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Created May 8, 2020 15:30
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nub([]) -> [];
nub([_|_] = L) -> nub(L, []).
nub([], Ac) -> lists:reverse(Ac);
nub([H|T], Ac) ->
case lists:member(H, Ac) of
true -> nub(T, Ac);
false -> nub(T, [H|Ac])
nub_test() ->
[] = nub([]),
[1] = nub([1]),
[1] = nub([1,1,1,1]),
[1,2] = nub([1,2]),
[1,-2,2,0.5,'a'] = nub([1,-2,2,1,0.5,'a',2]),
"led zpin" = nub("led zeppelin"),
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