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### Week One Homework
#Was the backend or frontend responsible for the bug in the video
- frontend
## What languages do you see in this video? List ALL of them. If you're not sure what the language is, but you know there's an additional one, indicate that.
- Java script
- Powershell
## What tools, strategies, and workflows used in the video do you think are common across all web development?
- the use of Inspect
- a form of Outline designer I would think is used on many if not most websites
# Provide a Link to your fork of the codepen
## The top of the JS code says import .... what is this doing? Is this vanilla?
- important is a java keyword. This declares the class that you are creating so it can then be used else where in your code.
- It is Vanilla
## The bottom says export { MemeMaker }; what do you think this does? Is this vanilla?
- I think that this is what puts what ever your created through the different parts of code and pushs it to show up in the field below.
- I believe that this isn't vanilla as it is something that was created through the code.
## Look at the constructor() what does this do? Does this remind you of anything?
- This constructor is laying out how you need to set up the information.
### Video 1:
# What made the idea viable?
- We are able to use a specific libary called highlight.js which allows you to pass code into it and it will give you different information about it.
# What is the original issue with the Lit code highlighter?
- I believe the original issue was the fact that the code that made the "highligting" work and possible was hard coded. Because of this it forces you to talk to someone that knows how this was specifally set up inorder to any changes to it.
# What’s a strategy you can engage in in order to refactor toward better code? What strategy / how many iterations did I go through to get “better code”? - What makes this code better?
- You can use the inspect element inorder to look at the code you are producing or working on and with inspect your able to look at how it is being output and you can see how direct changes you are making is affecting how the out put of the code looks.
### Video 2:
# What weird event did I implement to solve a UX problem?
- it uses an event

links to github repos

links to the github repos changed with card

answer questions below.

  • What are the similarities and what are the differences in repo structure? Find 5 similarities and 1 difference between each of the 4.
goonan24 /
Last active September 24, 2023 23:46

Link to code

Link to working code

Answers to the questions

  • My take away on web compents are they are very useful when it comes to building things on the internet that you want shared with people, They make it easy to be able to have everything in one place and also set it up to use tools like Story book to colobarte. You are easily able to add different dipendences to them.
  • It seems like this frame work is here to stay. While different tools will come and go two in specific being Lit as the current model and Stencil as the past one. The idea and practice of web compents will be something that will contiues to grow and be used.
goonan24 /
Created October 12, 2023 17:07
Exam and Project One
goonan24 /
Last active October 22, 2023 23:07
goonan24 /
Created November 1, 2023 03:32