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Last active August 23, 2022 12:20
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three.js fable
// You need to add missing types manually to IExport in Three.fs if you need.
module rec Dat
open Browser.Types
open Fable.Core
open System
let exports: IExports = jsNative
type IExports =
abstract GUI: GUIStatic
abstract GUIController: GUIControllerStatic
type GUIParams =
/// Handles GUI's element placement for you.
abstract autoPlace: bool with get, set
/// If true, starts closed.
abstract closed: bool with get, set
/// If true, close/open button shows on top of the GUI.
abstract closeOnTop: bool with get, set
/// If true, GUI is closed by the "h" keypress.
abstract hideable: bool with get, set
/// JSON object representing the saved state of this GUI.
abstract load: obj with get, set
/// The name of this GUI.
abstract name: string with get, set
/// The identifier for a set of saved values.
abstract preset: string with get, set
/// The width of GUI element.
abstract width: float with get, set
type GUI =
abstract __controllers: ResizeArray<GUIController> with get, set
abstract __folders: ResizeArray<GUI> with get, set
abstract domElement: HTMLElement with get, set
abstract add: target:Object * propName:string * ?min:float * ?max:float * ?step:float -> GUIController
abstract add: target:Object * propName:string * status:bool -> GUIController
abstract add: target:Object * propName:string * items:ResizeArray<string> -> GUIController
abstract add: target:Object * propName:string * items:ResizeArray<float> -> GUIController
abstract add: target:Object * propName:string * items:Object -> GUIController
abstract addColor: target:Object * propName:string -> GUIController
abstract remove: controller:GUIController -> unit
abstract destroy: unit -> unit
abstract addFolder: propName:string -> GUI
abstract removeFolder: subFolder:GUI -> unit
abstract ``open``: unit -> unit
abstract close: unit -> unit
abstract hide: unit -> unit
abstract show: unit -> unit
abstract remember: target:Object * [<ParamArray>] additionalTargets:ResizeArray<Object> -> unit
abstract getRoot: unit -> GUI
abstract getSaveObject: unit -> Object
abstract save: unit -> unit
abstract saveAs: presetName:string -> unit
abstract revert: gui:GUI -> unit
abstract listen: controller:GUIController -> unit
abstract updateDisplay: unit -> unit
abstract parent: GUI
abstract scrollable: bool
abstract autoPlace: bool
abstract preset: string with get, set
abstract width: float with get, set
abstract name: string with get, set
abstract closed: bool with get, set
abstract load: Object
abstract useLocalStorage: bool with get, set
type GUIStatic =
abstract CLASS_AUTO_PLACE: string with get, set
abstract CLASS_AUTO_PLACE_CONTAINER: string with get, set
abstract CLASS_MAIN: string with get, set
abstract CLASS_CONTROLLER_ROW: string with get, set
abstract CLASS_TOO_TALL: string with get, set
abstract CLASS_CLOSED: string with get, set
abstract CLASS_CLOSE_BUTTON: string with get, set
abstract CLASS_CLOSE_TOP: string with get, set
abstract CLASS_CLOSE_BOTTOM: string with get, set
abstract CLASS_DRAG: string with get, set
abstract DEFAULT_WIDTH: float with get, set
abstract TEXT_CLOSED: string with get, set
abstract TEXT_OPEN: string with get, set
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: ?option:GUIParams -> GUI
type GUIController =
abstract domElement: HTMLElement with get, set
abstract object: Object with get, set
abstract property: string with get, set
abstract options: option:obj option -> GUIController
abstract name: name:string -> GUIController
abstract listen: unit -> GUIController
abstract remove: unit -> GUIController
abstract onChange: fnc:(obj -> unit) -> GUIController
abstract onFinishChange: fnc:(obj -> unit) -> GUIController
abstract setValue: value:obj option -> GUIController
abstract getValue: unit -> obj option
abstract updateDisplay: unit -> GUIController
abstract isModified: unit -> bool
abstract min: n:float -> GUIController
abstract max: n:float -> GUIController
abstract step: n:float -> GUIController
abstract fire: unit -> GUIController
type GUIControllerStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: object:Object * property:string -> GUIController
let gui =
Dat.exports.GUI.Create(!!{| autoPlace = false |})
let THREE = Three.exports
let scene = THREE.Scene.Create()
let mutable camera = Unchecked.defaultof<_>
let mutable renderer = Unchecked.defaultof<_>
.appendChild (gui.domElement)
|> ignore
let element : Element =
document.querySelector ("#my-canvas")
// let element:Element = document.querySelector("canvas")
let rect = {| width = element?offsetWidth; height = element?offsetHeight|}
camera <- THREE.PerspectiveCamera.Create(30., rect.width / rect.height, 20., 10000.)
let opt =
(fun x ->
x.antialias <- true
x.canvas <- !^(document.getElementById ("my-canvas")))
renderer <- THREE.WebGLRenderer.Create(opt)
renderer.setClearColor (!^THREE.Color.Create(!^(float 0xFFFFFF)))
renderer.setSize (rect.width, rect.height)
renderer.shadowMap?enabled <- true
let initTrackballControls (camera, (renderer: Three.Renderer)) =
console.log ("initi trackball")
let trackballControls =
TrackballControls.TrackballControls.Create(camera, renderer.domElement)
trackballControls.rotateSpeed <- 1.0
trackballControls.zoomSpeed <- 1.2
trackballControls.panSpeed <- 0.8
trackballControls.noZoom <- false
trackballControls.noPan <- false
trackballControls.staticMoving <- true
trackballControls.dynamicDampingFactor <- 0.3
trackballControls.keys <- ResizeArray<float>([ 65.; 83.; 68. ])
let clock = THREE.Clock.Create()
let resizeRendererToDisplaySize (renderer: Three.Renderer) =
let canvas = renderer.domElement
let width = canvas.clientWidth
let height = canvas.clientHeight
let needResize =
canvas.width <> width || canvas.height <> height
if (needResize) then
renderer.setSize (width, height, false)
let ttb =
initTrackballControls (camera, renderer)
let rec renderScene time =
let time = time * 0.001
ttb.update (clock.getDelta ())
if (resizeRendererToDisplaySize (renderer)) then
let canvas = renderer.domElement
camera.aspect <- canvas.clientWidth / canvas.clientHeight
camera.updateProjectionMatrix ()
renderer.render (scene, camera)
window.requestAnimationFrame (renderScene)
|> ignore
// ts2fable 0.7.1
module rec Three
open System
open Fable.Core
open Fable.Core.JS
open Browser.Types
type Array<'T> = System.Collections.Generic.IList<'T>
type ArrayLike<'T> = System.Collections.Generic.IList<'T>
type Iterable<'T> = System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<'T>
type Error = System.Exception
type Function = System.Action
type RegExp = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex
type IExports =
abstract Scene: SceneStatic
abstract PerspectiveCamera: PerspectiveCameraStatic
abstract WebGLRenderer: WebGLRendererStatic
abstract Color: ColorStatic
abstract AxesHelper: AxesHelperStatic
abstract PlaneGeometry: PlaneGeometryStatic
abstract MeshLambertMaterial: MeshLambertMaterialStatic
abstract SphereGeometry: SphereGeometryStatic
abstract EdgesGeometry: EdgesGeometryStatic
abstract WireframeGeometry: WireframeGeometryStatic
abstract SpotLight: SpotLightStatic
abstract DirectionalLight: DirectionalLightStatic
abstract AmbientLight: AmbientLightStatic
abstract Vector2: Vector2Static
abstract Vector3: Vector3Static
abstract Mesh: MeshStatic
abstract BoxGeometry: BoxGeometryStatic
abstract Clock: ClockStatic
abstract MeshBasicMaterial: MeshBasicMaterialStatic
abstract MeshToonMaterial: MeshToonMaterialStatic
abstract LineBasicMaterial: LineBasicMaterialStatic
abstract LineSegments: LineSegmentsStatic
abstract OrthographicCamera: OrthographicCameraStatic
abstract Box3: Box3Static
abstract Plane: PlaneStatic
[<Import("*", "three")>]
let exports: IExports = jsNative
// type AnimationBlendMode = obj
// type AnimationActionLoopStyles = obj
type AnimationAction =
abstract blendMode: AnimationBlendMode with get, set
abstract loop: AnimationActionLoopStyles with get, set
abstract time: float with get, set
abstract timeScale: float with get, set
abstract weight: float with get, set
abstract repetitions: float with get, set
abstract paused: bool with get, set
abstract enabled: bool with get, set
abstract clampWhenFinished: bool with get, set
abstract zeroSlopeAtStart: bool with get, set
abstract zeroSlopeAtEnd: bool with get, set
abstract play: unit -> AnimationAction
abstract stop: unit -> AnimationAction
abstract reset: unit -> AnimationAction
abstract isRunning: unit -> bool
abstract isScheduled: unit -> bool
abstract startAt: time:float -> AnimationAction
abstract setLoop: mode:AnimationActionLoopStyles * repetitions:float -> AnimationAction
abstract setEffectiveWeight: weight:float -> AnimationAction
abstract getEffectiveWeight: unit -> float
abstract fadeIn: duration:float -> AnimationAction
abstract fadeOut: duration:float -> AnimationAction
abstract crossFadeFrom: fadeOutAction:AnimationAction * duration:float * warp:bool -> AnimationAction
abstract crossFadeTo: fadeInAction:AnimationAction * duration:float * warp:bool -> AnimationAction
abstract stopFading: unit -> AnimationAction
abstract setEffectiveTimeScale: timeScale:float -> AnimationAction
abstract getEffectiveTimeScale: unit -> float
abstract setDuration: duration:float -> AnimationAction
abstract syncWith: action:AnimationAction -> AnimationAction
abstract halt: duration:float -> AnimationAction
abstract warp: statTimeScale:float * endTimeScale:float * duration:float -> AnimationAction
abstract stopWarping: unit -> AnimationAction
abstract getMixer: unit -> AnimationMixer
abstract getClip: unit -> AnimationClip
abstract getRoot: unit -> Object3D
type AnimationActionStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: mixer:AnimationMixer
* clip:AnimationClip
* ?localRoot:Object3D
* ?blendMode:AnimationBlendMode
-> AnimationAction
type AnimationClip =
abstract name: string with get, set
abstract tracks: ResizeArray<KeyframeTrack> with get, set
abstract blendMode: AnimationBlendMode with get, set
abstract duration: float with get, set
abstract uuid: string with get, set
abstract results: ResizeArray<obj> with get, set
abstract resetDuration: unit -> AnimationClip
abstract trim: unit -> AnimationClip
abstract validate: unit -> bool
abstract optimize: unit -> AnimationClip
abstract clone: unit -> AnimationClip
type AnimationClipStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: ?name:string
* ?duration:float
* ?tracks:ResizeArray<KeyframeTrack>
* ?blendMode:AnimationBlendMode
-> AnimationClip
abstract CreateFromMorphTargetSequence: name:string
* morphTargetSequence:ResizeArray<MorphTarget>
* fps:float
* noLoop:bool
-> AnimationClip
abstract findByName: clipArray:ResizeArray<AnimationClip> * name:string -> AnimationClip
abstract CreateClipsFromMorphTargetSequences: morphTargets:ResizeArray<MorphTarget>
* fps:float
* noLoop:bool
-> ResizeArray<AnimationClip>
abstract parse: json:obj -> AnimationClip
abstract parseAnimation: animation:obj * bones:ResizeArray<Bone> -> AnimationClip
abstract toJSON: unit -> obj
type AnimationMixer =
inherit EventDispatcher
abstract time: float with get, set
abstract timeScale: float with get, set
abstract clipAction: clip:AnimationClip
* ?root:U2<Object3D, AnimationObjectGroup>
* ?blendMode:AnimationBlendMode
-> AnimationAction
abstract existingAction: clip:AnimationClip * ?root:U2<Object3D, AnimationObjectGroup> -> AnimationAction option
abstract stopAllAction: unit -> AnimationMixer
abstract update: deltaTime:float -> AnimationMixer
abstract setTime: timeInSeconds:float -> AnimationMixer
abstract getRoot: unit -> U2<Object3D, AnimationObjectGroup>
abstract uncacheClip: clip:AnimationClip -> unit
abstract uncacheRoot: root:U2<Object3D, AnimationObjectGroup> -> unit
abstract uncacheAction: clip:AnimationClip * ?root:U2<Object3D, AnimationObjectGroup> -> unit
type AnimationMixerStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: root:U2<Object3D, AnimationObjectGroup> -> AnimationMixer
type AnimationObjectGroup =
abstract uuid: string with get, set
abstract stats: AnimationObjectGroupStats with get, set
abstract isAnimationObjectGroup: obj
abstract add: [<ParamArray>] args:ResizeArray<obj> -> unit
abstract remove: [<ParamArray>] args:ResizeArray<obj> -> unit
abstract uncache: [<ParamArray>] args:ResizeArray<obj> -> unit
type AnimationObjectGroupStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: [<ParamArray>] args:ResizeArray<obj> -> AnimationObjectGroup
type AnimationObjectGroupStatsObjects =
abstract total: float with get, set
abstract inUse: float with get, set
type AnimationObjectGroupStats =
abstract bindingsPerObject: float with get, set
abstract objects: AnimationObjectGroupStatsObjects with get, set
[<Import("AnimationUtils", "three")>]
let animationUtils: AnimationUtils.IExports = jsNative
module AnimationUtils =
type IExports =
abstract arraySlice: array:obj * from:float * ``to``:float -> obj
abstract convertArray: array:obj * ``type``:obj * forceClone:bool -> obj
abstract isTypedArray: object:obj -> bool
abstract getKeyFrameOrder: times:ResizeArray<float> -> ResizeArray<float>
abstract sortedArray: values:ResizeArray<obj>
* stride:float
* order:ResizeArray<float>
-> ResizeArray<obj>
abstract flattenJSON: jsonKeys:ResizeArray<string>
* times:ResizeArray<obj>
* values:ResizeArray<obj>
* valuePropertyName:string
-> unit
abstract subclip: sourceClip:AnimationClip
* name:string
* startFrame:float
* endFrame:float
* ?fps:float
-> AnimationClip
abstract makeClipAdditive: targetClip:AnimationClip
* ?referenceFrame:float
* ?referenceClip:AnimationClip
* ?fps:float
-> AnimationClip
type DiscreteInterpolant = obj
type LinearInterpolant = obj
type CubicInterpolant = obj
type KeyframeTrack =
abstract name: string with get, set
abstract times: Float32Array with get, set
abstract values: Float32Array with get, set
abstract ValueTypeName: string with get, set
abstract TimeBufferType: Float32Array with get, set
abstract ValueBufferType: Float32Array with get, set
abstract DefaultInterpolation: InterpolationModes with get, set
abstract InterpolantFactoryMethodDiscrete: result:obj -> DiscreteInterpolant
abstract InterpolantFactoryMethodLinear: result:obj -> LinearInterpolant
abstract InterpolantFactoryMethodSmooth: result:obj -> CubicInterpolant
abstract setInterpolation: interpolation:InterpolationModes -> KeyframeTrack
abstract getInterpolation: unit -> InterpolationModes
abstract getValueSize: unit -> float
abstract shift: timeOffset:float -> KeyframeTrack
abstract scale: timeScale:float -> KeyframeTrack
abstract trim: startTime:float * endTime:float -> KeyframeTrack
abstract validate: unit -> bool
abstract optimize: unit -> KeyframeTrack
abstract clone: unit -> KeyframeTrack
type KeyframeTrackStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: name:string
* times:ResizeArray<obj>
* values:ResizeArray<obj>
* ?interpolation:InterpolationModes
-> KeyframeTrack
abstract toJSON: track:KeyframeTrack -> obj
[<Import("PropertyBinding", "three")>]
let propertyBinding: PropertyBinding.IExports = jsNative
type ParseTrackNameResults =
abstract nodeName: string with get, set
abstract objectName: string with get, set
abstract objectIndex: string with get, set
abstract propertyName: string with get, set
abstract propertyIndex: string with get, set
type PropertyBinding =
abstract path: string with get, set
abstract parsedPath: obj with get, set
abstract node: obj with get, set
abstract rootNode: obj with get, set
abstract getValue: targetArray:obj * offset:float -> obj
abstract setValue: sourceArray:obj * offset:float -> unit
abstract bind: unit -> unit
abstract unbind: unit -> unit
abstract BindingType: PropertyBindingBindingType with get, set
abstract Versioning: PropertyBindingVersioning with get, set
abstract GetterByBindingType: ResizeArray<Function> with get, set
abstract SetterByBindingTypeAndVersioning: Array<ResizeArray<Function>> with get, set
type PropertyBindingStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: rootNode:obj * path:string * ?parsedPath:obj -> PropertyBinding
abstract create: root:obj
* path:obj
* ?parsedPath:obj
-> U2<PropertyBinding, PropertyBinding.Composite>
abstract sanitizeNodeName: name:string -> string
abstract parseTrackName: trackName:string -> ParseTrackNameResults
abstract findNode: root:obj * nodeName:string -> obj
module PropertyBinding =
type IExports =
abstract Composite: CompositeStatic
type Composite =
abstract getValue: array:obj * offset:float -> obj
abstract setValue: array:obj * offset:float -> unit
abstract bind: unit -> unit
abstract unbind: unit -> unit
type CompositeStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: targetGroup:obj * path:obj * ?parsedPath:obj -> Composite
type PropertyBindingBindingType =
[<Emit "$0[$1]{{=$2}}">]
abstract Item: bindingType:string -> float with get, set
type PropertyBindingVersioning =
[<Emit "$0[$1]{{=$2}}">]
abstract Item: versioning:string -> float with get, set
type PropertyMixer =
abstract binding: obj with get, set
abstract valueSize: float with get, set
abstract buffer: obj with get, set
abstract cumulativeWeight: float with get, set
abstract cumulativeWeightAdditive: float with get, set
abstract useCount: float with get, set
abstract referenceCount: float with get, set
abstract accumulate: accuIndex:float * weight:float -> unit
abstract accumulateAdditive: weight:float -> unit
abstract apply: accuIndex:float -> unit
abstract saveOriginalState: unit -> unit
abstract restoreOriginalState: unit -> unit
type PropertyMixerStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: binding:obj * typeName:string * valueSize:float -> PropertyMixer
type AudioBuffer = obj
type AudioContext = obj
type GainNode = obj
type AudioBufferSourceNode = obj
type MediaStream = obj
type AudioNode = obj
type Audio = Audio<obj>
type Audio<'NodeType> =
inherit Object3D
abstract ``type``: string with get, set
abstract listener: AudioListener with get, set
abstract context: AudioContext with get, set
abstract gain: GainNode with get, set
abstract autoplay: bool with get, set
abstract buffer: AudioBuffer with get, set
abstract detune: float with get, set
abstract loop: bool with get, set
abstract loopStart: float with get, set
abstract loopEnd: float with get, set
abstract offset: float with get, set
abstract duration: float with get, set
abstract playbackRate: float with get, set
abstract isPlaying: bool with get, set
abstract hasPlaybackControl: bool with get, set
abstract sourceType: string with get, set
abstract source: AudioBufferSourceNode with get, set
abstract filters: ResizeArray<obj> with get, set
abstract getOutput: unit -> 'NodeType
abstract setNodeSource: audioNode:AudioBufferSourceNode -> Audio<'NodeType>
abstract setMediaElementSource: mediaElement:HTMLMediaElement -> Audio<'NodeType>
abstract setMediaStreamSource: mediaStream:MediaStream -> Audio<'NodeType>
abstract setBuffer: audioBuffer:AudioBuffer -> Audio<'NodeType>
abstract play: ?delay:float -> Audio<'NodeType>
abstract onEnded: unit -> unit
abstract pause: unit -> Audio<'NodeType>
abstract stop: unit -> Audio<'NodeType>
abstract connect: unit -> Audio<'NodeType>
abstract disconnect: unit -> Audio<'NodeType>
abstract setDetune: value:float -> Audio<'NodeType>
abstract getDetune: unit -> float
abstract getFilters: unit -> ResizeArray<obj>
abstract setFilters: value:ResizeArray<obj> -> Audio<'NodeType>
abstract getFilter: unit -> obj
abstract setFilter: filter:obj -> Audio<'NodeType>
abstract setPlaybackRate: value:float -> Audio<'NodeType>
abstract getPlaybackRate: unit -> float
abstract getLoop: unit -> bool
abstract setLoop: value:bool -> Audio<'NodeType>
abstract setLoopStart: value:float -> Audio<'NodeType>
abstract setLoopEnd: value:float -> Audio<'NodeType>
abstract getVolume: unit -> float
abstract setVolume: value:float -> Audio<'NodeType>
abstract load: file:string -> Audio
type AudioStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: listener:AudioListener -> Audio<'NodeType>
type AnalyserNode = obj
type AudioAnalyser =
abstract analyser: AnalyserNode with get, set
abstract data: Uint8Array with get, set
abstract getFrequencyData: unit -> Uint8Array
abstract getAverageFrequency: unit -> float
abstract getData: file:obj -> obj
type AudioAnalyserStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: audio:Audio<AudioNode> * fftSize:float -> AudioAnalyser
[<Import("AudioContext", "three")>]
let AudioContext: AudioContext = jsNative
type AudioListener =
inherit Object3D
abstract ``type``: string with get, set
abstract context: AudioContext with get, set
abstract gain: GainNode with get, set
abstract filter: obj with get, set
abstract timeDelta: float with get, set
abstract getInput: unit -> GainNode
abstract removeFilter: unit -> AudioListener
abstract setFilter: value:obj -> AudioListener
abstract getFilter: unit -> obj
abstract setMasterVolume: value:float -> AudioListener
abstract getMasterVolume: unit -> float
/// Updates global transform of the object and its children.
abstract updateMatrixWorld: ?force:bool -> unit
type AudioListenerStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: unit -> AudioListener
type DistanceModelType = obj
type PannerNode = obj
type PositionalAudio =
inherit Audio<PannerNode>
abstract panner: PannerNode with get, set
abstract getOutput: unit -> PannerNode
abstract setRefDistance: value:float -> PositionalAudio
abstract getRefDistance: unit -> float
abstract setRolloffFactor: value:float -> PositionalAudio
abstract getRolloffFactor: unit -> float
abstract setDistanceModel: value:DistanceModelType -> PositionalAudio
abstract getDistanceModel: unit -> DistanceModelType
abstract setMaxDistance: value:float -> PositionalAudio
abstract getMaxDistance: unit -> float
abstract setDirectionalCone: coneInnerAngle:float * coneOuterAngle:float * coneOuterGain:float -> PositionalAudio
/// Updates global transform of the object and its children.
abstract updateMatrixWorld: ?force:bool -> unit
type PositionalAudioStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: listener:AudioListener -> PositionalAudio
type ArrayCamera =
inherit PerspectiveCamera
abstract cameras: ResizeArray<PerspectiveCamera> with get, set
abstract isArrayCamera: obj
type ArrayCameraStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: ?cameras:ResizeArray<PerspectiveCamera> -> ArrayCamera
/// Abstract base class for cameras. This class should always be inherited when you build a new camera.
type Camera =
inherit Object3D
/// This is the inverse of matrixWorld. MatrixWorld contains the Matrix which has the world transform of the Camera.
abstract matrixWorldInverse: Matrix4 with get, set
/// This is the matrix which contains the projection.
abstract projectionMatrix: Matrix4 with get, set
/// This is the inverse of projectionMatrix.
abstract projectionMatrixInverse: Matrix4 with get, set
abstract isCamera: obj
abstract getWorldDirection: target:Vector3 -> Vector3
/// Updates global transform of the object and its children.
abstract updateMatrixWorld: ?force:bool -> unit
/// Abstract base class for cameras. This class should always be inherited when you build a new camera.
type CameraStatic =
/// This constructor sets following properties to the correct type: matrixWorldInverse, projectionMatrix and projectionMatrixInverse.
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: unit -> Camera
type CubeCamera =
inherit Object3D
abstract ``type``: string with get, set
abstract renderTarget: WebGLCubeRenderTarget with get, set
abstract update: renderer:WebGLRenderer * scene:Scene -> unit
abstract clear: renderer:WebGLRenderer * color:bool * depth:bool * stencil:bool -> unit
type CubeCameraStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: near:float * far:float * renderTarget:WebGLCubeRenderTarget -> CubeCamera
/// Camera with orthographic projection
type OrthographicCamera =
inherit Camera
abstract ``type``: string with get, set
abstract isOrthographicCamera: obj
abstract zoom: float with get, set
abstract view: OrthographicCameraView with get, set
/// Camera frustum left plane.
abstract left: float with get, set
/// Camera frustum right plane.
abstract right: float with get, set
/// Camera frustum top plane.
abstract top: float with get, set
/// Camera frustum bottom plane.
abstract bottom: float with get, set
/// Camera frustum near plane.
abstract near: float with get, set
/// Camera frustum far plane.
abstract far: float with get, set
/// Updates the camera projection matrix. Must be called after change of parameters.
abstract updateProjectionMatrix: unit -> unit
abstract setViewOffset: fullWidth:float
* fullHeight:float
* offsetX:float
* offsetY:float
* width:float
* height:float
-> unit
abstract clearViewOffset: unit -> unit
abstract toJSON: ?meta:obj -> obj
/// Camera with orthographic projection
type OrthographicCameraStatic =
/// <param name="left">Camera frustum left plane.</param>
/// <param name="right">Camera frustum right plane.</param>
/// <param name="top">Camera frustum top plane.</param>
/// <param name="bottom">Camera frustum bottom plane.</param>
/// <param name="near">Camera frustum near plane.</param>
/// <param name="far">Camera frustum far plane.</param>
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: left:float
* right:float
* top:float
* bottom:float
* ?near:float
* ?far:float
-> OrthographicCamera
type OrthographicCameraView =
abstract enabled: bool with get, set
abstract fullWidth: float with get, set
abstract fullHeight: float with get, set
abstract offsetX: float with get, set
abstract offsetY: float with get, set
abstract width: float with get, set
abstract height: float with get, set
/// Camera with perspective projection.
type PerspectiveCamera =
inherit Camera
abstract ``type``: string with get, set
abstract isPerspectiveCamera: obj
abstract zoom: float with get, set
/// Camera frustum vertical field of view, from bottom to top of view, in degrees.
abstract fov: float with get, set
/// Camera frustum aspect ratio, window width divided by window height.
abstract aspect: float with get, set
/// Camera frustum near plane.
abstract near: float with get, set
/// Camera frustum far plane.
abstract far: float with get, set
abstract focus: float with get, set
abstract view: PerspectiveCameraView with get, set
abstract filmGauge: float with get, set
abstract filmOffset: float with get, set
abstract setFocalLength: focalLength:float -> unit
abstract getFocalLength: unit -> float
abstract getEffectiveFOV: unit -> float
abstract getFilmWidth: unit -> float
abstract getFilmHeight: unit -> float
/// <summary>Sets an offset in a larger frustum. This is useful for multi-window or multi-monitor/multi-machine setups.
/// For example, if you have 3x2 monitors and each monitor is 1920x1080 and the monitors are in grid like this:
/// +---+---+---+
/// | A | B | C |
/// +---+---+---+
/// | D | E | F |
/// +---+---+---+
/// then for each monitor you would call it like this:
/// const w = 1920;
/// const h = 1080;
/// const fullWidth = w * 3;
/// const fullHeight = h * 2;
/// // A
/// camera.setViewOffset( fullWidth, fullHeight, w * 0, h * 0, w, h );
/// // B
/// camera.setViewOffset( fullWidth, fullHeight, w * 1, h * 0, w, h );
/// // C
/// camera.setViewOffset( fullWidth, fullHeight, w * 2, h * 0, w, h );
/// // D
/// camera.setViewOffset( fullWidth, fullHeight, w * 0, h * 1, w, h );
/// // E
/// camera.setViewOffset( fullWidth, fullHeight, w * 1, h * 1, w, h );
/// // F
/// camera.setViewOffset( fullWidth, fullHeight, w * 2, h * 1, w, h ); Note there is no reason monitors have to be the same size or in a grid.</summary>
/// <param name="fullWidth">full width of multiview setup</param>
/// <param name="fullHeight">full height of multiview setup</param>
/// <param name="x">horizontal offset of subcamera</param>
/// <param name="y">vertical offset of subcamera</param>
/// <param name="width">width of subcamera</param>
/// <param name="height">height of subcamera</param>
abstract setViewOffset: fullWidth:float * fullHeight:float * x:float * y:float * width:float * height:float -> unit
abstract clearViewOffset: unit -> unit
/// Updates the camera projection matrix. Must be called after change of parameters.
abstract updateProjectionMatrix: unit -> unit
abstract toJSON: ?meta:obj -> obj
abstract setLens: focalLength:float * ?frameHeight:float -> unit
/// Camera with perspective projection.
type PerspectiveCameraStatic =
/// <param name="fov">Camera frustum vertical field of view. Default value is 50.</param>
/// <param name="aspect">Camera frustum aspect ratio. Default value is 1.</param>
/// <param name="near">Camera frustum near plane. Default value is 0.1.</param>
/// <param name="far">Camera frustum far plane. Default value is 2000.</param>
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: ?fov:float * ?aspect:float * ?near:float * ?far:float -> PerspectiveCamera
type PerspectiveCameraView =
abstract enabled: bool with get, set
abstract fullWidth: float with get, set
abstract fullHeight: float with get, set
abstract offsetX: float with get, set
abstract offsetY: float with get, set
abstract width: float with get, set
abstract height: float with get, set
type StereoCamera =
inherit Camera
abstract ``type``: string with get, set
abstract aspect: float with get, set
abstract eyeSep: float with get, set
abstract cameraL: PerspectiveCamera with get, set
abstract cameraR: PerspectiveCamera with get, set
abstract update: camera:PerspectiveCamera -> unit
type StereoCameraStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: unit -> StereoCamera
type BufferAttribute =
abstract name: string with get, set
abstract array: ArrayLike<float> with get, set
abstract itemSize: float with get, set
abstract usage: Usage with get, set
abstract updateRange: BufferAttributeUpdateRange with get, set
abstract version: float with get, set
abstract normalized: bool with get, set
abstract count: float with get, set
abstract isBufferAttribute: obj
abstract onUploadCallback: (unit -> unit) with get, set
abstract onUpload: callback:(unit -> unit) -> BufferAttribute
abstract setUsage: usage:Usage -> BufferAttribute
abstract clone: unit -> BufferAttribute
abstract copy: source:BufferAttribute -> BufferAttribute
abstract copyAt: index1:float * attribute:BufferAttribute * index2:float -> BufferAttribute
abstract copyArray: array:ArrayLike<float> -> BufferAttribute
abstract copyColorsArray: colors:ResizeArray<BufferAttributeCopyColorsArray> -> BufferAttribute
abstract copyVector2sArray: vectors:ResizeArray<BufferAttributeCopyVector2sArray> -> BufferAttribute
abstract copyVector3sArray: vectors:ResizeArray<BufferAttributeCopyVector3sArray> -> BufferAttribute
abstract copyVector4sArray: vectors:ResizeArray<BufferAttributeCopyVector4sArray> -> BufferAttribute
abstract applyMatrix3: m:Matrix3 -> BufferAttribute
abstract applyMatrix4: m:Matrix4 -> BufferAttribute
abstract applyNormalMatrix: m:Matrix3 -> BufferAttribute
abstract transformDirection: m:Matrix4 -> BufferAttribute
abstract set: value:U2<ArrayLike<float>, ArrayBufferView> * ?offset:float -> BufferAttribute
abstract getX: index:float -> float
abstract setX: index:float * x:float -> BufferAttribute
abstract getY: index:float -> float
abstract setY: index:float * y:float -> BufferAttribute
abstract getZ: index:float -> float
abstract setZ: index:float * z:float -> BufferAttribute
abstract getW: index:float -> float
abstract setW: index:float * z:float -> BufferAttribute
abstract setXY: index:float * x:float * y:float -> BufferAttribute
abstract setXYZ: index:float * x:float * y:float * z:float -> BufferAttribute
abstract setXYZW: index:float * x:float * y:float * z:float * w:float -> BufferAttribute
abstract toJSON: unit -> BufferAttributeToJSONReturn
type BufferAttributeToJSONReturn =
abstract itemSize: float with get, set
abstract ``type``: string with get, set
abstract array: ResizeArray<float> with get, set
abstract normalized: bool with get, set
type BufferAttributeStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: array:ArrayLike<float> * itemSize:float * ?normalized:bool -> BufferAttribute
type Int8Attribute =
inherit BufferAttribute
type Int8AttributeStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: array:obj * itemSize:float -> Int8Attribute
type Uint8Attribute =
inherit BufferAttribute
type Uint8AttributeStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: array:obj * itemSize:float -> Uint8Attribute
type Uint8ClampedAttribute =
inherit BufferAttribute
type Uint8ClampedAttributeStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: array:obj * itemSize:float -> Uint8ClampedAttribute
type Int16Attribute =
inherit BufferAttribute
type Int16AttributeStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: array:obj * itemSize:float -> Int16Attribute
type Uint16Attribute =
inherit BufferAttribute
type Uint16AttributeStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: array:obj * itemSize:float -> Uint16Attribute
type Int32Attribute =
inherit BufferAttribute
type Int32AttributeStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: array:obj * itemSize:float -> Int32Attribute
type Uint32Attribute =
inherit BufferAttribute
type Uint32AttributeStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: array:obj * itemSize:float -> Uint32Attribute
type Float32Attribute =
inherit BufferAttribute
type Float32AttributeStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: array:obj * itemSize:float -> Float32Attribute
type Float64Attribute =
inherit BufferAttribute
type Float64AttributeStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: array:obj * itemSize:float -> Float64Attribute
type Int8BufferAttribute =
inherit BufferAttribute
type Int8BufferAttributeStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: array:U4<Iterable<float>, ArrayLike<float>, ArrayBuffer, float>
* itemSize:float
* ?normalized:bool
-> Int8BufferAttribute
type Uint8BufferAttribute =
inherit BufferAttribute
type Uint8BufferAttributeStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: array:U4<Iterable<float>, ArrayLike<float>, ArrayBuffer, float>
* itemSize:float
* ?normalized:bool
-> Uint8BufferAttribute
type Uint8ClampedBufferAttribute =
inherit BufferAttribute
type Uint8ClampedBufferAttributeStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: array:U4<Iterable<float>, ArrayLike<float>, ArrayBuffer, float>
* itemSize:float
* ?normalized:bool
-> Uint8ClampedBufferAttribute
type Int16BufferAttribute =
inherit BufferAttribute
type Int16BufferAttributeStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: array:U4<Iterable<float>, ArrayLike<float>, ArrayBuffer, float>
* itemSize:float
* ?normalized:bool
-> Int16BufferAttribute
type Uint16BufferAttribute =
inherit BufferAttribute
type Uint16BufferAttributeStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: array:U4<Iterable<float>, ArrayLike<float>, ArrayBuffer, float>
* itemSize:float
* ?normalized:bool
-> Uint16BufferAttribute
type Int32BufferAttribute =
inherit BufferAttribute
type Int32BufferAttributeStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: array:U4<Iterable<float>, ArrayLike<float>, ArrayBuffer, float>
* itemSize:float
* ?normalized:bool
-> Int32BufferAttribute
type Uint32BufferAttribute =
inherit BufferAttribute
type Uint32BufferAttributeStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: array:U4<Iterable<float>, ArrayLike<float>, ArrayBuffer, float>
* itemSize:float
* ?normalized:bool
-> Uint32BufferAttribute
type Float32BufferAttribute =
inherit BufferAttribute
type Float32BufferAttributeStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: array:U4<Iterable<float>, ArrayLike<float>, ArrayBuffer, float>
* itemSize:float
* ?normalized:bool
-> Float32BufferAttribute
type Float64BufferAttribute =
inherit BufferAttribute
type Float64BufferAttributeStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: array:U4<Iterable<float>, ArrayLike<float>, ArrayBuffer, float>
* itemSize:float
* ?normalized:bool
-> Float64BufferAttribute
type BufferAttributeUpdateRange =
abstract offset: float with get, set
abstract count: float with get, set
type BufferAttributeCopyColorsArray =
abstract r: float with get, set
abstract g: float with get, set
abstract b: float with get, set
type BufferAttributeCopyVector2sArray =
abstract x: float with get, set
abstract y: float with get, set
type BufferAttributeCopyVector3sArray =
abstract x: float with get, set
abstract y: float with get, set
abstract z: float with get, set
type BufferAttributeCopyVector4sArray =
abstract x: float with get, set
abstract y: float with get, set
abstract z: float with get, set
abstract w: float with get, set
/// This is a superefficent class for geometries because it saves all data in buffers.
