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Forked from larsvilhuber/
Created June 23, 2018 16:37
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Add a Data Toggle Tile to Samsung devices without root
# Based on
# This will work with minor adjustments to your installation of the Android SDK or wherever you put adb.
# Should work on Linux and Mac, but only tested on Linux
outfile=list.$(date +%F)
adb devices
echo "Do you see your device? [y|N]"
read answer
case $answer in
echo "Continuing"
echo Sorry
exit 2
[[ -f $outfile ]] && rm -i $outfile
adb shell settings get secure sysui_qs_tiles > $outfile
#echo "Old Contents of sysui_qs_tiles"
#cat $outfile
echo "=============================="
cat $outfile | sed 's/DormantMode,/DormantMode,MobileData,/' > ${outfile}.new
echo "Changes we will be making"
diff $outfile ${outfile}.new
echo "=============================="
echo "Good to go? [y|N]"
read answer
case $answer in
echo "Continuing"
echo Sorry
exit 2
# Uncomment the following line once you are certain that everything is right
# Until then, this program does nothing to your Android device!!!
#adb shell settings put secure sysui_qs_tiles "$(cat ${outfile}.new)"
echo Done. Settings are now like this:
adb shell settings get secure sysui_qs_tiles
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