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Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
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## Sample Propel configuration file ##
# NOTE: Some proposed structure
## General settings ##
# The name of your project.
# This affects names of generated files, etc.
version: 2.0.0-dev
### Directories and Filenames ###
# Directory where the project files (``, `schema.xml`,
# `runtime-conf.xml`, etc.) are located.
# If you use the `propel-gen` script, this value will get overridden by
# the path from which the script is called.
# Default value is current path #
projectDir: current_path
# The directory where Propel expects to find your `schema.xml` file.
schemaDir: current-path
# The directory where Propel should output classes, sql, config, etc.
outputDir: current-path/generated-classes
# The directory where Propel should output generated object model classes.
phpDir: current-path/generated-classes
# The directory where Propel should output the compiled runtime configuration.
phpConfDir: current-path/generated-conf
# The directory where Propel should output the generated DDL (or data insert statements, etc.)
sqlDir: current-path/generated-sql
# Directory in which your composer.json resides
## All Database settings ##
# This section replaces the old runtime-conf.xml file and it's also used by config:convert command
# All database sources
# Connection class. While developing you could use Propel\Runtime\Connection\DebugPDO
classname: Propel\Runtime\Connection\ConnectionWrapper
# Driver options. See
# and
## Specific adapter settings
## Mysql ##
tableType: InnoDB
tableEngineKeyword: ENGINE
## Sqlite ##
## Oracle ##
autoincrementSequencePattern = ${table}_SEQ
## Migration settings ##
samePhpName: false
addVendorInfo: false
tableName: propel_migration
## Runtime settings ##
# Datasource as defined in database.connections
connection: default
## Generator settings ##
# Datasource as defined in database.connections
connection: default
# A prefix to prepend to all table names
# Platform class name
# The package to use for the generated classes.
# This affects the value of the @package phpdoc tag, and it also affects
# the directory that the classes are placed in. By default this will be
# the same as the project. Note that the target package (and thus the target
# directory for generated classes) can be overridden in each `<database>` and
# `<table>` element in the XML schema.
# DEPRECATED ? (this was used back in th 80's with php5.2)
# Whether to join schemas using the same database name into a single schema.
# This allows splitting schemas in packages, and referencing tables in another
# schema (but in the same database) in a foreign key. Beware that database
# behaviors will also be joined when this parameter is set to true.
packageObjectModel: true
# If you use namespaces in your schemas, this setting tells Propel to use the
# namespace attribute for the package. Consequently, the namespace attribute
# will also stipulate the subdirectory in which model classes get generated.
namespaceAutoPackage: true
# The schema base name
basename: schema
# If your XML schema specifies SQL schemas for each table, you can copy the
# value of the `schema` attribute to other attributes.
# To copy the schema attribute to the package attribute, set this to true
autoPackage: false
# To copy the schema attribute to the namespace attribute, set this to true
autoNamespace: false
# To use the schema attribute as a prefix to all model phpNames, set this to true
autoPrefix: false
# Whether to transform the XML schema using the XSL file.
# This was used in previous Propel versions to clean up the schema, but tended
# to hide problems in the schema. It is disabled by default since Propel 1.5.
# The default XSL file is located under `resources/xsl/database.xsl`
# and you can use a custom XSL file by changing the `propel.schema.xsl.file`
# property.
transform: false
## Date/Time settings ##
# Enable full use of the DateTime class.
# Setting this to true means that getter methods for date/time/timestamp
# columns will return a DateTime object when the default format is empty.
useDateTimeClass: true
# Specify a custom DateTime subclass that you wish to have Propel use
# for temporal values.
dateTimeClass: DateTime
# These are the default formats that will be used when fetching values from
# temporal columns in Propel. You can always specify these when calling the
# methods directly, but for methods like getByName() it is nice to change
# the defaults.
# To have these methods return DateTime objects instead, you should set these
# to empty values
defaultTimeStampFormat: Y-m-d H:i:s
defaultTimeFormat: %X
defaultDateFormat: %x
# Whether to add generic getter/setter methods.
# Generic accessors are `getByName()`, `getByPosition(), ` and `toArray()`.
addGenericAccessors: true
# Generic mutators are `setByName()`, `setByPosition()`, and `fromArray()`.
addGenericMutators: true
emulateForeignKeyConstraints: false
addClassLevelComment: true
defaultKeyType: phpName
addSaveMethod: true
namespaceMap: Map
# Whether to add a timestamp to the phpdoc header of generated OM classes.
# If you use a versioning system, don't set this to true, or the classes
# will be committed too often with just a date change.
addTimeStamp: false
# Whether to support pre- and post- hooks on `save()` and `delete()` methods.
# Set to false if you never use these hooks for a small speed boost.
addHooks: true
# Some sort of "namespacing": All Propel classes with get the Prefix
# "My_ORM_Prefix_" just like "My_ORM_Prefix_BookTableMap".
# Identifier quoting may result in undesired behavior (especially in Postgres),
# it can be disabled in DDL by setting this property to true in your file.
disableIdentifierQuoting: false
# Whether the generated `doSelectJoin*()` methods use LEFT JOIN or INNER JOIN
# (see ticket:491 and ticket:588 to understand more about why this might be
# important).
useLeftJoinsInDoJoinMethods: true
# Pluralizer class (used to generate plural forms)
pluralizerClass: \Propel\Common\Pluralizer\StandardEnglishPluralizer
# Use StandardEnglishPluralizer instead of DefaultEnglishPluralizer for better pluralization
# (Handles uncountable and irregular nouns)
# Builder classes
object: \Propel\Generator\Builder\Om\ObjectBuilder
objectstub: \Propel\Generator\Builder\Om\ExtensionObjectBuilder
objectmultiextend: \Propel\Generator\Builder\Om\MultiExtendObjectBuilder
query: \Propel\Generator\Builder\Om\QueryBuilder
querystub: \Propel\Generator\Builder\Om\ExtensionQueryBuilder
queryinheritance: \Propel\Generator\Builder\Om\QueryInheritanceBuilder
queryinheritancestub: \Propel\Generator\Builder\Om\ExtensionQueryInheritanceBuilder
# SQL builders
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