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Last active February 23, 2023 17:39
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Converting ACE's Subversion repository to Git

Converting ACE from Subversion to Git

The script will use git-svn to convert ACE's Subversion repository to Git with the --stdlayout flag so the trunk, tags, and branches are handled mostly as expected (more below). The --prefix=svn/ option puts all of those tags and branches under the svn reference namespace, and the --authors-file option maps the Subversion author names to the current GitHub profiles of the three authors in ACE's history.

Initial Conversion

Just run:


Note that it will create an authors.txt file in the current directory (overwriting any existing file with the same name) and it will create the repository in an ace/ subdirectory.

Subsequent Cleanup

The conversion works mostly as expected, but Subversion's tags are not tags in Git but remote branches. This is because tags in Subversion are just like branches and can be modified. Here we assume that the tags will never be modified and the script converts them to Git tags, then deletes the remote (tag) branches.

The trunk remote branch is then created as a regular Git branch so it can be checked out.

Finally, the master branch is renamed to main, following the current convention.

Pushing to GitHub

Once everything looks good, it can be pushed to GitHub by setting the remote and pushing all branches. Note that git push --all does not push remote (svn/) branches that have not been converted to Git branches, nor does it push tags, which is then accomplished with git push --tags.

git remote add origin
git push -u origin --all
git push -u origin --tags

Syncing to Subversion

The trunk branch should never be committed to directly. Instead, it should be kept up-to-date with the Subversion repository as follows:

git checkout trunk
git svn rebase
git checkout main  # don't remain on trunk to avoid accidental commits

The main branch can then merge in commits from trunk, e.g., when a new release is ready.

Note that the above steps only work if the local repository has the relevant SVN metadata (e.g., if it was the one that originally cloned from SVN). If not, the script in this gist will attempt to reconfigure Git to know about the SVN repo and rebuild the metadata. This should also work from a fresh clone from GitHub.


The GitHub Importer tool does a great job at converting a subversion repository to a conventional-looking Git repository. It does not, however, keep the relevant metadata necessary for syncing the Git repo with subsequent changes to the Subversion repo. Part of this metadata includes lines appended to every commit message imported from Subversion, and another part exists within the .git/svn/ subdirectory.

cat <<EOF > authors.txt
sweaglesw = Woodley Packard <>
oe = Stephan Oepen <>
djwong = Darrick Wong <>
(no author) = (no author) <(no author)>
git svn clone --stdlayout --prefix=svn/ --authors-file=authors.txt
# change to cloned repo directory
pushd ace
# convert SVN tag branches to Git tags, then delete the branch
# thanks:
git for-each-ref --format="%(refname:short) %(objectname)" refs/remotes/svn/tags \
| while read BRANCH REF
BODY="$(git log -1 --format=format:%B $REF)"
echo "ref=$REF parent=$(git rev-parse $REF^) tagname=$TAG_NAME body=$BODY" >&2
git tag -a -m "$BODY" $TAG_NAME $REF^ &&\
git branch -r -d "$BRANCH"
# rename master to main
git branch -m main
# create trunk branch
git branch trunk refs/remotes/svn/trunk
rm authors.txt
echo "Now: create an empty repository on GitHub (e.g., delph-in/ace)"
echo "Run the following:"
echo " git remote add origin"
echo " git push -u origin --all"
echo " git push -u origin --tags"
if [ "$( git branch --show-current )" != "trunk" ]; then
echo "Run from the trunk branch: git checkout trunk"
exit 1
# ensure the trunk remote ref points to the head of the trunk branch
git update-ref refs/remotes/svn/trunk refs/heads/trunk
# ensure the config is set appropriately
git config --local svn-remote.svn.url
git config --local svn-remote.svn.fetch trunk:refs/remotes/svn/trunk
git config --local svn-remote.svn.branches branches/*:refs/remotes/svn/*
git config --local svn-remote.svn.tags tags/*:refs/remotes/svn/tags/*
# create the authors file and set its config path
if [ ! -f ./authors.txt ]; then
cat <<EOF > ./authors.txt
sweaglesw = Woodley Packard <>
git config --local svn.authorsfile ./authors.txt
# fetch and rebase from SVN
git svn rebase
echo "Done. Don't forget to switch out of the trunk branch to avoid accidental commits."
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And finally, is GitHub's SVN importer not sufficient?

I tired twice. The ERG repo has some complications. The profiles make it really huge and SVN server is giving timeout. Dan agree to separate them from the grammar code.

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how can we check if the REF^ is pointing to the right object? You said “I think..”

When someone does svn tag it creates a commit that adds the new tags/... subdirectory. In Git, we don't need that commit, because what we want is merely the commit that one is based on. If you want to have those commits, then by all means do so. I removed them because I wanted the repo to follow Git conventions, where a tag is simply a pointer to the commit we want tagged and not a commit itself. This was explained in the link in the comment above:

Of course I executed the push. But even so, remote branches need first to become local before pushing them.

The clone creates a lot of branches that aren't necessary in a regular Git repo. E.g., if the SVN repo has 10 branches, you might have 20+ branches created in the Git repo converted from SVN, with some just for tracking the upstream SVN repo, I think. The git-svn docs will explain it better:

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