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Created November 24, 2012 17:45
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"sublimelinter_mark_style": "none",
"sublimelinter_gutter_marks": true,
"sublimelinter_popup_errors_on_save": true,
// To fix column positions for JSHint errors you may want to add `"indent": 1` to your
// **User** "jshint_options". This issue affects users with tabs for indentation.
// This fix was reverted due to a conflict with using the `"white": true` option.
// "indent": 1,
"evil": true,
"curly": true,
"latedef": true,
"noempty": false,
"undef": true,
"unused": true,
"trailing": false,
"asi": true,
"es5": true,
"laxcomma": true, // real useful
"regexdash": true,
"devel": true,
"jquery": true,
"node": true,
"sub": true
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