/// It reduces memory costs and cpu cycles. But it is not as easy to work with because of all the necessary buffer calculations.
/// It is mainly interesting when working with static objects.
type BufferGeometry =
inherit EventDispatcher
/// Unique number of this buffergeometry instance
abstract id: float with get, set
abstract uuid: string with get, set
abstract name: string with get, set
abstract ``type``: string with get, set
abstract index: BufferAttribute with get, set
abstract attributes: BufferGeometryAttributes with get, set
abstract morphAttributes: BufferGeometryMorphAttributes with get, set
abstract morphTargetsRelative: bool with get, set
abstract groups: ResizeArray<BufferGeometryGroups> with get, set
abstract boundingBox: Box3 with get, set
abstract boundingSphere: Sphere with get, set
abstract drawRange: BufferGeometryDrawRange with get, set
abstract userData: BufferGeometryUserData with get, set
abstract isBufferGeometry: obj
abstract getIndex: unit -> BufferAttribute option
abstract setIndex: index:U2<BufferAttribute, ResizeArray<float>> option -> unit
abstract setAttribute: name:string * attribute:U2<BufferAttribute, InterleavedBufferAttribute> -> BufferGeometry
abstract getAttribute: name:string -> U2<BufferAttribute, InterleavedBufferAttribute>
abstract deleteAttribute: name:string -> BufferGeometry
abstract addGroup: start:float * count:float * ?materialIndex:float -> unit
abstract clearGroups: unit -> unit
abstract setDrawRange: start:float * count:float -> unit
/// Bakes matrix transform directly into vertex coordinates.
abstract applyMatrix4: matrix:Matrix4 -> BufferGeometry
abstract rotateX: angle:float -> BufferGeometry
abstract rotateY: angle:float -> BufferGeometry
abstract rotateZ: angle:float -> BufferGeometry
abstract translate: x:float * y:float * z:float -> BufferGeometry
abstract scale: x:float * y:float * z:float -> BufferGeometry
abstract lookAt: v:Vector3 -> unit
abstract center: unit -> BufferGeometry
abstract setFromObject: object:Object3D -> BufferGeometry
abstract setFromPoints: points:U2<ResizeArray<Vector3>, ResizeArray<Vector2>> -> BufferGeometry
abstract updateFromObject: object:Object3D -> unit
abstract fromGeometry: geometry:Geometry * ?settings:obj -> BufferGeometry
abstract fromDirectGeometry: geometry:DirectGeometry -> BufferGeometry
/// Computes bounding box of the geometry, updating Geometry.boundingBox attribute.
/// Bounding boxes aren't computed by default. They need to be explicitly computed, otherwise they are null.
abstract computeBoundingBox: unit -> unit
/// Computes bounding sphere of the geometry, updating Geometry.boundingSphere attribute.
/// Bounding spheres aren't' computed by default. They need to be explicitly computed, otherwise they are null.
abstract computeBoundingSphere: unit -> unit
/// Computes vertex normals by averaging face normals.
abstract computeVertexNormals: unit -> unit
abstract merge: geometry:BufferGeometry * ?offset:float -> BufferGeometry
abstract normalizeNormals: unit -> unit
abstract toNonIndexed: unit -> BufferGeometry
abstract toJSON: unit -> obj
abstract clone: unit -> BufferGeometry
abstract copy: source:BufferGeometry -> BufferGeometry
/// Disposes the object from memory.
/// You need to call this when you want the bufferGeometry removed while the application is running.
abstract dispose: unit -> unit
abstract drawcalls: obj with get, set
abstract offsets: obj with get, set
abstract addIndex: index:obj -> unit
abstract addDrawCall: start:obj * count:obj * ?indexOffset:obj -> unit
abstract clearDrawCalls: unit -> unit
abstract addAttribute: name:string * attribute:U2<BufferAttribute, InterleavedBufferAttribute> -> BufferGeometry
abstract removeAttribute: name:string -> BufferGeometry
abstract addAttribute: name:obj * array:obj * itemSize:obj -> obj
/// This is a superefficent class for geometries because it saves all data in buffers.
/// It reduces memory costs and cpu cycles. But it is not as easy to work with because of all the necessary buffer calculations.
/// It is mainly interesting when working with static objects.
type BufferGeometryStatic =
/// This creates a new BufferGeometry. It also sets several properties to an default value.
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: unit -> BufferGeometry
abstract MaxIndex: float with get, set
type BufferGeometryAttributes =
[<Emit "$0[$1]{{=$2}}">]
abstract Item: name:string -> U2<BufferAttribute, InterleavedBufferAttribute> with get, set
type BufferGeometryMorphAttributes =
[<Emit "$0[$1]{{=$2}}">]
abstract Item: name:string -> ResizeArray<U2<BufferAttribute, InterleavedBufferAttribute>> with get, set
type BufferGeometryGroups =
abstract start: float with get, set
abstract count: float with get, set
abstract materialIndex: float with get, set
type BufferGeometryDrawRange =
abstract start: float with get, set
abstract count: float with get, set
type BufferGeometryUserData =
[<Emit "$0[$1]{{=$2}}">]
abstract Item: key:string -> obj with get, set
/// Object for keeping track of time.
type Clock =
/// If set, starts the clock automatically when the first update is called.
abstract autoStart: bool with get, set
/// When the clock is running, It holds the starttime of the clock.
/// This counted from the number of milliseconds elapsed since 1 January 1970 00:00:00 UTC.
abstract startTime: float with get, set
/// When the clock is running, It holds the previous time from a update.
/// This counted from the number of milliseconds elapsed since 1 January 1970 00:00:00 UTC.
abstract oldTime: float with get, set
/// When the clock is running, It holds the time elapsed between the start of the clock to the previous update.
/// This parameter is in seconds of three decimal places.
abstract elapsedTime: float with get, set
/// This property keeps track whether the clock is running or not.
abstract running: bool with get, set
/// Starts clock.
abstract start: unit -> unit
/// Stops clock.
abstract stop: unit -> unit
/// Get the seconds passed since the clock started.
abstract getElapsedTime: unit -> float
/// Get the seconds passed since the last call to this method.
abstract getDelta: unit -> float
/// Object for keeping track of time.
type ClockStatic =
/// <param name="autoStart">Automatically start the clock.</param>
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: ?autoStart:bool -> Clock
type DirectGeometry =
abstract id: float with get, set
abstract uuid: string with get, set
abstract name: string with get, set
abstract ``type``: string with get, set
abstract indices: ResizeArray<float> with get, set
abstract vertices: ResizeArray<Vector3> with get, set
abstract normals: ResizeArray<Vector3> with get, set
abstract colors: ResizeArray<Color> with get, set
abstract uvs: ResizeArray<Vector2> with get, set
abstract uvs2: ResizeArray<Vector2> with get, set
abstract groups: ResizeArray<DirectGeometryGroups> with get, set
abstract morphTargets: ResizeArray<MorphTarget> with get, set
abstract skinWeights: ResizeArray<Vector4> with get, set
abstract skinIndices: ResizeArray<Vector4> with get, set
abstract boundingBox: Box3 with get, set
abstract boundingSphere: Sphere with get, set
abstract verticesNeedUpdate: bool with get, set
abstract normalsNeedUpdate: bool with get, set
abstract colorsNeedUpdate: bool with get, set
abstract uvsNeedUpdate: bool with get, set
abstract groupsNeedUpdate: bool with get, set
abstract computeBoundingBox: unit -> unit
abstract computeBoundingSphere: unit -> unit
abstract computeGroups: geometry:Geometry -> unit
abstract fromGeometry: geometry:Geometry -> DirectGeometry
abstract dispose: unit -> unit
type DirectGeometryStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: unit -> DirectGeometry
type DirectGeometryGroups =
abstract start: float with get, set
abstract materialIndex: float with get, set
/// Event object.
type Event =
abstract ``type``: string with get, set
abstract target: obj with get, set
[<Emit "$0[$1]{{=$2}}">]
abstract Item: attachment:string -> obj with get, set
/// JavaScript events for custom objects
type EventDispatcher =
/// <summary>Adds a listener to an event type.</summary>
/// <param name="type">The type of event to listen to.</param>
/// <param name="listener">The function that gets called when the event is fired.</param>
abstract addEventListener: ``type``:string * listener:(Event -> unit) -> unit
/// <summary>Checks if listener is added to an event type.</summary>
/// <param name="type">The type of event to listen to.</param>
/// <param name="listener">The function that gets called when the event is fired.</param>
abstract hasEventListener: ``type``:string * listener:(Event -> unit) -> bool
/// <summary>Removes a listener from an event type.</summary>
/// <param name="type">The type of the listener that gets removed.</param>
/// <param name="listener">The listener function that gets removed.</param>
abstract removeEventListener: ``type``:string * listener:(Event -> unit) -> unit
/// Fire an event type.
abstract dispatchEvent: event:EventDispatcherDispatchEventEvent -> unit
type EventDispatcherDispatchEventEvent =
abstract ``type``: string with get, set
[<Emit "$0[$1]{{=$2}}">]
abstract Item: attachment:string -> obj with get, set
/// JavaScript events for custom objects
type EventDispatcherStatic =
/// Creates eventDispatcher object. It needs to be call with '.call' to add the functionality to an object.
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: unit -> EventDispatcher
/// Triangle face.
type Face3 =
/// Vertex A index.
abstract a: float with get, set
/// Vertex B index.
abstract b: float with get, set
/// Vertex C index.
abstract c: float with get, set
/// Face normal.
abstract normal: Vector3 with get, set
/// Array of 3 vertex normals.
abstract vertexNormals: ResizeArray<Vector3> with get, set
/// Face color.
abstract color: Color with get, set
/// Array of 3 vertex colors.
abstract vertexColors: ResizeArray<Color> with get, set
/// Material index (points to {@link Geometry.materials}).
abstract materialIndex: float with get, set
abstract clone: unit -> Face3
abstract copy: source:Face3 -> Face3
/// Triangle face.
type Face3Static =
/// <param name="a">Vertex A index.</param>
/// <param name="b">Vertex B index.</param>
/// <param name="c">Vertex C index.</param>
/// <param name="normal">Face normal or array of vertex normals.</param>
/// <param name="color">Face color or array of vertex colors.</param>
/// <param name="materialIndex">Material index.</param>
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: a:float * b:float * c:float * ?normal:Vector3 * ?color:Color * ?materialIndex:float -> Face3
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: a:float
* b:float
* c:float
* ?normal:Vector3
* ?vertexColors:ResizeArray<Color>
* ?materialIndex:float
-> Face3
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: a:float
* b:float
* c:float
* ?vertexNormals:ResizeArray<Vector3>
* ?color:Color
* ?materialIndex:float
-> Face3
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: a:float
* b:float
* c:float
* ?vertexNormals:ResizeArray<Vector3>
* ?vertexColors:ResizeArray<Color>
* ?materialIndex:float
-> Face3
[<Import("GeometryIdCount", "three")>]
let GeometryIdCount: float = jsNative
type MorphTarget =
abstract name: string with get, set
abstract vertices: ResizeArray<Vector3> with get, set
type MorphColor =
abstract name: string with get, set
abstract colors: ResizeArray<Color> with get, set
type MorphNormals =
abstract name: string with get, set
abstract normals: ResizeArray<Vector3> with get, set
/// Base class for geometries
type Geometry =
inherit EventDispatcher
/// Unique number of this geometry instance
abstract id: float with get, set
abstract uuid: string with get, set
abstract isGeometry: obj
/// Name for this geometry. Default is an empty string.
abstract name: string with get, set
abstract ``type``: string with get, set
/// The array of vertices hold every position of points of the model.
/// To signal an update in this array, Geometry.verticesNeedUpdate needs to be set to true.
abstract vertices: ResizeArray<Vector3> with get, set
/// Array of vertex colors, matching number and order of vertices.
/// Used in ParticleSystem, Line and Ribbon.
/// Meshes use per-face-use-of-vertex colors embedded directly in faces.
/// To signal an update in this array, Geometry.colorsNeedUpdate needs to be set to true.
abstract colors: ResizeArray<Color> with get, set
/// Array of triangles or/and quads.
/// The array of faces describe how each vertex in the model is connected with each other.
/// To signal an update in this array, Geometry.elementsNeedUpdate needs to be set to true.
abstract faces: ResizeArray<Face3> with get, set
/// Array of face UV layers.
/// Each UV layer is an array of UV matching order and number of vertices in faces.
/// To signal an update in this array, Geometry.uvsNeedUpdate needs to be set to true.
abstract faceVertexUvs: ResizeArray<ResizeArray<ResizeArray<Vector2>>> with get, set
/// Array of morph targets. Each morph target is a Javascript object:
/// { name: "targetName", vertices: [ new THREE.Vector3(), ... ] }
/// Morph vertices match number and order of primary vertices.
abstract morphTargets: ResizeArray<MorphTarget> with get, set
/// Array of morph normals. Morph normals have similar structure as morph targets, each normal set is a Javascript object:
/// morphNormal = { name: "NormalName", normals: [ new THREE.Vector3(), ... ] }
abstract morphNormals: ResizeArray<MorphNormals> with get, set
/// Array of skinning weights, matching number and order of vertices.
abstract skinWeights: ResizeArray<Vector4> with get, set
/// Array of skinning indices, matching number and order of vertices.
abstract skinIndices: ResizeArray<Vector4> with get, set
abstract lineDistances: ResizeArray<float> with get, set
/// Bounding box.
abstract boundingBox: Box3 with get, set
/// Bounding sphere.
abstract boundingSphere: Sphere with get, set
/// Set to true if the vertices array has been updated.
abstract verticesNeedUpdate: bool with get, set
/// Set to true if the faces array has been updated.
abstract elementsNeedUpdate: bool with get, set
/// Set to true if the uvs array has been updated.
abstract uvsNeedUpdate: bool with get, set
/// Set to true if the normals array has been updated.
abstract normalsNeedUpdate: bool with get, set
/// Set to true if the colors array has been updated.
abstract colorsNeedUpdate: bool with get, set
/// Set to true if the linedistances array has been updated.
abstract lineDistancesNeedUpdate: bool with get, set
abstract groupsNeedUpdate: bool with get, set
/// Bakes matrix transform directly into vertex coordinates.
abstract applyMatrix4: matrix:Matrix4 -> Geometry
abstract rotateX: angle:float -> Geometry
abstract rotateY: angle:float -> Geometry
abstract rotateZ: angle:float -> Geometry
abstract translate: x:float * y:float * z:float -> Geometry
abstract scale: x:float * y:float * z:float -> Geometry
abstract lookAt: vector:Vector3 -> unit
abstract fromBufferGeometry: geometry:BufferGeometry -> Geometry
abstract center: unit -> Geometry
abstract normalize: unit -> Geometry
/// Computes face normals.
abstract computeFaceNormals: unit -> unit
/// Computes vertex normals by averaging face normals.
/// Face normals must be existing / computed beforehand.
abstract computeVertexNormals: ?areaWeighted:bool -> unit
/// Compute vertex normals, but duplicating face normals.
abstract computeFlatVertexNormals: unit -> unit
/// Computes morph normals.
abstract computeMorphNormals: unit -> unit
/// Computes bounding box of the geometry, updating {@link Geometry.boundingBox} attribute.
abstract computeBoundingBox: unit -> unit
/// Computes bounding sphere of the geometry, updating Geometry.boundingSphere attribute.
/// Neither bounding boxes or bounding spheres are computed by default. They need to be explicitly computed, otherwise they are null.
abstract computeBoundingSphere: unit -> unit
abstract merge: geometry:Geometry * ?matrix:Matrix * ?materialIndexOffset:float -> unit
abstract mergeMesh: mesh:Mesh -> unit
/// Checks for duplicate vertices using hashmap.
/// Duplicated vertices are removed and faces' vertices are updated.
abstract mergeVertices: unit -> float
abstract setFromPoints: points:U2<Array<Vector2>, Array<Vector3>> -> Geometry
abstract sortFacesByMaterialIndex: unit -> unit
abstract toJSON: unit -> obj
/// Creates a new clone of the Geometry.
abstract clone: unit -> Geometry
abstract copy: source:Geometry -> Geometry
/// Removes The object from memory.
/// Don't forget to call this method when you remove an geometry because it can cuase meomory leaks.
abstract dispose: unit -> unit
abstract bones: ResizeArray<Bone> with get, set
abstract animation: AnimationClip with get, set
abstract animations: ResizeArray<AnimationClip> with get, set
/// Base class for geometries
type GeometryStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: unit -> Geometry
[<Import("BufferGeometryUtils", "three")>]
let bufferGeometryUtils: BufferGeometryUtils.IExports = jsNative
[<Import("GeometryUtils", "three")>]
let geometryUtils: GeometryUtils.IExports = jsNative
module BufferGeometryUtils =
type IExports =
abstract mergeBufferGeometries: geometries:ResizeArray<BufferGeometry> -> BufferGeometry
abstract computeTangents: geometry:BufferGeometry -> obj
abstract mergeBufferAttributes: attributes:ResizeArray<BufferAttribute> -> BufferAttribute
module GeometryUtils =
type IExports =
abstract merge: geometry1:obj * geometry2:obj * ?materialIndexOffset:obj -> obj
abstract center: geometry:obj -> obj
type InstancedBufferAttribute =
inherit BufferAttribute
abstract meshPerAttribute: float with get, set
type InstancedBufferAttributeStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: array:ArrayLike<float>
* itemSize:float
* ?normalized:bool
* ?meshPerAttribute:float
-> InstancedBufferAttribute
type InstancedBufferGeometry =
inherit BufferGeometry
abstract groups: ResizeArray<InstancedBufferGeometryGroups> with get, set
abstract instanceCount: float with get, set
abstract addGroup: start:float * count:float * instances:float -> unit
type InstancedBufferGeometryStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: unit -> InstancedBufferGeometry
type InstancedBufferGeometryGroups =
abstract start: float with get, set
abstract count: float with get, set
abstract instances: float with get, set
type InstancedInterleavedBuffer =
inherit InterleavedBuffer
abstract meshPerAttribute: float with get, set
type InstancedInterleavedBufferStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: array:ArrayLike<float> * stride:float * ?meshPerAttribute:float -> InstancedInterleavedBuffer
type InterleavedBuffer =
abstract array: ArrayLike<float> with get, set
abstract stride: float with get, set
abstract usage: Usage with get, set
abstract updateRange: InterleavedBufferUpdateRange with get, set
abstract version: float with get, set
abstract length: float with get, set
abstract count: float with get, set
abstract needsUpdate: bool with get, set
abstract uuid: string with get, set
abstract setUsage: usage:Usage -> InterleavedBuffer
abstract clone: data:obj -> InterleavedBuffer
abstract copy: source:InterleavedBuffer -> InterleavedBuffer
abstract copyAt: index1:float * attribute:InterleavedBufferAttribute * index2:float -> InterleavedBuffer
abstract set: value:ArrayLike<float> * index:float -> InterleavedBuffer
abstract toJSON: data:obj -> InterleavedBufferToJSONReturn
type InterleavedBufferToJSONReturn =
abstract uuid: string with get, set
abstract buffer: string with get, set
abstract ``type``: string with get, set
abstract stride: float with get, set
type InterleavedBufferStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: array:ArrayLike<float> * stride:float -> InterleavedBuffer
type InterleavedBufferUpdateRange =
abstract offset: float with get, set
abstract count: float with get, set
type InterleavedBufferAttribute =
abstract name: string with get, set
abstract data: InterleavedBuffer with get, set
abstract itemSize: float with get, set
abstract offset: float with get, set
abstract normalized: bool with get, set
abstract isInterleavedBufferAttribute: obj
abstract applyMatrix4: m:Matrix4 -> InterleavedBufferAttribute
abstract clone: ?data:obj -> BufferAttribute
abstract getX: index:float -> float
abstract setX: index:float * x:float -> InterleavedBufferAttribute
abstract getY: index:float -> float
abstract setY: index:float * y:float -> InterleavedBufferAttribute
abstract getZ: index:float -> float
abstract setZ: index:float * z:float -> InterleavedBufferAttribute
abstract getW: index:float -> float
abstract setW: index:float * z:float -> InterleavedBufferAttribute
abstract setXY: index:float * x:float * y:float -> InterleavedBufferAttribute
abstract setXYZ: index:float * x:float * y:float * z:float -> InterleavedBufferAttribute
abstract setXYZW: index:float * x:float * y:float * z:float * w:float -> InterleavedBufferAttribute
abstract toJSON: ?data:obj -> InterleavedBufferAttributeToJSONReturn
type InterleavedBufferAttributeToJSONReturn =
abstract isInterleavedBufferAttribute: obj with get, set
abstract itemSize: float with get, set
abstract data: string with get, set
abstract offset: float with get, set
abstract normalized: bool with get, set
type InterleavedBufferAttributeStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: interleavedBuffer:InterleavedBuffer
* itemSize:float
* offset:float
* ?normalized:bool
-> InterleavedBufferAttribute
type Layers =
abstract mask: float with get, set
abstract set: channel:float -> unit
abstract enable: channel:float -> unit
abstract enableAll: unit -> unit
abstract toggle: channel:float -> unit
abstract disable: channel:float -> unit
abstract disableAll: unit -> unit
abstract test: layers:Layers -> bool
type LayersStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: unit -> Layers
[<Import("Object3DIdCount", "three")>]
let Object3DIdCount: float = jsNative
/// Base class for scene graph objects
type Object3D =
inherit EventDispatcher
/// Unique number of this object instance.
abstract id: float with get, set
abstract uuid: string with get, set
/// Optional name of the object (doesn't need to be unique).
abstract name: string with get, set
abstract ``type``: string with get, set
/// Object's parent in the scene graph.
abstract parent: Object3D with get, set
/// Array with object's children.
abstract children: ResizeArray<Object3D> with get, set
/// Up direction.
abstract up: Vector3 with get, set
/// Object's local position.
abstract position: Vector3
/// Object's local rotation (Euler angles), in radians.
abstract rotation: Euler
/// Global rotation.
abstract quaternion: Quaternion
/// Object's local scale.
abstract scale: Vector3
abstract modelViewMatrix: Matrix4
abstract normalMatrix: Matrix3
/// Local transform.
abstract matrix: Matrix4 with get, set
/// The global transform of the object. If the Object3d has no parent, then it's identical to the local transform.
abstract matrixWorld: Matrix4 with get, set
/// When this is set, it calculates the matrix of position, (rotation or quaternion) and scale every frame and also recalculates the matrixWorld property.
abstract matrixAutoUpdate: bool with get, set
/// When this is set, it calculates the matrixWorld in that frame and resets this property to false.
abstract matrixWorldNeedsUpdate: bool with get, set
abstract layers: Layers with get, set
/// Object gets rendered if true.
abstract visible: bool with get, set
/// Gets rendered into shadow map.
abstract castShadow: bool with get, set
/// Material gets baked in shadow receiving.
abstract receiveShadow: bool with get, set
/// When this is set, it checks every frame if the object is in the frustum of the camera. Otherwise the object gets drawn every frame even if it isn't visible.
abstract frustumCulled: bool with get, set
/// Overrides the default rendering order of scene graph objects, from lowest to highest renderOrder. Opaque and transparent objects remain sorted independently though. When this property is set for an instance of Group, all descendants objects will be sorted and rendered together.
abstract renderOrder: float with get, set
/// An object that can be used to store custom data about the Object3d. It should not hold references to functions as these will not be cloned.
abstract userData: Object3DUserData with get, set
/// Custom depth material to be used when rendering to the depth map. Can only be used in context of meshes.
/// When shadow-casting with a DirectionalLight or SpotLight, if you are (a) modifying vertex positions in
/// the vertex shader, (b) using a displacement map, (c) using an alpha map with alphaTest, or (d) using a
/// transparent texture with alphaTest, you must specify a customDepthMaterial for proper shadows.
abstract customDepthMaterial: Material with get, set
/// Same as customDepthMaterial, but used with PointLight.
abstract customDistanceMaterial: Material with get, set
/// Used to check whether this or derived classes are Object3Ds. Default is true.
