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Last active June 9, 2022 23:35
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// Parse CRON frequency
// Break it down like James Brown
function parse_crontab($time, $crontab) {
// Get current minute, hour, day, month, weekday
$time = explode(' ', date('i G j n w', strtotime($time)));
// Split crontab by space
$crontab = explode(' ', $crontab);
// Foreach part of crontab
foreach ($crontab as $k => &$v) {
// Remove leading zeros to prevent octal comparison, but not if number is already 1 digit
$time[$k] = preg_replace('/^0+(?=\d)/', '', $time[$k]);
// 5,10,15 each treated as seperate parts
$v = explode(',', $v);
// Foreach part we now have
foreach ($v as &$v1) {
// Do preg_replace with regular expression to create evaluations from crontab
$v1 = preg_replace(
// Regex
// *
// 5
// 5-10
// */5
// Evaluations
// trim leading 0 to prevent octal comparison
// * is always true
// Check if it is currently that time,
$time[$k] . '===\0',
// Find if more than or equal lowest and lower or equal than highest
'(\1<=' . $time[$k] . ' and ' . $time[$k] . '<=\2)',
// Use modulus to find if true
$time[$k] . '%\1===0'
// Subject we are working with
// Join 5,10,15 with `or` conditional
$v = '(' . implode(' or ', $v) . ')';
// Require each part is true with `and` conditional
$crontab = implode(' and ', $crontab);
// Evaluate total condition to find if true
return eval('return ' . $crontab . ';');
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