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Last active February 24, 2023 20:11
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Gimp 2.10 python plugin for moving all visible layers into an existing or new layer group
This plugin moves all visible, non-group layers into an existing layer group (if that is the actie layer) or a new group.
The idea is you make all layers visible that you want to move into an existing group or a new group and then call this plugin.
To install it, move the python code into the plug-ins directory of gimp and restart gimp. The plugin is then available via
<ToolBar> > Layer > Move > Move Visible To Group...
Hope it helps!
P.S. Motivation was that you can only move one layer at a time in gimp, so that makes it painful moving more than 2 layers into
a layer group .... ;)
import os
from gimpfu import *
def _rec(layers, lst):
for l in lst:
if not l.visible: continue
if pdb.gimp_item_is_group(l): _rec(layers,l.layers)
else: layers.append(l)
return layers
def _get_layers(image, dont_recurse=False):
layers = None
if dont_recurse:
layers = [layer for layer in image.layers if (
layer.visible and (not pdb.gimp_item_is_group(layer)))]
layers = _rec([], image.layers)
return (layers, len(layers), 0)
def run(*args):
image, group_name = args
group_layer = image.active_layer
# selection = image.selection
gimp.progress_init("Moving Layers")
# Since we're moving stuff into groups, don't recurse into existing
# groups, just use the non-group, visible, top-level layers.
layers, total_layers, cnt = _get_layers(image, dont_recurse=True)
mod_lmt = int(total_layers * 0.20)
if group_layer == None or (not pdb.gimp_item_is_group(group_layer)):
group_layer = gimp.GroupLayer(image) = group_name
pdb.gimp_image_insert_layer(image, group_layer, None,0)
for layer in layers:
if layer == group_layer: continue
orig_name =
ly2 = pdb.gimp_layer_copy(layer,True)
pdb.gimp_image_insert_layer(image, ly2, group_layer, 0)
pdb.gimp_image_remove_layer(image,layer) = orig_name
if cnt % mod_lmt == 0: gimp.progress_update(cnt / total_layers)
cnt += 1
"Move To Layer Group",
"Move all visible layers to a new Layer Group",
"Osmond Oswald <>",
"Osmond Oswald <>",
"Move Visible To Group...",
(PF_IMAGE, "arg0", "Image To Use", None),
(PF_STRING, "arg1", "New Group Name", "New Group"),
run, menu="<Image>/Layer/Move"
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