/// You should not change this, as it is used internally for optimisation.
abstract isObject3D: obj
/// Calls before rendering object
abstract onBeforeRender: (WebGLRenderer -> Scene -> Camera -> U2<Geometry, BufferGeometry> -> Material -> Group -> unit) with get, set
/// Calls after rendering object
abstract onAfterRender: (WebGLRenderer -> Scene -> Camera -> U2<Geometry, BufferGeometry> -> Material -> Group -> unit) with get, set
/// This updates the position, rotation and scale with the matrix.
abstract applyMatrix4: matrix:Matrix4 -> unit
abstract applyQuaternion: quaternion:Quaternion -> Object3D
abstract setRotationFromAxisAngle: axis:Vector3 * angle:float -> unit
abstract setRotationFromEuler: euler:Euler -> unit
abstract setRotationFromMatrix: m:Matrix4 -> unit
abstract setRotationFromQuaternion: q:Quaternion -> unit
/// <summary>Rotate an object along an axis in object space. The axis is assumed to be normalized.</summary>
/// <param name="axis">A normalized vector in object space.</param>
/// <param name="angle">The angle in radians.</param>
abstract rotateOnAxis: axis:Vector3 * angle:float -> Object3D
/// <summary>Rotate an object along an axis in world space. The axis is assumed to be normalized. Method Assumes no rotated parent.</summary>
/// <param name="axis">A normalized vector in object space.</param>
/// <param name="angle">The angle in radians.</param>
abstract rotateOnWorldAxis: axis:Vector3 * angle:float -> Object3D
abstract rotateX: angle:float -> Object3D
abstract rotateY: angle:float -> Object3D
abstract rotateZ: angle:float -> Object3D
/// <param name="axis">A normalized vector in object space.</param>
/// <param name="distance">The distance to translate.</param>
abstract translateOnAxis: axis:Vector3 * distance:float -> Object3D
/// <summary>Translates object along x axis by distance.</summary>
/// <param name="distance">Distance.</param>
abstract translateX: distance:float -> Object3D
/// <summary>Translates object along y axis by distance.</summary>
/// <param name="distance">Distance.</param>
abstract translateY: distance:float -> Object3D
/// <summary>Translates object along z axis by distance.</summary>
/// <param name="distance">Distance.</param>
abstract translateZ: distance:float -> Object3D
/// <summary>Updates the vector from local space to world space.</summary>
/// <param name="vector">A local vector.</param>
abstract localToWorld: vector:Vector3 -> Vector3
/// <summary>Updates the vector from world space to local space.</summary>
/// <param name="vector">A world vector.</param>
abstract worldToLocal: vector:Vector3 -> Vector3
/// <summary>Rotates object to face point in space.</summary>
/// <param name="vector">A world vector to look at.</param>
abstract lookAt: vector:U2<Vector3, float> * ?y:float * ?z:float -> unit
/// Adds object as child of this object.
abstract add: [<ParamArray>] object:obj array -> Object3D
/// Removes object as child of this object.
abstract remove: [<ParamArray>] object:ResizeArray<Object3D> -> Object3D
/// Adds object as a child of this, while maintaining the object's world transform.
abstract attach: object:Object3D -> Object3D
/// <summary>Searches through the object's children and returns the first with a matching id.</summary>
/// <param name="id">Unique number of the object instance</param>
abstract getObjectById: id:float -> Object3D option
/// <summary>Searches through the object's children and returns the first with a matching name.</summary>
/// <param name="name">String to match to the children's property.</param>
abstract getObjectByName: name:string -> Object3D option
abstract getObjectByProperty: name:string * value:string -> Object3D option
abstract getWorldPosition: target:Vector3 -> Vector3
abstract getWorldQuaternion: target:Quaternion -> Quaternion
abstract getWorldScale: target:Vector3 -> Vector3
abstract getWorldDirection: target:Vector3 -> Vector3
abstract raycast: raycaster:Raycaster * intersects:ResizeArray<Intersection> -> unit
abstract traverse: callback:(Object3D -> obj) -> unit
abstract traverseVisible: callback:(Object3D -> obj) -> unit
abstract traverseAncestors: callback:(Object3D -> obj) -> unit
/// Updates local transform.
abstract updateMatrix: unit -> unit
/// Updates global transform of the object and its children.
abstract updateMatrixWorld: ?force:bool -> unit
abstract updateWorldMatrix: updateParents:bool * updateChildren:bool -> unit
abstract toJSON: ?meta:Object3DToJSONMeta -> obj
abstract clone: ?recursive:bool -> Object3D
abstract copy: source:Object3D * ?recursive:bool -> Object3D
type Object3DToJSONMeta =
abstract geometries: obj with get, set
abstract materials: obj with get, set
abstract textures: obj with get, set
abstract images: obj with get, set
/// Base class for scene graph objects
type Object3DStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: unit -> Object3D
abstract DefaultUp: Vector3 with get, set
abstract DefaultMatrixAutoUpdate: bool with get, set
type Object3DUserData =
[<Emit "$0[$1]{{=$2}}">]
abstract Item: key:string -> obj with get, set
type Intersection =
abstract distance: float with get, set
abstract distanceToRay: float with get, set
abstract point: Vector3 with get, set
abstract index: float with get, set
abstract face: Face3 with get, set
abstract faceIndex: float with get, set
abstract object: Object3D with get, set
abstract uv: Vector2 with get, set
abstract instanceId: float with get, set
type RaycasterParameters =
abstract Mesh: obj with get, set
abstract Line: RaycasterParametersLine with get, set
abstract LOD: obj with get, set
abstract Points: RaycasterParametersLine with get, set
abstract Sprite: obj with get, set
type Raycaster =
/// The Ray used for the raycasting.
abstract ray: Ray with get, set
/// The near factor of the raycaster. This value indicates which objects can be discarded based on the
/// distance. This value shouldn't be negative and should be smaller than the far property.
abstract near: float with get, set
/// The far factor of the raycaster. This value indicates which objects can be discarded based on the
/// distance. This value shouldn't be negative and should be larger than the near property.
abstract far: float with get, set
/// The camera to use when raycasting against view-dependent objects such as billboarded objects like Sprites. This field
/// can be set manually or is set when calling "setFromCamera".
abstract camera: Camera with get, set
/// Used by Raycaster to selectively ignore 3D objects when performing intersection tests.
abstract layers: Layers with get, set
abstract ``params``: RaycasterParameters with get, set
/// <summary>Updates the ray with a new origin and direction.</summary>
/// <param name="origin">The origin vector where the ray casts from.</param>
/// <param name="direction">The normalized direction vector that gives direction to the ray.</param>
abstract set: origin:Vector3 * direction:Vector3 -> unit
/// <summary>Updates the ray with a new origin and direction.</summary>
/// <param name="coords">2D coordinates of the mouse, in normalized device coordinates (NDC)---X and Y components should be between -1 and 1.</param>
/// <param name="camera">camera from which the ray should originate</param>
abstract setFromCamera: coords:RaycasterSetFromCameraCoords * camera:Camera -> unit
/// <summary>Checks all intersection between the ray and the object with or without the descendants. Intersections are returned sorted by distance, closest first.</summary>
/// <param name="object">The object to check for intersection with the ray.</param>
/// <param name="recursive">If true, it also checks all descendants. Otherwise it only checks intersecton with the object. Default is false.</param>
/// <param name="optionalTarget">(optional) target to set the result. Otherwise a new Array is instantiated. If set, you must clear this array prior to each call (i.e., array.length = 0;).</param>
abstract intersectObject: object:Object3D
* ?recursive:bool
* ?optionalTarget:ResizeArray<Intersection>
-> ResizeArray<Intersection>
/// <summary>Checks all intersection between the ray and the objects with or without the descendants. Intersections are returned sorted by distance, closest first. Intersections are of the same form as those returned by .intersectObject.</summary>
/// <param name="objects">The objects to check for intersection with the ray.</param>
/// <param name="recursive">If true, it also checks all descendants of the objects. Otherwise it only checks intersecton with the objects. Default is false.</param>
/// <param name="optionalTarget">(optional) target to set the result. Otherwise a new Array is instantiated. If set, you must clear this array prior to each call (i.e., array.length = 0;).</param>
abstract intersectObjects: objects:ResizeArray<Object3D>
* ?recursive:bool
* ?optionalTarget:ResizeArray<Intersection>
-> ResizeArray<Intersection>
type RaycasterSetFromCameraCoords =
abstract x: float with get, set
abstract y: float with get, set
type RaycasterStatic =
/// <summary>This creates a new raycaster object.</summary>
/// <param name="origin">The origin vector where the ray casts from.</param>
/// <param name="direction">The direction vector that gives direction to the ray. Should be normalized.</param>
/// <param name="near">All results returned are further away than near. Near can't be negative. Default value is 0.</param>
/// <param name="far">All results returned are closer then far. Far can't be lower then near . Default value is Infinity.</param>
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: ?origin:Vector3 * ?direction:Vector3 * ?near:float * ?far:float -> Raycaster
type RaycasterParametersLine =
abstract threshold: float with get, set
type Uniform =
abstract ``type``: string with get, set
abstract value: obj with get, set
abstract dynamic: bool with get, set
abstract onUpdateCallback: Function with get, set
abstract onUpdate: callback:Function -> Uniform
type UniformStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: value:obj -> Uniform
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: ``type``:string * value:obj -> Uniform
[<Import("ImageUtils", "three")>]
let imageUtils: ImageUtils.IExports = jsNative
module ImageUtils =
type IExports =
abstract getDataURL: image:obj -> string
abstract crossOrigin: string
abstract loadTexture: url:string
* ?mapping:Mapping
* ?onLoad:(Texture -> unit)
* ?onError:(string -> unit)
-> Texture
abstract loadTextureCube: array:ResizeArray<string>
* ?mapping:Mapping
* ?onLoad:(Texture -> unit)
* ?onError:(string -> unit)
-> Texture
type PMREMGenerator =
abstract fromScene: scene:Scene * ?sigma:float * ?near:float * ?far:float -> WebGLRenderTarget
abstract fromEquirectangular: equirectangular:Texture -> WebGLRenderTarget
abstract fromCubemap: cubemap:CubeTexture -> WebGLRenderTarget
abstract compileCubemapShader: unit -> unit
abstract compileEquirectangularShader: unit -> unit
abstract dispose: unit -> unit
type PMREMGeneratorStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: renderer:WebGLRenderer -> PMREMGenerator
[<Import("ShapeUtils", "three")>]
let shapeUtils: ShapeUtils.IExports = jsNative
type Vec2 =
abstract x: float with get, set
abstract y: float with get, set
module ShapeUtils =
type IExports =
abstract area: contour:ResizeArray<Vec2> -> float
abstract triangulateShape: contour:ResizeArray<Vec2>
* holes:ResizeArray<ResizeArray<Vec2>>
-> ResizeArray<ResizeArray<float>>
abstract isClockWise: pts:ResizeArray<Vec2> -> bool
type BoxBufferGeometry =
inherit BufferGeometry
abstract parameters: BoxBufferGeometryParameters with get, set
type BoxBufferGeometryStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: ?width:float
* ?height:float
* ?depth:float
* ?widthSegments:float
* ?heightSegments:float
* ?depthSegments:float
-> BoxBufferGeometry
/// BoxGeometry is the quadrilateral primitive geometry class. It is typically used for creating a cube or irregular quadrilateral of the dimensions provided within the (optional) 'width', 'height', & 'depth' constructor arguments.
type BoxGeometry =
inherit Geometry
abstract parameters: BoxBufferGeometryParameters with get, set
/// BoxGeometry is the quadrilateral primitive geometry class. It is typically used for creating a cube or irregular quadrilateral of the dimensions provided within the (optional) 'width', 'height', & 'depth' constructor arguments.
type BoxGeometryStatic =
/// <param name="width">— Width of the sides on the X axis.</param>
/// <param name="height">— Height of the sides on the Y axis.</param>
/// <param name="depth">— Depth of the sides on the Z axis.</param>
/// <param name="widthSegments">— Number of segmented faces along the width of the sides.</param>
/// <param name="heightSegments">— Number of segmented faces along the height of the sides.</param>
/// <param name="depthSegments">— Number of segmented faces along the depth of the sides.</param>
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: ?width:float
* ?height:float
* ?depth:float
* ?widthSegments:float
* ?heightSegments:float
* ?depthSegments:float
-> BoxGeometry
type BoxBufferGeometryParameters =
abstract width: float with get, set
abstract height: float with get, set
abstract depth: float with get, set
abstract widthSegments: float with get, set
abstract heightSegments: float with get, set
abstract depthSegments: float with get, set
type CircleBufferGeometry =
inherit BufferGeometry
abstract parameters: CircleBufferGeometryParameters with get, set
type CircleBufferGeometryStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: ?radius:float * ?segments:float * ?thetaStart:float * ?thetaLength:float -> CircleBufferGeometry
type CircleGeometry =
inherit Geometry
abstract parameters: CircleBufferGeometryParameters with get, set
type CircleGeometryStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: ?radius:float * ?segments:float * ?thetaStart:float * ?thetaLength:float -> CircleGeometry
type CircleBufferGeometryParameters =
abstract radius: float with get, set
abstract segments: float with get, set
abstract thetaStart: float with get, set
abstract thetaLength: float with get, set
type ConeBufferGeometry =
inherit CylinderBufferGeometry
type ConeBufferGeometryStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: ?radius:float
* ?height:float
* ?radialSegment:float
* ?heightSegment:float
* ?openEnded:bool
* ?thetaStart:float
* ?thetaLength:float
-> ConeBufferGeometry
type ConeGeometry =
inherit CylinderGeometry
type ConeGeometryStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: ?radius:float
* ?height:float
* ?radialSegment:float
* ?heightSegment:float
* ?openEnded:bool
* ?thetaStart:float
* ?thetaLength:float
-> ConeGeometry
type CylinderBufferGeometry =
inherit BufferGeometry
abstract parameters: CylinderBufferGeometryParameters with get, set
type CylinderBufferGeometryStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: ?radiusTop:float
* ?radiusBottom:float
* ?height:float
* ?radialSegments:float
* ?heightSegments:float
* ?openEnded:bool
* ?thetaStart:float
* ?thetaLength:float
-> CylinderBufferGeometry
type CylinderGeometry =
inherit Geometry
abstract parameters: CylinderBufferGeometryParameters with get, set
type CylinderGeometryStatic =
/// <param name="radiusTop">— Radius of the cylinder at the top.</param>
/// <param name="radiusBottom">— Radius of the cylinder at the bottom.</param>
/// <param name="height">— Height of the cylinder.</param>
/// <param name="radiusSegments">— Number of segmented faces around the circumference of the cylinder.</param>
/// <param name="heightSegments">— Number of rows of faces along the height of the cylinder.</param>
/// <param name="openEnded">- A Boolean indicating whether or not to cap the ends of the cylinder.</param>
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: ?radiusTop:float
* ?radiusBottom:float
* ?height:float
* ?radiusSegments:float
* ?heightSegments:float
* ?openEnded:bool
* ?thetaStart:float
* ?thetaLength:float
-> CylinderGeometry
type CylinderBufferGeometryParameters =
abstract radiusTop: float with get, set
abstract radiusBottom: float with get, set
abstract height: float with get, set
abstract radialSegments: float with get, set
abstract heightSegments: float with get, set
abstract openEnded: bool with get, set
abstract thetaStart: float with get, set
abstract thetaLength: float with get, set
type DodecahedronBufferGeometry =
inherit PolyhedronBufferGeometry
type DodecahedronBufferGeometryStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: ?radius:float * ?detail:float -> DodecahedronBufferGeometry
type DodecahedronGeometry =
inherit Geometry
abstract parameters: DodecahedronGeometryParameters with get, set
type DodecahedronGeometryStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: ?radius:float * ?detail:float -> DodecahedronGeometry
type DodecahedronGeometryParameters =
abstract radius: float with get, set
abstract detail: float with get, set
type EdgesGeometry =
inherit BufferGeometry
type EdgesGeometryStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: geometry:U2<BufferGeometry, Geometry> * ?thresholdAngle:float -> EdgesGeometry
type ExtrudeGeometryOptions =
abstract curveSegments: float with get, set
abstract steps: float with get, set
abstract depth: float with get, set
abstract bevelEnabled: bool with get, set
abstract bevelThickness: float with get, set
abstract bevelSize: float with get, set
abstract bevelOffset: float with get, set
abstract bevelSegments: float with get, set
abstract extrudePath: Curve<Vector3> with get, set
abstract UVGenerator: UVGenerator with get, set
type UVGenerator =
abstract generateTopUV: geometry:ExtrudeBufferGeometry
* vertices:ResizeArray<float>
* indexA:float
* indexB:float
* indexC:float
-> ResizeArray<Vector2>
abstract generateSideWallUV: geometry:ExtrudeBufferGeometry
* vertices:ResizeArray<float>
* indexA:float
* indexB:float
* indexC:float
* indexD:float
-> ResizeArray<Vector2>
type ExtrudeBufferGeometry =
inherit BufferGeometry
abstract addShapeList: shapes:ResizeArray<Shape> * ?options:obj -> unit
abstract addShape: shape:Shape * ?options:obj -> unit
type ExtrudeBufferGeometryStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: shapes:U2<Shape, ResizeArray<Shape>> * ?options:ExtrudeGeometryOptions -> ExtrudeBufferGeometry
abstract WorldUVGenerator: UVGenerator with get, set
type ExtrudeGeometry =
inherit Geometry
abstract addShapeList: shapes:ResizeArray<Shape> * ?options:obj -> unit
abstract addShape: shape:Shape * ?options:obj -> unit
type ExtrudeGeometryStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: shapes:U2<Shape, ResizeArray<Shape>> * ?options:ExtrudeGeometryOptions -> ExtrudeGeometry
abstract WorldUVGenerator: UVGenerator with get, set
type IcosahedronBufferGeometry =
inherit PolyhedronBufferGeometry
type IcosahedronBufferGeometryStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: ?radius:float * ?detail:float -> IcosahedronBufferGeometry
type IcosahedronGeometry =
inherit PolyhedronGeometry
type IcosahedronGeometryStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: ?radius:float * ?detail:float -> IcosahedronGeometry
type LatheBufferGeometry =
inherit BufferGeometry
abstract parameters: LatheBufferGeometryParameters with get, set
type LatheBufferGeometryStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: points:ResizeArray<Vector2>
* ?segments:float
* ?phiStart:float
* ?phiLength:float
-> LatheBufferGeometry
type LatheGeometry =
inherit Geometry
abstract parameters: LatheBufferGeometryParameters with get, set
type LatheGeometryStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: points:ResizeArray<Vector2> * ?segments:float * ?phiStart:float * ?phiLength:float -> LatheGeometry
type LatheBufferGeometryParameters =
abstract points: ResizeArray<Vector2> with get, set
abstract segments: float with get, set
abstract phiStart: float with get, set
abstract phiLength: float with get, set
type OctahedronBufferGeometry =
inherit PolyhedronBufferGeometry
type OctahedronBufferGeometryStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: ?radius:float * ?detail:float -> OctahedronBufferGeometry
type OctahedronGeometry =
inherit PolyhedronGeometry
type OctahedronGeometryStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: ?radius:float * ?detail:float -> OctahedronGeometry
type ParametricBufferGeometry =
inherit BufferGeometry
abstract parameters: ParametricBufferGeometryParameters with get, set
type ParametricBufferGeometryStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: func:(float -> float -> Vector3 -> unit) * slices:float * stacks:float -> ParametricBufferGeometry
type ParametricGeometry =
inherit Geometry
abstract parameters: ParametricBufferGeometryParameters with get, set
type ParametricGeometryStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: func:(float -> float -> Vector3 -> unit) * slices:float * stacks:float -> ParametricGeometry
type ParametricBufferGeometryParameters =
abstract func: (float -> float -> Vector3 -> unit) with get, set
abstract slices: float with get, set
abstract stacks: float with get, set
type PlaneBufferGeometry =
inherit BufferGeometry
abstract parameters: PlaneBufferGeometryParameters with get, set
type PlaneBufferGeometryStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: ?width:float * ?height:float * ?widthSegments:float * ?heightSegments:float -> PlaneBufferGeometry
type PlaneGeometry =
inherit Geometry
abstract parameters: PlaneBufferGeometryParameters with get, set
type PlaneGeometryStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: ?width:float * ?height:float * ?widthSegments:float * ?heightSegments:float -> PlaneGeometry
type PlaneBufferGeometryParameters =
abstract width: float with get, set
abstract height: float with get, set
abstract widthSegments: float with get, set
abstract heightSegments: float with get, set
type PolyhedronBufferGeometry =
inherit BufferGeometry
abstract parameters: PolyhedronBufferGeometryParameters with get, set
type PolyhedronBufferGeometryStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: vertices:ResizeArray<float>
* indices:ResizeArray<float>
* ?radius:float
* ?detail:float
-> PolyhedronBufferGeometry
type PolyhedronGeometry =
inherit Geometry
abstract parameters: PolyhedronBufferGeometryParameters with get, set
/// Bounding sphere.
abstract boundingSphere: Sphere with get, set
type PolyhedronGeometryStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: vertices:ResizeArray<float>
* indices:ResizeArray<float>
* ?radius:float
* ?detail:float
-> PolyhedronGeometry
type PolyhedronBufferGeometryParameters =
abstract vertices: ResizeArray<float> with get, set
abstract indices: ResizeArray<float> with get, set
abstract radius: float with get, set
abstract detail: float with get, set
type RingBufferGeometry =
inherit BufferGeometry
abstract parameters: RingBufferGeometryParameters with get, set
type RingBufferGeometryStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: ?innerRadius:float
* ?outerRadius:float
* ?thetaSegments:float
* ?phiSegments:float
* ?thetaStart:float
* ?thetaLength:float
-> RingBufferGeometry
type RingGeometry =
inherit Geometry
abstract parameters: RingBufferGeometryParameters with get, set
type RingGeometryStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: ?innerRadius:float
* ?outerRadius:float
* ?thetaSegments:float
* ?phiSegments:float
* ?thetaStart:float
* ?thetaLength:float
-> RingGeometry
type RingBufferGeometryParameters =
abstract innerRadius: float with get, set
abstract outerRadius: float with get, set
abstract thetaSegments: float with get, set
abstract phiSegments: float with get, set
abstract thetaStart: float with get, set
abstract thetaLength: float with get, set
type Shape = obj
type ShapeBufferGeometry =
inherit BufferGeometry
type ShapeBufferGeometryStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: shapes:U2<Shape, ResizeArray<Shape>> * ?curveSegments:float -> ShapeBufferGeometry
type ShapeGeometry =
inherit Geometry
abstract addShapeList: shapes:ResizeArray<Shape> * options:obj -> ShapeGeometry
abstract addShape: shape:Shape * ?options:obj -> unit
type ShapeGeometryStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: shapes:U2<Shape, ResizeArray<Shape>> * ?curveSegments:float -> ShapeGeometry
type SphereBufferGeometry =
inherit BufferGeometry
abstract parameters: SphereBufferGeometryParameters with get, set
type SphereBufferGeometryStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: ?radius:float
* ?widthSegments:float
* ?heightSegments:float
* ?phiStart:float
* ?phiLength:float
* ?thetaStart:float
* ?thetaLength:float
-> SphereBufferGeometry
/// A class for generating sphere geometries
type SphereGeometry =
inherit Geometry
abstract parameters: SphereBufferGeometryParameters with get, set
/// A class for generating sphere geometries
type SphereGeometryStatic =
/// <summary>The geometry is created by sweeping and calculating vertexes around the Y axis (horizontal sweep) and the Z axis (vertical sweep). Thus, incomplete spheres (akin to 'sphere slices') can be created through the use of different values of phiStart, phiLength, thetaStart and thetaLength, in order to define the points in which we start (or end) calculating those vertices.</summary>
/// <param name="radius">— sphere radius. Default is 50.</param>
/// <param name="widthSegments">— number of horizontal segments. Minimum value is 3, and the default is 8.</param>
/// <param name="heightSegments">— number of vertical segments. Minimum value is 2, and the default is 6.</param>
/// <param name="phiStart">— specify horizontal starting angle. Default is 0.</param>
/// <param name="phiLength">— specify horizontal sweep angle size. Default is Math.PI * 2.</param>
/// <param name="thetaStart">— specify vertical starting angle. Default is 0.</param>
/// <param name="thetaLength">— specify vertical sweep angle size. Default is Math.PI.</param>
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: ?radius:float
* ?widthSegments:float
* ?heightSegments:float
* ?phiStart:float
* ?phiLength:float
* ?thetaStart:float
* ?thetaLength:float
-> SphereGeometry
type SphereBufferGeometryParameters =
abstract radius: float with get, set
abstract widthSegments: float with get, set
abstract heightSegments: float with get, set
abstract phiStart: float with get, set
abstract phiLength: float with get, set
abstract thetaStart: float with get, set
abstract thetaLength: float with get, set
type TetrahedronBufferGeometry =
inherit PolyhedronBufferGeometry
type TetrahedronBufferGeometryStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: ?radius:float * ?detail:float -> TetrahedronBufferGeometry
type TetrahedronGeometry =
inherit PolyhedronGeometry
type TetrahedronGeometryStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: ?radius:float * ?detail:float -> TetrahedronGeometry
type TextGeometryParameters =
abstract font: Font with get, set
abstract size: float with get, set
abstract height: float with get, set
abstract curveSegments: float with get, set
abstract bevelEnabled: bool with get, set
abstract bevelThickness: float with get, set
abstract bevelSize: float with get, set
abstract bevelOffset: float with get, set
abstract bevelSegments: float with get, set
type TextBufferGeometry =
inherit ExtrudeBufferGeometry
abstract parameters: TextBufferGeometryParameters with get, set
type TextBufferGeometryStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: text:string * parameters:TextGeometryParameters -> TextBufferGeometry
type TextGeometry =
inherit ExtrudeGeometry
abstract parameters: TextBufferGeometryParameters with get, set
type TextGeometryStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: text:string * parameters:TextGeometryParameters -> TextGeometry
type Font = obj
type TextBufferGeometryParameters =
abstract font: Font with get, set
abstract size: float with get, set
abstract height: float with get, set
abstract curveSegments: float with get, set
abstract bevelEnabled: bool with get, set
abstract bevelThickness: float with get, set
abstract bevelSize: float with get, set
abstract bevelOffset: float with get, set
abstract bevelSegments: float with get, set
type TorusBufferGeometry =
inherit BufferGeometry
abstract parameters: TorusBufferGeometryParameters with get, set
type TorusBufferGeometryStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: ?radius:float
* ?tube:float
* ?radialSegments:float
* ?tubularSegments:float
* ?arc:float
-> TorusBufferGeometry
type TorusGeometry =
inherit Geometry
abstract parameters: TorusBufferGeometryParameters with get, set
type TorusGeometryStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: ?radius:float
* ?tube:float
* ?radialSegments:float
* ?tubularSegments:float
* ?arc:float
-> TorusGeometry
type TorusBufferGeometryParameters =
abstract radius: float with get, set
abstract tube: float with get, set
abstract radialSegments: float with get, set
abstract tubularSegments: float with get, set
abstract arc: float with get, set
type TorusKnotBufferGeometry =
inherit BufferGeometry
abstract parameters: TorusKnotBufferGeometryParameters with get, set
type TorusKnotBufferGeometryStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: ?radius:float
* ?tube:float
* ?tubularSegments:float
* ?radialSegments:float
* ?p:float
* ?q:float
-> TorusKnotBufferGeometry
type TorusKnotGeometry =
inherit Geometry
abstract parameters: TorusKnotBufferGeometryParameters with get, set
type TorusKnotGeometryStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: ?radius:float
* ?tube:float
* ?tubularSegments:float
* ?radialSegments:float
* ?p:float
* ?q:float
-> TorusKnotGeometry
type TorusKnotBufferGeometryParameters =
abstract radius: float with get, set
abstract tube: float with get, set
abstract tubularSegments: float with get, set
abstract radialSegments: float with get, set
abstract p: float with get, set
abstract q: float with get, set
type Curve<'T> = Curve of 'T
type TubeBufferGeometry =
inherit BufferGeometry
abstract parameters: TubeBufferGeometryParameters with get, set
abstract tangents: ResizeArray<Vector3> with get, set
abstract normals: ResizeArray<Vector3> with get, set
abstract binormals: ResizeArray<Vector3> with get, set
type TubeBufferGeometryStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: path:Curve<Vector3>
* ?tubularSegments:float
* ?radius:float
* ?radiusSegments:float
* ?closed:bool
-> TubeBufferGeometry
type TubeGeometry =
inherit Geometry
abstract parameters: TubeBufferGeometryParameters with get, set
abstract tangents: ResizeArray<Vector3> with get, set
abstract normals: ResizeArray<Vector3> with get, set
abstract binormals: ResizeArray<Vector3> with get, set
type TubeGeometryStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: path:Curve<Vector3>
* ?tubularSegments:float
* ?radius:float
* ?radiusSegments:float
* ?closed:bool
-> TubeGeometry
type TubeBufferGeometryParameters =
abstract path: Curve<Vector3> with get, set
abstract tubularSegments: float with get, set
abstract radius: float with get, set
abstract radialSegments: float with get, set
abstract closed: bool with get, set
type WireframeGeometry =
inherit BufferGeometry
type WireframeGeometryStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: geometry:U2<Geometry, BufferGeometry> -> WireframeGeometry
type ArrowHelper =
inherit Object3D
abstract line: Line with get, set
abstract cone: Mesh with get, set
abstract setDirection: dir:Vector3 -> unit
abstract setLength: length:float * ?headLength:float * ?headWidth:float -> unit
abstract setColor: color:U3<Color, string, float> -> unit
type ArrowHelperStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: dir:Vector3
* ?origin:Vector3
* ?length:float
* ?color:float
* ?headLength:float
* ?headWidth:float
-> ArrowHelper
type AxesHelper =
inherit LineSegments
type AxesHelperStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: ?size:float -> AxesHelper
type Box3Helper =
inherit LineSegments
abstract box: Box3 with get, set
type Box3HelperStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: box:Box3 * ?color:Color -> Box3Helper
type BoxHelper =
inherit LineSegments
abstract update: ?object:Object3D -> unit
abstract setFromObject: object:Object3D -> BoxHelper
type BoxHelperStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: object:Object3D * ?color:U3<Color, string, float> -> BoxHelper
type CameraHelper =
inherit LineSegments
abstract camera: Camera with get, set
abstract pointMap: CameraHelperPointMap with get, set
abstract update: unit -> unit
type CameraHelperStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: camera:Camera -> CameraHelper
type CameraHelperPointMap =
[<Emit "$0[$1]{{=$2}}">]
abstract Item: id:string -> ResizeArray<float> with get, set
type DirectionalLightHelper =
inherit Object3D
abstract light: DirectionalLight with get, set
abstract lightPlane: Line with get, set
abstract targetLine: Line with get, set
abstract color: U3<Color, string, float> with get, set
/// Local transform.
abstract matrix: Matrix4 with get, set
/// When this is set, it calculates the matrix of position, (rotation or quaternion) and scale every frame and also recalculates the matrixWorld property.
abstract matrixAutoUpdate: bool with get, set
abstract dispose: unit -> unit
abstract update: unit -> unit
type DirectionalLightHelperStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: light:DirectionalLight * ?size:float * ?color:U3<Color, string, float> -> DirectionalLightHelper
type GridHelper =
inherit LineSegments
abstract setColors: ?color1:U2<Color, float> * ?color2:U2<Color, float> -> unit
type GridHelperStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: size:float * divisions:float * ?color1:U2<Color, float> * ?color2:U2<Color, float> -> GridHelper
type HemisphereLightHelper =
inherit Object3D
abstract light: HemisphereLight with get, set
/// Local transform.
abstract matrix: Matrix4 with get, set
/// When this is set, it calculates the matrix of position, (rotation or quaternion) and scale every frame and also recalculates the matrixWorld property.
abstract matrixAutoUpdate: bool with get, set
abstract material: MeshBasicMaterial with get, set
abstract color: U3<Color, string, float> with get, set
abstract dispose: unit -> unit
abstract update: unit -> unit
type HemisphereLightHelperStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: light:HemisphereLight * size:float * ?color:U3<Color, float, string> -> HemisphereLightHelper
type PlaneHelper =
inherit LineSegments
abstract plane: Plane with get, set
abstract size: float with get, set
/// Updates global transform of the object and its children.
abstract updateMatrixWorld: ?force:bool -> unit
type PlaneHelperStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: plane:Plane * ?size:float * ?hex:float -> PlaneHelper
type PointLightHelper =
inherit Object3D
abstract light: PointLight with get, set
abstract color: U3<Color, string, float> with get, set
/// Local transform.
abstract matrix: Matrix4 with get, set
/// When this is set, it calculates the matrix of position, (rotation or quaternion) and scale every frame and also recalculates the matrixWorld property.
abstract matrixAutoUpdate: bool with get, set
abstract dispose: unit -> unit
abstract update: unit -> unit
type PointLightHelperStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: light:PointLight * ?sphereSize:float * ?color:U3<Color, string, float> -> PointLightHelper
type PolarGridHelper =
inherit LineSegments
type PolarGridHelperStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: radius:float
* radials:float
* circles:float
* divisions:float
* color1:U3<Color, string, float> option
* color2:U3<Color, string, float> option
-> PolarGridHelper
type SkeletonHelper =
inherit LineSegments
abstract bones: ResizeArray<Bone> with get, set
abstract root: Object3D with get, set
abstract isSkeletonHelper: obj
abstract getBoneList: object:Object3D -> ResizeArray<Bone>
abstract update: unit -> unit
type SkeletonHelperStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: object:Object3D -> SkeletonHelper
type SpotLightHelper =
inherit Object3D
abstract light: Light with get, set
/// Local transform.
abstract matrix: Matrix4 with get, set
/// When this is set, it calculates the matrix of position, (rotation or quaternion) and scale every frame and also recalculates the matrixWorld property.
abstract matrixAutoUpdate: bool with get, set
abstract color: U3<Color, string, float> with get, set
abstract cone: LineSegments with get, set
abstract dispose: unit -> unit
abstract update: unit -> unit
type SpotLightHelperStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: light:Light * ?color:U3<Color, string, float> -> SpotLightHelper
/// This light's color gets applied to all the objects in the scene globally.
type AmbientLight =
inherit Light
/// Gets rendered into shadow map.
abstract castShadow: bool with get, set
abstract isAmbientLight: obj
/// This light's color gets applied to all the objects in the scene globally.
type AmbientLightStatic =
/// <summary>This creates a Ambientlight with a color.</summary>
/// <param name="color">Numeric value of the RGB component of the color or a Color instance.</param>
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: ?color:U3<Color, string, float> * ?intensity:float -> AmbientLight
type AmbientLightProbe =
inherit LightProbe
abstract isAmbientLightProbe: obj
type AmbientLightProbeStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: ?color:U3<Color, string, float> * ?intensity:float -> AmbientLightProbe
type DirectionalLight =
inherit Light
/// Target used for shadow camera orientation.
abstract target: Object3D with get, set
/// Light's intensity.
/// Default — 1.0.
abstract intensity: float with get, set
abstract shadow: DirectionalLightShadow with get, set
abstract isDirectionalLight: obj
type DirectionalLightStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: ?color:U3<Color, string, float> * ?intensity:float -> DirectionalLight
type DirectionalLightShadow =
inherit LightShadow
abstract camera: OrthographicCamera with get, set
abstract isDirectionalLightShadow: obj
type DirectionalLightShadowStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: unit -> DirectionalLightShadow
type HemisphereLight =
inherit Light
abstract skyColor: Color with get, set
abstract groundColor: Color with get, set
abstract intensity: float with get, set
abstract isHemisphereLight: obj
type HemisphereLightStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: ?skyColor:U3<Color, string, float>
* ?groundColor:U3<Color, string, float>
* ?intensity:float
-> HemisphereLight
type HemisphereLightProbe =
inherit LightProbe
abstract isHemisphereLightProbe: obj
type HemisphereLightProbeStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: ?skyColor:U3<Color, string, float>
* ?groundColor:U3<Color, string, float>
* ?intensity:float
-> HemisphereLightProbe
/// Abstract base class for lights.
type Light =
inherit Object3D
abstract color: Color with get, set
abstract intensity: float with get, set
abstract isLight: obj
/// Material gets baked in shadow receiving.
abstract receiveShadow: bool with get, set
abstract shadow: LightShadow with get, set
abstract shadowCameraFov: obj with get, set
abstract shadowCameraLeft: obj with get, set
abstract shadowCameraRight: obj with get, set
abstract shadowCameraTop: obj with get, set
abstract shadowCameraBottom: obj with get, set
abstract shadowCameraNear: obj with get, set
abstract shadowCameraFar: obj with get, set
abstract shadowBias: obj with get, set
abstract shadowMapWidth: obj with get, set
abstract shadowMapHeight: obj with get, set
/// Abstract base class for lights.
type LightStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: ?hex:U2<float, string> * ?intensity:float -> Light
type LightProbe =
inherit Light
abstract isLightProbe: obj
abstract sh: SphericalHarmonics3 with get, set
abstract fromJSON: json:obj -> LightProbe
type LightProbeStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: ?sh:SphericalHarmonics3 * ?intensity:float -> LightProbe
type LightShadow =
abstract camera: Camera with get, set
abstract bias: float with get, set
abstract normalBias: float with get, set
abstract radius: float with get, set
abstract mapSize: Vector2 with get, set
abstract map: RenderTarget with get, set
abstract mapPass: RenderTarget with get, set
abstract matrix: Matrix4 with get, set
abstract autoUpdate: bool with get, set
abstract needsUpdate: bool with get, set
abstract copy: source:LightShadow -> LightShadow
abstract clone: ?recursive:bool -> LightShadow
abstract toJSON: unit -> obj
abstract getFrustum: unit -> float
abstract updateMatrices: light:Light * ?viewportIndex:float -> unit
abstract getViewport: viewportIndex:float -> Vector4
abstract getFrameExtents: unit -> Vector2
type LightShadowStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: camera:Camera -> LightShadow
type PointLight =
inherit Light
abstract intensity: float with get, set
/// If non-zero, light will attenuate linearly from maximum intensity at light position down to zero at distance.
