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Last active October 12, 2016 10:27
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def mdropFirstE[T0](xs: MList { type T = T0 })
: MList { type T = T0 } =
xs.uncons match {
case None => MNil()
case Some(ml) => ml.tail
def pdropFirst[T](xs: PList[T]): PList[T] = xs match {
case PNil() => PNil()
case PCons(_, t) => t
def toMlist[T0](xs: PList[T0]): MList { type T = T0 } =
xs match {
case PNil() => MNil[T0]()
case PCons(el, t) => MCons(el, toMlist(t))
def toPlist[T0](xs: MList { type T = T0 }): PList[T0] =
xs.uncons match {
case None => PNil[T0]()
case Some(cons) => PCons(cons.head, toPlist(cons.tail))
def pdropFirstWithE[T](xs: PList[T]): PList[T] =
def mdropFirstEwithP(xs: MList): MList =
val plist = PCons(10, PCons(20, PNil()))
val mlist = MCons[Int](10, MCons(20, MNil()))
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