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03-04 15:49:55.332 3733 29571 D BrcmNfcJni: nfcManager_doSetScreenState: state = 3
03-04 15:49:55.333 3733 29571 D BrcmNfcJni: Screen state is not changed.
03-04 15:49:55.333 3733 29571 D BrcmNfcJni: nfcManager_enableDiscovery: enter; tech_mask = 01
03-04 15:49:55.333 3733 29571 D BrcmNfcJni: nfcManager_enableDiscovery: sIsSecElemSelected=0
03-04 15:49:55.333 3733 29571 D BrcmNfcJni: acquireRfInterfaceMutexLock: try to acquire lock
03-04 15:49:55.333 3733 29571 D BrcmNfcJni: acquireRfInterfaceMutexLock: sRfInterfaceMutex lock
03-04 15:49:55.333 3733 29571 D BrcmNfcJni: PowerSwitch::setLevel: level=PS-FULL (1)
03-04 15:49:55.333 3733 29571 D BrcmNfcJni: startRfDiscovery: is start=0
03-04 15:49:55.353 3733 29571 I BrcmNfcNfa: NFA_StopRfDiscovery ()
03-04 15:49:55.353 3733 4077 I BrcmNfcNfa: NFA got event 0x010F

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Create a new group chat
  2. Add 3 people: A,B and C
  3. Send a message to the group and verify that all 3 other participants can receive the message from the admin
  4. Send a message from A, B and C. Check that both other participants and the admin can see it.
  5. As admin, remove C from group chat
  6. As admin try to send a message to that group and verfy that A and B didn't get it.
  7. As A, try to send a message to the group and verify that B got it, but admin didn't
;; The generic navigate event with optional params
;; we call it the same way as regular :navigate-to except
;; we also give it one extra parameter - typically a map of params
;; It puts the params in app-db, namespaced per view-id
(fn [{:keys [db]} [_ view-id params]]
(-> db
(assoc-in [:screen-params view-id] params)
(status-im.ui.screens.navigation/navigate-to view-id)))

Payments from Ethereum Wallet Amount: 0.0001 eth

Fees (highest to lowest):

  • 1 - 0.000966 Ether - link
  • 0 - 0.000483 Ether - link
  • -1 - 0.000252 Ether - link
  • -2 - 0.000126 Ether - link
(-> (init context session) ;create a scope object
(get-one) ;get one flow file from session
(put-attribute "filename" "renamed.txt") ;change the file attribute to rename the file
(write "APPENDED SOME CONTENT etc...") ;append some text content
(transfer success-relationship)) ;pass the file on to the next processor
(def success-relationship
(relationship :name "success" :description "Success"))
(def new-name-property
(property :name "New name"
:description "Name to rename the file"
:validators [StandardValidators/NON_EMPTY_VALIDATOR]
:required true))
(gen-class :name ^{Tags ["nifi" "clojure" "example"]
$ boot mvn --args "clean compile install"
$ boot mvn --args "-V"
$ boot mvn --args jetty:run
$ boot mvn --version 3.2.1 --args "compile install"
$ lein mvn clean compile install
$ lein mvn -V
$ lein mvn -f ./other/pom.xml jetty:run