/// Default - 0.0.
abstract distance: float with get, set
abstract decay: float with get, set
abstract shadow: PointLightShadow with get, set
abstract power: float with get, set
type PointLightStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: ?color:U3<Color, string, float> * ?intensity:float * ?distance:float * ?decay:float -> PointLight
type PointLightShadow =
inherit LightShadow
abstract camera: PerspectiveCamera with get, set
type PointLightShadowStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: unit -> PointLightShadow
type RectAreaLight =
inherit Light
abstract ``type``: string with get, set
abstract width: float with get, set
abstract height: float with get, set
abstract intensity: float with get, set
abstract isRectAreaLight: obj
type RectAreaLightStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: ?color:U3<Color, string, float> * ?intensity:float * ?width:float * ?height:float -> RectAreaLight
/// A point light that can cast shadow in one direction.
type SpotLight =
inherit Light
/// Spotlight focus points at target.position.
/// Default position — (0,0,0).
abstract target: Object3D with get, set
/// Light's intensity.
/// Default — 1.0.
abstract intensity: float with get, set
/// If non-zero, light will attenuate linearly from maximum intensity at light position down to zero at distance.
/// Default — 0.0.
abstract distance: float with get, set
abstract angle: float with get, set
abstract decay: float with get, set
abstract shadow: SpotLightShadow with get, set
abstract power: float with get, set
abstract penumbra: float with get, set
abstract isSpotLight: obj
/// A point light that can cast shadow in one direction.
type SpotLightStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: ?color:U3<Color, string, float>
* ?intensity:float
* ?distance:float
* ?angle:float
* ?penumbra:float
* ?decay:float
-> SpotLight
type SpotLightShadow =
inherit LightShadow
abstract camera: PerspectiveCamera with get, set
abstract isSpotLightShadow: obj
type SpotLightShadowStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: unit -> SpotLightShadow
type AnimationLoader =
inherit Loader
abstract load: url:string
* onLoad:(ResizeArray<AnimationClip> -> unit)
* ?onProgress:(ProgressEvent -> unit)
* ?onError:(ErrorEvent -> unit)
-> unit
abstract parse: json:obj -> ResizeArray<AnimationClip>
type AnimationLoaderStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: ?manager:LoadingManager -> AnimationLoader
type AudioLoader =
inherit Loader
abstract load: url:string
* onLoad:(AudioBuffer -> unit)
* ?onProgress:(ProgressEvent -> unit)
* ?onError:(ErrorEvent -> unit)
-> unit
type AudioLoaderStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: ?manager:LoadingManager -> AudioLoader
type BufferGeometryLoader =
inherit Loader
abstract load: url:string
* onLoad:(U2<InstancedBufferGeometry, BufferGeometry> -> unit)
* ?onProgress:(ProgressEvent -> unit)
* ?onError:(ErrorEvent -> unit)
-> unit
abstract parse: json:obj -> U2<InstancedBufferGeometry, BufferGeometry>
type BufferGeometryLoaderStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: ?manager:LoadingManager -> BufferGeometryLoader
[<Import("Cache", "three")>]
let cache: Cache.IExports = jsNative
module Cache =
type IExports =
abstract enabled: bool
abstract files: obj
abstract add: key:string * file:obj -> unit
abstract get: key:string -> obj
abstract remove: key:string -> unit
abstract clear: unit -> unit
type CompressedTextureLoader =
inherit Loader
abstract load: url:string
* onLoad:(CompressedTexture -> unit)
* ?onProgress:(ProgressEvent -> unit)
* ?onError:(ErrorEvent -> unit)
-> unit
type CompressedTextureLoaderStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: ?manager:LoadingManager -> CompressedTextureLoader
type CubeTextureLoader =
inherit Loader
abstract load: urls:Array<string>
* ?onLoad:(CubeTexture -> unit)
* ?onProgress:(ProgressEvent -> unit)
* ?onError:(ErrorEvent -> unit)
-> CubeTexture
type CubeTextureLoaderStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: ?manager:LoadingManager -> CubeTextureLoader
type DataTextureLoader =
inherit Loader
abstract load: url:string
* onLoad:(DataTexture -> unit)
* ?onProgress:(ProgressEvent -> unit)
* ?onError:(ErrorEvent -> unit)
-> unit
type DataTextureLoaderStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: ?manager:LoadingManager -> DataTextureLoader
type MimeType = obj
type FileLoader =
inherit Loader
abstract mimeType: MimeType with get, set
abstract responseType: string with get, set
abstract withCredentials: string with get, set
abstract load: url:string
* ?onLoad:(U2<string, ArrayBuffer> -> unit)
* ?onProgress:(ProgressEvent -> unit)
* ?onError:(ErrorEvent -> unit)
-> obj
abstract setMimeType: mimeType:MimeType -> FileLoader
abstract setResponseType: responseType:string -> FileLoader
abstract setWithCredentials: value:bool -> FileLoader
type FileLoaderStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: ?manager:LoadingManager -> FileLoader
type FontLoader =
inherit Loader
abstract load: url:string
* ?onLoad:(Font -> unit)
* ?onProgress:(ProgressEvent -> unit)
* ?onError:(ErrorEvent -> unit)
-> unit
abstract parse: json:obj -> Font
type FontLoaderStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: ?manager:LoadingManager -> FontLoader
type ImageBitmap = obj
type ImageBitmapLoader =
inherit Loader
abstract options: obj with get, set
abstract isImageBitmapLoader: obj
abstract setOptions: options:obj -> ImageBitmapLoader
abstract load: url:string
* ?onLoad:(ImageBitmap -> unit)
* ?onProgress:(ProgressEvent -> unit)
* ?onError:(ErrorEvent -> unit)
-> obj
type ImageBitmapLoaderStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: ?manager:LoadingManager -> ImageBitmapLoader
/// A loader for loading an image.
/// Unlike other loaders, this one emits events instead of using predefined callbacks. So if you're interested in getting notified when things happen, you need to add listeners to the object.
type ImageLoader =
inherit Loader
abstract load: url:string
* ?onLoad:(HTMLImageElement -> unit)
* ?onProgress:(ProgressEvent -> unit)
* ?onError:(ErrorEvent -> unit)
-> HTMLImageElement
/// A loader for loading an image.
/// Unlike other loaders, this one emits events instead of using predefined callbacks. So if you're interested in getting notified when things happen, you need to add listeners to the object.
type ImageLoaderStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: ?manager:LoadingManager -> ImageLoader
/// Base class for implementing loaders.
type Loader =
abstract crossOrigin: string with get, set
abstract path: string with get, set
abstract resourcePath: string with get, set
abstract manager: LoadingManager with get, set
abstract requestHeader: LoaderRequestHeader with get, set
abstract loadAsync: url:string * ?onProgress:(ProgressEvent -> unit) -> Promise<obj>
abstract setCrossOrigin: crossOrigin:string -> Loader
abstract setPath: path:string -> Loader
abstract setResourcePath: resourcePath:string -> Loader
abstract setRequestHeader: requestHeader:LoaderSetRequestHeaderRequestHeader -> Loader
type LoaderSetRequestHeaderRequestHeader =
[<Emit "$0[$1]{{=$2}}">]
abstract Item: header:string -> string with get, set
/// Base class for implementing loaders.
type LoaderStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: ?manager:LoadingManager -> Loader
type LoaderRequestHeader =
[<Emit "$0[$1]{{=$2}}">]
abstract Item: header:string -> string with get, set
type LoaderUtils =
type LoaderUtilsStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: unit -> LoaderUtils
abstract decodeText: array:TypedArray -> string
abstract extractUrlBase: url:string -> string
[<Import("DefaultLoadingManager", "three")>]
let DefaultLoadingManager: LoadingManager = jsNative
/// Handles and keeps track of loaded and pending data.
type LoadingManager =
/// Will be called when loading of an item starts.
abstract onStart: (string -> float -> float -> unit) with get, set
/// Will be called when all items finish loading.
/// The default is a function with empty body.
abstract onLoad: (unit -> unit) with get, set
/// Will be called for each loaded item.
/// The default is a function with empty body.
abstract onProgress: (string -> float -> float -> unit) with get, set
/// Will be called when item loading fails.
/// The default is a function with empty body.
abstract onError: (string -> unit) with get, set
/// <summary>If provided, the callback will be passed each resource URL before a request is sent.
/// The callback may return the original URL, or a new URL to override loading behavior.
/// This behavior can be used to load assets from .ZIP files, drag-and-drop APIs, and Data URIs.</summary>
/// <param name="callback">URL modifier callback. Called with url argument, and must return resolvedURL.</param>
abstract setURLModifier: ?callback:(string -> string) -> LoadingManager
/// <summary>Given a URL, uses the URL modifier callback (if any) and returns a resolved URL.
/// If no URL modifier is set, returns the original URL.</summary>
/// <param name="url">the url to load</param>
abstract resolveURL: url:string -> string
abstract itemStart: url:string -> unit
abstract itemEnd: url:string -> unit
abstract itemError: url:string -> unit
abstract addHandler: regex:RegExp * loader:Loader -> LoadingManager
abstract removeHandler: regex:RegExp -> LoadingManager
abstract getHandler: file:string -> Loader option
/// Handles and keeps track of loaded and pending data.
type LoadingManagerStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: ?onLoad:(unit -> unit)
* ?onProgress:(string -> float -> float -> unit)
* ?onError:(string -> unit)
-> LoadingManager
type MaterialLoader =
inherit Loader
abstract textures: MaterialLoaderTextures with get, set
abstract load: url:string
* onLoad:(Material -> unit)
* ?onProgress:(ProgressEvent -> unit)
* ?onError:(U2<Error, ErrorEvent> -> unit)
-> unit
abstract setTextures: textures:MaterialLoaderSetTexturesTextures -> MaterialLoader
abstract parse: json:obj -> Material
type MaterialLoaderSetTexturesTextures =
[<Emit "$0[$1]{{=$2}}">]
abstract Item: key:string -> Texture with get, set
type MaterialLoaderStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: ?manager:LoadingManager -> MaterialLoader
type MaterialLoaderTextures =
[<Emit "$0[$1]{{=$2}}">]
abstract Item: key:string -> Texture with get, set
type ObjectLoader =
inherit Loader
abstract load: url:string
* ?onLoad:('ObjectType -> unit)
* ?onProgress:(ProgressEvent -> unit)
* ?onError:(U2<Error, ErrorEvent> -> unit)
-> unit
abstract parse: json:obj * ?onLoad:(Object3D -> unit) -> 'T
abstract parseGeometries: json:obj -> ResizeArray<obj>
abstract parseMaterials: json:obj * textures:ResizeArray<Texture> -> ResizeArray<Material>
abstract parseAnimations: json:obj -> ResizeArray<AnimationClip>
abstract parseImages: json:obj * onLoad:(unit -> unit) -> ObjectLoaderParseImagesReturn
abstract parseTextures: json:obj * images:obj -> ResizeArray<Texture>
abstract parseObject: data:obj * geometries:ResizeArray<obj> * materials:ResizeArray<Material> -> 'T
type ObjectLoaderParseImagesReturn =
[<Emit "$0[$1]{{=$2}}">]
abstract Item: key:string -> HTMLImageElement with get, set
type ObjectLoaderStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: ?manager:LoadingManager -> ObjectLoader
/// Class for loading a texture.
/// Unlike other loaders, this one emits events instead of using predefined callbacks. So if you're interested in getting notified when things happen, you need to add listeners to the object.
type TextureLoader =
inherit Loader
abstract load: url:string
* ?onLoad:(Texture -> unit)
* ?onProgress:(ProgressEvent -> unit)
* ?onError:(ErrorEvent -> unit)
-> Texture
/// Class for loading a texture.
/// Unlike other loaders, this one emits events instead of using predefined callbacks. So if you're interested in getting notified when things happen, you need to add listeners to the object.
type TextureLoaderStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: ?manager:LoadingManager -> TextureLoader
type LineBasicMaterialParameters =
inherit MaterialParameters
abstract color: U3<Color, string, float> with get, set
abstract linewidth: float with get, set
abstract linecap: string with get, set
abstract linejoin: string with get, set
abstract morphTargets: bool with get, set
type LineBasicMaterial =
inherit Material
abstract color: Color with get, set
abstract linewidth: float with get, set
abstract linecap: string with get, set
abstract linejoin: string with get, set
abstract morphTargets: bool with get, set
/// Sets the properties based on the values.
abstract setValues: parameters:LineBasicMaterialParameters -> unit
type LineBasicMaterialStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: ?parameters:LineBasicMaterialParameters -> LineBasicMaterial
type LineDashedMaterialParameters =
inherit LineBasicMaterialParameters
abstract scale: float with get, set
abstract dashSize: float with get, set
abstract gapSize: float with get, set
type LineDashedMaterial =
inherit LineBasicMaterial
abstract scale: float with get, set
abstract dashSize: float with get, set
abstract gapSize: float with get, set
abstract isLineDashedMaterial: obj
/// Sets the properties based on the values.
abstract setValues: parameters:LineDashedMaterialParameters -> unit
type LineDashedMaterialStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: ?parameters:LineDashedMaterialParameters -> LineDashedMaterial
[<Import("MaterialIdCount", "three")>]
let MaterialIdCount: float = jsNative
type MaterialParameters =
abstract alphaTest: float with get, set
abstract blendDst: BlendingDstFactor with get, set
abstract blendDstAlpha: float with get, set
abstract blendEquation: BlendingEquation with get, set
abstract blendEquationAlpha: float with get, set
abstract blending: Blending with get, set
abstract blendSrc: U2<BlendingSrcFactor, BlendingDstFactor> with get, set
abstract blendSrcAlpha: float with get, set
abstract clipIntersection: bool with get, set
abstract clippingPlanes: ResizeArray<Plane> with get, set
abstract clipShadows: bool with get, set
abstract colorWrite: bool with get, set
abstract defines: obj with get, set
abstract depthFunc: DepthModes with get, set
abstract depthTest: bool with get, set
abstract depthWrite: bool with get, set
abstract fog: bool with get, set
abstract name: string with get, set
abstract opacity: float with get, set
abstract polygonOffset: bool with get, set
abstract polygonOffsetFactor: float with get, set
abstract polygonOffsetUnits: float with get, set
abstract precision: MaterialParametersPrecision with get, set
abstract premultipliedAlpha: bool with get, set
abstract dithering: bool with get, set
abstract flatShading: bool with get, set
abstract side: Side with get, set
abstract shadowSide: Side with get, set
abstract toneMapped: bool with get, set
abstract transparent: bool with get, set
abstract vertexColors: bool with get, set
abstract visible: bool with get, set
abstract stencilWrite: bool with get, set
abstract stencilFunc: StencilFunc with get, set
abstract stencilRef: float with get, set
abstract stencilMask: float with get, set
abstract stencilFail: StencilOp with get, set
abstract stencilZFail: StencilOp with get, set
abstract stencilZPass: StencilOp with get, set
type Shader = obj
/// Materials describe the appearance of objects. They are defined in a (mostly) renderer-independent way, so you don't have to rewrite materials if you decide to use a different renderer.
type Material =
inherit EventDispatcher
/// Sets the alpha value to be used when running an alpha test. Default is 0.
abstract alphaTest: float with get, set
/// Blending destination. It's one of the blending mode constants defined in Three.js. Default is {@link OneMinusSrcAlphaFactor}.
abstract blendDst: BlendingDstFactor with get, set
/// The tranparency of the .blendDst. Default is null.
abstract blendDstAlpha: float with get, set
/// Blending equation to use when applying blending. It's one of the constants defined in Three.js. Default is {@link AddEquation}.
abstract blendEquation: BlendingEquation with get, set
/// The tranparency of the .blendEquation. Default is null.
abstract blendEquationAlpha: float with get, set
/// Which blending to use when displaying objects with this material. Default is {@link NormalBlending}.
abstract blending: Blending with get, set
/// Blending source. It's one of the blending mode constants defined in Three.js. Default is {@link SrcAlphaFactor}.
abstract blendSrc: U2<BlendingSrcFactor, BlendingDstFactor> with get, set
/// The tranparency of the .blendSrc. Default is null.
abstract blendSrcAlpha: float with get, set
/// Changes the behavior of clipping planes so that only their intersection is clipped, rather than their union. Default is false.
abstract clipIntersection: bool with get, set
/// User-defined clipping planes specified as THREE.Plane objects in world space. These planes apply to the objects this material is attached to. Points in space whose signed distance to the plane is negative are clipped (not rendered). See the WebGL / clipping /intersection example. Default is null.
abstract clippingPlanes: obj with get, set
/// Defines whether to clip shadows according to the clipping planes specified on this material. Default is false.
abstract clipShadows: bool with get, set
/// Whether to render the material's color. This can be used in conjunction with a mesh's .renderOrder property to create invisible objects that occlude other objects. Default is true.
abstract colorWrite: bool with get, set
/// Custom defines to be injected into the shader. These are passed in form of an object literal, with key/value pairs. { MY_CUSTOM_DEFINE: '' , PI2: Math.PI * 2 }.
/// The pairs are defined in both vertex and fragment shaders. Default is undefined.
abstract defines: obj with get, set
/// Which depth function to use. Default is {@link LessEqualDepth}. See the depth mode constants for all possible values.
abstract depthFunc: DepthModes with get, set
/// Whether to have depth test enabled when rendering this material. Default is true.
abstract depthTest: bool with get, set
/// Whether rendering this material has any effect on the depth buffer. Default is true.
/// When drawing 2D overlays it can be useful to disable the depth writing in order to layer several things together without creating z-index artifacts.
abstract depthWrite: bool with get, set
/// Whether the material is affected by fog. Default is true.
abstract fog: bool with get, set
/// Unique number of this material instance.
abstract id: float with get, set
/// Whether rendering this material has any effect on the stencil buffer. Default is *false*.
abstract stencilWrite: bool with get, set
/// The stencil comparison function to use. Default is {@link AlwaysStencilFunc}. See stencil operation constants for all possible values.
abstract stencilFunc: StencilFunc with get, set
/// The value to use when performing stencil comparisons or stencil operations. Default is *0*.
abstract stencilRef: float with get, set
/// The bit mask to use when comparing against or writing to the stencil buffer. Default is *0xFF*.
abstract stencilMask: float with get, set
/// Which stencil operation to perform when the comparison function returns false. Default is {@link KeepStencilOp}. See the stencil operation constants for all possible values.
abstract stencilFail: StencilOp with get, set
/// Which stencil operation to perform when the comparison function returns true but the depth test fails. Default is {@link KeepStencilOp}. See the stencil operation constants for all possible values.
abstract stencilZFail: StencilOp with get, set
/// Which stencil operation to perform when the comparison function returns true and the depth test passes. Default is {@link KeepStencilOp}. See the stencil operation constants for all possible values.
abstract stencilZPass: StencilOp with get, set
/// Used to check whether this or derived classes are materials. Default is true.
/// You should not change this, as it used internally for optimisation.
abstract isMaterial: obj
/// Material name. Default is an empty string.
abstract name: string with get, set
/// Specifies that the material needs to be updated, WebGL wise. Set it to true if you made changes that need to be reflected in WebGL.
/// This property is automatically set to true when instancing a new material.
abstract needsUpdate: bool with get, set
/// Opacity. Default is 1.
abstract opacity: float with get, set
/// Whether to use polygon offset. Default is false. This corresponds to the POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL WebGL feature.
abstract polygonOffset: bool with get, set
/// Sets the polygon offset factor. Default is 0.
abstract polygonOffsetFactor: float with get, set
/// Sets the polygon offset units. Default is 0.
abstract polygonOffsetUnits: float with get, set
/// Override the renderer's default precision for this material. Can be "highp", "mediump" or "lowp". Defaults is null.
abstract precision: MaterialParametersPrecision with get, set
/// Whether to premultiply the alpha (transparency) value. See WebGL / Materials / Transparency for an example of the difference. Default is false.
abstract premultipliedAlpha: bool with get, set
/// Whether to apply dithering to the color to remove the appearance of banding. Default is false.
abstract dithering: bool with get, set
/// Define whether the material is rendered with flat shading. Default is false.
abstract flatShading: bool with get, set
/// Defines which of the face sides will be rendered - front, back or both.
/// Default is THREE.FrontSide. Other options are THREE.BackSide and THREE.DoubleSide.
abstract side: Side with get, set
/// Defines which of the face sides will cast shadows. Default is *null*.
/// If *null*, the value is opposite that of side, above.
abstract shadowSide: Side with get, set
/// Defines whether this material is tone mapped according to the renderer's toneMapping setting.
/// Default is true.
abstract toneMapped: bool with get, set
/// Defines whether this material is transparent. This has an effect on rendering as transparent objects need special treatment and are rendered after non-transparent objects.
/// When set to true, the extent to which the material is transparent is controlled by setting it's .opacity property.
/// Default is false.
abstract transparent: bool with get, set
/// Value is the string 'Material'. This shouldn't be changed, and can be used to find all objects of this type in a scene.
abstract ``type``: string with get, set
/// UUID of this material instance. This gets automatically assigned, so this shouldn't be edited.
abstract uuid: string with get, set
/// Defines whether vertex coloring is used. Default is false.
abstract vertexColors: bool with get, set
/// Defines whether this material is visible. Default is true.
abstract visible: bool with get, set
/// An object that can be used to store custom data about the Material. It should not hold references to functions as these will not be cloned.
abstract userData: obj with get, set
/// This starts at 0 and counts how many times .needsUpdate is set to true.
abstract version: float with get, set
/// Return a new material with the same parameters as this material.
abstract clone: unit -> Material
/// Copy the parameters from the passed material into this material.
abstract copy: material:Material -> Material
/// This disposes the material. Textures of a material don't get disposed. These needs to be disposed by {@link Texture}.
abstract dispose: unit -> unit
/// <summary>An optional callback that is executed immediately before the shader program is compiled. This function is called with the shader source code as a parameter. Useful for the modification of built-in materials.</summary>
/// <param name="shader">Source code of the shader</param>
/// <param name="renderer">WebGLRenderer Context that is initializing the material</param>
abstract onBeforeCompile: shader:Shader * renderer:WebGLRenderer -> unit
/// In case onBeforeCompile is used, this callback can be used to identify values of settings used in onBeforeCompile, so three.js can reuse a cached shader or recompile the shader as needed.
abstract customProgramCacheKey: unit -> string
/// <summary>Sets the properties based on the values.</summary>
/// <param name="values">A container with parameters.</param>
abstract setValues: values:MaterialParameters -> unit
/// <summary>Convert the material to three.js JSON format.</summary>
/// <param name="meta">Object containing metadata such as textures or images for the material.</param>
abstract toJSON: ?meta:obj -> obj
/// Materials describe the appearance of objects. They are defined in a (mostly) renderer-independent way, so you don't have to rewrite materials if you decide to use a different renderer.
type MaterialStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: unit -> Material
type MaterialParametersPrecision =
| Highp
| Mediump
| Lowp
/// parameters is an object with one or more properties defining the material's appearance.
type MeshBasicMaterialParameters =
inherit MaterialParameters
abstract color: U3<Color, string, float> with get, set
abstract opacity: float with get, set
abstract map: Texture with get, set
abstract aoMap: Texture with get, set
abstract aoMapIntensity: float with get, set
abstract specularMap: Texture with get, set
abstract alphaMap: Texture with get, set
abstract envMap: Texture with get, set
abstract combine: Combine with get, set
abstract reflectivity: float with get, set
abstract refractionRatio: float with get, set
abstract wireframe: bool with get, set
abstract wireframeLinewidth: float with get, set
abstract wireframeLinecap: string with get, set
abstract wireframeLinejoin: string with get, set
abstract skinning: bool with get, set
abstract morphTargets: bool with get, set
type MeshBasicMaterial =
inherit Material
abstract color: Color with get, set
abstract map: Texture with get, set
abstract aoMap: Texture with get, set
abstract aoMapIntensity: float with get, set
abstract specularMap: Texture with get, set
abstract alphaMap: Texture with get, set
abstract envMap: Texture with get, set
abstract combine: Combine with get, set
abstract reflectivity: float with get, set
abstract refractionRatio: float with get, set
abstract wireframe: bool with get, set
abstract wireframeLinewidth: float with get, set
abstract wireframeLinecap: string with get, set
abstract wireframeLinejoin: string with get, set
abstract skinning: bool with get, set
abstract morphTargets: bool with get, set
/// Sets the properties based on the values.
abstract setValues: parameters:MeshBasicMaterialParameters -> unit
type MeshBasicMaterialStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: ?parameters:MeshBasicMaterialParameters -> MeshBasicMaterial
type MeshDepthMaterialParameters =
inherit MaterialParameters
abstract map: Texture with get, set
abstract alphaMap: Texture with get, set
abstract depthPacking: DepthPackingStrategies with get, set
abstract displacementMap: Texture with get, set
abstract displacementScale: float with get, set
abstract displacementBias: float with get, set
abstract wireframe: bool with get, set
abstract wireframeLinewidth: float with get, set
type MeshDepthMaterial =
inherit Material
abstract map: Texture with get, set
abstract alphaMap: Texture with get, set
abstract depthPacking: DepthPackingStrategies with get, set
abstract displacementMap: Texture with get, set
abstract displacementScale: float with get, set
abstract displacementBias: float with get, set
abstract wireframe: bool with get, set
abstract wireframeLinewidth: float with get, set
/// Sets the properties based on the values.
abstract setValues: parameters:MeshDepthMaterialParameters -> unit
type MeshDepthMaterialStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: ?parameters:MeshDepthMaterialParameters -> MeshDepthMaterial
type MeshDistanceMaterialParameters =
inherit MaterialParameters
abstract map: Texture with get, set
abstract alphaMap: Texture with get, set
abstract displacementMap: Texture with get, set
abstract displacementScale: float with get, set
abstract displacementBias: float with get, set
abstract farDistance: float with get, set
abstract nearDistance: float with get, set
abstract referencePosition: Vector3 with get, set
type MeshDistanceMaterial =
inherit Material
abstract map: Texture with get, set
abstract alphaMap: Texture with get, set
abstract displacementMap: Texture with get, set
abstract displacementScale: float with get, set
abstract displacementBias: float with get, set
abstract farDistance: float with get, set
abstract nearDistance: float with get, set
abstract referencePosition: Vector3 with get, set
/// Sets the properties based on the values.
abstract setValues: parameters:MeshDistanceMaterialParameters -> unit
type MeshDistanceMaterialStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: ?parameters:MeshDistanceMaterialParameters -> MeshDistanceMaterial
type MeshLambertMaterialParameters =
inherit MaterialParameters
abstract color: U3<Color, string, float> with get, set
abstract emissive: U3<Color, string, float> with get, set
abstract emissiveIntensity: float with get, set
abstract emissiveMap: Texture with get, set
abstract map: Texture with get, set
abstract lightMap: Texture with get, set
abstract lightMapIntensity: float with get, set
abstract aoMap: Texture with get, set
abstract aoMapIntensity: float with get, set
abstract specularMap: Texture with get, set
abstract alphaMap: Texture with get, set
abstract envMap: Texture with get, set
abstract combine: Combine with get, set
abstract reflectivity: float with get, set
abstract refractionRatio: float with get, set
abstract wireframe: bool with get, set
abstract wireframeLinewidth: float with get, set
abstract wireframeLinecap: string with get, set
abstract wireframeLinejoin: string with get, set
abstract skinning: bool with get, set
abstract morphTargets: bool with get, set
abstract morphNormals: bool with get, set
type MeshLambertMaterial =
inherit Material
abstract color: Color with get, set
abstract emissive: Color with get, set
abstract emissiveIntensity: float with get, set
abstract emissiveMap: Texture with get, set
abstract map: Texture with get, set
abstract lightMap: Texture with get, set
abstract lightMapIntensity: float with get, set
abstract aoMap: Texture with get, set
abstract aoMapIntensity: float with get, set
abstract specularMap: Texture with get, set
abstract alphaMap: Texture with get, set
abstract envMap: Texture with get, set
abstract combine: Combine with get, set
abstract reflectivity: float with get, set
abstract refractionRatio: float with get, set
abstract wireframe: bool with get, set
abstract wireframeLinewidth: float with get, set
abstract wireframeLinecap: string with get, set
abstract wireframeLinejoin: string with get, set
abstract skinning: bool with get, set
abstract morphTargets: bool with get, set
abstract morphNormals: bool with get, set
/// Sets the properties based on the values.
abstract setValues: parameters:MeshLambertMaterialParameters -> unit
type MeshLambertMaterialStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: ?parameters:MeshLambertMaterialParameters -> MeshLambertMaterial
type MeshMatcapMaterialParameters =
inherit MaterialParameters
abstract color: U3<Color, string, float> with get, set
abstract matcap: Texture with get, set
abstract map: Texture with get, set
abstract bumpMap: Texture with get, set
abstract bumpScale: float with get, set
abstract normalMap: Texture with get, set
abstract normalMapType: NormalMapTypes with get, set
abstract normalScale: Vector2 with get, set
abstract displacementMap: Texture with get, set
abstract displacementScale: float with get, set
abstract displacementBias: float with get, set
abstract alphaMap: Texture with get, set
abstract skinning: bool with get, set
abstract morphTargets: bool with get, set
abstract morphNormals: bool with get, set
type MeshMatcapMaterial =
inherit Material
abstract color: Color with get, set
abstract matcap: Texture with get, set
abstract map: Texture with get, set
abstract bumpMap: Texture with get, set
abstract bumpScale: float with get, set
abstract normalMap: Texture with get, set
abstract normalMapType: NormalMapTypes with get, set
abstract normalScale: Vector2 with get, set
abstract displacementMap: Texture with get, set
abstract displacementScale: float with get, set
abstract displacementBias: float with get, set
abstract alphaMap: Texture with get, set
abstract skinning: bool with get, set
abstract morphTargets: bool with get, set
abstract morphNormals: bool with get, set
/// Sets the properties based on the values.
abstract setValues: parameters:MeshMatcapMaterialParameters -> unit
type MeshMatcapMaterialStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: ?parameters:MeshMatcapMaterialParameters -> MeshMatcapMaterial
type MeshNormalMaterialParameters =
inherit MaterialParameters
abstract bumpMap: Texture with get, set
abstract bumpScale: float with get, set
abstract normalMap: Texture with get, set
abstract normalMapType: NormalMapTypes with get, set
abstract normalScale: Vector2 with get, set
abstract displacementMap: Texture with get, set
abstract displacementScale: float with get, set
abstract displacementBias: float with get, set
abstract wireframe: bool with get, set
abstract wireframeLinewidth: float with get, set
abstract skinning: bool with get, set
abstract morphTargets: bool with get, set
abstract morphNormals: bool with get, set
type MeshNormalMaterial =
inherit Material
abstract bumpMap: Texture with get, set
abstract bumpScale: float with get, set
abstract normalMap: Texture with get, set
abstract normalMapType: NormalMapTypes with get, set
abstract normalScale: Vector2 with get, set
abstract displacementMap: Texture with get, set
abstract displacementScale: float with get, set
abstract displacementBias: float with get, set
abstract wireframe: bool with get, set
abstract wireframeLinewidth: float with get, set
abstract skinning: bool with get, set
abstract morphTargets: bool with get, set
abstract morphNormals: bool with get, set
/// Sets the properties based on the values.
abstract setValues: parameters:MeshNormalMaterialParameters -> unit
type MeshNormalMaterialStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: ?parameters:MeshNormalMaterialParameters -> MeshNormalMaterial
type MeshPhongMaterialParameters =
inherit MaterialParameters
/// geometry color in hexadecimal. Default is 0xffffff.
