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Created February 13, 2022 10:15
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Programming Machine Learnng: Pizza predict
{:nx, "~> 0.1.0"},
input = """
13 26 9 44
2 14 6 23
14 20 3 28
23 25 9 60
13 24 8 42
1 12 2 5
18 23 9 51
10 18 10 44
26 24 3 42
3 14 1 9
3 12 3 14
21 27 5 43
7 17 3 22
22 21 1 34
2 12 4 16
27 26 2 46
6 15 4 26
10 21 7 33
18 18 3 29
15 26 8 43
9 20 6 37
26 25 9 62
8 21 10 47
15 22 7 38
10 20 2 22
21 21 1 29
5 12 7 34
6 14 9 38
13 19 4 30
13 20 3 28
data = input
|> String.split("\n", trim: true)
|> s -> String.split(s, " ", trim: true) |> end)
tensor = Nx.tensor(data, names: [:y, :x])
x = tensor[x: 0..2]
{ b, n } = x.shape
y = tensor[x: 3] |> Nx.reshape({b, 1})
w = Nx.reshape(Nx.tensor(List.duplicate(0, n)), {n, 1})
gen = List.duplicate(1, b) |> Nx.tensor() |> Nx.reshape({b, 1})
new_x = Nx.concatenate([gen, x], axis: 1)
defmodule Hyperspace do
import Nx.Defn
defn predict(x, w) do, w)
defn loss(x, y, w) do
(predict(x, w) - y)
|> Nx.power(2)
|> Nx.mean()
defn gradient(x, y, w, lr) do
y_hat = predict(x, w) - y
new_w = Nx.transpose(x)
|> Nx.multiply(2)
|> Nx.divide(elem(x.shape, 0))
w - new_w * lr
def train(x, y, iteration, lr) do
n = elem(x.shape, 1)
w = Nx.reshape(Nx.tensor(List.duplicate(0, n)), {n , 1})
for i <- 1..iteration, reduce: w do
old_w ->
gradient(x, y, old_w, lr)
w = Hyperspace.train(new_x, y, 100000, 0.001)
extract = fn e -> e |> Nx.to_flat_list() |> Enum.join(",") end
IO.puts("\n Weights #{extract.(w)}")
IO.puts("\n A few prediction:")
for i <- 0..4 do
t = Hyperspace.predict(new_x[i], w)
IO.puts("X[#{i}] -> #{extract.(t)} (label: #{extract.(y[i])}) ")
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