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Last active October 1, 2015 11:18
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Save gorakhargosh/83ff69ca272df897f052 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#define DEBUG 0
#define minimum(x, y) (((x) < (y)) ? (x) : (y))
#define maximum(x, y) (((x) < (y)) ? (y) : (x))
#define BUF_SIZ 512
* The weight of each tree in the forest needs to have at most 2^64 unique
* values.
typedef unsigned long long weight_t;
* The ordinal of each node.
typedef unsigned long long ordinal_t;
* A forest of disjoint set trees represents the partition. A connection between
* two nodes marks one as the parent of another. See Sedgewick and CLRS for more
* information about the forest representation.
* Three variations of path compression are available:
* 1. Lazy point-node-at-grand-parent.
* 2. Eager point-all-nodes-at-root.
* 3. Eager & recursive point-all-nodes-at-root.
typedef struct {
// Each element is represented by its ordinal and the set representative of
// each element is the root of the set tree.
ordinal_t *id;
// Each tree set in the partition carries a weight that indicates the number
// of elements in that set.
weight_t *weight;
// A seen array, for the lack of a hash-table, represents whether each
// element of the set has been "seen" in a previous union operation.
bool *seen;
// The capacity of the partition.
ordinal_t capacity;
} partition_t;
#define Partition_FindSet partition_FindSetRecursive
// NewPartition creates a new partition of size n.
partition_t *NewPartition(ordinal_t n) {
assert(n > 0);
partition_t *p = malloc(sizeof(partition_t));
if (NULL != p) {
memset(p, 0, sizeof(partition_t));
p->capacity = n;
p->id = malloc(n * sizeof(ordinal_t));
if (NULL == p->id) {
return NULL;
p->weight = malloc(n * sizeof(weight_t));
if (NULL == p->weight) {
return NULL;
p->seen = malloc(n * sizeof(bool));
if (NULL == p->seen) {
return NULL;
for (ordinal_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
p->id[i] = i;
p->weight[i] = 1;
p->seen[i] = false;
return p;
// partition_FindSet1 finds the representative of the disjoint set while
// compressing the path lazily.
ordinal_t partition_FindSet1(partition_t *p, ordinal_t x) {
// Single-pass point-at-grandparent path compression.
while (x != p->id[x]) {
p->id[x] = p->id[p->id[x]];
x = p->id[x];
return x;
// partition_FindSet2 finds the representative of the disjoint set while
// compressing the path eagerly.
ordinal_t partition_FindSet2(partition_t *p, ordinal_t x) {
// Two-pass point-at-root path compression.
while (x != p->id[x]) {
x = p->id[x];
// x is now root.
for (ordinal_t i = x; i != p->id[i];) {
i = p->id[i];
p->id[i] = x;
return x;
// partition_FindSetRecursive finds the representative of the disjoint set while
// compressing the path eagerly and recursively.
ordinal_t partition_FindSetRecursive(partition_t *p, ordinal_t x) {
// Two-pass recursive point-all-nodes-at-root path compression. Unwinding the
// recursion causes all the nodes in the path to point at root. This
// implementation can be found in CLRS Chapter 21 and is particularly clean.
if (x != p->id[x]) {
p->id[x] = partition_FindSetRecursive(p, p->id[x]);
return p->id[x];
// Partition_Weight determines the weight of the set to which x belongs.
weight_t Partition_Weight(partition_t *p, ordinal_t x) {
return p->weight[Partition_FindSet(p, x)];
// Partition_MinWeight determines the minimum weight of the partition.
weight_t Partition_MinWeight(partition_t *p) {
weight_t min_weight = 0;
weight_t weight = 0;
for (ordinal_t i = 0; i < p->capacity; i++) {
if (p->seen[i] && p->id[i] == i) {
// We have a root element.
weight = p->weight[i];
if (min_weight == 0 || weight < min_weight) {
min_weight = weight;
return min_weight;
// Partition_MaxWeight determines the maximum weight of the partition.