abstract color: U3<Color, string, float> with get, set
abstract specular: U3<Color, string, float> with get, set
abstract shininess: float with get, set
abstract opacity: float with get, set
abstract map: Texture with get, set
abstract lightMap: Texture with get, set
abstract lightMapIntensity: float with get, set
abstract aoMap: Texture with get, set
abstract aoMapIntensity: float with get, set
abstract emissive: U3<Color, string, float> with get, set
abstract emissiveIntensity: float with get, set
abstract emissiveMap: Texture with get, set
abstract bumpMap: Texture with get, set
abstract bumpScale: float with get, set
abstract normalMap: Texture with get, set
abstract normalMapType: NormalMapTypes with get, set
abstract normalScale: Vector2 with get, set
abstract displacementMap: Texture with get, set
abstract displacementScale: float with get, set
abstract displacementBias: float with get, set
abstract specularMap: Texture with get, set
abstract alphaMap: Texture with get, set
abstract envMap: Texture with get, set
abstract combine: Combine with get, set
abstract reflectivity: float with get, set
abstract refractionRatio: float with get, set
abstract wireframe: bool with get, set
abstract wireframeLinewidth: float with get, set
abstract wireframeLinecap: string with get, set
abstract wireframeLinejoin: string with get, set
abstract skinning: bool with get, set
abstract morphTargets: bool with get, set
abstract morphNormals: bool with get, set
type MeshPhongMaterial =
inherit Material
abstract color: Color with get, set
abstract specular: Color with get, set
abstract shininess: float with get, set
abstract map: Texture with get, set
abstract lightMap: Texture with get, set
abstract lightMapIntensity: float with get, set
abstract aoMap: Texture with get, set
abstract aoMapIntensity: float with get, set
abstract emissive: Color with get, set
abstract emissiveIntensity: float with get, set
abstract emissiveMap: Texture with get, set
abstract bumpMap: Texture with get, set
abstract bumpScale: float with get, set
abstract normalMap: Texture with get, set
abstract normalMapType: NormalMapTypes with get, set
abstract normalScale: Vector2 with get, set
abstract displacementMap: Texture with get, set
abstract displacementScale: float with get, set
abstract displacementBias: float with get, set
abstract specularMap: Texture with get, set
abstract alphaMap: Texture with get, set
abstract envMap: Texture with get, set
abstract combine: Combine with get, set
abstract reflectivity: float with get, set
abstract refractionRatio: float with get, set
abstract wireframe: bool with get, set
abstract wireframeLinewidth: float with get, set
abstract wireframeLinecap: string with get, set
abstract wireframeLinejoin: string with get, set
abstract skinning: bool with get, set
abstract morphTargets: bool with get, set
abstract morphNormals: bool with get, set
abstract metal: bool with get, set
/// Sets the properties based on the values.
abstract setValues: parameters:MeshPhongMaterialParameters -> unit
type MeshPhongMaterialStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: ?parameters:MeshPhongMaterialParameters -> MeshPhongMaterial
type MeshPhysicalMaterialParameters =
inherit MeshStandardMaterialParameters
abstract reflectivity: float with get, set
abstract clearcoat: float with get, set
abstract clearcoatRoughness: float with get, set
abstract sheen: Color with get, set
abstract clearcoatNormalScale: Vector2 with get, set
abstract clearcoatNormalMap: Texture with get, set
type MeshPhysicalMaterial =
inherit MeshStandardMaterial
abstract clearcoat: float with get, set
abstract clearcoatMap: Texture with get, set
abstract clearcoatRoughness: float with get, set
abstract clearcoatRoughnessMap: Texture with get, set
abstract clearcoatNormalScale: Vector2 with get, set
abstract clearcoatNormalMap: Texture with get, set
abstract reflectivity: float with get, set
abstract sheen: Color with get, set
abstract transparency: float with get, set
type MeshPhysicalMaterialStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: parameters:MeshPhysicalMaterialParameters -> MeshPhysicalMaterial
type MeshStandardMaterialParameters =
inherit MaterialParameters
abstract color: U3<Color, string, float> with get, set
abstract roughness: float with get, set
abstract metalness: float with get, set
abstract map: Texture with get, set
abstract lightMap: Texture with get, set
abstract lightMapIntensity: float with get, set
abstract aoMap: Texture with get, set
abstract aoMapIntensity: float with get, set
abstract emissive: U3<Color, string, float> with get, set
abstract emissiveIntensity: float with get, set
abstract emissiveMap: Texture with get, set
abstract bumpMap: Texture with get, set
abstract bumpScale: float with get, set
abstract normalMap: Texture with get, set
abstract normalMapType: NormalMapTypes with get, set
abstract normalScale: Vector2 with get, set
abstract displacementMap: Texture with get, set
abstract displacementScale: float with get, set
abstract displacementBias: float with get, set
abstract roughnessMap: Texture with get, set
abstract metalnessMap: Texture with get, set
abstract alphaMap: Texture with get, set
abstract envMap: Texture with get, set
abstract envMapIntensity: float with get, set
abstract refractionRatio: float with get, set
abstract wireframe: bool with get, set
abstract wireframeLinewidth: float with get, set
abstract skinning: bool with get, set
abstract vertexTangents: bool with get, set
abstract morphTargets: bool with get, set
abstract morphNormals: bool with get, set
type MeshStandardMaterial =
inherit Material
abstract color: Color with get, set
abstract roughness: float with get, set
abstract metalness: float with get, set
abstract map: Texture with get, set
abstract lightMap: Texture with get, set
abstract lightMapIntensity: float with get, set
abstract aoMap: Texture with get, set
abstract aoMapIntensity: float with get, set
abstract emissive: Color with get, set
abstract emissiveIntensity: float with get, set
abstract emissiveMap: Texture with get, set
abstract bumpMap: Texture with get, set
abstract bumpScale: float with get, set
abstract normalMap: Texture with get, set
abstract normalMapType: NormalMapTypes with get, set
abstract normalScale: Vector2 with get, set
abstract displacementMap: Texture with get, set
abstract displacementScale: float with get, set
abstract displacementBias: float with get, set
abstract roughnessMap: Texture with get, set
abstract metalnessMap: Texture with get, set
abstract alphaMap: Texture with get, set
abstract envMap: Texture with get, set
abstract envMapIntensity: float with get, set
abstract refractionRatio: float with get, set
abstract wireframe: bool with get, set
abstract wireframeLinewidth: float with get, set
abstract skinning: bool with get, set
abstract vertexTangents: bool with get, set
abstract morphTargets: bool with get, set
abstract morphNormals: bool with get, set
/// Sets the properties based on the values.
abstract setValues: parameters:MeshStandardMaterialParameters -> unit
type MeshStandardMaterialStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: ?parameters:MeshStandardMaterialParameters -> MeshStandardMaterial
type MeshToonMaterialParameters =
inherit MaterialParameters
/// geometry color in hexadecimal. Default is 0xffffff.
abstract color: U3<Color, string, float> with get, set
abstract opacity: float with get, set
abstract gradientMap: Texture with get, set
abstract map: Texture with get, set
abstract lightMap: Texture with get, set
abstract lightMapIntensity: float with get, set
abstract aoMap: Texture with get, set
abstract aoMapIntensity: float with get, set
abstract emissive: U3<Color, string, float> with get, set
abstract emissiveIntensity: float with get, set
abstract emissiveMap: Texture with get, set
abstract bumpMap: Texture with get, set
abstract bumpScale: float with get, set
abstract normalMap: Texture with get, set
abstract normalMapType: NormalMapTypes with get, set
abstract normalScale: Vector2 with get, set
abstract displacementMap: Texture with get, set
abstract displacementScale: float with get, set
abstract displacementBias: float with get, set
abstract alphaMap: Texture with get, set
abstract wireframe: bool with get, set
abstract wireframeLinewidth: float with get, set
abstract wireframeLinecap: string with get, set
abstract wireframeLinejoin: string with get, set
abstract skinning: bool with get, set
abstract morphTargets: bool with get, set
abstract morphNormals: bool with get, set
type MeshToonMaterial =
inherit Material
abstract color: Color with get, set
abstract gradientMap: Texture with get, set
abstract map: Texture with get, set
abstract lightMap: Texture with get, set
abstract lightMapIntensity: float with get, set
abstract aoMap: Texture with get, set
abstract aoMapIntensity: float with get, set
abstract emissive: Color with get, set
abstract emissiveIntensity: float with get, set
abstract emissiveMap: Texture with get, set
abstract bumpMap: Texture with get, set
abstract bumpScale: float with get, set
abstract normalMap: Texture with get, set
abstract normalMapType: NormalMapTypes with get, set
abstract normalScale: Vector2 with get, set
abstract displacementMap: Texture with get, set
abstract displacementScale: float with get, set
abstract displacementBias: float with get, set
abstract alphaMap: Texture with get, set
abstract wireframe: bool with get, set
abstract wireframeLinewidth: float with get, set
abstract wireframeLinecap: string with get, set
abstract wireframeLinejoin: string with get, set
abstract skinning: bool with get, set
abstract morphTargets: bool with get, set
abstract morphNormals: bool with get, set
/// Sets the properties based on the values.
abstract setValues: parameters:MeshToonMaterialParameters -> unit
type MeshToonMaterialStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: ?parameters:MeshToonMaterialParameters -> MeshToonMaterial
type PointsMaterialParameters =
inherit MaterialParameters
abstract color: U3<Color, string, float> with get, set
abstract map: Texture with get, set
abstract alphaMap: Texture with get, set
abstract size: float with get, set
abstract sizeAttenuation: bool with get, set
abstract morphTargets: bool with get, set
type PointsMaterial =
inherit Material
abstract color: Color with get, set
abstract map: Texture with get, set
abstract alphaMap: Texture with get, set
abstract size: float with get, set
abstract sizeAttenuation: bool with get, set
abstract morphTargets: bool with get, set
/// Sets the properties based on the values.
abstract setValues: parameters:PointsMaterialParameters -> unit
type PointsMaterialStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: ?parameters:PointsMaterialParameters -> PointsMaterial
type RawShaderMaterial =
inherit ShaderMaterial
type RawShaderMaterialStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: ?parameters:ShaderMaterialParameters -> RawShaderMaterial
type ShaderMaterialParameters =
inherit MaterialParameters
abstract uniforms: ShaderMaterialParametersUniforms with get, set
abstract vertexShader: string with get, set
abstract fragmentShader: string with get, set
abstract linewidth: float with get, set
abstract wireframe: bool with get, set
abstract wireframeLinewidth: float with get, set
abstract lights: bool with get, set
abstract clipping: bool with get, set
abstract skinning: bool with get, set
abstract morphTargets: bool with get, set
abstract morphNormals: bool with get, set
abstract extensions: ShaderMaterialParametersExtensions with get, set
type IUniform = obj
type ShaderMaterial =
inherit Material
abstract uniforms: ShaderMaterialParametersUniforms with get, set
abstract vertexShader: string with get, set
abstract fragmentShader: string with get, set
abstract linewidth: float with get, set
abstract wireframe: bool with get, set
abstract wireframeLinewidth: float with get, set
abstract lights: bool with get, set
abstract clipping: bool with get, set
abstract skinning: bool with get, set
abstract morphTargets: bool with get, set
abstract morphNormals: bool with get, set
abstract derivatives: obj with get, set
abstract extensions: ShaderMaterialExtensions with get, set
abstract defaultAttributeValues: obj with get, set
abstract index0AttributeName: string with get, set
abstract uniformsNeedUpdate: bool with get, set
/// Sets the properties based on the values.
abstract setValues: parameters:ShaderMaterialParameters -> unit
/// Convert the material to three.js JSON format.
abstract toJSON: meta:obj -> obj
type ShaderMaterialStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: ?parameters:ShaderMaterialParameters -> ShaderMaterial
type ShaderMaterialParametersUniforms =
[<Emit "$0[$1]{{=$2}}">]
abstract Item: uniform:string -> IUniform with get, set
type ShaderMaterialParametersExtensions =
abstract derivatives: bool with get, set
abstract fragDepth: bool with get, set
abstract drawBuffers: bool with get, set
abstract shaderTextureLOD: bool with get, set
type ShaderMaterialExtensions =
abstract derivatives: bool with get, set
abstract fragDepth: bool with get, set
abstract drawBuffers: bool with get, set
abstract shaderTextureLOD: bool with get, set
type ShadowMaterialParameters =
inherit MaterialParameters
abstract color: U3<Color, string, float> with get, set
type ShadowMaterial =
inherit Material
abstract color: Color with get, set
type ShadowMaterialStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: ?parameters:ShadowMaterialParameters -> ShadowMaterial
type SpriteMaterialParameters =
inherit MaterialParameters
abstract color: U3<Color, string, float> with get, set
abstract map: Texture with get, set
abstract alphaMap: Texture with get, set
abstract rotation: float with get, set
abstract sizeAttenuation: bool with get, set
type SpriteMaterial =
inherit Material
abstract color: Color with get, set
abstract map: Texture with get, set
abstract alphaMap: Texture with get, set
abstract rotation: float with get, set
abstract sizeAttenuation: bool with get, set
abstract isSpriteMaterial: obj
/// Sets the properties based on the values.
abstract setValues: parameters:SpriteMaterialParameters -> unit
/// Copy the parameters from the passed material into this material.
abstract copy: source:SpriteMaterial -> SpriteMaterial
type SpriteMaterialStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: ?parameters:SpriteMaterialParameters -> SpriteMaterial
type Box2 =
abstract max: Vector2 with get, set
abstract min: Vector2 with get, set
abstract set: min:Vector2 * max:Vector2 -> Box2
abstract setFromPoints: points:ResizeArray<Vector2> -> Box2
abstract setFromCenterAndSize: center:Vector2 * size:Vector2 -> Box2
abstract clone: unit -> Box2
abstract copy: box:Box2 -> Box2
abstract makeEmpty: unit -> Box2
abstract isEmpty: unit -> bool
abstract getCenter: target:Vector2 -> Vector2
abstract getSize: target:Vector2 -> Vector2
abstract expandByPoint: point:Vector2 -> Box2
abstract expandByVector: vector:Vector2 -> Box2
abstract expandByScalar: scalar:float -> Box2
abstract containsPoint: point:Vector2 -> bool
abstract containsBox: box:Box2 -> bool
abstract getParameter: point:Vector2 * target:Vector2 -> Vector2
abstract intersectsBox: box:Box2 -> bool
abstract clampPoint: point:Vector2 * target:Vector2 -> Vector2
abstract distanceToPoint: point:Vector2 -> float
abstract intersect: box:Box2 -> Box2
abstract union: box:Box2 -> Box2
abstract translate: offset:Vector2 -> Box2
abstract equals: box:Box2 -> bool
abstract empty: unit -> obj
abstract isIntersectionBox: b:obj -> obj
type Box2Static =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: ?min:Vector2 * ?max:Vector2 -> Box2
type Box3 =
abstract max: Vector3 with get, set
abstract min: Vector3 with get, set
abstract isBox3: obj
abstract set: min:Vector3 * max:Vector3 -> Box3
abstract setFromArray: array:ArrayLike<float> -> Box3
abstract setFromBufferAttribute: bufferAttribute:BufferAttribute -> Box3
abstract setFromPoints: points:ResizeArray<Vector3> -> Box3
abstract setFromCenterAndSize: center:Vector3 * size:Vector3 -> Box3
abstract setFromObject: object:Object3D -> Box3
abstract clone: unit -> Box3
abstract copy: box:Box3 -> Box3
abstract makeEmpty: unit -> Box3
abstract isEmpty: unit -> bool
abstract getCenter: target:Vector3 -> Vector3
abstract getSize: target:Vector3 -> Vector3
abstract expandByPoint: point:Vector3 -> Box3
abstract expandByVector: vector:Vector3 -> Box3
abstract expandByScalar: scalar:float -> Box3
abstract expandByObject: object:Object3D -> Box3
abstract containsPoint: point:Vector3 -> bool
abstract containsBox: box:Box3 -> bool
abstract getParameter: point:Vector3 * target:Vector3 -> Vector3
abstract intersectsBox: box:Box3 -> bool
abstract intersectsSphere: sphere:Sphere -> bool
abstract intersectsPlane: plane:Plane -> bool
abstract intersectsTriangle: triangle:Triangle -> bool
abstract clampPoint: point:Vector3 * target:Vector3 -> Vector3
abstract distanceToPoint: point:Vector3 -> float
abstract getBoundingSphere: target:Sphere -> Sphere
abstract intersect: box:Box3 -> Box3
abstract union: box:Box3 -> Box3
abstract applyMatrix4: matrix:Matrix4 -> Box3
abstract translate: offset:Vector3 -> Box3
abstract equals: box:Box3 -> bool
abstract empty: unit -> obj
abstract isIntersectionBox: b:obj -> obj
abstract isIntersectionSphere: s:obj -> obj
type Box3Static =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: ?min:Vector3 * ?max:Vector3 -> Box3
type HSL =
abstract h: float with get, set
abstract s: float with get, set
abstract l: float with get, set
type Record<'T, 'K> = Record of 'T * 'K
/// Represents a color. See also {@link ColorUtils}.
type Color =
abstract isColor: obj
/// Red channel value between 0 and 1. Default is 1.
abstract r: float with get, set
/// Green channel value between 0 and 1. Default is 1.
abstract g: float with get, set
/// Blue channel value between 0 and 1. Default is 1.
abstract b: float with get, set
abstract set: color:U3<Color, string, float> -> Color
abstract setScalar: scalar:float -> Color
abstract setHex: hex:float -> Color
/// <summary>Sets this color from RGB values.</summary>
/// <param name="r">Red channel value between 0 and 1.</param>
/// <param name="g">Green channel value between 0 and 1.</param>
/// <param name="b">Blue channel value between 0 and 1.</param>
abstract setRGB: r:float * g:float * b:float -> Color
/// <summary>Sets this color from HSL values.
/// Based on MochiKit implementation by Bob Ippolito.</summary>
/// <param name="h">Hue channel value between 0 and 1.</param>
/// <param name="s">Saturation value channel between 0 and 1.</param>
/// <param name="l">Value channel value between 0 and 1.</param>
abstract setHSL: h:float * s:float * l:float -> Color
/// Sets this color from a CSS context style string.
abstract setStyle: style:string -> Color
/// <summary>Sets this color from a color name.
/// Faster than {@link Color#setStyle .setStyle()} method if you don't need the other CSS-style formats.</summary>
/// <param name="style">Color name in X11 format.</param>
abstract setColorName: style:string -> Color
/// Clones this color.
abstract clone: unit -> Color
/// <summary>Copies given color.</summary>
/// <param name="color">Color to copy.</param>
abstract copy: color:Color -> Color
/// <summary>Copies given color making conversion from gamma to linear space.</summary>
/// <param name="color">Color to copy.</param>
abstract copyGammaToLinear: color:Color * ?gammaFactor:float -> Color
/// <summary>Copies given color making conversion from linear to gamma space.</summary>
/// <param name="color">Color to copy.</param>
abstract copyLinearToGamma: color:Color * ?gammaFactor:float -> Color
/// Converts this color from gamma to linear space.
abstract convertGammaToLinear: ?gammaFactor:float -> Color
/// Converts this color from linear to gamma space.
abstract convertLinearToGamma: ?gammaFactor:float -> Color
/// <summary>Copies given color making conversion from sRGB to linear space.</summary>
/// <param name="color">Color to copy.</param>
abstract copySRGBToLinear: color:Color -> Color
/// <summary>Copies given color making conversion from linear to sRGB space.</summary>
/// <param name="color">Color to copy.</param>
abstract copyLinearToSRGB: color:Color -> Color
/// Converts this color from sRGB to linear space.
abstract convertSRGBToLinear: unit -> Color
/// Converts this color from linear to sRGB space.
abstract convertLinearToSRGB: unit -> Color
/// Returns the hexadecimal value of this color.
abstract getHex: unit -> float
/// Returns the string formated hexadecimal value of this color.
abstract getHexString: unit -> string
abstract getHSL: target:HSL -> HSL
/// Returns the value of this color in CSS context style.
/// Example: rgb(r, g, b)
abstract getStyle: unit -> string
abstract offsetHSL: h:float * s:float * l:float -> Color
abstract add: color:Color -> Color
abstract addColors: color1:Color * color2:Color -> Color
abstract addScalar: s:float -> Color
abstract sub: color:Color -> Color
abstract multiply: color:Color -> Color
abstract multiplyScalar: s:float -> Color
abstract lerp: color:Color * alpha:float -> Color
abstract lerpHSL: color:Color * alpha:float -> Color
abstract equals: color:Color -> bool
/// <summary>Sets this color's red, green and blue value from the provided array.</summary>
/// <param name="array">the source array.</param>
/// <param name="offset">(optional) offset into the array. Default is 0.</param>
abstract fromArray: array:ResizeArray<float> * ?offset:float -> Color
/// <summary>Sets this color's red, green and blue value from the provided array-like.</summary>
/// <param name="array">the source array-like.</param>
/// <param name="offset">(optional) offset into the array-like. Default is 0.</param>
abstract fromArray: array:ArrayLike<float> * ?offset:float -> Color
/// <summary>Returns an array [red, green, blue], or copies red, green and blue into the provided array.</summary>
/// <param name="array">(optional) array to store the color to. If this is not provided, a new array will be created.</param>
/// <param name="offset">(optional) optional offset into the array.</param>
abstract toArray: ?array:ResizeArray<float> * ?offset:float -> ResizeArray<float>
/// <summary>Copies red, green and blue into the provided array-like.</summary>
/// <param name="offset">(optional) optional offset into the array-like.</param>
abstract toArray: xyz:ArrayLike<float> * ?offset:float -> ArrayLike<float>
abstract fromBufferAttribute: attribute:BufferAttribute * index:float -> Color
/// Represents a color. See also {@link ColorUtils}.
type ColorStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: ?color:U3<Color, string, float> -> Color
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: r:float * g:float * b:float -> Color
/// List of X11 color names.
abstract NAMES: Record<string, float> with get, set
type Cylindrical =
abstract radius: float with get, set
abstract theta: float with get, set
abstract y: float with get, set
abstract clone: unit -> Cylindrical
abstract copy: other:Cylindrical -> Cylindrical
abstract set: radius:float * theta:float * y:float -> Cylindrical
abstract setFromVector3: vec3:Vector3 -> Cylindrical
abstract setFromCartesianCoords: x:float * y:float * z:float -> Cylindrical
type CylindricalStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: ?radius:float * ?theta:float * ?y:float -> Cylindrical
type Euler =
abstract x: float with get, set
abstract y: float with get, set
abstract z: float with get, set
abstract order: string with get, set
abstract isEuler: obj
abstract _onChangeCallback: Function with get, set
abstract set: x:float * y:float * z:float * ?order:string -> Euler
abstract clone: unit -> Euler
abstract copy: euler:Euler -> Euler
abstract setFromRotationMatrix: m:Matrix4 * ?order:string -> Euler
abstract setFromQuaternion: q:Quaternion * ?order:string -> Euler
abstract setFromVector3: v:Vector3 * ?order:string -> Euler
abstract reorder: newOrder:string -> Euler
abstract equals: euler:Euler -> bool
abstract fromArray: xyzo:ResizeArray<obj> -> Euler
abstract toArray: ?array:ResizeArray<float> * ?offset:float -> ResizeArray<float>
abstract toVector3: ?optionalResult:Vector3 -> Vector3
abstract _onChange: callback:Function -> Euler
type EulerStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: ?x:float * ?y:float * ?z:float * ?order:string -> Euler
abstract RotationOrders: ResizeArray<string> with get, set
abstract DefaultOrder: string with get, set
/// Frustums are used to determine what is inside the camera's field of view. They help speed up the rendering process.
type Frustum =
/// Array of 6 vectors.
abstract planes: ResizeArray<Plane> with get, set
abstract set: p0:Plane * p1:Plane * p2:Plane * p3:Plane * p4:Plane * p5:Plane -> Frustum
abstract clone: unit -> Frustum
abstract copy: frustum:Frustum -> Frustum
abstract setFromProjectionMatrix: m:Matrix4 -> Frustum
abstract intersectsObject: object:Object3D -> bool
abstract intersectsSprite: sprite:Sprite -> bool
abstract intersectsSphere: sphere:Sphere -> bool
abstract intersectsBox: box:Box3 -> bool
abstract containsPoint: point:Vector3 -> bool
/// Frustums are used to determine what is inside the camera's field of view. They help speed up the rendering process.
type FrustumStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: ?p0:Plane * ?p1:Plane * ?p2:Plane * ?p3:Plane * ?p4:Plane * ?p5:Plane -> Frustum
type Interpolant =
abstract parameterPositions: obj with get, set
abstract sampleValues: obj with get, set
abstract valueSize: float with get, set
abstract resultBuffer: obj with get, set
abstract evaluate: time:float -> obj
type InterpolantStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: parameterPositions:obj
* sampleValues:obj
* sampleSize:float
* ?resultBuffer:obj
-> Interpolant
type Line3 =
abstract start: Vector3 with get, set
abstract ``end``: Vector3 with get, set
abstract set: ?start:Vector3 * ?``end``:Vector3 -> Line3
abstract clone: unit -> Line3
abstract copy: line:Line3 -> Line3
abstract getCenter: target:Vector3 -> Vector3
abstract delta: target:Vector3 -> Vector3
abstract distanceSq: unit -> float
abstract distance: unit -> float
abstract at: t:float * target:Vector3 -> Vector3
abstract closestPointToPointParameter: point:Vector3 * ?clampToLine:bool -> float
abstract closestPointToPoint: point:Vector3 * clampToLine:bool * target:Vector3 -> Vector3
abstract applyMatrix4: matrix:Matrix4 -> Line3
abstract equals: line:Line3 -> bool
type Line3Static =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: ?start:Vector3 * ?``end``:Vector3 -> Line3
[<Import("MathUtils", "three")>]
let mathUtils: MathUtils.IExports = jsNative
module MathUtils =
type IExports =
abstract DEG2RAD: float
abstract RAD2DEG: float
abstract generateUUID: unit -> string
/// <summary>Clamps the x to be between a and b.</summary>
/// <param name="value">Value to be clamped.</param>
/// <param name="min">Minimum value</param>
/// <param name="max">Maximum value.</param>
abstract clamp: value:float * min:float * max:float -> float
abstract euclideanModulo: n:float * m:float -> float
/// <summary>Linear mapping of x from range [a1, a2] to range [b1, b2].</summary>
/// <param name="x">Value to be mapped.</param>
/// <param name="a1">Minimum value for range A.</param>
/// <param name="a2">Maximum value for range A.</param>
/// <param name="b1">Minimum value for range B.</param>
/// <param name="b2">Maximum value for range B.</param>
abstract mapLinear: x:float * a1:float * a2:float * b1:float * b2:float -> float
abstract smoothstep: x:float * min:float * max:float -> float
abstract smootherstep: x:float * min:float * max:float -> float
/// Random float from 0 to 1 with 16 bits of randomness.
/// Standard Math.random() creates repetitive patterns when applied over larger space.
abstract random16: unit -> float
/// Random integer from low to high interval.
abstract randInt: low:float * high:float -> float
/// Random float from low to high interval.
abstract randFloat: low:float * high:float -> float
/// Random float from - range / 2 to range / 2 interval.
abstract randFloatSpread: range:float -> float
abstract degToRad: degrees:float -> float
abstract radToDeg: radians:float -> float
abstract isPowerOfTwo: value:float -> bool
/// <summary>Returns a value linearly interpolated from two known points based
/// on the given interval - t = 0 will return x and t = 1 will return y.</summary>
/// <param name="x">Start point.</param>
/// <param name="y">End point.</param>
/// <param name="t">interpolation factor in the closed interval [0, 1]</param>
abstract lerp: x:float * y:float * t:float -> float
abstract nearestPowerOfTwo: value:float -> float
abstract nextPowerOfTwo: value:float -> float
abstract floorPowerOfTwo: value:float -> float
abstract ceilPowerOfTwo: value:float -> float
abstract setQuaternionFromProperEuler: q:Quaternion * a:float * b:float * c:float * order:string -> unit
/// ( interface Matrix<T> )
type Matrix =
/// Array with matrix values.
abstract elements: ResizeArray<float> with get, set
/// identity():T;
abstract identity: unit -> Matrix
/// copy(m:T):T;
abstract copy: m:Matrix -> Matrix
/// multiplyScalar(s:number):T;
abstract multiplyScalar: s:float -> Matrix
abstract determinant: unit -> float
/// getInverse(matrix:T):T;
abstract getInverse: matrix:Matrix -> Matrix
/// transpose():T;
abstract transpose: unit -> Matrix
/// clone():T;
abstract clone: unit -> Matrix
/// ( class Matrix3 implements Matrix<Matrix3> )
type Matrix3 =
inherit Matrix
/// Array with matrix values.
abstract elements: ResizeArray<float> with get, set
abstract set: n11:float
* n12:float
* n13:float
* n21:float
* n22:float
* n23:float
* n31:float
* n32:float
* n33:float
-> Matrix3
/// identity():T;
abstract identity: unit -> Matrix3
/// clone():T;
abstract clone: unit -> Matrix3
/// copy(m:T):T;
abstract copy: m:Matrix3 -> Matrix3
abstract extractBasis: xAxis:Vector3 * yAxis:Vector3 * zAxis:Vector3 -> Matrix3
abstract setFromMatrix4: m:Matrix4 -> Matrix3
/// multiplyScalar(s:number):T;
abstract multiplyScalar: s:float -> Matrix3
abstract determinant: unit -> float
/// getInverse(matrix:T):T;
abstract getInverse: matrix:Matrix3 -> Matrix3
/// Transposes this matrix in place.
abstract transpose: unit -> Matrix3
abstract getNormalMatrix: matrix4:Matrix4 -> Matrix3
/// Transposes this matrix into the supplied array r, and returns itself.
abstract transposeIntoArray: r:ResizeArray<float> -> Matrix3
abstract setUvTransform: tx:float * ty:float * sx:float * sy:float * rotation:float * cx:float * cy:float -> Matrix3
abstract scale: sx:float * sy:float -> Matrix3
abstract rotate: theta:float -> Matrix3
abstract translate: tx:float * ty:float -> Matrix3
abstract equals: matrix:Matrix3 -> bool
/// <summary>Sets the values of this matrix from the provided array.</summary>
/// <param name="array">the source array.</param>
/// <param name="offset">(optional) offset into the array. Default is 0.</param>
abstract fromArray: array:ResizeArray<float> * ?offset:float -> Matrix3
/// <summary>Sets the values of this matrix from the provided array-like.</summary>
/// <param name="array">the source array-like.</param>
/// <param name="offset">(optional) offset into the array-like. Default is 0.</param>
abstract fromArray: array:ArrayLike<float> * ?offset:float -> Matrix3
/// <summary>Returns an array with the values of this matrix, or copies them into the provided array.</summary>
/// <param name="array">(optional) array to store the matrix to. If this is not provided, a new array will be created.</param>
/// <param name="offset">(optional) optional offset into the array.</param>
abstract toArray: ?array:ResizeArray<float> * ?offset:float -> ResizeArray<float>
/// <summary>Copies he values of this matrix into the provided array-like.</summary>
/// <param name="array">array-like to store the matrix to.</param>
/// <param name="offset">(optional) optional offset into the array-like.</param>
abstract toArray: ?array:ArrayLike<float> * ?offset:float -> ArrayLike<float>
/// Multiplies this matrix by m.
abstract multiply: m:Matrix3 -> Matrix3
abstract premultiply: m:Matrix3 -> Matrix3
/// Sets this matrix to a x b.
abstract multiplyMatrices: a:Matrix3 * b:Matrix3 -> Matrix3
abstract multiplyVector3: vector:Vector3 -> obj
abstract multiplyVector3Array: a:obj -> obj
/// getInverse(matrix:T):T;
abstract getInverse: matrix:Matrix4 * ?throwOnDegenerate:bool -> Matrix3
abstract flattenToArrayOffset: array:ResizeArray<float> * offset:float -> ResizeArray<float>
/// ( class Matrix3 implements Matrix<Matrix3> )
type Matrix3Static =
/// Creates an identity matrix.
