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Created September 4, 2011 07:29
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codeforces - 85 - D (py)
#!/usr/bin/env python
"""(c) gorlum0 [at]"""
import itertools as it
from sys import stdin
maxn = 10**5
def get_divisors(n, _cache = {}):
if n not in _cache:
divisors = []
for i in xrange(1, int(n**0.5) + 1):
if not n % i:
divisors.extend([i, n//i])
_cache[n] = list(set(divisors))
return _cache[n]
def solve(n, xss):
lastdiv = [0] * (maxn+1)
for i in xrange(1, n+1):
x, y = next(xss)
uncommon = 0
## print x, get_divisors(x)
for d in get_divisors(x):
if not lastdiv[d] >= i-y:
uncommon += 1
lastdiv[d] = i
yield uncommon
def main():
for line in stdin:
n = int(line)
xss = (map(int, next(stdin).split()) for _ in xrange(n))
print '\n'.join(map(str, solve(n, xss)))
if __name__ == '__main__':
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