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Forked from u1ik/cf25-c.hs
Created August 12, 2011 19:31
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codeforces - 25 - C (hs)
{-# LANGUAGE NewQualifiedOperators #-}
import Prelude
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as U
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Data.List
import Control.Monad
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Maybe(fromJust)
type Graph = V.Vector (U.Vector Int)
build :: Int -> [[Int]] -> Graph
build n adj = V.fromList $ map U.fromList $ adj
relax :: Int -> Graph -> (Int, Int, Int) -> Graph
relax n g (u, v, c) = V.imap (\i -> U.imap (min . f i)) g
au = V.(!) g u
av = V.(!) g v
f i j = min (U.(!) au i + c + U.(!) av j) (U.(!) av i + c + U.(!) au j)
combine :: Int -> (Graph, V.Vector Int) -> (Int, Int, Int) -> (Graph, V.Vector Int)
combine n (g, r) (u, v, c) = (g', V.cons s r)
g' = relax n g (u, v, c)
s = V.sum $ U.sum g'
solve :: Int -> [[Int]] -> [(Int, Int, Int)] -> [Int]
solve n adj edges = V.toList $ snd $ V.foldl' (combine n) (build n adj, V.empty) (V.fromList edges)
ints :: IO [Int]
ints = map (fst . fromJust . B.readInt) . B.words <$> B.getLine
main = do
[n] <- ints
adj <- replicateM n ints
[k] <- ints
edges <- replicateM k $ (\(a:b:c:_) -> (a-1, b-1, c)) <$> ints
let r = reverse $ solve n adj edges
putStrLn $ intercalate " " $ map show r
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