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Created December 11, 2018 11:28
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Protobuf message definitions
message Deploy {
bytes pk = 1; // public key of the deployer
int64 timestamp = 2;
bytes session_code = 3;
bytes payment_code = 4;
int64 gas_limit = 5;
int64 gas_price = 6;
int64 nonce = 7;
bytes deploy_sig = 8; // signature over (hash(session code), timestamp)
bytes payment_sig = 9; // signature over (hash(payment code), timestamp, gas limit, gas
// Describes operation that are allowed to do on a value under a key.
message Op {
oneof op_instance {
Read_Op read = 1;
Write_Op write = 2;
Add_Op add = 3;
NoOp_Op noop = 4;
message Read_Op {}
message Write_Op {}
message Add_Op {}
message NoOp_Op {}
message Key {
oneof key_instance {
KeyAccount account = 1; // hash of the key of the account, length 20 bytes
KeyHash hash = 2; // hash of the key of the contract, length 32 bytes
KeyURef uref = 3; // length 32 bytes TODO: more bytes?
message KeyAccount {
bytes account = 1;
message KeyHash {
bytes = 1;
message KeyURef {
bytes = 1;
// Things to store under the key in the global state.
message Value {
oneof value_instance {
int32 integer = 1;
bytes byte_arr = 2;
repeated int32 int_list = 3;
string string_val = 4;
Account account = 5;
Contract contract = 6;
message Account {
bytes pub_key = 1; // Should have 32 elements
int64 nonce = 2;
repeated Key known_urefs = 3;
message Contract {
bytes body = 1;
// Final transformation to the value under the key.
// It's the outcome of applying all `op`s
message Transform {
oneof transform_instance {
TransformIdentity identity = 1;
TransformAdd add = 2;
TransformWrite write = 3;
message TransformIdentity {}
message TransformAdd {
int32 value = 1;
message TransformWrite {
Value value = 1;
// Models key value pair of (key, op) entry.
// Required b/c protobuff doesn't support maps natively
message OpEntry {
Key key = 1;
Op operation = 2;
message TransformEntry {
Key key = 1;
Transform transform = 2;
// Returned by ExecutionEngine to consensus layer.
// (Map[Key, Op], Map[Key, Transform]) pair, describes how the deploy modifies the global state.
// op_map and transform_map should be of equal lengths
message ExecutonEffect {
repeated OpEntry op_map = 1;
repeated TransformEntry transform_map = 2;
// Map of effects to execute
// Sent from the consensus layer to Execute Engine.
// Contains a set of transformations that are safe to apply in parallel, because of their commutative nature.
message ExecuteEffects {
repeated TransformEntry effects = 1;
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