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Created September 12, 2012 17:17
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import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial import Delaunay
__all__ = ['is_wellcentered', 'circumcenter', 'circumcenter_barycentric']
from numpy import bmat, hstack, vstack, dot, sqrt, ones, zeros, sum, \
from numpy.linalg import solve,norm
def is_wellcentered(pts, tol=1e-8):
"""Determines whether a set of points defines a well-centered simplex.
barycentric_coordinates = circumcenter_barycentric(pts)
return min(barycentric_coordinates) > tol
def circumcenter_barycentric(pts):
"""Barycentric coordinates of the circumcenter of a set of points.
pts : array-like
An N-by-K array of points which define an (N-1)-simplex in K dimensional space.
N and K must satisfy 1 <= N <= K + 1 and K >= 1.
coords : ndarray
Barycentric coordinates of the circumcenter of the simplex defined by pts.
Stored in an array with shape (K,)
>>> from pydec.math.circumcenter import *
>>> circumcenter_barycentric([[0],[4]]) # edge in 1D
array([ 0.5, 0.5])
>>> circumcenter_barycentric([[0,0],[4,0]]) # edge in 2D
array([ 0.5, 0.5])
>>> circumcenter_barycentric([[0,0],[4,0],[0,4]]) # triangle in 2D
array([ 0. , 0.5, 0.5])
See Also
Uses an extension of the method described here:
pts = asarray(pts)
rows,cols = pts.shape
assert(rows <= cols + 1)
A = bmat( [[ 2*dot(pts,pts.T), ones((rows,1)) ],
[ ones((1,rows)) , zeros((1,1)) ]] )
b = hstack((sum(pts * pts, axis=1),ones((1))))
x = solve(A,b)
bary_coords = x[:-1]
return bary_coords
def circumcenter(pts):
"""Circumcenter and circumradius of a set of points.
pts : array-like
An N-by-K array of points which define an (N-1)-simplex in K dimensional space.
N and K must satisfy 1 <= N <= K + 1 and K >= 1.
center : ndarray
Circumcenter of the simplex defined by pts. Stored in an array with shape (K,)
radius : float
Circumradius of the circumsphere that circumscribes the points defined by pts.
>>> circumcenter([[0],[1]]) # edge in 1D
(array([ 0.5]), 0.5)
>>> circumcenter([[0,0],[1,0]]) # edge in 2D
(array([ 0.5, 0. ]), 0.5)
>>> circumcenter([[0,0],[1,0],[0,1]]) # triangle in 2D
(array([ 0.5, 0.5]), 0.70710678118654757)
See Also
Uses an extension of the method described here:
pts = asarray(pts)
bary_coords = circumcenter_barycentric(pts)
center = dot(bary_coords,pts)
radius = norm(pts[0,:] - center)
return (center,radius)
def voronoi(points):
points is a numpy array n-by-ndim where n is the number of points and ndim is the dimensionality of each point.
so far this only works with ndim == 2
based off:
assert len(points.shape)==2
n,ndim = points.shape
tri = Delaunay(points)
#points in the simplex
p = tri.points[tri.vertices]
#p[0][0], p[0][1], p[0][2], .. are the vertices of the first simplex
nsimplices = p.shape[0]
assert p.shape[1] == ndim+1 #a simplex in ndim-dimensional space has ndim_1 vertices
assert p.shape[2] == ndim
#fnd vertices of graph
ccs = np.array([circumcenter(p[i])[0] for i in range(nsimplices)])
assert ccs.shape[1] == ndim
#tri.neighbors[i] consists of (n_dim+1) indices. these indices are into tri.vertices -- the ID of each simplex that neighbors simplex with ID i.
#draw Vornoi edges from ccs[i] to vc[i,0] ... vc[i,n_dim+1]
vc = ccs[tri.neighbors]
vc[tri.neighbors == -1,:] = np.nan # edges at infinity, plotting those would need more work...
lines = []
for i in range(ndim+1):
line = zip(ccs, vc[:,i])
# Plot it
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.collections import LineCollection
lines = LineCollection(lines, edgecolor='k')
plt.plot(points[:,0], points[:,1], '.')
plt.plot(ccs[:,0], ccs[:,1], '*')
vertices_missing_edge_idx = np.sum(tri.neighbors == -1,axis=1)>0 #using sum as an OR function across all neighbors
vertices_missing_edge = ccs[vertices_missing_edge_idx]
voronoi(np.random.rand(30, 3))
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