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Last active July 16, 2018 20:41
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start_state_domain = SearchState_t(mp.q_start, [mp.q_start], VAMP.make_packed_view_volume(UnionOfGeometry(starting_visibility__Fworld)))
path_segments = [[start_state_domain]]
goal_stack = Any[
PointEpsilonGoal(convert(SE2_MPState_t, goal.q), goal.ϵ)]
execute_move_prefix = false
struct CoverageGoal{T}
while true
@show length(goal_stack)
this_goal = pop!(goal_stack)
start_state = prune_visible_region_state(path_segments[end][end])
if typeof(this_goal) <: PointEpsilonGoal
move_alg = make_move_alg( # Create a heuristic for `this_goal`.Setup search problem.
(s_to, s_fro) -> distance(s_to.q, s_fro.q) + move_safe_preference * vsafe_violations(s_to, s_fro), # this is the edge cost function
(s_to, s_fro) -> mp.q_valid_test(s_to.q) # This is a relaxed planner. Only cares about collisions. Assuming graph edges are short, so we only need to check the s_to, not the segment between s_from and s_to
# Run PathVis
move_search_result = move_search!(move_alg, start_state)
# Compute the prefix that could be executed, and the one that violates the visibility constraint.
move_process_result = process_move_path(move_alg, path_segments[end][end]; prune=false)
if move_process_result.metadata.reaches_goal
push!(path_segments, move_process_result.move_path_to_add)
println("succeeded in reaching goal.")
println("didn't reach goal in vsafe way")
push!(goal_stack, this_goal) # we didn't get to the goal, so we have to put it back on the stack.
swept_volume_uncovered = visibility_violations_path(move_process_result.move_path_unsafe)
push!(goal_stack, CoverageGoal(swept_volume_uncovered)) # this is our subgoal. if we saw this, then we would have been able to execute the plan to get to `this_goal`
if typeof(this_goal) <: CoverageGoal
this_goal_original = this_goal
# maybe we saw some of this already serendipitously.
this_goal_region = difference(this_goal_original.region, start_state.visible_region)
if length(this_goal_original.region) != length(this_goal_region)
println("Saw some of coverage goal already.")
# I don't handle all the cases yet, so sometimes a goal gets pushed on that isn't actually a goal.
# or maybe everything was seen serendipitously
if length(this_goal_region) == 0; warn("this_goal is empty"); continue end
timeouts = @NT(improvement=2.0, failure=600.0)
# run PathVis
last_search = explore_search_result = explore_search(start_state, this_goal_region, timeouts, Val{true}; log_header="\n\nexplore relaxed\n")
explore_process_result = process_explore_path(explore_search_result.explore_alg, start_state)
# get the part that we could execute, and the part that we could execute if only we saw some more stuff.
(explore_safe, explore_unsafe) = vsafe_split_path(explore_process_result.explore_path_to_add);
# how much did we actually see, and how much is left to see?
this_goal_remaining = difference(this_goal_region, CoveragePath(unlift_q(explore_safe)))
# execute, and add the left-overs to the goal stack.
# also have option to not execute and add whole coverage back onto stack.
push!(path_segments, explore_safe)
if length(this_goal_remaining) > 0
push!(goal_stack, CoverageGoal(this_goal_remaining))
println("new coverage goal with n $(length(this_goal_remaining))")
# if there was some stuff we couldn't execute, compute the region we would need to see in order to enable execution.
if length(explore_unsafe) > 0
need_to_see = visibility_violations_path(explore_unsafe)
push!(goal_stack, CoverageGoal(need_to_see))
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