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Last active January 17, 2021 11:21
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{-# LANGUAGE EmptyCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
import Data.Kind (Type)
data Tree a
= Empty
| Node a (Tree a) (Tree a)
data BSum :: Tree Type -> Type where
End :: x -> BSum (Node x l r)
Zero :: BSum t -> BSum (Node x t r)
One :: BSum t -> BSum (Node x l t)
-- ex falso quodlibet
-- you can't construct a value of type BSum Empty
-- so if you have one, you can produce whatever you like
impossibleBSum :: BSum Empty -> a
impossibleBSum = \case
data Void
-- same as impossibleBSum, for void
impossibleVoid :: Void -> a
impossibleVoid = \case
type Leaf t = Node t Empty Empty
type Either' a b =
(Node Void
(Leaf a)
(Leaf b))
-- constructors
left :: a -> Either' a b
left = Zero . End
right :: b -> Either' a b
right = One . End
-- eliminator
either' :: (a -> c) -> (b -> c) -> Either' a b -> c
either' f g = \case
End x -> impossibleVoid x
Zero bt -> case bt of
End x -> f x
Zero l -> impossibleBSum l
One r -> impossibleBSum r
One bt -> case bt of
End x -> g x
Zero l -> impossibleBSum l
One r -> impossibleBSum r
data FourAlt a b c d
= A a
| B b
| C c
| D d
type FourAlt' a b c d =
(Node Void
(Node a
(Leaf c))
(Node b
(Leaf d)))
-- constructors
injA :: a -> FourAlt' a b c d
injA = Zero . End
injB :: b -> FourAlt' a b c d
injB = One . End
injC :: c -> FourAlt' a b c d
injC = Zero . One . End
injD :: d -> FourAlt' a b c d
injD = One . One . End
-- eliminator
fourAlt' :: (a -> e) -> (b -> e) -> (c -> e) -> (d -> e) -> FourAlt' a b c d -> e
fourAlt' fa fb fc fd = \case
End x -> impossibleVoid x
Zero bt -> case bt of
End x -> fa x
Zero bt1 -> impossibleBSum bt1
One bt1 -> case bt1 of
End x -> fc x
Zero bt2 -> impossibleBSum bt2
One bt2 -> impossibleBSum bt2
One bt -> case bt of
End x -> fb x
Zero bt1 -> impossibleBSum bt1
One bt1 -> case bt1 of
End x -> fd x
Zero bt2 -> impossibleBSum bt2
One bt2 -> impossibleBSum bt2
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