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: unit -> Matrix3
/// A 4x4 Matrix.
type Matrix4 =
inherit Matrix
/// Array with matrix values.
abstract elements: ResizeArray<float> with get, set
/// Sets all fields of this matrix.
abstract set: n11:float
* n12:float
* n13:float
* n14:float
* n21:float
* n22:float
* n23:float
* n24:float
* n31:float
* n32:float
* n33:float
* n34:float
* n41:float
* n42:float
* n43:float
* n44:float
-> Matrix4
/// Resets this matrix to identity.
abstract identity: unit -> Matrix4
/// clone():T;
abstract clone: unit -> Matrix4
/// copy(m:T):T;
abstract copy: m:Matrix4 -> Matrix4
abstract copyPosition: m:Matrix4 -> Matrix4
abstract extractBasis: xAxis:Vector3 * yAxis:Vector3 * zAxis:Vector3 -> Matrix4
abstract makeBasis: xAxis:Vector3 * yAxis:Vector3 * zAxis:Vector3 -> Matrix4
/// Copies the rotation component of the supplied matrix m into this matrix rotation component.
abstract extractRotation: m:Matrix4 -> Matrix4
abstract makeRotationFromEuler: euler:Euler -> Matrix4
abstract makeRotationFromQuaternion: q:Quaternion -> Matrix4
/// Constructs a rotation matrix, looking from eye towards center with defined up vector.
abstract lookAt: eye:Vector3 * target:Vector3 * up:Vector3 -> Matrix4
/// Multiplies this matrix by m.
abstract multiply: m:Matrix4 -> Matrix4
abstract premultiply: m:Matrix4 -> Matrix4
/// Sets this matrix to a x b.
abstract multiplyMatrices: a:Matrix4 * b:Matrix4 -> Matrix4
/// Sets this matrix to a x b and stores the result into the flat array r.
/// r can be either a regular Array or a TypedArray.
abstract multiplyToArray: a:Matrix4 * b:Matrix4 * r:ResizeArray<float> -> Matrix4
/// Multiplies this matrix by s.
abstract multiplyScalar: s:float -> Matrix4
/// Computes determinant of this matrix.
/// Based on
abstract determinant: unit -> float
/// Transposes this matrix.
abstract transpose: unit -> Matrix4
/// Sets the position component for this matrix from vector v.
abstract setPosition: v:U2<Vector3, float> * ?y:float * ?z:float -> Matrix4
/// Sets this matrix to the inverse of matrix m.
/// Based on
abstract getInverse: m:Matrix4 -> Matrix4
/// Multiplies the columns of this matrix by vector v.
abstract scale: v:Vector3 -> Matrix4
abstract getMaxScaleOnAxis: unit -> float
/// Sets this matrix as translation transform.
abstract makeTranslation: x:float * y:float * z:float -> Matrix4
/// <summary>Sets this matrix as rotation transform around x axis by theta radians.</summary>
/// <param name="theta">Rotation angle in radians.</param>
abstract makeRotationX: theta:float -> Matrix4
/// <summary>Sets this matrix as rotation transform around y axis by theta radians.</summary>
/// <param name="theta">Rotation angle in radians.</param>
abstract makeRotationY: theta:float -> Matrix4
/// <summary>Sets this matrix as rotation transform around z axis by theta radians.</summary>
/// <param name="theta">Rotation angle in radians.</param>
abstract makeRotationZ: theta:float -> Matrix4
/// <summary>Sets this matrix as rotation transform around axis by angle radians.
/// Based on</summary>
/// <param name="axis">Rotation axis.</param>
abstract makeRotationAxis: axis:Vector3 * angle:float -> Matrix4
/// Sets this matrix as scale transform.
abstract makeScale: x:float * y:float * z:float -> Matrix4
/// Sets this matrix to the transformation composed of translation, rotation and scale.
abstract compose: translation:Vector3 * rotation:Quaternion * scale:Vector3 -> Matrix4
/// Decomposes this matrix into it's position, quaternion and scale components.
abstract decompose: translation:Vector3 * rotation:Quaternion * scale:Vector3 -> Matrix4
/// Creates a frustum matrix.
abstract makePerspective: left:float * right:float * bottom:float * top:float * near:float * far:float -> Matrix4
/// Creates a perspective projection matrix.
abstract makePerspective: fov:float * aspect:float * near:float * far:float -> Matrix4
/// Creates an orthographic projection matrix.
abstract makeOrthographic: left:float * right:float * top:float * bottom:float * near:float * far:float -> Matrix4
abstract equals: matrix:Matrix4 -> bool
/// <summary>Sets the values of this matrix from the provided array.</summary>
/// <param name="array">the source array.</param>
/// <param name="offset">(optional) offset into the array. Default is 0.</param>
abstract fromArray: array:ResizeArray<float> * ?offset:float -> Matrix4
/// <summary>Sets the values of this matrix from the provided array-like.</summary>
/// <param name="array">the source array-like.</param>
/// <param name="offset">(optional) offset into the array-like. Default is 0.</param>
abstract fromArray: array:ArrayLike<float> * ?offset:float -> Matrix4
/// <summary>Returns an array with the values of this matrix, or copies them into the provided array.</summary>
/// <param name="array">(optional) array to store the matrix to. If this is not provided, a new array will be created.</param>
/// <param name="offset">(optional) optional offset into the array.</param>
abstract toArray: ?array:ResizeArray<float> * ?offset:float -> ResizeArray<float>
/// <summary>Copies he values of this matrix into the provided array-like.</summary>
/// <param name="array">array-like to store the matrix to.</param>
/// <param name="offset">(optional) optional offset into the array-like.</param>
abstract toArray: ?array:ArrayLike<float> * ?offset:float -> ArrayLike<float>
abstract extractPosition: m:Matrix4 -> Matrix4
abstract setRotationFromQuaternion: q:Quaternion -> Matrix4
abstract multiplyVector3: v:obj -> obj
abstract multiplyVector4: v:obj -> obj
abstract multiplyVector3Array: array:ResizeArray<float> -> ResizeArray<float>
abstract rotateAxis: v:obj -> unit
abstract crossVector: v:obj -> unit
abstract flattenToArrayOffset: array:ResizeArray<float> * offset:float -> ResizeArray<float>
/// A 4x4 Matrix.
type Matrix4Static =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: unit -> Matrix4
type Plane =
abstract normal: Vector3 with get, set
abstract constant: float with get, set
abstract isPlane: obj
abstract set: normal:Vector3 * constant:float -> Plane
abstract setComponents: x:float * y:float * z:float * w:float -> Plane
abstract setFromNormalAndCoplanarPoint: normal:Vector3 * point:Vector3 -> Plane
abstract setFromCoplanarPoints: a:Vector3 * b:Vector3 * c:Vector3 -> Plane
abstract clone: unit -> Plane
abstract copy: plane:Plane -> Plane
abstract normalize: unit -> Plane
abstract negate: unit -> Plane
abstract distanceToPoint: point:Vector3 -> float
abstract distanceToSphere: sphere:Sphere -> float
abstract projectPoint: point:Vector3 * target:Vector3 -> Vector3
abstract orthoPoint: point:Vector3 * target:Vector3 -> Vector3
abstract intersectLine: line:Line3 * target:Vector3 -> Vector3 option
abstract intersectsLine: line:Line3 -> bool
abstract intersectsBox: box:Box3 -> bool
abstract intersectsSphere: sphere:Sphere -> bool
abstract coplanarPoint: target:Vector3 -> Vector3
abstract applyMatrix4: matrix:Matrix4 * ?optionalNormalMatrix:Matrix3 -> Plane
abstract translate: offset:Vector3 -> Plane
abstract equals: plane:Plane -> bool
abstract isIntersectionLine: l:obj -> obj
type PlaneStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: ?normal:Vector3 * ?constant:float -> Plane
/// Implementation of a quaternion. This is used for rotating things without incurring in the dreaded gimbal lock issue, amongst other advantages.
type Quaternion =
abstract x: float with get, set
abstract y: float with get, set
abstract z: float with get, set
abstract w: float with get, set
abstract isQuaternion: obj
/// Sets values of this quaternion.
abstract set: x:float * y:float * z:float * w:float -> Quaternion
/// Clones this quaternion.
abstract clone: unit -> Quaternion
/// Copies values of q to this quaternion.
abstract copy: q:Quaternion -> Quaternion
/// Sets this quaternion from rotation specified by Euler angles.
abstract setFromEuler: euler:Euler -> Quaternion
/// Sets this quaternion from rotation specified by axis and angle.
/// Adapted from
/// Axis have to be normalized, angle is in radians.
abstract setFromAxisAngle: axis:Vector3 * angle:float -> Quaternion
/// Sets this quaternion from rotation component of m. Adapted from
abstract setFromRotationMatrix: m:Matrix4 -> Quaternion
abstract setFromUnitVectors: vFrom:Vector3 * vTo:Vector3 -> Quaternion
abstract angleTo: q:Quaternion -> float
abstract rotateTowards: q:Quaternion * step:float -> Quaternion
/// Inverts this quaternion.
abstract inverse: unit -> Quaternion
abstract conjugate: unit -> Quaternion
abstract dot: v:Quaternion -> float
abstract lengthSq: unit -> float
/// Computes length of this quaternion.
abstract length: unit -> float
/// Normalizes this quaternion.
abstract normalize: unit -> Quaternion
/// Multiplies this quaternion by b.
abstract multiply: q:Quaternion -> Quaternion
abstract premultiply: q:Quaternion -> Quaternion
/// Sets this quaternion to a x b
/// Adapted from
abstract multiplyQuaternions: a:Quaternion * b:Quaternion -> Quaternion
abstract slerp: qb:Quaternion * t:float -> Quaternion
abstract equals: v:Quaternion -> bool
/// <summary>Sets this quaternion's x, y, z and w value from the provided array.</summary>
/// <param name="array">the source array.</param>
/// <param name="offset">(optional) offset into the array. Default is 0.</param>
abstract fromArray: array:ResizeArray<float> * ?offset:float -> Quaternion
/// <summary>Sets this quaternion's x, y, z and w value from the provided array-like.</summary>
/// <param name="array">the source array-like.</param>
/// <param name="offset">(optional) offset into the array-like. Default is 0.</param>
abstract fromArray: array:ArrayLike<float> * ?offset:float -> Quaternion
/// <summary>Returns an array [x, y, z, w], or copies x, y, z and w into the provided array.</summary>
/// <param name="array">(optional) array to store the quaternion to. If this is not provided, a new array will be created.</param>
/// <param name="offset">(optional) optional offset into the array.</param>
abstract toArray: ?array:ResizeArray<float> * ?offset:float -> ResizeArray<float>
/// <summary>Copies x, y, z and w into the provided array-like.</summary>
/// <param name="array">array-like to store the quaternion to.</param>
/// <param name="offset">(optional) optional offset into the array.</param>
abstract toArray: array:ArrayLike<float> * ?offset:float -> ArrayLike<float>
abstract _onChange: callback:Function -> Quaternion
abstract _onChangeCallback: Function with get, set
abstract multiplyVector3: v:obj -> obj
/// Implementation of a quaternion. This is used for rotating things without incurring in the dreaded gimbal lock issue, amongst other advantages.
type QuaternionStatic =
/// <param name="x">x coordinate</param>
/// <param name="y">y coordinate</param>
/// <param name="z">z coordinate</param>
/// <param name="w">w coordinate</param>
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: ?x:float * ?y:float * ?z:float * ?w:float -> Quaternion
/// Adapted from
abstract slerp: qa:Quaternion * qb:Quaternion * qm:Quaternion * t:float -> Quaternion
abstract slerpFlat: dst:ResizeArray<float>
* dstOffset:float
* src0:ResizeArray<float>
* srcOffset:float
* src1:ResizeArray<float>
* stcOffset1:float
* t:float
-> Quaternion
abstract multiplyQuaternionsFlat: dst:ResizeArray<float>
* dstOffset:float
* src0:ResizeArray<float>
* srcOffset:float
* src1:ResizeArray<float>
* stcOffset1:float
-> ResizeArray<float>
type Ray =
abstract origin: Vector3 with get, set
abstract direction: Vector3 with get, set
abstract set: origin:Vector3 * direction:Vector3 -> Ray
abstract clone: unit -> Ray
abstract copy: ray:Ray -> Ray
abstract at: t:float * target:Vector3 -> Vector3
abstract lookAt: v:Vector3 -> Ray
abstract recast: t:float -> Ray
abstract closestPointToPoint: point:Vector3 * target:Vector3 -> Vector3
abstract distanceToPoint: point:Vector3 -> float
abstract distanceSqToPoint: point:Vector3 -> float
abstract distanceSqToSegment: v0:Vector3
* v1:Vector3
* ?optionalPointOnRay:Vector3
* ?optionalPointOnSegment:Vector3
-> float
abstract intersectSphere: sphere:Sphere * target:Vector3 -> Vector3 option
abstract intersectsSphere: sphere:Sphere -> bool
abstract distanceToPlane: plane:Plane -> float
abstract intersectPlane: plane:Plane * target:Vector3 -> Vector3 option
abstract intersectsPlane: plane:Plane -> bool
abstract intersectBox: box:Box3 * target:Vector3 -> Vector3 option
abstract intersectsBox: box:Box3 -> bool
abstract intersectTriangle: a:Vector3
* b:Vector3
* c:Vector3
* backfaceCulling:bool
* target:Vector3
-> Vector3 option
abstract applyMatrix4: matrix4:Matrix4 -> Ray
abstract equals: ray:Ray -> bool
abstract isIntersectionBox: b:obj -> obj
abstract isIntersectionPlane: p:obj -> obj
abstract isIntersectionSphere: s:obj -> obj
type RayStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: ?origin:Vector3 * ?direction:Vector3 -> Ray
type Sphere =
abstract center: Vector3 with get, set
abstract radius: float with get, set
abstract set: center:Vector3 * radius:float -> Sphere
abstract setFromPoints: points:ResizeArray<Vector3> * ?optionalCenter:Vector3 -> Sphere
abstract clone: unit -> Sphere
abstract copy: sphere:Sphere -> Sphere
abstract isEmpty: unit -> bool
abstract makeEmpty: unit -> Sphere
abstract containsPoint: point:Vector3 -> bool
abstract distanceToPoint: point:Vector3 -> float
abstract intersectsSphere: sphere:Sphere -> bool
abstract intersectsBox: box:Box3 -> bool
abstract intersectsPlane: plane:Plane -> bool
abstract clampPoint: point:Vector3 * target:Vector3 -> Vector3
abstract getBoundingBox: target:Box3 -> Box3
abstract applyMatrix4: matrix:Matrix4 -> Sphere
abstract translate: offset:Vector3 -> Sphere
abstract equals: sphere:Sphere -> bool
abstract empty: unit -> obj
type SphereStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: ?center:Vector3 * ?radius:float -> Sphere
type Spherical =
abstract radius: float with get, set
abstract phi: float with get, set
abstract theta: float with get, set
abstract set: radius:float * phi:float * theta:float -> Spherical
abstract clone: unit -> Spherical
abstract copy: other:Spherical -> Spherical
abstract makeSafe: unit -> Spherical
abstract setFromVector3: v:Vector3 -> Spherical
abstract setFromCartesianCoords: x:float * y:float * z:float -> Spherical
type SphericalStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: ?radius:float * ?phi:float * ?theta:float -> Spherical
type SphericalHarmonics3 =
abstract coefficients: ResizeArray<Vector3> with get, set
abstract isSphericalHarmonics3: obj
abstract set: coefficients:ResizeArray<Vector3> -> SphericalHarmonics3
abstract zero: unit -> SphericalHarmonics3
abstract add: sh:SphericalHarmonics3 -> SphericalHarmonics3
abstract addScaledSH: sh:SphericalHarmonics3 * s:float -> SphericalHarmonics3
abstract scale: s:float -> SphericalHarmonics3
abstract lerp: sh:SphericalHarmonics3 * alpha:float -> SphericalHarmonics3
abstract equals: sh:SphericalHarmonics3 -> bool
abstract copy: sh:SphericalHarmonics3 -> SphericalHarmonics3
abstract clone: unit -> SphericalHarmonics3
/// <summary>Sets the values of this spherical harmonics from the provided array.</summary>
/// <param name="array">the source array.</param>
/// <param name="offset">(optional) offset into the array. Default is 0.</param>
abstract fromArray: array:ResizeArray<float> * ?offset:float -> SphericalHarmonics3
/// <summary>Sets the values of this spherical harmonics from the provided array-like.</summary>
/// <param name="array">the source array-like.</param>
/// <param name="offset">(optional) offset into the array-like. Default is 0.</param>
abstract fromArray: array:ArrayLike<float> * ?offset:float -> SphericalHarmonics3
/// <summary>Returns an array with the values of this spherical harmonics, or copies them into the provided array.</summary>
/// <param name="array">(optional) array to store the spherical harmonics to. If this is not provided, a new array will be created.</param>
/// <param name="offset">(optional) optional offset into the array.</param>
abstract toArray: ?array:ResizeArray<float> * ?offset:float -> ResizeArray<float>
/// <summary>Returns an array with the values of this spherical harmonics, or copies them into the provided array-like.</summary>
/// <param name="array">array-like to store the spherical harmonics to.</param>
/// <param name="offset">(optional) optional offset into the array-like.</param>
abstract toArray: array:ArrayLike<float> * ?offset:float -> ArrayLike<float>
abstract getAt: normal:Vector3 * target:Vector3 -> Vector3
abstract getIrradianceAt: normal:Vector3 * target:Vector3 -> Vector3
type SphericalHarmonics3Static =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: unit -> SphericalHarmonics3
abstract getBasisAt: normal:Vector3 * shBasis:ResizeArray<float> -> unit
type Triangle =
abstract a: Vector3 with get, set
abstract b: Vector3 with get, set
abstract c: Vector3 with get, set
abstract set: a:Vector3 * b:Vector3 * c:Vector3 -> Triangle
abstract setFromPointsAndIndices: points:ResizeArray<Vector3> * i0:float * i1:float * i2:float -> Triangle
abstract clone: unit -> Triangle
abstract copy: triangle:Triangle -> Triangle
abstract getArea: unit -> float
abstract getMidpoint: target:Vector3 -> Vector3
abstract getNormal: target:Vector3 -> Vector3
abstract getPlane: target:Plane -> Plane
abstract getBarycoord: point:Vector3 * target:Vector3 -> Vector3
abstract getUV: point:Vector3 * uv1:Vector2 * uv2:Vector2 * uv3:Vector2 * target:Vector2 -> Vector2
abstract containsPoint: point:Vector3 -> bool
abstract intersectsBox: box:Box3 -> bool
abstract isFrontFacing: direction:Vector3 -> bool
abstract closestPointToPoint: point:Vector3 * target:Vector3 -> Vector3
abstract equals: triangle:Triangle -> bool
type TriangleStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: ?a:Vector3 * ?b:Vector3 * ?c:Vector3 -> Triangle
abstract getNormal: a:Vector3 * b:Vector3 * c:Vector3 * target:Vector3 -> Vector3
abstract getBarycoord: point:Vector3 * a:Vector3 * b:Vector3 * c:Vector3 * target:Vector3 -> Vector3
abstract containsPoint: point:Vector3 * a:Vector3 * b:Vector3 * c:Vector3 -> bool
abstract getUV: point:Vector3
* p1:Vector3
* p2:Vector3
* p3:Vector3
* uv1:Vector2
* uv2:Vector2
* uv3:Vector2
* target:Vector2
-> Vector2
abstract isFrontFacing: a:Vector3 * b:Vector3 * c:Vector3 * direction:Vector3 -> bool
/// ( interface Vector<T> )
/// Abstract interface of {@link|Vector2},
/// {@link|Vector3}
/// and {@link|Vector4}.
/// Currently the members of Vector is NOT type safe because it accepts different typed vectors.
/// Those definitions will be changed when TypeScript innovates Generics to be type safe.
type Vector =
abstract setComponent: index:float * value:float -> Vector
abstract getComponent: index:float -> float
abstract set: [<ParamArray>] args:ResizeArray<float> -> Vector
abstract setScalar: scalar:float -> Vector
/// copy(v:T):T;
abstract copy: v:Vector -> Vector
/// NOTE: The second argument is deprecated.
/// add(v:T):T;
abstract add: v:Vector -> Vector
/// addVectors(a:T, b:T):T;
abstract addVectors: a:Vector * b:Vector -> Vector
abstract addScaledVector: vector:Vector * scale:float -> Vector
/// Adds the scalar value s to this vector's values.
abstract addScalar: scalar:float -> Vector
/// sub(v:T):T;
abstract sub: v:Vector -> Vector
/// subVectors(a:T, b:T):T;
abstract subVectors: a:Vector * b:Vector -> Vector
/// multiplyScalar(s:number):T;
abstract multiplyScalar: s:float -> Vector
/// divideScalar(s:number):T;
abstract divideScalar: s:float -> Vector
/// negate():T;
abstract negate: unit -> Vector
/// dot(v:T):T;
abstract dot: v:Vector -> float
/// lengthSq():number;
abstract lengthSq: unit -> float
/// length():number;
abstract length: unit -> float
/// normalize():T;
abstract normalize: unit -> Vector
/// NOTE: Vector4 doesn't have the property.
/// distanceTo(v:T):number;
abstract distanceTo: v:Vector -> float
/// NOTE: Vector4 doesn't have the property.
/// distanceToSquared(v:T):number;
abstract distanceToSquared: v:Vector -> float
/// setLength(l:number):T;
abstract setLength: l:float -> Vector
/// lerp(v:T, alpha:number):T;
abstract lerp: v:Vector * alpha:float -> Vector
/// equals(v:T):boolean;
abstract equals: v:Vector -> bool
/// clone():T;
abstract clone: unit -> Vector
/// 2D vector.
/// ( class Vector2 implements Vector<Vector2> )
type Vector2 =
inherit Vector
abstract x: float with get, set
abstract y: float with get, set
abstract width: float with get, set
abstract height: float with get, set
abstract isVector2: obj
/// Sets value of this vector.
abstract set: x:float * y:float -> Vector2
/// Sets the x and y values of this vector both equal to scalar.
abstract setScalar: scalar:float -> Vector2
/// Sets X component of this vector.
abstract setX: x:float -> Vector2
/// Sets Y component of this vector.
abstract setY: y:float -> Vector2
/// Sets a component of this vector.
abstract setComponent: index:float * value:float -> Vector2
/// Gets a component of this vector.
abstract getComponent: index:float -> float
/// Returns a new Vector2 instance with the same `x` and `y` values.
abstract clone: unit -> Vector2
/// Copies value of v to this vector.
abstract copy: v:Vector2 -> Vector2
/// Adds v to this vector.
abstract add: v:Vector2 * ?w:Vector2 -> Vector2
/// Adds the scalar value s to this vector's x and y values.
abstract addScalar: s:float -> Vector2
/// Sets this vector to a + b.
abstract addVectors: a:Vector2 * b:Vector2 -> Vector2
/// Adds the multiple of v and s to this vector.
abstract addScaledVector: v:Vector2 * s:float -> Vector2
/// Subtracts v from this vector.
abstract sub: v:Vector2 -> Vector2
/// Subtracts s from this vector's x and y components.
abstract subScalar: s:float -> Vector2
/// Sets this vector to a - b.
abstract subVectors: a:Vector2 * b:Vector2 -> Vector2
/// Multiplies this vector by v.
abstract multiply: v:Vector2 -> Vector2
/// Multiplies this vector by scalar s.
abstract multiplyScalar: scalar:float -> Vector2
/// Divides this vector by v.
abstract divide: v:Vector2 -> Vector2
/// Divides this vector by scalar s.
/// Set vector to ( 0, 0 ) if s == 0.
abstract divideScalar: s:float -> Vector2
/// Multiplies this vector (with an implicit 1 as the 3rd component) by m.
abstract applyMatrix3: m:Matrix3 -> Vector2
/// If this vector's x or y value is greater than v's x or y value, replace that value with the corresponding min value.
abstract min: v:Vector2 -> Vector2
/// If this vector's x or y value is less than v's x or y value, replace that value with the corresponding max value.
abstract max: v:Vector2 -> Vector2
/// <summary>If this vector's x or y value is greater than the max vector's x or y value, it is replaced by the corresponding value.
/// If this vector's x or y value is less than the min vector's x or y value, it is replaced by the corresponding value.</summary>
/// <param name="min">the minimum x and y values.</param>
/// <param name="max">the maximum x and y values in the desired range.</param>
abstract clamp: min:Vector2 * max:Vector2 -> Vector2
/// <summary>If this vector's x or y values are greater than the max value, they are replaced by the max value.
/// If this vector's x or y values are less than the min value, they are replaced by the min value.</summary>
/// <param name="min">the minimum value the components will be clamped to.</param>
/// <param name="max">the maximum value the components will be clamped to.</param>
abstract clampScalar: min:float * max:float -> Vector2
/// <summary>If this vector's length is greater than the max value, it is replaced by the max value.
/// If this vector's length is less than the min value, it is replaced by the min value.</summary>
/// <param name="min">the minimum value the length will be clamped to.</param>
/// <param name="max">the maximum value the length will be clamped to.</param>
abstract clampLength: min:float * max:float -> Vector2
/// The components of the vector are rounded down to the nearest integer value.
abstract floor: unit -> Vector2
/// The x and y components of the vector are rounded up to the nearest integer value.
abstract ceil: unit -> Vector2
/// The components of the vector are rounded to the nearest integer value.
abstract round: unit -> Vector2
/// The components of the vector are rounded towards zero (up if negative, down if positive) to an integer value.
abstract roundToZero: unit -> Vector2
/// Inverts this vector.
abstract negate: unit -> Vector2
/// Computes dot product of this vector and v.
abstract dot: v:Vector2 -> float
/// Computes cross product of this vector and v.
abstract cross: v:Vector2 -> float
/// Computes squared length of this vector.
abstract lengthSq: unit -> float
/// Computes length of this vector.
abstract length: unit -> float
abstract lengthManhattan: unit -> float
/// Computes the Manhattan length of this vector.
abstract manhattanLength: unit -> float
/// Normalizes this vector.
abstract normalize: unit -> Vector2
/// computes the angle in radians with respect to the positive x-axis
abstract angle: unit -> float
/// Computes distance of this vector to v.
abstract distanceTo: v:Vector2 -> float
/// Computes squared distance of this vector to v.
abstract distanceToSquared: v:Vector2 -> float
abstract distanceToManhattan: v:Vector2 -> float
/// Computes the Manhattan length (distance) from this vector to the given vector v
abstract manhattanDistanceTo: v:Vector2 -> float
/// Normalizes this vector and multiplies it by l.
abstract setLength: length:float -> Vector2
/// <summary>Linearly interpolates between this vector and v, where alpha is the distance along the line - alpha = 0 will be this vector, and alpha = 1 will be v.</summary>
/// <param name="v">vector to interpolate towards.</param>
/// <param name="alpha">interpolation factor in the closed interval [0, 1].</param>
abstract lerp: v:Vector2 * alpha:float -> Vector2
/// <summary>Sets this vector to be the vector linearly interpolated between v1 and v2 where alpha is the distance along the line connecting the two vectors - alpha = 0 will be v1, and alpha = 1 will be v2.</summary>
/// <param name="v1">the starting vector.</param>
/// <param name="v2">vector to interpolate towards.</param>
/// <param name="alpha">interpolation factor in the closed interval [0, 1].</param>
abstract lerpVectors: v1:Vector2 * v2:Vector2 * alpha:float -> Vector2
/// Checks for strict equality of this vector and v.
abstract equals: v:Vector2 -> bool
/// <summary>Sets this vector's x and y value from the provided array.</summary>
/// <param name="array">the source array.</param>
/// <param name="offset">(optional) offset into the array. Default is 0.</param>
abstract fromArray: array:ResizeArray<float> * ?offset:float -> Vector2
/// <summary>Sets this vector's x and y value from the provided array-like.</summary>
/// <param name="array">the source array-like.</param>
/// <param name="offset">(optional) offset into the array-like. Default is 0.</param>
abstract fromArray: array:ArrayLike<float> * ?offset:float -> Vector2
/// <summary>Returns an array [x, y], or copies x and y into the provided array.</summary>
/// <param name="array">(optional) array to store the vector to. If this is not provided, a new array will be created.</param>
/// <param name="offset">(optional) optional offset into the array.</param>
abstract toArray: ?array:ResizeArray<float> * ?offset:float -> ResizeArray<float>
/// <summary>Copies x and y into the provided array-like.</summary>
/// <param name="array">array-like to store the vector to.</param>
/// <param name="offset">(optional) optional offset into the array.</param>
abstract toArray: array:ArrayLike<float> * ?offset:float -> ArrayLike<float>
/// <summary>Sets this vector's x and y values from the attribute.</summary>
/// <param name="attribute">the source attribute.</param>
/// <param name="index">index in the attribute.</param>
abstract fromBufferAttribute: attribute:BufferAttribute * index:float -> Vector2
/// <summary>Rotates the vector around center by angle radians.</summary>
/// <param name="center">the point around which to rotate.</param>
/// <param name="angle">the angle to rotate, in radians.</param>
abstract rotateAround: center:Vector2 * angle:float -> Vector2
/// Sets this vector's x and y from Math.random
abstract random: unit -> Vector2
/// 2D vector.
/// ( class Vector2 implements Vector<Vector2> )
type Vector2Static =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: ?x:float * ?y:float -> Vector2
/// 3D vector.
type Vector3 =
inherit Vector
abstract x: float with get, set
abstract y: float with get, set
abstract z: float with get, set
abstract isVector3: obj
/// Sets value of this vector.
abstract set: x:float * y:float * z:float -> Vector3
/// Sets all values of this vector.
abstract setScalar: scalar:float -> Vector3
/// Sets x value of this vector.
abstract setX: x:float -> Vector3
/// Sets y value of this vector.
abstract setY: y:float -> Vector3
/// Sets z value of this vector.
abstract setZ: z:float -> Vector3
abstract setComponent: index:float * value:float -> Vector3
abstract getComponent: index:float -> float
/// Clones this vector.
abstract clone: unit -> Vector3
/// Copies value of v to this vector.
abstract copy: v:Vector3 -> Vector3
/// Adds v to this vector.
abstract add: v:Vector3 -> Vector3
/// Adds the scalar value s to this vector's values.
abstract addScalar: s:float -> Vector3
abstract addScaledVector: v:Vector3 * s:float -> Vector3
/// Sets this vector to a + b.
abstract addVectors: a:Vector3 * b:Vector3 -> Vector3
/// Subtracts v from this vector.
abstract sub: a:Vector3 -> Vector3
abstract subScalar: s:float -> Vector3
/// Sets this vector to a - b.
abstract subVectors: a:Vector3 * b:Vector3 -> Vector3
abstract multiply: v:Vector3 -> Vector3
/// Multiplies this vector by scalar s.
abstract multiplyScalar: s:float -> Vector3
abstract multiplyVectors: a:Vector3 * b:Vector3 -> Vector3
abstract applyEuler: euler:Euler -> Vector3
abstract applyAxisAngle: axis:Vector3 * angle:float -> Vector3
abstract applyMatrix3: m:Matrix3 -> Vector3
abstract applyNormalMatrix: m:Matrix3 -> Vector3
abstract applyMatrix4: m:Matrix4 -> Vector3
abstract applyQuaternion: q:Quaternion -> Vector3
abstract project: camera:Camera -> Vector3
abstract unproject: camera:Camera -> Vector3
abstract transformDirection: m:Matrix4 -> Vector3
abstract divide: v:Vector3 -> Vector3
/// Divides this vector by scalar s.
