packages on a Debian/Ubuntu
update_cache: yes
upgrade: dist
- name: Check if a reboot is required
register: reboot_required_file
stat: path=/var/run/reboot-required get_md5=no
- name: Reboot box if kernel/libs updated and requested by the system
shell: sleep 10 && /sbin/shutdown -r now 'Rebooting box to update system libs/kernel as needed'
removes: /var/run/reboot-required
async: 300
poll: 0
ignore_errors: true
when: reboot_required_file.stat.exists == true
- name: Wait for system to become reachable again
delay: 60
timeout: 300
when: reboot_required_file.stat.exists == true
- name: Verify new update (optional)
command: uname -mrs
register: uname_result
when: reboot_required_file.stat.exists == true
- name: Display new kernel version
var: uname_result.stdout_lines
when: reboot_required_file.stat.exists == true
- name: Restart dashd
become: no
command: ~/.dashcore/dashd
chdir: /home/dash/.dashcore/
- name: Ensure a job that runs at 2 and 5 exists. Creates an entry like "0 5,2 * * ls -alh > /dev/null"
name: "dashd"
job: "pidof dashd || ~/.dashcore/dashd"
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Refer to the ansible documentation at

This playbook requires:

  • ssh keys uploaded to the masternode for ansible to log in
  • ansible to be installed on the controlling machine (can be your local machine or another server)
  • a hosts file on the controlling machine that specifies the IP addresses, ssh ports and login usernames of the masternodes
  • an ansible vault file on the controlling machine with the encrypted passwords that are needed for sudo

Command I use to run this playbook with ansible:

$ ansible-playbook -i hosts --ask-vault-pass update_dash_mns.yml -vv

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