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Last active April 12, 2017 13:44
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Generating the model of Louvre Abu Dhabi in Revit with Mantis in F#
// Generating the full model using my custom DLLs for geometry input
// F# editor:
#r @"C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Revit 2016\RevitAPI.dll"
#r @"C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Revit 2016\RevitDBAPI.dll"
#r @"C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Revit 2016\RevitAPIUI.dll"
#r @"C:\Program Files\Mantis\Tsunami.IDEDesktop.dll"
#r @"C:\work\goswin\30_F#\16-135_LAD\LAD\GosLib\bin\Release\GosLib.dll"
#r @"C:\work\goswin\30_F#\16-135_LAD\LAD\LAD\bin\Release\LAD.dll"
open Autodesk.Revit.DB
open Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
for he in LAD.Build.hedsAllSeq() do // building 8 layers
let gData = LAD.DrawData.wingsAsAssemblies he // getting Faces (4 points each) and Names from my DLL (fun app ->
(fun (doc:Document) ->
use trans = new Transaction( doc, "LAD layer" ) // this gets called 8750 times
trans.Start() |> ignore
for i=0 to gData.Length-1 do
let builder = new TessellatedShapeBuilder()
let ptss,name = gData.[i] // ptts is 16 Faces(4 points each), the Name is for each of the 8750 stars, it's something like "s3-1514"
for pts in ptss do
//pts reperesents a face, it is an Array of 4 3D point
let xyzs = pts |> (fun point -> XYZ(point.x , point.y, point.z)) // make a revit point from my point
let face = new TessellatedFace( xyzs, ElementId.InvalidElementId )
builder.AddFace( face )
let result = builder.Build( TessellatedShapeBuilderTarget.AnyGeometry,
ElementId.InvalidElementId )
let categoryId = new ElementId(BuiltInCategory.OST_GenericModel )
let ds = DirectShape.CreateElement(doc, categoryId, "LADg","LADi") // this gets called 8750 times
ds.Name <- name // is there also a way to create more BIM like properties?
ds.SetShape( result.GetGeometricalObjects() )
trans.Commit() |> ignore
app.ActiveUIDocument.Document) |> ignore
// This simple example shows how the grid of LAD can be defined just with lines on a sphere.
// F# editor:
let pattern =
[| 0,3 ; -2,2 ; -3,0 ; -2,-2 ; 0,-3 ; 2,-2 ; 3,0 ; 2,2 |]
[| 0,3 ; 2,2 ; 2,4 |]
[| 2,2 ; 3,0 ; 4,2 |]
[| 2,4 ; 4,4 ; 3,6 |]
[| 4,2 ; 6,3 ; 4,4 |]
[| 2,2 ; 4,2 ; 4,4 ; 2,4 |]
let mapN f = ( f)
#r @"C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Revit 2016\RevitAPI.dll"
#r @"C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Revit 2016\RevitDBAPI.dll"
#r @"C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Revit 2016\RevitAPIUI.dll"
open Autodesk.Revit.DB
let points = mapN (fun (u,v) -> XYZ(float u, float v, 0.0)) pattern
let edges =
[| for pts in points do
for i = 0 to pts.Length - 2 do
yield Line.CreateBound(pts.[i] , pts.[i+1])
yield Line.CreateBound(pts.[pts.Length-1] , pts.[0] ) // connect last to first
#r @"C:\Program Files\Mantis\Tsunami.IDEDesktop.dll"
let drawLines (lines:Line []) = (fun app ->
(fun (doc:Document) ->
use t = new Transaction(doc, "draw Line")
t.Start() |> ignore
let ds = DirectShape.CreateElement(doc, ElementId(BuiltInCategory.OST_GenericModel), "ME", "MEo")
let linesGeoObj = [| for ln in lines -> ln :> GeometryObject |]
t.Commit() |> ignore)
app.ActiveUIDocument.Document) |> ignore
drawLines edges
// draw grid
let shiftLine (offX, offY) (l:Line) =
let offset = XYZ(offX, offY , 0.0 )
Line.CreateBound (l.GetEndPoint 0 + offset , l.GetEndPoint 1 + offset)
let uvs =
let ext = 6 * 8// step size 6*7, max 19 at 0.013 radians
[| for u in -ext..6..ext do
for v in -ext..6..ext do
yield float u, float v |]
let edgesShifted =
[| for uv in uvs do yield! (shiftLine uv) edges |]
|> drawLines
// draw sphere
let setToSphere (pt:XYZ) =
let uRad = pt.X * 0.014 //to get angle in Radians
let vRad = pt.Y * 0.014
let x = sin uRad / cos uRad
let y = sin vRad / cos vRad
let f = 65. / sqrt (x*x + y*y + 1.) // Radius of spheere // inverse length to get scaling factor for this vector
XYZ(x*f, y*f, f)
let setLineToSphere (l:Line) = Line.CreateBound (setToSphere (l.GetEndPoint 0) , setToSphere (l.GetEndPoint 1) )
|> setLineToSphere
|> drawLines
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