/// Set vector to ( 0, 0, 0 ) if s == 0.
abstract divideScalar: s:float -> Vector3
abstract min: v:Vector3 -> Vector3
abstract max: v:Vector3 -> Vector3
abstract clamp: min:Vector3 * max:Vector3 -> Vector3
abstract clampScalar: min:float * max:float -> Vector3
abstract clampLength: min:float * max:float -> Vector3
abstract floor: unit -> Vector3
abstract ceil: unit -> Vector3
abstract round: unit -> Vector3
abstract roundToZero: unit -> Vector3
/// Inverts this vector.
abstract negate: unit -> Vector3
/// Computes dot product of this vector and v.
abstract dot: v:Vector3 -> float
/// Computes squared length of this vector.
abstract lengthSq: unit -> float
/// Computes length of this vector.
abstract length: unit -> float
/// Computes Manhattan length of this vector.
abstract lengthManhattan: unit -> float
/// Computes the Manhattan length of this vector.
abstract manhattanLength: unit -> float
/// Computes the Manhattan length (distance) from this vector to the given vector v
abstract manhattanDistanceTo: v:Vector3 -> float
/// Normalizes this vector.
abstract normalize: unit -> Vector3
/// Normalizes this vector and multiplies it by l.
abstract setLength: l:float -> Vector3
/// lerp(v:T, alpha:number):T;
abstract lerp: v:Vector3 * alpha:float -> Vector3
abstract lerpVectors: v1:Vector3 * v2:Vector3 * alpha:float -> Vector3
/// Sets this vector to cross product of itself and v.
abstract cross: a:Vector3 -> Vector3
/// Sets this vector to cross product of a and b.
abstract crossVectors: a:Vector3 * b:Vector3 -> Vector3
abstract projectOnVector: v:Vector3 -> Vector3
abstract projectOnPlane: planeNormal:Vector3 -> Vector3
abstract reflect: vector:Vector3 -> Vector3
abstract angleTo: v:Vector3 -> float
/// Computes distance of this vector to v.
abstract distanceTo: v:Vector3 -> float
/// Computes squared distance of this vector to v.
abstract distanceToSquared: v:Vector3 -> float
abstract distanceToManhattan: v:Vector3 -> float
abstract setFromSpherical: s:Spherical -> Vector3
abstract setFromSphericalCoords: r:float * phi:float * theta:float -> Vector3
abstract setFromCylindrical: s:Cylindrical -> Vector3
abstract setFromCylindricalCoords: radius:float * theta:float * y:float -> Vector3
abstract setFromMatrixPosition: m:Matrix4 -> Vector3
abstract setFromMatrixScale: m:Matrix4 -> Vector3
abstract setFromMatrixColumn: matrix:Matrix4 * index:float -> Vector3
abstract setFromMatrix3Column: matrix:Matrix3 * index:float -> Vector3
/// Checks for strict equality of this vector and v.
abstract equals: v:Vector3 -> bool
/// <summary>Sets this vector's x, y and z value from the provided array.</summary>
/// <param name="array">the source array.</param>
/// <param name="offset">(optional) offset into the array. Default is 0.</param>
abstract fromArray: array:ResizeArray<float> * ?offset:float -> Vector3
/// <summary>Sets this vector's x, y and z value from the provided array-like.</summary>
/// <param name="array">the source array-like.</param>
/// <param name="offset">(optional) offset into the array-like. Default is 0.</param>
abstract fromArray: array:ArrayLike<float> * ?offset:float -> Vector3
/// <summary>Returns an array [x, y, z], or copies x, y and z into the provided array.</summary>
/// <param name="array">(optional) array to store the vector to. If this is not provided, a new array will be created.</param>
/// <param name="offset">(optional) optional offset into the array.</param>
abstract toArray: ?array:ResizeArray<float> * ?offset:float -> ResizeArray<float>
/// <summary>Copies x, y and z into the provided array-like.</summary>
/// <param name="array">array-like to store the vector to.</param>
/// <param name="offset">(optional) optional offset into the array-like.</param>
abstract toArray: array:ArrayLike<float> * ?offset:float -> ArrayLike<float>
abstract fromBufferAttribute: attribute:BufferAttribute * index:float -> Vector3
/// Sets this vector's x, y and z from Math.random
abstract random: unit -> Vector3
/// 3D vector.
type Vector3Static =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: ?x:float * ?y:float * ?z:float -> Vector3
/// 4D vector.
/// ( class Vector4 implements Vector<Vector4> )
type Vector4 =
inherit Vector
abstract x: float with get, set
abstract y: float with get, set
abstract z: float with get, set
abstract w: float with get, set
abstract width: float with get, set
abstract height: float with get, set
abstract isVector4: obj
/// Sets value of this vector.
abstract set: x:float * y:float * z:float * w:float -> Vector4
/// Sets all values of this vector.
abstract setScalar: scalar:float -> Vector4
/// Sets X component of this vector.
abstract setX: x:float -> Vector4
/// Sets Y component of this vector.
abstract setY: y:float -> Vector4
/// Sets Z component of this vector.
abstract setZ: z:float -> Vector4
/// Sets w component of this vector.
abstract setW: w:float -> Vector4
abstract setComponent: index:float * value:float -> Vector4
abstract getComponent: index:float -> float
/// Clones this vector.
abstract clone: unit -> Vector4
/// Copies value of v to this vector.
abstract copy: v:Vector4 -> Vector4
/// Adds v to this vector.
abstract add: v:Vector4 -> Vector4
/// Adds the scalar value s to this vector's values.
abstract addScalar: scalar:float -> Vector4
/// Sets this vector to a + b.
abstract addVectors: a:Vector4 * b:Vector4 -> Vector4
abstract addScaledVector: v:Vector4 * s:float -> Vector4
/// Subtracts v from this vector.
abstract sub: v:Vector4 -> Vector4
abstract subScalar: s:float -> Vector4
/// Sets this vector to a - b.
abstract subVectors: a:Vector4 * b:Vector4 -> Vector4
/// Multiplies this vector by scalar s.
abstract multiplyScalar: s:float -> Vector4
abstract applyMatrix4: m:Matrix4 -> Vector4
/// Divides this vector by scalar s.
/// Set vector to ( 0, 0, 0 ) if s == 0.
abstract divideScalar: s:float -> Vector4
/// <summary></summary>
/// <param name="q">is assumed to be normalized</param>
abstract setAxisAngleFromQuaternion: q:Quaternion -> Vector4
/// <summary></summary>
/// <param name="m">assumes the upper 3x3 of m is a pure rotation matrix (i.e, unscaled)</param>
abstract setAxisAngleFromRotationMatrix: m:Matrix3 -> Vector4
abstract min: v:Vector4 -> Vector4
abstract max: v:Vector4 -> Vector4
abstract clamp: min:Vector4 * max:Vector4 -> Vector4
abstract clampScalar: min:float * max:float -> Vector4
abstract floor: unit -> Vector4
abstract ceil: unit -> Vector4
abstract round: unit -> Vector4
abstract roundToZero: unit -> Vector4
/// Inverts this vector.
abstract negate: unit -> Vector4
/// Computes dot product of this vector and v.
abstract dot: v:Vector4 -> float
/// Computes squared length of this vector.
abstract lengthSq: unit -> float
/// Computes length of this vector.
abstract length: unit -> float
/// Computes the Manhattan length of this vector.
abstract manhattanLength: unit -> float
/// Normalizes this vector.
abstract normalize: unit -> Vector4
/// Normalizes this vector and multiplies it by l.
abstract setLength: length:float -> Vector4
/// Linearly interpolate between this vector and v with alpha factor.
abstract lerp: v:Vector4 * alpha:float -> Vector4
abstract lerpVectors: v1:Vector4 * v2:Vector4 * alpha:float -> Vector4
/// Checks for strict equality of this vector and v.
abstract equals: v:Vector4 -> bool
/// <summary>Sets this vector's x, y, z and w value from the provided array.</summary>
/// <param name="array">the source array.</param>
/// <param name="offset">(optional) offset into the array. Default is 0.</param>
abstract fromArray: array:ResizeArray<float> * ?offset:float -> Vector4
/// <summary>Sets this vector's x, y, z and w value from the provided array-like.</summary>
/// <param name="array">the source array-like.</param>
/// <param name="offset">(optional) offset into the array-like. Default is 0.</param>
abstract fromArray: array:ArrayLike<float> * ?offset:float -> Vector4
/// <summary>Returns an array [x, y, z, w], or copies x, y, z and w into the provided array.</summary>
/// <param name="array">(optional) array to store the vector to. If this is not provided, a new array will be created.</param>
/// <param name="offset">(optional) optional offset into the array.</param>
abstract toArray: ?array:ResizeArray<float> * ?offset:float -> ResizeArray<float>
/// <summary>Copies x, y, z and w into the provided array-like.</summary>
/// <param name="array">array-like to store the vector to.</param>
/// <param name="offset">(optional) optional offset into the array-like.</param>
abstract toArray: array:ArrayLike<float> * ?offset:float -> ArrayLike<float>
abstract fromBufferAttribute: attribute:BufferAttribute * index:float -> Vector4
/// Sets this vector's x, y, z and w from Math.random
abstract random: unit -> Vector4
/// 4D vector.
/// ( class Vector4 implements Vector<Vector4> )
type Vector4Static =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: ?x:float * ?y:float * ?z:float * ?w:float -> Vector4
type Bone =
inherit Object3D
abstract isBone: obj
abstract ``type``: string with get, set
type BoneStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: unit -> Bone
type Group =
inherit Object3D
abstract ``type``: string with get, set
abstract isGroup: obj
type GroupStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: unit -> Group
type InstancedMesh<'TMaterial> = InstancedMesh<obj, 'TMaterial>
type InstancedMesh = InstancedMesh<obj, obj>
type InstancedMesh<'TGeometry, 'TMaterial> =
inherit Mesh
abstract count: float with get, set
abstract instanceMatrix: BufferAttribute with get, set
abstract isInstancedMesh: obj
abstract getMatrixAt: index:float * matrix:Matrix4 -> unit
abstract setMatrixAt: index:float * matrix:Matrix4 -> unit
type InstancedMeshStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: geometry:'TGeometry * material:'TMaterial * count:float -> InstancedMesh<'TGeometry, 'TMaterial>
type Line<'TMaterial> = Line<obj, 'TMaterial>
type Line = Line<obj, obj>
type Line<'TGeometry, 'TMaterial> =
inherit Object3D
abstract geometry: 'TGeometry with get, set
abstract material: 'TMaterial with get, set
abstract ``type``: LineType with get, set
abstract isLine: obj
abstract morphTargetInfluences: ResizeArray<float> with get, set
abstract morphTargetDictionary: LineMorphTargetDictionary with get, set
abstract computeLineDistances: unit -> Line<'TGeometry, 'TMaterial>
abstract raycast: raycaster:Raycaster * intersects:ResizeArray<Intersection> -> unit
abstract updateMorphTargets: unit -> unit
type LineStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: ?geometry:'TGeometry * ?material:'TMaterial * ?mode:float -> Line<'TGeometry, 'TMaterial>
type LineType =
| [<CompiledName "Line">] Line
| [<CompiledName "LineLoop">] LineLoop
| [<CompiledName "LineSegments">] LineSegments
type LineMorphTargetDictionary =
[<Emit "$0[$1]{{=$2}}">]
abstract Item: key:string -> float with get, set
type LineLoop<'TMaterial> = LineLoop<obj, 'TMaterial>
type LineLoop = LineLoop<obj, obj>
type LineLoop<'TGeometry, 'TMaterial> =
inherit Line
abstract ``type``: string with get, set
abstract isLineLoop: obj
type LineLoopStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: ?geometry:'TGeometry * ?material:'TMaterial -> LineLoop<'TGeometry, 'TMaterial>
[<Import("LineStrip", "three")>]
let LineStrip: float = jsNative
[<Import("LinePieces", "three")>]
let LinePieces: float = jsNative
type LineSegments<'TMaterial> = LineSegments<obj, 'TMaterial>
type LineSegments = LineSegments<obj, obj>
type LineSegments<'TGeometry, 'TMaterial> =
inherit Line
abstract ``type``: string with get, set
abstract isLineSegments: obj
type LineSegmentsStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: ?geometry:'TGeometry * ?material:'TMaterial * ?mode:float -> LineSegments<'TGeometry, 'TMaterial>
type LOD =
inherit Object3D
abstract ``type``: string with get, set
abstract levels: ResizeArray<LODLevels> with get, set
abstract autoUpdate: bool with get, set
abstract isLOD: obj
abstract addLevel: object:Object3D * ?distance:float -> LOD
abstract getCurrentLevel: unit -> float
abstract getObjectForDistance: distance:float -> Object3D option
abstract raycast: raycaster:Raycaster * intersects:ResizeArray<Intersection> -> unit
abstract update: camera:Camera -> unit
abstract toJSON: meta:obj -> obj
abstract objects: ResizeArray<obj> with get, set
type LODStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: unit -> LOD
type LODLevels =
abstract distance: float with get, set
abstract object: Object3D with get, set
type Mesh<'TMaterial> = Mesh<obj, 'TMaterial>
type Mesh = Mesh<obj, obj>
type Mesh<'TGeometry, 'TMaterial> =
inherit Object3D
abstract geometry: 'TGeometry with get, set
abstract material: 'TMaterial with get, set
abstract morphTargetInfluences: ResizeArray<float> with get, set
abstract morphTargetDictionary: MeshMorphTargetDictionary with get, set
abstract isMesh: obj
abstract ``type``: string with get, set
abstract updateMorphTargets: unit -> unit
abstract raycast: raycaster:Raycaster * intersects:ResizeArray<Intersection> -> unit
type MeshStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: ?geometry:'TGeometry * ?material:'TMaterial -> Mesh<'TGeometry, 'TMaterial>
type MeshMorphTargetDictionary =
[<Emit "$0[$1]{{=$2}}">]
abstract Item: key:string -> float with get, set
type Points<'TMaterial> = Points<obj, 'TMaterial>
type Points = Points<obj, obj>
/// A class for displaying particles in the form of variable size points. For example, if using the WebGLRenderer, the particles are displayed using GL_POINTS.
type Points<'TGeometry, 'TMaterial> =
inherit Object3D
abstract ``type``: string with get, set
abstract morphTargetInfluences: ResizeArray<float> with get, set
abstract morphTargetDictionary: PointsMorphTargetDictionary with get, set
abstract isPoints: obj
/// An instance of Geometry or BufferGeometry, where each vertex designates the position of a particle in the system.
abstract geometry: 'TGeometry with get, set
/// An instance of Material, defining the object's appearance. Default is a PointsMaterial with randomised colour.
abstract material: 'TMaterial with get, set
abstract raycast: raycaster:Raycaster * intersects:ResizeArray<Intersection> -> unit
abstract updateMorphTargets: unit -> unit
/// A class for displaying particles in the form of variable size points. For example, if using the WebGLRenderer, the particles are displayed using GL_POINTS.
type PointsStatic =
/// <param name="geometry">An instance of Geometry or BufferGeometry.</param>
/// <param name="material">An instance of Material (optional).</param>
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: ?geometry:'TGeometry * ?material:'TMaterial -> Points<'TGeometry, 'TMaterial>
type PointsMorphTargetDictionary =
[<Emit "$0[$1]{{=$2}}">]
abstract Item: key:string -> float with get, set
type Skeleton =
abstract useVertexTexture: bool with get, set
abstract bones: ResizeArray<Bone> with get, set
abstract boneMatrices: Float32Array with get, set
abstract boneTexture: DataTexture with get, set
abstract boneInverses: ResizeArray<Matrix4> with get, set
abstract calculateInverses: bone:Bone -> unit
abstract pose: unit -> unit
abstract update: unit -> unit
abstract clone: unit -> Skeleton
abstract getBoneByName: name:string -> Bone option
abstract dispose: unit -> unit
type SkeletonStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: bones:ResizeArray<Bone> * ?boneInverses:ResizeArray<Matrix4> -> Skeleton
type SkinnedMesh<'TMaterial> = SkinnedMesh<obj, 'TMaterial>
type SkinnedMesh = SkinnedMesh<obj, obj>
type SkinnedMesh<'TGeometry, 'TMaterial> =
inherit Mesh
abstract bindMode: string with get, set
abstract bindMatrix: Matrix4 with get, set
abstract bindMatrixInverse: Matrix4 with get, set
abstract skeleton: Skeleton with get, set
abstract isSkinnedMesh: obj
abstract bind: skeleton:Skeleton * ?bindMatrix:Matrix4 -> unit
abstract pose: unit -> unit
abstract normalizeSkinWeights: unit -> unit
/// Updates global transform of the object and its children.
abstract updateMatrixWorld: ?force:bool -> unit
type SkinnedMeshStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: ?geometry:'TGeometry
* ?material:'TMaterial
* ?useVertexTexture:bool
-> SkinnedMesh<'TGeometry, 'TMaterial>
type Sprite =
inherit Object3D
abstract ``type``: string with get, set
abstract isSprite: obj
abstract geometry: BufferGeometry with get, set
abstract material: SpriteMaterial with get, set
abstract center: Vector2 with get, set
abstract raycast: raycaster:Raycaster * intersects:ResizeArray<Intersection> -> unit
abstract copy: source:Sprite -> Sprite
type SpriteStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: ?material:SpriteMaterial -> Sprite
type WebGL1Renderer =
inherit WebGLRenderer
abstract isWebGL1Renderer: obj
type WebGL1RendererStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: ?parameters:WebGLRendererParameters -> WebGL1Renderer
type WebGLCubeRenderTarget =
inherit WebGLRenderTarget
abstract fromEquirectangularTexture: renderer:WebGLRenderer * texture:Texture -> WebGLCubeRenderTarget
type WebGLCubeRenderTargetStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: size:float * ?options:WebGLRenderTargetOptions -> WebGLCubeRenderTarget
type WebGLMultisampleRenderTarget =
inherit WebGLRenderTarget
abstract isWebGLMultisampleRenderTarget: obj
/// Specifies the number of samples to be used for the renderbuffer storage.However, the maximum supported size for multisampling is platform dependent and defined via gl.MAX_SAMPLES.
abstract samples: float with get, set
type WebGLMultisampleRenderTargetStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: width:float * height:float * ?options:WebGLRenderTargetOptions -> WebGLMultisampleRenderTarget
type OffscreenCanvas = obj
type Renderer =
abstract domElement: HTMLCanvasElement with get, set
abstract render: scene:Object3D * camera:Camera -> unit
abstract setSize: width:float * height:float * ?updateStyle:bool -> unit
type WebGLRendererParameters =
/// A Canvas where the renderer draws its output.
abstract canvas: U2<HTMLCanvasElement, OffscreenCanvas> with get, set
/// A WebGL Rendering Context.
/// (
/// Default is null
abstract context: WebGLRenderingContext with get, set
/// shader precision. Can be "highp", "mediump" or "lowp".
abstract precision: string with get, set
/// default is false.
abstract alpha: bool with get, set
/// default is true.
abstract premultipliedAlpha: bool with get, set
/// default is false.
abstract antialias: bool with get, set
/// default is true.
abstract stencil: bool with get, set
/// default is false.
abstract preserveDrawingBuffer: bool with get, set
/// Can be "high-performance", "low-power" or "default"
abstract powerPreference: string with get, set
/// default is true.
abstract depth: bool with get, set
/// default is false.
abstract logarithmicDepthBuffer: bool with get, set
type WebGLDebug =
/// Enables error checking and reporting when shader programs are being compiled.
abstract checkShaderErrors: bool with get, set
type RenderTarget = obj
type WebGLRenderingContext = obj
type WebGLExtensions = obj
type WebGLInfo = obj
type WebGLRenderLists = obj
type WebGLProperties = obj
type WebXRManager = obj
type WebGLCapabilities = obj
type WebGLState = obj
type WebGLProgram = obj
type WebGLShadowMap = obj
type WebGLFramebuffer = obj
/// The WebGL renderer displays your beautifully crafted scenes using WebGL, if your device supports it.
/// This renderer has way better performance than CanvasRenderer.
type WebGLRenderer =
inherit Renderer
/// A Canvas where the renderer draws its output.
/// This is automatically created by the renderer in the constructor (if not provided already); you just need to add it to your page.
abstract domElement: HTMLCanvasElement with get, set
/// The HTML5 Canvas's 'webgl' context obtained from the canvas where the renderer will draw.
abstract context: WebGLRenderingContext with get, set
/// Defines whether the renderer should automatically clear its output before rendering.
abstract autoClear: bool with get, set
/// If autoClear is true, defines whether the renderer should clear the color buffer. Default is true.
abstract autoClearColor: bool with get, set
/// If autoClear is true, defines whether the renderer should clear the depth buffer. Default is true.
abstract autoClearDepth: bool with get, set
/// If autoClear is true, defines whether the renderer should clear the stencil buffer. Default is true.
abstract autoClearStencil: bool with get, set
/// Debug configurations.
abstract debug: WebGLDebug with get, set
/// Defines whether the renderer should sort objects. Default is true.
abstract sortObjects: bool with get, set
abstract clippingPlanes: ResizeArray<obj> with get, set
abstract localClippingEnabled: bool with get, set
abstract extensions: WebGLExtensions with get, set
/// Default is LinearEncoding.
abstract outputEncoding: TextureEncoding with get, set
abstract physicallyCorrectLights: bool with get, set
abstract toneMapping: ToneMapping with get, set
abstract toneMappingExposure: float with get, set
/// Default is false.
abstract shadowMapDebug: bool with get, set
/// Default is 8.
abstract maxMorphTargets: float with get, set
/// Default is 4.
abstract maxMorphNormals: float with get, set
abstract info: WebGLInfo with get, set
abstract shadowMap: WebGLShadowMap with get, set
abstract pixelRatio: float with get, set
abstract capabilities: WebGLCapabilities with get, set
abstract properties: WebGLProperties with get, set
abstract renderLists: WebGLRenderLists with get, set
abstract state: WebGLState with get, set
abstract xr: WebXRManager with get, set
/// Return the WebGL context.
abstract getContext: unit -> WebGLRenderingContext
abstract getContextAttributes: unit -> obj
abstract forceContextLoss: unit -> unit
abstract getMaxAnisotropy: unit -> float
abstract getPrecision: unit -> string
abstract getPixelRatio: unit -> float
abstract setPixelRatio: value:float -> unit
abstract getDrawingBufferSize: target:Vector2 -> Vector2
abstract setDrawingBufferSize: width:float * height:float * pixelRatio:float -> unit
abstract getSize: target:Vector2 -> Vector2
/// Resizes the output canvas to (width, height), and also sets the viewport to fit that size, starting in (0, 0).
abstract setSize: width:float * height:float * ?updateStyle:bool -> unit
abstract getCurrentViewport: target:Vector4 -> Vector4
/// Copies the viewport into target.
abstract getViewport: target:Vector4 -> Vector4
/// Sets the viewport to render from (x, y) to (x + width, y + height).
/// (x, y) is the lower-left corner of the region.
abstract setViewport: x:U2<Vector4, float> * ?y:float * ?width:float * ?height:float -> unit
/// Copies the scissor area into target.
abstract getScissor: target:Vector4 -> Vector4
/// Sets the scissor area from (x, y) to (x + width, y + height).
abstract setScissor: x:U2<Vector4, float> * ?y:float * ?width:float * ?height:float -> unit
/// Returns true if scissor test is enabled; returns false otherwise.
abstract getScissorTest: unit -> bool
/// Enable the scissor test. When this is enabled, only the pixels within the defined scissor area will be affected by further renderer actions.
abstract setScissorTest: enable:bool -> unit
/// Sets the custom opaque sort function for the WebGLRenderLists. Pass null to use the default painterSortStable function.
abstract setOpaqueSort: method:Function -> unit
/// Sets the custom transparent sort function for the WebGLRenderLists. Pass null to use the default reversePainterSortStable function.
abstract setTransparentSort: method:Function -> unit
/// Returns a THREE.Color instance with the current clear color.
abstract getClearColor: unit -> Color
/// Sets the clear color, using color for the color and alpha for the opacity.
abstract setClearColor: color:U3<Color, string, float> * ?alpha:float -> unit
/// Returns a float with the current clear alpha. Ranges from 0 to 1.
abstract getClearAlpha: unit -> float
abstract setClearAlpha: alpha:float -> unit
/// Tells the renderer to clear its color, depth or stencil drawing buffer(s).
/// Arguments default to true
abstract clear: ?color:bool * ?depth:bool * ?stencil:bool -> unit
abstract clearColor: unit -> unit
abstract clearDepth: unit -> unit
abstract clearStencil: unit -> unit
abstract clearTarget: renderTarget:WebGLRenderTarget * color:bool * depth:bool * stencil:bool -> unit
abstract resetGLState: unit -> unit
abstract dispose: unit -> unit
abstract renderBufferImmediate: object:Object3D * program:WebGLProgram -> unit
abstract renderBufferDirect: camera:Camera
* scene:Scene
* geometry:U2<Geometry, BufferGeometry>
* material:Material
* object:Object3D
* geometryGroup:obj
-> unit
/// <summary>A build in function that can be used instead of requestAnimationFrame. For WebXR projects this function must be used.</summary>
/// <param name="callback">The function will be called every available frame. If `null` is passed it will stop any already ongoing animation.</param>
abstract setAnimationLoop: callback:Function option -> unit
abstract animate: callback:Function -> unit
/// Compiles all materials in the scene with the camera. This is useful to precompile shaders before the first rendering.
abstract compile: scene:Object3D * camera:Camera -> unit
/// Render a scene or an object using a camera.
/// The render is done to a previously specified {@link WebGLRenderTarget#renderTarget .renderTarget} set by calling
/// {@link WebGLRenderer#setRenderTarget .setRenderTarget} or to the canvas as usual.
/// By default render buffers are cleared before rendering but you can prevent this by setting the property
/// {@link WebGLRenderer#autoClear autoClear} to false. If you want to prevent only certain buffers being cleared
/// you can set either the {@link WebGLRenderer#autoClearColor autoClearColor},
/// {@link WebGLRenderer#autoClearStencil autoClearStencil} or {@link WebGLRenderer#autoClearDepth autoClearDepth}
/// properties to false. To forcibly clear one ore more buffers call {@link WebGLRenderer#clear .clear}.
abstract render: scene:Object3D * camera:Camera -> unit
/// Returns the current active cube face.
abstract getActiveCubeFace: unit -> float
/// Returns the current active mipmap level.
abstract getActiveMipmapLevel: unit -> float
/// <summary>Sets the given WebGLFramebuffer. This method can only be used if no render target is set via
/// {@link WebGLRenderer#setRenderTarget .setRenderTarget}.</summary>
/// <param name="value">The WebGLFramebuffer.</param>
abstract setFramebuffer: value:WebGLFramebuffer -> unit
/// Returns the current render target. If no render target is set, null is returned.
abstract getRenderTarget: unit -> RenderTarget option
abstract getCurrentRenderTarget: unit -> RenderTarget option
/// <summary>Sets the active render target.</summary>
/// <param name="renderTarget">The {@link WebGLRenderTarget renderTarget} that needs to be activated. When `null` is given, the canvas is set as the active render target instead.</param>
/// <param name="activeCubeFace">Specifies the active cube side (PX 0, NX 1, PY 2, NY 3, PZ 4, NZ 5) of {@link WebGLCubeRenderTarget}.</param>
/// <param name="activeMipmapLevel">Specifies the active mipmap level.</param>
abstract setRenderTarget: renderTarget:RenderTarget option
* ?activeCubeFace:float
* ?activeMipmapLevel:float
-> unit
abstract readRenderTargetPixels: renderTarget:RenderTarget
* x:float
* y:float
* width:float
* height:float
* buffer:obj
* ?activeCubeFaceIndex:float
-> unit
/// <summary>Copies a region of the currently bound framebuffer into the selected mipmap level of the selected texture.
/// This region is defined by the size of the destination texture's mip level, offset by the input position.</summary>
/// <param name="position">Specifies the pixel offset from which to copy out of the framebuffer.</param>
/// <param name="texture">Specifies the destination texture.</param>
/// <param name="level">Specifies the destination mipmap level of the texture.</param>
abstract copyFramebufferToTexture: position:Vector2 * texture:Texture * ?level:float -> unit
/// <summary>Copies srcTexture to the specified level of dstTexture, offset by the input position.</summary>
/// <param name="position">Specifies the pixel offset into the dstTexture where the copy will occur.</param>
/// <param name="srcTexture">Specifies the source texture.</param>
/// <param name="dstTexture">Specifies the destination texture.</param>
/// <param name="level">Specifies the destination mipmap level of the texture.</param>
abstract copyTextureToTexture: position:Vector2 * srcTexture:Texture * dstTexture:Texture * ?level:float -> unit
/// <summary>Initializes the given texture. Can be used to preload a texture rather than waiting until first render (which can cause noticeable lags due to decode and GPU upload overhead).</summary>
/// <param name="texture">The texture to Initialize.</param>
abstract initTexture: texture:Texture -> unit
abstract gammaFactor: float with get, set
abstract vr: bool with get, set
abstract shadowMapEnabled: bool with get, set
abstract shadowMapType: ShadowMapType with get, set
abstract shadowMapCullFace: CullFace with get, set
abstract supportsFloatTextures: unit -> obj
abstract supportsHalfFloatTextures: unit -> obj
abstract supportsStandardDerivatives: unit -> obj
abstract supportsCompressedTextureS3TC: unit -> obj
abstract supportsCompressedTexturePVRTC: unit -> obj
abstract supportsBlendMinMax: unit -> obj
abstract supportsVertexTextures: unit -> obj
abstract supportsInstancedArrays: unit -> obj
abstract enableScissorTest: boolean:obj -> obj
/// The WebGL renderer displays your beautifully crafted scenes using WebGL, if your device supports it.
/// This renderer has way better performance than CanvasRenderer.
type WebGLRendererStatic =
/// parameters is an optional object with properties defining the renderer's behaviour. The constructor also accepts no parameters at all. In all cases, it will assume sane defaults when parameters are missing.
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: ?parameters:WebGLRendererParameters -> WebGLRenderer
type WebGLRenderTargetOptions =
abstract wrapS: Wrapping with get, set
abstract wrapT: Wrapping with get, set
abstract magFilter: TextureFilter with get, set
abstract minFilter: TextureFilter with get, set
abstract format: float with get, set
abstract ``type``: TextureDataType with get, set
abstract anisotropy: float with get, set
abstract depthBuffer: bool with get, set
abstract stencilBuffer: bool with get, set
abstract generateMipmaps: bool with get, set
abstract depthTexture: DepthTexture with get, set
abstract encoding: TextureEncoding with get, set
type WebGLRenderTarget =
inherit EventDispatcher
abstract uuid: string with get, set
abstract width: float with get, set
abstract height: float with get, set
abstract scissor: Vector4 with get, set
abstract scissorTest: bool with get, set
abstract viewport: Vector4 with get, set
abstract texture: Texture with get, set
abstract depthBuffer: bool with get, set
abstract stencilBuffer: bool with get, set
abstract depthTexture: DepthTexture with get, set
abstract isWebGLRenderTarget: obj
abstract wrapS: obj with get, set
abstract wrapT: obj with get, set
abstract magFilter: obj with get, set
abstract minFilter: obj with get, set
abstract anisotropy: obj with get, set
abstract offset: obj with get, set
abstract repeat: obj with get, set
abstract format: obj with get, set
abstract ``type``: obj with get, set
abstract generateMipmaps: obj with get, set
abstract setSize: width:float * height:float -> unit
abstract clone: unit -> WebGLRenderTarget
abstract copy: source:WebGLRenderTarget -> WebGLRenderTarget
abstract dispose: unit -> unit
type WebGLRenderTargetStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: width:float * height:float * ?options:WebGLRenderTargetOptions -> WebGLRenderTarget
type IFog =
abstract name: string with get, set
abstract color: Color with get, set
abstract clone: unit -> IFog
abstract toJSON: unit -> obj
/// This class contains the parameters that define linear fog, i.e., that grows linearly denser with the distance.
type Fog =
inherit IFog
abstract name: string with get, set
/// Fog color.
abstract color: Color with get, set
/// The minimum distance to start applying fog. Objects that are less than 'near' units from the active camera won't be affected by fog.
abstract near: float with get, set
/// The maximum distance at which fog stops being calculated and applied. Objects that are more than 'far' units away from the active camera won't be affected by fog.
/// Default is 1000.
abstract far: float with get, set
abstract isFog: obj
abstract clone: unit -> Fog
abstract toJSON: unit -> obj
/// This class contains the parameters that define linear fog, i.e., that grows linearly denser with the distance.
type FogStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: color:U3<Color, float, string> * ?near:float * ?far:float -> Fog
/// This class contains the parameters that define linear fog, i.e., that grows exponentially denser with the distance.
type FogExp2 =
inherit IFog
abstract name: string with get, set
abstract color: Color with get, set
/// Defines how fast the fog will grow dense.
