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Created October 12, 2016 11:04
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sealed abstract class StSource[A] {
type S
def init: S
def emit(s: S): (A, S)
object StSource {
type Aux[S0, A] = StSource[A] { type S = S0 }
def apply[A, S0](i: S0)(f: S0 => (A, S0)): Aux[S0, A] =
new StSource[A] {
type S = S0
def init = i
def emit(s: S0): (A, S0) = f(s)
def runStSource[A](ss: StSource[A])(s: ss.S): (A, ss.S) =
val stSource = StSource(100.0)(i => (i / 10, i))
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