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Created January 25, 2021 22:57
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`timescale 1ns / 1ps
// Company:
// Engineer:
// Create Date: 06.01.2021 12:44:12
// Design Name:
// Module Name: top
// Project Name:
// Target Devices:
// Tool Versions:
// Description:
// Dependencies:
// Revision:
// Revision 0.01 - File Created
// Additional Comments:
module HDMI_Top(
input CLK_IN,
output [2:0] TMDS_data_p,
output [2:0] TMDS_data_n,
output TMDS_clk_p, TMDS_clk_n,
output led
wire pixclk; // 25 MHz
wire clk_TMDS; // 250 MHz
reg [31:0] cnt = 0;
clk_wiz_0 clk_wiz (
// .clk_out3(clk_pix_5x_180)
reg [9:0] CounterX, CounterY;
reg hSync, vSync, DrawArea;
always @(posedge pixclk) DrawArea <= (CounterX<640) && (CounterY<480);
always @(posedge pixclk) CounterX <= (CounterX==799) ? 0 : CounterX+1;
always @(posedge pixclk) if(CounterX==799) CounterY <= (CounterY==524) ? 0 : CounterY+1;
always @(posedge pixclk) hSync <= (CounterX>=656) && (CounterX<752);
always @(posedge pixclk) vSync <= (CounterY>=490) && (CounterY<492);
wire [7:0] W = {8{CounterX[7:0]==CounterY[7:0]}};
wire [7:0] A = {8{CounterX[7:5]==3'h2 && CounterY[7:5]==3'h2}};
reg [7:0] red, green, blue;
always @(posedge pixclk) red <= ({CounterX[5:0] & {6{CounterY[4:3]==~CounterX[4:3]}}, 2'b00} | W) & ~A;
always @(posedge pixclk) green <= (CounterX[7:0] & {8{CounterY[6]}} | W) & ~A;
always @(posedge pixclk) blue <= CounterY[7:0] | W | A;
wire [9:0] TMDS_red, TMDS_green, TMDS_blue;
TMDS_encoder encode_R(.clk(pixclk), .VD(red ), .CD(2'b00) , .VDE(DrawArea), .TMDS(TMDS_red));
TMDS_encoder encode_G(.clk(pixclk), .VD(green), .CD(2'b00) , .VDE(DrawArea), .TMDS(TMDS_green));
TMDS_encoder encode_B(.clk(pixclk), .VD(blue ), .CD({vSync,hSync}), .VDE(DrawArea), .TMDS(TMDS_blue));
reg [3:0] TMDS_mod10=0; // modulus 10 counter
reg [9:0] TMDS_shift_red=0, TMDS_shift_green=0, TMDS_shift_blue=0;
reg TMDS_shift_load=0;
always @(posedge clk_TMDS) TMDS_shift_load <= (TMDS_mod10==4'd9);
always @(posedge clk_TMDS)
TMDS_shift_red <= TMDS_shift_load ? TMDS_red : TMDS_shift_red [9:1];
TMDS_shift_green <= TMDS_shift_load ? TMDS_green : TMDS_shift_green[9:1];
TMDS_shift_blue <= TMDS_shift_load ? TMDS_blue : TMDS_shift_blue [9:1];
TMDS_mod10 <= (TMDS_mod10==4'd9) ? 4'd0 : TMDS_mod10+4'd1;
cnt <= cnt + 1;
assign led = cnt[26];
OBUFDS OBUFDS_red (.I(TMDS_shift_red [0]), .O(TMDS_data_p[2]), .OB(TMDS_data_n[2]));
OBUFDS OBUFDS_green(.I(TMDS_shift_green[0]), .O(TMDS_data_p[1]), .OB(TMDS_data_n[1]));
OBUFDS OBUFDS_blue (.I(TMDS_shift_blue [0]), .O(TMDS_data_p[0]), .OB(TMDS_data_n[0]));
OBUFDS OBUFDS_clock(.I(pixclk), .O(TMDS_clk_p), .OB(TMDS_clk_n));
module TMDS_encoder(
input clk,
input [7:0] VD, // video data (red, green or blue)
input [1:0] CD, // control data
input VDE, // video data enable, to choose between CD (when VDE=0) and VD (when VDE=1)
output reg [9:0] TMDS = 0
wire [3:0] Nb1s = VD[0] + VD[1] + VD[2] + VD[3] + VD[4] + VD[5] + VD[6] + VD[7];
wire XNOR = (Nb1s>4'd4) || (Nb1s==4'd4 && VD[0]==1'b0);
wire [8:0] q_m = {~XNOR, q_m[6:0] ^ VD[7:1] ^ {7{XNOR}}, VD[0]};
reg [3:0] balance_acc = 0;
wire [3:0] balance = q_m[0] + q_m[1] + q_m[2] + q_m[3] + q_m[4] + q_m[5] + q_m[6] + q_m[7] - 4'd4;
wire balance_sign_eq = (balance[3] == balance_acc[3]);
wire invert_q_m = (balance==0 || balance_acc==0) ? ~q_m[8] : balance_sign_eq;
wire [3:0] balance_acc_inc = balance - ({q_m[8] ^ ~balance_sign_eq} & ~(balance==0 || balance_acc==0));
wire [3:0] balance_acc_new = invert_q_m ? balance_acc-balance_acc_inc : balance_acc+balance_acc_inc;
wire [9:0] TMDS_data = {invert_q_m, q_m[8], q_m[7:0] ^ {8{invert_q_m}}};
wire [9:0] TMDS_code = CD[1] ? (CD[0] ? 10'b1010101011 : 10'b0101010100) : (CD[0] ? 10'b0010101011 : 10'b1101010100);
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