/// Default is 0.00025.
abstract density: float with get, set
abstract isFogExp2: obj
abstract clone: unit -> FogExp2
abstract toJSON: unit -> obj
/// This class contains the parameters that define linear fog, i.e., that grows exponentially denser with the distance.
type FogExp2Static =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: hex:U2<float, string> * ?density:float -> FogExp2
/// Scenes allow you to set up what and where is to be rendered by three.js. This is where you place objects, lights and cameras.
type Scene =
inherit Object3D
abstract ``type``: string with get, set
/// A fog instance defining the type of fog that affects everything rendered in the scene. Default is null.
abstract fog: IFog with get, set
/// If not null, it will force everything in the scene to be rendered with that material. Default is null.
abstract overrideMaterial: Material with get, set
abstract autoUpdate: bool with get, set
abstract background: U3<Color, Texture, WebGLCubeRenderTarget> with get, set
abstract environment: Texture with get, set
abstract isScene: obj
/// Calls before rendering scene
abstract onBeforeRender: (WebGLRenderer -> Scene -> Camera -> U2<WebGLRenderTarget, obj> -> unit) with get, set
/// Calls after rendering scene
abstract onAfterRender: (WebGLRenderer -> Scene -> Camera -> unit) with get, set
abstract toJSON: ?meta:obj -> obj
abstract dispose: unit -> unit
/// Scenes allow you to set up what and where is to be rendered by three.js. This is where you place objects, lights and cameras.
type SceneStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: unit -> Scene
type CanvasTexture =
inherit Texture
type CanvasTextureStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: canvas:U3<HTMLImageElement, HTMLCanvasElement, HTMLVideoElement>
* ?mapping:Mapping
* ?wrapS:Wrapping
* ?wrapT:Wrapping
* ?magFilter:TextureFilter
* ?minFilter:TextureFilter
* ?format:PixelFormat
* ?``type``:TextureDataType
* ?anisotropy:float
-> CanvasTexture
type CompressedTexture =
inherit Texture
abstract image: CompressedTextureImage with get, set
type CompressedTextureStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: mipmaps:ResizeArray<ImageData>
* width:float
* height:float
* ?format:CompressedPixelFormat
* ?``type``:TextureDataType
* ?mapping:Mapping
* ?wrapS:Wrapping
* ?wrapT:Wrapping
* ?magFilter:TextureFilter
* ?minFilter:TextureFilter
* ?anisotropy:float
* ?encoding:TextureEncoding
-> CompressedTexture
type CompressedTextureImage =
abstract width: float with get, set
abstract height: float with get, set
type CubeTexture =
inherit Texture
abstract images: obj with get, set
type CubeTextureStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: ?images:ResizeArray<obj>
* ?mapping:Mapping
* ?wrapS:Wrapping
* ?wrapT:Wrapping
* ?magFilter:TextureFilter
* ?minFilter:TextureFilter
* ?format:PixelFormat
* ?``type``:TextureDataType
* ?anisotropy:float
* ?encoding:TextureEncoding
-> CubeTexture
type DataTexture =
inherit Texture
abstract image: ImageData with get, set
type DataTextureStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: data:TypedArray
* width:float
* height:float
* ?format:PixelFormat
* ?``type``:TextureDataType
* ?mapping:Mapping
* ?wrapS:Wrapping
* ?wrapT:Wrapping
* ?magFilter:TextureFilter
* ?minFilter:TextureFilter
* ?anisotropy:float
* ?encoding:TextureEncoding
-> DataTexture
type DataTexture2DArray =
inherit Texture
type DataTexture2DArrayStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: data:TypedArray * width:float * height:float * depth:float -> DataTexture2DArray
type DataTexture3D =
inherit Texture
type DataTexture3DStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: data:TypedArray * width:float * height:float * depth:float -> DataTexture3D
type DepthTexture =
inherit Texture
abstract image: DepthTextureImage with get, set
type DepthTextureStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: width:float
* heighht:float
* ?``type``:TextureDataType
* ?mapping:Mapping
* ?wrapS:Wrapping
* ?wrapT:Wrapping
* ?magFilter:TextureFilter
* ?minFilter:TextureFilter
* ?anisotropy:float
-> DepthTexture
type DepthTextureImage =
abstract width: float with get, set
abstract height: float with get, set
[<Import("TextureIdCount", "three")>]
let TextureIdCount: float = jsNative
type Texture =
inherit EventDispatcher
abstract id: float with get, set
abstract uuid: string with get, set
abstract name: string with get, set
abstract sourceFile: string with get, set
abstract image: obj with get, set
abstract mipmaps: ResizeArray<obj> with get, set
abstract mapping: Mapping with get, set
abstract wrapS: Wrapping with get, set
abstract wrapT: Wrapping with get, set
abstract magFilter: TextureFilter with get, set
abstract minFilter: TextureFilter with get, set
abstract anisotropy: float with get, set
abstract format: PixelFormat with get, set
abstract internalFormat: PixelFormatGPU with get, set
abstract ``type``: TextureDataType with get, set
abstract matrix: Matrix3 with get, set
abstract matrixAutoUpdate: bool with get, set
abstract offset: Vector2 with get, set
abstract repeat: Vector2 with get, set
abstract center: Vector2 with get, set
abstract rotation: float with get, set
abstract generateMipmaps: bool with get, set
abstract premultiplyAlpha: bool with get, set
abstract flipY: bool with get, set
abstract unpackAlignment: float with get, set
abstract encoding: TextureEncoding with get, set
abstract version: float with get, set
abstract needsUpdate: bool with get, set
abstract isTexture: obj
abstract onUpdate: (unit -> unit) with get, set
abstract clone: unit -> Texture
abstract copy: source:Texture -> Texture
abstract toJSON: meta:obj -> obj
abstract dispose: unit -> unit
abstract transformUv: uv:Vector2 -> Vector2
abstract updateMatrix: unit -> unit
type TextureStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: ?image:U3<HTMLImageElement, HTMLCanvasElement, HTMLVideoElement>
* ?mapping:Mapping
* ?wrapS:Wrapping
* ?wrapT:Wrapping
* ?magFilter:TextureFilter
* ?minFilter:TextureFilter
* ?format:PixelFormat
* ?``type``:TextureDataType
* ?anisotropy:float
* ?encoding:TextureEncoding
-> Texture
abstract DEFAULT_IMAGE: obj with get, set
abstract DEFAULT_MAPPING: obj with get, set
type VideoTexture =
inherit Texture
abstract isVideoTexture: obj
type VideoTextureStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: video:HTMLVideoElement
* ?mapping:Mapping
* ?wrapS:Wrapping
* ?wrapT:Wrapping
* ?magFilter:TextureFilter
* ?minFilter:TextureFilter
* ?format:PixelFormat
* ?``type``:TextureDataType
* ?anisotropy:float
-> VideoTexture
[<Import("REVISION", "three")>]
let REVISION: string = jsNative
[<Import("CullFaceNone", "three")>]
let CullFaceNone: CullFace = jsNative
[<Import("CullFaceBack", "three")>]
let CullFaceBack: CullFace = jsNative
[<Import("CullFaceFront", "three")>]
let CullFaceFront: CullFace = jsNative
[<Import("CullFaceFrontBack", "three")>]
let CullFaceFrontBack: CullFace = jsNative
[<Import("FrontFaceDirectionCW", "three")>]
let FrontFaceDirectionCW: FrontFaceDirection = jsNative
[<Import("FrontFaceDirectionCCW", "three")>]
let FrontFaceDirectionCCW: FrontFaceDirection = jsNative
[<Import("BasicShadowMap", "three")>]
let BasicShadowMap: ShadowMapType = jsNative
[<Import("PCFShadowMap", "three")>]
let PCFShadowMap: ShadowMapType = jsNative
[<Import("PCFSoftShadowMap", "three")>]
let PCFSoftShadowMap: ShadowMapType = jsNative
[<Import("VSMShadowMap", "three")>]
let VSMShadowMap: ShadowMapType = jsNative
[<Import("FrontSide", "three")>]
let FrontSide: Side = jsNative
[<Import("BackSide", "three")>]
let BackSide: Side = jsNative
[<Import("DoubleSide", "three")>]
let DoubleSide: Side = jsNative
[<Import("FlatShading", "three")>]
let FlatShading: Shading = jsNative
[<Import("SmoothShading", "three")>]
let SmoothShading: Shading = jsNative
[<Import("NoBlending", "three")>]
let NoBlending: Blending = jsNative
[<Import("NormalBlending", "three")>]
let NormalBlending: Blending = jsNative
[<Import("AdditiveBlending", "three")>]
let AdditiveBlending: Blending = jsNative
[<Import("SubtractiveBlending", "three")>]
let SubtractiveBlending: Blending = jsNative
[<Import("MultiplyBlending", "three")>]
let MultiplyBlending: Blending = jsNative
[<Import("CustomBlending", "three")>]
let CustomBlending: Blending = jsNative
[<Import("AddEquation", "three")>]
let AddEquation: BlendingEquation = jsNative
[<Import("SubtractEquation", "three")>]
let SubtractEquation: BlendingEquation = jsNative
[<Import("ReverseSubtractEquation", "three")>]
let ReverseSubtractEquation: BlendingEquation = jsNative
[<Import("MinEquation", "three")>]
let MinEquation: BlendingEquation = jsNative
[<Import("MaxEquation", "three")>]
let MaxEquation: BlendingEquation = jsNative
[<Import("ZeroFactor", "three")>]
let ZeroFactor: BlendingDstFactor = jsNative
[<Import("OneFactor", "three")>]
let OneFactor: BlendingDstFactor = jsNative
[<Import("SrcColorFactor", "three")>]
let SrcColorFactor: BlendingDstFactor = jsNative
[<Import("OneMinusSrcColorFactor", "three")>]
let OneMinusSrcColorFactor: BlendingDstFactor = jsNative
[<Import("SrcAlphaFactor", "three")>]
let SrcAlphaFactor: BlendingDstFactor = jsNative
[<Import("OneMinusSrcAlphaFactor", "three")>]
let OneMinusSrcAlphaFactor: BlendingDstFactor = jsNative
[<Import("DstAlphaFactor", "three")>]
let DstAlphaFactor: BlendingDstFactor = jsNative
[<Import("OneMinusDstAlphaFactor", "three")>]
let OneMinusDstAlphaFactor: BlendingDstFactor = jsNative
[<Import("DstColorFactor", "three")>]
let DstColorFactor: BlendingDstFactor = jsNative
[<Import("OneMinusDstColorFactor", "three")>]
let OneMinusDstColorFactor: BlendingDstFactor = jsNative
[<Import("SrcAlphaSaturateFactor", "three")>]
let SrcAlphaSaturateFactor: BlendingSrcFactor = jsNative
[<Import("NeverDepth", "three")>]
let NeverDepth: DepthModes = jsNative
[<Import("AlwaysDepth", "three")>]
let AlwaysDepth: DepthModes = jsNative
[<Import("LessDepth", "three")>]
let LessDepth: DepthModes = jsNative
[<Import("LessEqualDepth", "three")>]
let LessEqualDepth: DepthModes = jsNative
[<Import("EqualDepth", "three")>]
let EqualDepth: DepthModes = jsNative
[<Import("GreaterEqualDepth", "three")>]
let GreaterEqualDepth: DepthModes = jsNative
[<Import("GreaterDepth", "three")>]
let GreaterDepth: DepthModes = jsNative
[<Import("NotEqualDepth", "three")>]
let NotEqualDepth: DepthModes = jsNative
[<Import("MultiplyOperation", "three")>]
let MultiplyOperation: Combine = jsNative
[<Import("MixOperation", "three")>]
let MixOperation: Combine = jsNative
[<Import("AddOperation", "three")>]
let AddOperation: Combine = jsNative
[<Import("NoToneMapping", "three")>]
let NoToneMapping: ToneMapping = jsNative
[<Import("LinearToneMapping", "three")>]
let LinearToneMapping: ToneMapping = jsNative
[<Import("ReinhardToneMapping", "three")>]
let ReinhardToneMapping: ToneMapping = jsNative
[<Import("CineonToneMapping", "three")>]
let CineonToneMapping: ToneMapping = jsNative
[<Import("ACESFilmicToneMapping", "three")>]
let ACESFilmicToneMapping: ToneMapping = jsNative
[<Import("UVMapping", "three")>]
let UVMapping: Mapping = jsNative
[<Import("CubeReflectionMapping", "three")>]
let CubeReflectionMapping: Mapping = jsNative
[<Import("CubeRefractionMapping", "three")>]
let CubeRefractionMapping: Mapping = jsNative
[<Import("EquirectangularReflectionMapping", "three")>]
let EquirectangularReflectionMapping: Mapping = jsNative
[<Import("EquirectangularRefractionMapping", "three")>]
let EquirectangularRefractionMapping: Mapping = jsNative
[<Import("CubeUVReflectionMapping", "three")>]
let CubeUVReflectionMapping: Mapping = jsNative
[<Import("CubeUVRefractionMapping", "three")>]
let CubeUVRefractionMapping: Mapping = jsNative
[<Import("RepeatWrapping", "three")>]
let RepeatWrapping: Wrapping = jsNative
[<Import("ClampToEdgeWrapping", "three")>]
let ClampToEdgeWrapping: Wrapping = jsNative
[<Import("MirroredRepeatWrapping", "three")>]
let MirroredRepeatWrapping: Wrapping = jsNative
[<Import("NearestFilter", "three")>]
let NearestFilter: TextureFilter = jsNative
[<Import("NearestMipmapNearestFilter", "three")>]
let NearestMipmapNearestFilter: TextureFilter = jsNative
[<Import("NearestMipMapNearestFilter", "three")>]
let NearestMipMapNearestFilter: TextureFilter = jsNative
[<Import("NearestMipmapLinearFilter", "three")>]
let NearestMipmapLinearFilter: TextureFilter = jsNative
[<Import("NearestMipMapLinearFilter", "three")>]
let NearestMipMapLinearFilter: TextureFilter = jsNative
[<Import("LinearFilter", "three")>]
let LinearFilter: TextureFilter = jsNative
[<Import("LinearMipmapNearestFilter", "three")>]
let LinearMipmapNearestFilter: TextureFilter = jsNative
[<Import("LinearMipMapNearestFilter", "three")>]
let LinearMipMapNearestFilter: TextureFilter = jsNative
[<Import("LinearMipmapLinearFilter", "three")>]
let LinearMipmapLinearFilter: TextureFilter = jsNative
[<Import("LinearMipMapLinearFilter", "three")>]
let LinearMipMapLinearFilter: TextureFilter = jsNative
[<Import("UnsignedByteType", "three")>]
let UnsignedByteType: TextureDataType = jsNative
[<Import("ByteType", "three")>]
let ByteType: TextureDataType = jsNative
[<Import("ShortType", "three")>]
let ShortType: TextureDataType = jsNative
[<Import("UnsignedShortType", "three")>]
let UnsignedShortType: TextureDataType = jsNative
[<Import("IntType", "three")>]
let IntType: TextureDataType = jsNative
[<Import("UnsignedIntType", "three")>]
let UnsignedIntType: TextureDataType = jsNative
[<Import("FloatType", "three")>]
let FloatType: TextureDataType = jsNative
[<Import("HalfFloatType", "three")>]
let HalfFloatType: TextureDataType = jsNative
[<Import("UnsignedShort4444Type", "three")>]
let UnsignedShort4444Type: TextureDataType = jsNative
[<Import("UnsignedShort5551Type", "three")>]
let UnsignedShort5551Type: TextureDataType = jsNative
[<Import("UnsignedShort565Type", "three")>]
let UnsignedShort565Type: TextureDataType = jsNative
[<Import("UnsignedInt248Type", "three")>]
let UnsignedInt248Type: TextureDataType = jsNative
[<Import("AlphaFormat", "three")>]
let AlphaFormat: PixelFormat = jsNative
[<Import("RGBFormat", "three")>]
let RGBFormat: PixelFormat = jsNative
[<Import("RGBAFormat", "three")>]
let RGBAFormat: PixelFormat = jsNative
[<Import("LuminanceFormat", "three")>]
let LuminanceFormat: PixelFormat = jsNative
[<Import("LuminanceAlphaFormat", "three")>]
let LuminanceAlphaFormat: PixelFormat = jsNative
[<Import("RGBEFormat", "three")>]
let RGBEFormat: PixelFormat = jsNative
[<Import("DepthFormat", "three")>]
let DepthFormat: PixelFormat = jsNative
[<Import("DepthStencilFormat", "three")>]
let DepthStencilFormat: PixelFormat = jsNative
[<Import("RedFormat", "three")>]
let RedFormat: PixelFormat = jsNative
[<Import("RedIntegerFormat", "three")>]
let RedIntegerFormat: PixelFormat = jsNative
[<Import("RGFormat", "three")>]
let RGFormat: PixelFormat = jsNative
[<Import("RGIntegerFormat", "three")>]
let RGIntegerFormat: PixelFormat = jsNative
[<Import("RGBIntegerFormat", "three")>]
let RGBIntegerFormat: PixelFormat = jsNative
[<Import("RGBAIntegerFormat", "three")>]
let RGBAIntegerFormat: PixelFormat = jsNative
[<Import("RGB_S3TC_DXT1_Format", "three")>]
let RGB_S3TC_DXT1_Format: CompressedPixelFormat = jsNative
[<Import("RGBA_S3TC_DXT1_Format", "three")>]
let RGBA_S3TC_DXT1_Format: CompressedPixelFormat = jsNative
[<Import("RGBA_S3TC_DXT3_Format", "three")>]
let RGBA_S3TC_DXT3_Format: CompressedPixelFormat = jsNative
[<Import("RGBA_S3TC_DXT5_Format", "three")>]
let RGBA_S3TC_DXT5_Format: CompressedPixelFormat = jsNative
[<Import("RGB_PVRTC_4BPPV1_Format", "three")>]
let RGB_PVRTC_4BPPV1_Format: CompressedPixelFormat = jsNative
[<Import("RGB_PVRTC_2BPPV1_Format", "three")>]
let RGB_PVRTC_2BPPV1_Format: CompressedPixelFormat = jsNative
[<Import("RGBA_PVRTC_4BPPV1_Format", "three")>]
let RGBA_PVRTC_4BPPV1_Format: CompressedPixelFormat = jsNative
[<Import("RGBA_PVRTC_2BPPV1_Format", "three")>]
let RGBA_PVRTC_2BPPV1_Format: CompressedPixelFormat = jsNative
[<Import("RGB_ETC1_Format", "three")>]
let RGB_ETC1_Format: CompressedPixelFormat = jsNative
[<Import("RGB_ETC2_Format", "three")>]
let RGB_ETC2_Format: CompressedPixelFormat = jsNative
[<Import("RGBA_ETC2_EAC_Format", "three")>]
let RGBA_ETC2_EAC_Format: CompressedPixelFormat = jsNative
[<Import("RGBA_ASTC_4x4_Format", "three")>]
let RGBA_ASTC_4x4_Format: CompressedPixelFormat = jsNative
[<Import("RGBA_ASTC_5x4_Format", "three")>]
let RGBA_ASTC_5x4_Format: CompressedPixelFormat = jsNative
[<Import("RGBA_ASTC_5x5_Format", "three")>]
let RGBA_ASTC_5x5_Format: CompressedPixelFormat = jsNative
[<Import("RGBA_ASTC_6x5_Format", "three")>]
let RGBA_ASTC_6x5_Format: CompressedPixelFormat = jsNative
[<Import("RGBA_ASTC_6x6_Format", "three")>]
let RGBA_ASTC_6x6_Format: CompressedPixelFormat = jsNative
[<Import("RGBA_ASTC_8x5_Format", "three")>]
let RGBA_ASTC_8x5_Format: CompressedPixelFormat = jsNative
[<Import("RGBA_ASTC_8x6_Format", "three")>]
let RGBA_ASTC_8x6_Format: CompressedPixelFormat = jsNative
[<Import("RGBA_ASTC_8x8_Format", "three")>]
let RGBA_ASTC_8x8_Format: CompressedPixelFormat = jsNative
[<Import("RGBA_ASTC_10x5_Format", "three")>]
let RGBA_ASTC_10x5_Format: CompressedPixelFormat = jsNative
[<Import("RGBA_ASTC_10x6_Format", "three")>]
let RGBA_ASTC_10x6_Format: CompressedPixelFormat = jsNative
[<Import("RGBA_ASTC_10x8_Format", "three")>]
let RGBA_ASTC_10x8_Format: CompressedPixelFormat = jsNative
[<Import("RGBA_ASTC_10x10_Format", "three")>]
let RGBA_ASTC_10x10_Format: CompressedPixelFormat = jsNative
[<Import("RGBA_ASTC_12x10_Format", "three")>]
let RGBA_ASTC_12x10_Format: CompressedPixelFormat = jsNative
[<Import("RGBA_ASTC_12x12_Format", "three")>]
let RGBA_ASTC_12x12_Format: CompressedPixelFormat = jsNative
[<Import("SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_4x4_Format", "three")>]
let SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_4x4_Format: CompressedPixelFormat = jsNative
[<Import("SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_5x4_Format", "three")>]
let SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_5x4_Format: CompressedPixelFormat = jsNative
[<Import("SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_5x5_Format", "three")>]
let SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_5x5_Format: CompressedPixelFormat = jsNative
[<Import("SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_6x5_Format", "three")>]
let SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_6x5_Format: CompressedPixelFormat = jsNative
[<Import("SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_6x6_Format", "three")>]
let SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_6x6_Format: CompressedPixelFormat = jsNative
[<Import("SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_8x5_Format", "three")>]
let SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_8x5_Format: CompressedPixelFormat = jsNative
[<Import("SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_8x6_Format", "three")>]
let SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_8x6_Format: CompressedPixelFormat = jsNative
[<Import("SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_8x8_Format", "three")>]
let SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_8x8_Format: CompressedPixelFormat = jsNative
[<Import("SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_10x5_Format", "three")>]
let SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_10x5_Format: CompressedPixelFormat = jsNative
[<Import("SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_10x6_Format", "three")>]
let SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_10x6_Format: CompressedPixelFormat = jsNative
[<Import("SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_10x8_Format", "three")>]
let SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_10x8_Format: CompressedPixelFormat = jsNative
[<Import("SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_10x10_Format", "three")>]
let SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_10x10_Format: CompressedPixelFormat = jsNative
[<Import("SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_12x10_Format", "three")>]
let SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_12x10_Format: CompressedPixelFormat = jsNative
[<Import("SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_12x12_Format", "three")>]
let SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_12x12_Format: CompressedPixelFormat = jsNative
[<Import("RGBA_BPTC_Format", "three")>]
let RGBA_BPTC_Format: CompressedPixelFormat = jsNative
[<Import("LoopOnce", "three")>]
let LoopOnce: AnimationActionLoopStyles = jsNative
[<Import("LoopRepeat", "three")>]
let LoopRepeat: AnimationActionLoopStyles = jsNative
[<Import("LoopPingPong", "three")>]
let LoopPingPong: AnimationActionLoopStyles = jsNative
[<Import("InterpolateDiscrete", "three")>]
let InterpolateDiscrete: InterpolationModes = jsNative
[<Import("InterpolateLinear", "three")>]
let InterpolateLinear: InterpolationModes = jsNative
[<Import("InterpolateSmooth", "three")>]
let InterpolateSmooth: InterpolationModes = jsNative
[<Import("ZeroCurvatureEnding", "three")>]
let ZeroCurvatureEnding: InterpolationEndingModes = jsNative
[<Import("ZeroSlopeEnding", "three")>]
let ZeroSlopeEnding: InterpolationEndingModes = jsNative
[<Import("WrapAroundEnding", "three")>]
let WrapAroundEnding: InterpolationEndingModes = jsNative
[<Import("NormalAnimationBlendMode", "three")>]
let NormalAnimationBlendMode: AnimationBlendMode = jsNative
[<Import("AdditiveAnimationBlendMode", "three")>]
let AdditiveAnimationBlendMode: AnimationBlendMode = jsNative
[<Import("TrianglesDrawMode", "three")>]
let TrianglesDrawMode: TrianglesDrawModes = jsNative
[<Import("TriangleStripDrawMode", "three")>]
let TriangleStripDrawMode: TrianglesDrawModes = jsNative
[<Import("TriangleFanDrawMode", "three")>]
let TriangleFanDrawMode: TrianglesDrawModes = jsNative
[<Import("LinearEncoding", "three")>]
let LinearEncoding: TextureEncoding = jsNative
[<Import("sRGBEncoding", "three")>]
let sRGBEncoding: TextureEncoding = jsNative
[<Import("GammaEncoding", "three")>]
let GammaEncoding: TextureEncoding = jsNative
[<Import("RGBEEncoding", "three")>]
let RGBEEncoding: TextureEncoding = jsNative
[<Import("LogLuvEncoding", "three")>]
let LogLuvEncoding: TextureEncoding = jsNative
[<Import("RGBM7Encoding", "three")>]
let RGBM7Encoding: TextureEncoding = jsNative
[<Import("RGBM16Encoding", "three")>]
let RGBM16Encoding: TextureEncoding = jsNative
[<Import("RGBDEncoding", "three")>]
let RGBDEncoding: TextureEncoding = jsNative
[<Import("BasicDepthPacking", "three")>]
let BasicDepthPacking: DepthPackingStrategies = jsNative
[<Import("RGBADepthPacking", "three")>]
let RGBADepthPacking: DepthPackingStrategies = jsNative
[<Import("TangentSpaceNormalMap", "three")>]
let TangentSpaceNormalMap: NormalMapTypes = jsNative
[<Import("ObjectSpaceNormalMap", "three")>]
let ObjectSpaceNormalMap: NormalMapTypes = jsNative
[<Import("ZeroStencilOp", "three")>]
let ZeroStencilOp: StencilOp = jsNative
[<Import("KeepStencilOp", "three")>]
let KeepStencilOp: StencilOp = jsNative
[<Import("ReplaceStencilOp", "three")>]
let ReplaceStencilOp: StencilOp = jsNative
[<Import("IncrementStencilOp", "three")>]
let IncrementStencilOp: StencilOp = jsNative
[<Import("DecrementStencilOp", "three")>]
let DecrementStencilOp: StencilOp = jsNative
[<Import("IncrementWrapStencilOp", "three")>]
let IncrementWrapStencilOp: StencilOp = jsNative
[<Import("DecrementWrapStencilOp", "three")>]
let DecrementWrapStencilOp: StencilOp = jsNative
[<Import("InvertStencilOp", "three")>]
let InvertStencilOp: StencilOp = jsNative
[<Import("NeverStencilFunc", "three")>]
let NeverStencilFunc: StencilFunc = jsNative
[<Import("LessStencilFunc", "three")>]
let LessStencilFunc: StencilFunc = jsNative
[<Import("EqualStencilFunc", "three")>]
let EqualStencilFunc: StencilFunc = jsNative
[<Import("LessEqualStencilFunc", "three")>]
let LessEqualStencilFunc: StencilFunc = jsNative
[<Import("GreaterStencilFunc", "three")>]
let GreaterStencilFunc: StencilFunc = jsNative
[<Import("NotEqualStencilFunc", "three")>]
let NotEqualStencilFunc: StencilFunc = jsNative
[<Import("GreaterEqualStencilFunc", "three")>]
let GreaterEqualStencilFunc: StencilFunc = jsNative
[<Import("AlwaysStencilFunc", "three")>]
let AlwaysStencilFunc: StencilFunc = jsNative
[<Import("StaticDrawUsage", "three")>]
let StaticDrawUsage: Usage = jsNative
[<Import("DynamicDrawUsage", "three")>]
let DynamicDrawUsage: Usage = jsNative
[<Import("StreamDrawUsage", "three")>]
let StreamDrawUsage: Usage = jsNative
[<Import("StaticReadUsage", "three")>]
let StaticReadUsage: Usage = jsNative
[<Import("DynamicReadUsage", "three")>]
let DynamicReadUsage: Usage = jsNative
[<Import("StreamReadUsage", "three")>]
let StreamReadUsage: Usage = jsNative
[<Import("StaticCopyUsage", "three")>]
let StaticCopyUsage: Usage = jsNative
[<Import("DynamicCopyUsage", "three")>]
let DynamicCopyUsage: Usage = jsNative
[<Import("StreamCopyUsage", "three")>]
let StreamCopyUsage: Usage = jsNative
type MOUSE = obj
type TOUCH = obj
type CullFace = obj
type FrontFaceDirection = obj
type ShadowMapType = obj
type Side = obj
type Shading = obj
type Blending = obj
type BlendingEquation = obj
type BlendingDstFactor = obj
type BlendingSrcFactor = obj
type DepthModes = obj
type Combine = obj
type ToneMapping = obj
type Mapping = obj
type Wrapping = obj
type TextureFilter = obj
type TextureDataType = obj
type PixelFormat = obj
type PixelFormatGPU =
| [<CompiledName "ALPHA">] ALPHA
| [<CompiledName "RGB">] RGB
| [<CompiledName "RGBA">] RGBA
| [<CompiledName "LUMINANCE">] LUMINANCE
| [<CompiledName "RED_INTEGER">] RED_INTEGER
| [<CompiledName "R8">] R8
| [<CompiledName "R8_SNORM">] R8_SNORM
| [<CompiledName "R8I">] R8I
| [<CompiledName "R8UI">] R8UI
| [<CompiledName "R16I">] R16I
| [<CompiledName "R16UI">] R16UI
| [<CompiledName "R16F">] R16F
| [<CompiledName "R32I">] R32I
| [<CompiledName "R32UI">] R32UI
| [<CompiledName "R32F">] R32F
| [<CompiledName "RG8">] RG8
| [<CompiledName "RG8_SNORM">] RG8_SNORM
| [<CompiledName "RG8I">] RG8I
| [<CompiledName "RG8UI">] RG8UI
| [<CompiledName "RG16I">] RG16I
| [<CompiledName "RG16UI">] RG16UI
| [<CompiledName "RG16F">] RG16F
| [<CompiledName "RG32I">] RG32I
| [<CompiledName "RG32UI">] RG32UI
| [<CompiledName "RG32F">] RG32F
| [<CompiledName "RGB565">] RGB565
| [<CompiledName "RGB8">] RGB8
| [<CompiledName "RGB8_SNORM">] RGB8_SNORM
| [<CompiledName "RGB8I">] RGB8I
| [<CompiledName "RGB8UI">] RGB8UI
| [<CompiledName "RGB16I">] RGB16I
| [<CompiledName "RGB16UI">] RGB16UI
| [<CompiledName "RGB16F">] RGB16F
| [<CompiledName "RGB32I">] RGB32I
| [<CompiledName "RGB32UI">] RGB32UI
| [<CompiledName "RGB32F">] RGB32F
| [<CompiledName "RGB9_E5">] RGB9_E5
| [<CompiledName "SRGB8">] SRGB8
| [<CompiledName "R11F_G11F_B10F">] R11F_G11F_B10F
| [<CompiledName "RGBA4">] RGBA4
| [<CompiledName "RGBA8">] RGBA8
| [<CompiledName "RGBA8_SNORM">] RGBA8_SNORM
| [<CompiledName "RGBA8I">] RGBA8I
| [<CompiledName "RGBA8UI">] RGBA8UI
| [<CompiledName "RGBA16I">] RGBA16I
| [<CompiledName "RGBA16UI">] RGBA16UI
| [<CompiledName "RGBA16F">] RGBA16F
| [<CompiledName "RGBA32I">] RGBA32I
| [<CompiledName "RGBA32UI">] RGBA32UI
| [<CompiledName "RGBA32F">] RGBA32F
| [<CompiledName "RGB5_A1">] RGB5_A1
| [<CompiledName "RGB10_A2">] RGB10_A2
| [<CompiledName "RGB10_A2UI">] RGB10_A2UI
| [<CompiledName "SRGB8_ALPHA8">] SRGB8_ALPHA8
| [<CompiledName "DEPTH24_STENCIL8">] DEPTH24_STENCIL8
| [<CompiledName "DEPTH32F_STENCIL8">] DEPTH32F_STENCIL8
type CompressedPixelFormat = obj
type AnimationActionLoopStyles = obj
type InterpolationModes = obj
type InterpolationEndingModes = obj
type AnimationBlendMode = obj
type TrianglesDrawModes = obj
type TextureEncoding = obj
type DepthPackingStrategies = obj
type NormalMapTypes = obj
type StencilOp = obj
type StencilFunc = obj
type Usage = obj
type TypedArray = obj
// ts2fable 0.7.1
module rec TrackballControls
open System
open Fable.Core
open Fable.Core.JS
open Browser.Types
module THREE = Three
let TrackballControls: TrackballControlsStatic = jsNative
type IExports =
abstract TrackballControls: TrackballControlsStatic
type TrackballControls =
inherit THREE.EventDispatcher
abstract object: THREE.Camera with get, set
abstract domElement: HTMLElement with get, set
abstract window: Window with get, set
abstract enabled: bool with get, set
abstract screen: obj option with get, set
abstract rotateSpeed: float with get, set
abstract zoomSpeed: float with get, set
abstract panSpeed: float with get, set
abstract noRotate: bool with get, set
abstract noZoom: bool with get, set
abstract noPan: bool with get, set
abstract staticMoving: bool with get, set
abstract dynamicDampingFactor: float with get, set
abstract minDistance: float with get, set
abstract maxDistance: float with get, set
abstract keys: ResizeArray<float> with get, set
abstract target: THREE.Vector3 with get, set
abstract dispose: unit -> unit
abstract handleResize: unit -> unit
abstract getMouseOnScreen: obj option with get, set
abstract getMouseOnCircle: obj option with get, set
abstract rotateCamera: (unit -> unit) with get, set
abstract zoomCamera: (unit -> unit) with get, set
abstract panCamera: (unit -> unit) with get, set
abstract checkDistances: unit -> unit
abstract update: obj -> unit
abstract reset: unit -> unit
type TrackballControlsStatic =
[<Emit "new $0($1...)">]
abstract Create: object:THREE.Camera * domElement:HTMLElement * ?domWindow:Window -> TrackballControls
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