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Created January 22, 2024 17:53
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Community package requirements: sanity tests for cisco.intersight

(Note: This issue was filed in a semi-automated fashion. Let me know if you see errors in this issue.)

As per the [Ansible community package inclusion requirements][ci-testing], collections must pass ansible-test sanity tests. Version 2.0.3 of cisco.intersight, corresponding to the 2.0.3 tag in this repo, fails one or more of the required sanity tests.

Please see the errors below and address them. If these issues aren't addressed within a reasonable time period, the collection may be subject to [removal from Ansible][removal].

Thank you for your efforts and for being part of the Ansible package! We appreciate it.

Sanity tests

The following tests were run using ansible-test version 2.16.1:

  • ansible-doc
  • compile
  • validate-modules
  • yamllint

Note that this is only a subset of the required sanity tests. Please make sure you run them in all in your CI.


The test ansible-test sanity --test validate-modules [explain] failed with 15512 errors:

plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'acs_control_gpu1state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'acs_control_gpu2state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'acs_control_gpu3state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'acs_control_gpu4state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'acs_control_gpu5state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'acs_control_gpu6state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'acs_control_gpu7state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'acs_control_gpu8state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'acs_control_slot11state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'acs_control_slot12state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'acs_control_slot13state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'acs_control_slot14state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'adaptive_refresh_mgmt_level' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Default', 'Level A', 'Level B', 'Level C']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'adjacent_cache_line_prefetch' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'advanced_mem_test' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'disabled', 'enabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'all_usb_devices' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'altitude' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', '300-m', '900-m', '1500-m', '3000-m', 'auto']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'aspm_support' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'Force L0s', 'L1 Only']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'assert_nmi_on_perr' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'assert_nmi_on_serr' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'auto_cc_state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'autonumous_cstate_enable' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'baud_rate' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', '9600', '19200', '38400', '57600', '115200']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'bme_dma_mitigation' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'boot_option_num_retry' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', '5', '13', 'Infinite']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'boot_option_re_cool_down' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', '15', '45', '90']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'boot_option_retry' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'boot_performance_mode' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Max Efficient', 'Max Performance', 'Set by Intel NM']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'burst_and_postponed_refresh' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'c1auto_demotion' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'c1auto_un_demotion' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cmn_apbdis' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', '0', '1', 'Auto']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cmn_cpu_cpb' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cmn_cpu_gen_downcore_ctrl' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'FOUR (2 + 2)', 'FOUR (4 + 0)', 'SIX (3 + 3)', 'THREE (3 + 0)', 'TWO (1 + 1)', 'TWO (2 + 0)']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cmn_cpu_global_cstate_ctrl' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'disabled', 'enabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cmn_cpu_l1stream_hw_prefetcher' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'disabled', 'enabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cmn_cpu_l2stream_hw_prefetcher' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'disabled', 'enabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cmn_cpu_smee' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'disabled', 'enabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cmn_cpu_streaming_stores_ctrl' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'disabled', 'enabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cmn_determinism_slider' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Performance', 'Power']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cmn_efficiency_mode_en' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Enabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cmn_fixed_soc_pstate' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'P0', 'P1', 'P2', 'P3']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cmn_gnb_nb_iommu' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'disabled', 'enabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cmn_gnb_smu_df_cstates' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'disabled', 'enabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cmn_gnb_smucppc' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'disabled', 'enabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cmn_mem_ctrl_bank_group_swap_ddr4' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'disabled', 'enabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cmn_mem_map_bank_interleave_ddr4' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cmnc_tdp_ctl' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Manual']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cpu_ccd_ctrl_ssp' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', '2 CCDs', '3 CCDs', '4 CCDs', '6 CCDs', 'Auto']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cpu_core_ctrl' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'FIVE (5 + 0)', 'FOUR (4 + 0)', 'ONE (1 + 0)', 'SEVEN (7 + 0)', 'SIX (6 + 0)', 'THREE (3 + 0)', 'TWO (2 + 