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Last active August 28, 2023 00:47
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### Week One Homework
#Was the backend or frontend responsible for the bug in the video
- frontend
## What languages do you see in this video? List ALL of them. If you're not sure what the language is, but you know there's an additional one, indicate that.
- Java script
- Powershell
## What tools, strategies, and workflows used in the video do you think are common across all web development?
- the use of Inspect
- a form of Outline designer I would think is used on many if not most websites
- the use of terminal.
## What strategies used in the video help with debugging?
- going into inspect and looking at the console and other tabs you can see where the red is.z
# What strategies have you used before that are shown here for debugging?
- Inspect
- Looks for the red errors in the code and trying to trace where they are coming from.
## What tools and approaches used in the video do you think help in quality control / quality assurance?
- Having a page on github titled issues where people can submit issues with your product is a great way to insure that your product is a best as possible because you can never see all of the issues your self but if your getting them from the users it helps to ensure they are delt with.
## What are 5 syntaxes / pieces of code shown you DO recognize (could be of any scale or size), time stamp (link) or screenshot it and list what they are them. (screen shots can be drag and dropped into the comment area below your gist)
- this is newItem which creates a New Item under certain peramters that you set on the other side of the = sign.
- this is a for loop
- this is break which use with loops.
- return
## What are 5 syntaxes / pieces of code shown you DON'T recognize, time stamp (link) or screenshot it and list what they are them. (screen shots can be drag and dropped into the comment area below your gist)
# You just wrote responses to these questions in Markdown. What even is that? (insert meme here :p). What is Markdown and how is it similar, different, or related to HTML?
- Markdown is a plain-text edior created by John Gruber. It is widely used for instant messaging and blogging as well as other locations across the web such as online forums and redme files. Due to it being standirzed it has been adopted by various platforms like GitHub, Reddit, and Swift. One major difference between Markdown and HTML is Markdown source is eaiser to read then HTML source, but you are able to do more things using HTML then you can with Markdown.
## What are 3 things you CAN NOT do in markdown that you CAN do in HTML?
- Markdown does not let you change the color of text
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