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Last active February 5, 2019 00:11
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;; (defvar *unquote** (make-symbol "UNQUOTE*"))
(defvar *unquote** :unquote*)
(defvar *unquote-splicing** :unquote-splicing*)
(defvar *qq-quote* (make-symbol "QUOTE"))
(defvar *qq-list* (make-symbol "LIST"))
(defvar *qq-append* (make-symbol "APPEND"))
(defvar *quasiquote** 'quasiquote*)
;; Taken from On Lisp
(defun mappend (fn &rest lsts)
(apply #'append (apply #'mapcar fn lsts)))
(defun quote-lists (expr)
"Converts *QQ-LIST* statements which contain only quoted atoms and
lists eligibile for QUOTE-LISTS into *QQ-QUOTE* statements."
((and (listp expr) (eq (car expr) *qq-list*))
(loop for quoted-subexpr in (mapcar #'quote-lists (cdr expr))
unless (and (listp quoted-subexpr) (eq (car quoted-subexpr) *qq-quote*))
do (return (mapcar #'quote-lists expr))
collect (cadr quoted-subexpr) into quoted-subexprs
finally (return (list *qq-quote* quoted-subexprs))))
((listp expr)
;(format t "map ~s: ~s~%" expr (mapcar #'quote-lists expr))
(mapcar #'quote-lists expr))
(t expr)))
(defun flatten-appends (expr)
"Flattens (*QQ-APPEND* (*QQ-LIST* ...) (*QQ-LIST* ...))
into (*QQ-LIST* ...)."
((and (listp expr) (eq (car expr) *qq-append*))
(loop for list-subexpr in (mapcar #'flatten-appends (cdr expr))
unless (and (listp list-subexpr) (eq (car list-subexpr) *qq-list*))
do (return (mapcar #'flatten-appends expr))
append (cdr list-subexpr) into list-subexprs
finally (return (cons *qq-list* list-subexprs))))
((listp expr)
;(format t "map ~s: ~s~%" expr (mapcar #'quote-lists expr))
(mapcar #'quote-lists expr))
(t expr)))
(defun reify (expr)
"Converts EXPR from using the symbols defined for manipulation to
actual Lisp functions, potentially optimizing the code along the way."
(let ((expr (quote-lists (flatten-appends expr))))
(if (listp expr)
(let ((x (mapcar #'reify (cdr expr))))
((eq (car expr) *qq-quote*) (cons 'quote x))
((eq (car expr) *qq-list*) (cons 'list x))
((eq (car expr) *qq-append*) (cons 'append x))
(t (cons (car expr) x))))
(defun length=p (list len)
"Check whether the length of LIST is LEN."
(if (or (eql len 0) (endp list))
(and (eql len 0) (endp list))
(length=p (cdr list) (1- len))))
;; length > len if we run out of len
;; length <= len if we get to (endp list)
(defun length>p (list len)
"Check whether the length of LIST is greater than LEN."
(and (consp list) (or (eql len 0) (length>p (cdr list) (1- len)))))
(defun check-args (expr arg-count name)
(let ((expr-len (1+ arg-count)))
(unless (length=p expr expr-len)
(error "~:[Not enough~;Too many~] arguments given to ~a" (length>p expr expr-len) (symbol-name name)))))
(defun process-expr (expr quote-level)
;(format t "Processing ~s at level ~a~%" expr quote-level)
(let ((output
;; If it's not a list, only splice in the quoted version of it.
((atom expr) (list *qq-list* `(,*qq-quote* ,expr)))
;; Any expression which goes (*unquote** QUOTE-LEVEL BODY) should be
;; expanded to just BODY.
((and (eq (car expr) *unquote**) (eql (cadr expr) quote-level))
(check-args expr 2 'unquote*)
(list *qq-list* (caddr expr)))
;; And any expression which goes (*unquote-splicing** QUOTE-LEVEL
;; BODY) should splice BODY into the expression
((and (eq (car expr) *unquote-splicing**) (eql (cadr expr) quote-level))
(check-args expr 2 'unquote-splcing*)
;(format t "splice exprs: ~s ~s~%" expr (caddr expr))
(caddr expr))
;; If it's a quasiquote* call itself, then do this level's
;; expansion on its argument and wrap the result in a quasiquote*
;; call
((eq (car expr) *quasiquote**)
(check-args expr 1 'quasiquote*)
(list *qq-list* `(,*qq-quote* (,*quasiquote** ,(cadar (quote-lists (process-expr (cadr expr) (1+ quote-level))))))))
;; If it's some other kind of list, expand the sublists and put a
;; call to LIST in front of it. Note: will need to fold later, so
;; as to allow splicing.
((listp expr)
;(format t "mappend ~s~%" `(,*qq-append* ,@(mapcar (lambda (x) (process-expr x quote-level)) expr)))
`(,*qq-append* ,@(mapcar (lambda (x) (process-expr x quote-level)) expr))))))
;(format t "Processed ~s to ~% ~s~%" expr output)
(defmacro quasiquote* (body)
(reify (cadr (process-expr body 1))))
(defun |#`-reader| (stream sub-char numarg)
(declare (ignore sub-char numarg))
(list *quasiquote** (read stream t nil t)))
(defun |#,-reader| (stream sub-char numarg)
(declare (ignore sub-char))
(unless numarg (setq numarg 1))
(if (eql (peek-char nil stream) #\@)
(read-char stream)
(list *unquote-splicing** numarg (read stream t nil t))
(list *unquote** numarg (read stream t nil t))))
#\# #\` #'|#`-reader|)
#\# #\, #'|#,-reader|)
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