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Created December 6, 2012 15:57
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Smart Selection for VIM
" About:
" How often do you forget which keys you should use to select/modify strings
" in the ' or " or in other pairs? I often use viw/ciw instead of vi'/vi" for
" the first time because it easier for my fingers (but after that I remember
" about vi'). This script allows you always use the same shortcut for all
" cases. When you want to select string in the ' use viv. Do you want to
" select all in the '()'? Use viv. All in the '[]'? Use viv.
" How it works:
" Script searches first unpair symbol from the left of the current cursor
" position and than runs target command with this symbol. You can use i or a
" modifiers for commands too.
" Available commands:
" vi* -> viv
" va* -> vav
" ci* -> civ
" ca* -> cav
" di* -> div
" da* -> dav
" ya* -> yiv
" ya* -> yav
" Where * is in <, >, ", ', `, (, ), [, ], {, } or t as tag
" NOTE: After v* commands you also can press v again and script extends selection
" to the next pairs.
" Author: @gorkunov (
let s:pairs = { '<' : '>', '"': '"', "'": "'", '`': '`', '(': ')', '[': ']', '{': '}' }
function! s:SmartPairs(type, mod, ...)
let all = keys(s:pairs) + values(s:pairs)
if a:0 > 0
let str = getline(a:1)
let cur = len(str)
let str = getline('.')
let cur = col('.') - 1
let s:line = line('.')
let s:type = a:type
let s:mod = a:mod
let s:stops = []
while cur >= 0
let cur = cur - 1
let ch = str[cur]
if index(all, ch) < 0
if len(s:stops) && get(s:pairs, ch, '') == s:stops[-1].symbol
call remove(s:stops, -1)
" tags workaround
if ch == '<'
" closed tag
if str[cur + 1] == '/'
call add(s:stops, { 'symbol': 'c', 'position': [s:line, cur + 1] })
if len(s:stops) && s:stops[-1].symbol == 'c'
call remove(s:stops, -1)
call add(s:stops, { 'symbol': 't', 'position': [s:line, cur + 1] })
elseif str[cur - 1] != '\'
call add(s:stops, { 'symbol': ch, 'position': [s:line, cur + 1] })
call s:ApplyPairs()
function! s:ApplyPairs()
let stop = get(s:stops, 0)
if type(stop) == type({}) && (has_key(s:pairs, stop.symbol) || stop.symbol == 't')
call remove(s:stops, 0)
execute "normal! " . stop.position[0] . "G" . stop.position[1] . "|"
execute "normal! " . s:type . s:mod . stop.symbol
elseif s:line > 1
let s:line = s:line - 1
call s:SmartPairs(s:type, s:mod, s:line)
function! s:NextPairs()
call s:ApplyPairs()
nnoremap <silent> viv :call <SID>SmartPairs('v', 'i')<CR>
nnoremap <silent> vav :call <SID>SmartPairs('v', 'a')<CR>
nnoremap <silent> div :call <SID>SmartPairs('d', 'i')<CR>
nnoremap <silent> dav :call <SID>SmartPairs('d', 'a')<CR>
nnoremap <silent> civ :call <SID>SmartPairs('c', 'i')<CR>a
nnoremap <silent> cav :call <SID>SmartPairs('c', 'a')<CR>a
nnoremap <silent> yiv :call <SID>SmartPairs('y', 'i')<CR>
nnoremap <silent> yav :call <SID>SmartPairs('y', 'a')<CR>
vnoremap <silent> v <ESC>:call <SID>NextPairs()<CR>
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gorkunov commented Dec 6, 2012


 _ - cursor position
 _...._ - selection

{ [ test_, 'blabla', cron ] } -> viv -> { [_test, 'blabla', cron_] }
{ [ test, 'bla_bla', cron ] } -> viv -> { [ test, '_blabla_', cron] }   
{ [ test, 'blabla', cron ]_}  -> viv -> {_[ test, 'blabla', cron]_}   

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I like this idea a lot, if I understand correctly it selects the nearest matching pair. I use di" or ci" mostly and rarely vi" but it looks like SmartSelect could easily be generalised to take another parameter which would be the first letter in the command, e.g SmartSelect('c', 'i'), of course the name of the function would need to change as well.

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gorkunov commented Dec 8, 2012

@krisleech thanks for suggestions :) I added deleting and changing to the script and also fixed some bugs.

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gorkunov commented Dec 9, 2012

Added extending selection for 'v' commands

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