weight_t Partition_MaxWeight(partition_t *p) {
weight_t max_weight = 0;
weight_t weight = 0;
for (ordinal_t i = 0; i < p->capacity; i++) {
if (p->seen[i] && p->id[i] == i) {
// We have a root element.
weight = p->weight[i];
if (max_weight == 0 || weight > max_weight) {
max_weight = weight;
return max_weight;
// Partition_Union performs a union of the sets represented by x and y.
void Partition_Union(partition_t *p, ordinal_t x, ordinal_t y) {
int a = Partition_FindSet(p, x);
int b = Partition_FindSet(p, y);
p->seen[a] = true;
p->seen[b] = true;
if (p->weight[a] < p->weight[b]) {
p->id[a] = b;
p->weight[b] += p->weight[a];
} else {
p->id[b] = a;
p->weight[a] += p->weight[b];
// Partition_Connected determines whether the elements x and y belong to the
// same disjoint set.
bool Partition_Connected(partition_t *p, ordinal_t x, ordinal_t y) {
return Partition_FindSet(p, x) == Partition_FindSet(p, y);
// Partition_PrintWeights displays the weights of the entire partition.
void Partition_PrintWeights(partition_t *p) {
for (ordinal_t i = 0; i < p->capacity; i++) {
if (p->seen[i]) {
printf("%llu, ", Partition_Weight(p, i));
} else {
printf("- ");
// Partition_PrintParents displays the weights of the entire partition.
void Partition_PrintParents(partition_t *p) {
for (ordinal_t i = 0; i < p->capacity; i++) {
printf("%llu, ", p->id[i]);
// Partition_Destroy destroys and deallocates the partition.
void Partition_Destroy(partition_t *p) {
void Partition_Test() {
partition_t *p = NewPartition(10);
if (NULL != p) {
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
printf("%llu %llu\n", p->id[i], p->weight[i]);
Partition_Union(p, 4, 3);
Partition_Union(p, 3, 8);
Partition_Union(p, 6, 5);
Partition_Union(p, 9, 4);
Partition_Union(p, 2, 1);
printf("(0, 7) == false: %d\n", Partition_Connected(p, 0, 7));
printf("(8, 9) == true: %d\n", Partition_Connected(p, 8, 9));
Partition_Union(p, 5, 0);
Partition_Union(p, 7, 2);
Partition_Union(p, 6, 1);
Partition_Union(p, 1, 0);
printf("(0, 7) == true: %d\n", Partition_Connected(p, 0, 7));
// fgetline reads a line from fp into line upto maxlen excluding the newline.
int fgetline(FILE *fp, char s[], int maxlen) {
int nch = 0;
int c;
maxlen = maxlen - 1; // leave room for '\0'.
while ((c = getc(fp)) != EOF) {
if (c == '\n') {
if (nch < maxlen) {
s[nch++] = c;
if (c == EOF && nch == 0) {
return EOF;
s[nch] = '\0';
return nch;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
// Leave some space for the trailing '\0'.
char buf[BUF_SIZ + 1];
FILE *fp = stdin;
if (argc > 1) {
fp = fopen(argv[1], "rb");
ordinal_t n = 0;
fgetline(fp, buf, BUF_SIZ);
sscanf(buf, "%llu", &n);
partition_t *p = NewPartition(2 * n);
for (ordinal_t i = 0, j = 0; n > 0; n--) {
fgetline(fp, buf, BUF_SIZ);
sscanf(buf, "%llu %llu", &i, &j);
// The problem domain uses 1-based indexing. We translate each index within
// the partition to index - 1.
assert(i > 0 && j > 0);
if (!Partition_Connected(p, i - 1, j - 1)) {
Partition_Union(p, i - 1, j - 1);
printf("%llu %llu\n", Partition_MinWeight(p), Partition_MaxWeight(p));
return 0;
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