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Last active July 19, 2021 15:18
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A recreation of trim-whitespace.html on my formatting-help repository.
import "dart:html";
final input = querySelector("#input") as TextAreaElement;
final target = querySelector("#output") as TextAreaElement;
final number = querySelector("#amount") as InputElement;
final trigger = querySelector("#trigger") as ButtonElement;
// Setup elements
void main() {
input.addEventListener("input", (Event event) {
number.value = RegExp(r"^\s*")
.firstMatch(input.value?.split("\n")[0] as String)?[0]
.toString(); // Guess the amount of spaces we want
input.focus(); // Focus on the textarea
number.value = "0"; // Initialize it
trigger.addEventListener("click", (Event event) {
final StringBuffer temp = new StringBuffer(); // We will expand on this
final int trimNumber;
try {
trimNumber = int.parse(number.value as String);
} on FormatException {
return; // If we reach here, the user has likely entered an invalid number
for (String currentLine in input.value!.split("\n")) {
if (currentLine != "") {
RegExp(r"^" + r"\s" * trimNumber), ""
// Match string-start, then designated number of spaces/tabs
temp.write("\n"); // Add a newline so it's not all mashed together
target.value = temp.toString();
// We have the result we want, then update the output textarea
textarea {
width: 500px;
height: 200px;
html {
color: white;
font-family: system-ui, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", "Google Sans", Roboto, Ubuntu, sans-serif;
tab-size: 4;
-moz-tab-size: 4;
-webkit-tab-size: 4;
<h1>Remove indentation wacky whitespace</h1>
<h2>When your JS or CSS is indented along with the HTML, it will show with awkward whitespace to the left of it.</h2>
<p>Paste it here to remove that.</p>
<textarea id="input"></textarea>
Trim <input type="number" id="amount"> off the beginning of each line
<button id="trigger">Trim!</button>
<textarea id="output"></textarea>
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