0)']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cpu_smt_ctrl' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'disabled', 'enabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_dbg_cpu_snp_mem_cover' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Custom', 'disabled', 'enabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_df_cmn_acpi_srat_l3numa' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'disabled', 'enabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_df_cmn_dram_nps' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'NPS0', 'NPS1', 'NPS2', 'NPS4']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_df_cmn_mem_intlv' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Channel', 'Die', 'None', 'Socket']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_df_cmn_mem_intlv_size' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', '256 Bytes', '512 Bytes', '1 KB', '2 KB', '4 KB', 'Auto']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_sev_snp_support' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cdn_enable' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cdn_support' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'disabled', 'enabled', 'LOMs Only']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'channel_inter_leave' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', '1-way', '2-way', '3-way', '4-way', 'auto']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cisco_adaptive_mem_training' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cisco_debug_level' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Maximum', 'Minimum', 'Normal']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cisco_oprom_launch_optimization' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cisco_xgmi_max_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cke_low_policy' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'auto', 'disabled', 'fast', 'slow']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'closed_loop_therm_throtl' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cmci_enable' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'config_tdp' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'config_tdp_level' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Level 1', 'Level 2', 'Normal']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'console_redirection' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'com-0', 'com-1', 'disabled', 'enabled', 'serial-port-a']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'core_multi_processing' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', '11', '12', '13', '14', '15', '16', '17', '18', '19', '20', '21', '22', '23', '24', '25', '26', '27', '28', '29', '30', '31', '32', '33', '34', '35', '36', '37', '38', '39', '40', '41', '42', '43', '44', '45', '46', '47', '48', '49', '50', '51', '52', '53', '54', '55', '56', '57', '58', '59', '60', '61', '62', '63', '64', 'all']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cpu_energy_performance' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'balanced-energy', 'balanced-performance', 'balanced-power', 'energy-efficient', 'performance', 'power']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cpu_frequency_floor' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cpu_pa_limit' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cpu_perf_enhancement' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cpu_performance' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'custom', 'enterprise', 'high-throughput', 'hpc']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cpu_power_management' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'custom', 'disabled', 'energy-efficient', 'performance']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cr_qos' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Disabled', 'Mode 0 - Disable the PMem QoS Feature', 'Mode 1 - M2M QoS Enable and CHA QoS Disable', 'Mode 2 - M2M QoS Enable and CHA QoS Enable', 'Profile 1', 'Recipe 1', 'Recipe 2', 'Recipe 3']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'crfastgo_config' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Default', 'Disable optimization', 'Enable optimization', 'Option 1', 'Option 2', 'Option 3', 'Option 4', 'Option 5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'dcpmm_firmware_downgrade' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'demand_scrub' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'direct_cache_access' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'auto', 'disabled', 'enabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'dma_ctrl_opt_in' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'dram_clock_throttling' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Balanced', 'Energy Efficient', 'Performance']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'dram_refresh_rate' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', '1x', '2x', '3x', '4x', 'Auto']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'dram_sw_thermal_throttling' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'eadr_support' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'disabled', 'enabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'edpc_en' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Disabled', 'On Fatal Error', 'On Fatal and Non-Fatal Errors']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'enable_clock_spread_spec' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', '0P3_Percent', '0P5_Percent', 'disabled', 'enabled', 'Hardware', 'Off']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'enable_mktme' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'enable_rmt' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'enable_sgx' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'enable_tme' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'energy_efficient_turbo' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'eng_perf_tuning' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'BIOS', 'OS']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'enhanced_intel_speed_step_tech' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'epoch_update' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Change to New Random Owner EPOCHs', 'Manual User Defined Owner EPOCHs', 'SGX Owner EPOCH activated']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'epp_enable' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'epp_profile' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Balanced Performance', 'Balanced Power', 'Performance', 'Power']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'error_check_scrub' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Disabled', 'Enabled with Result Collection', 'Enabled without Result Collection']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'execute_disable_bit' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'extended_apic' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'disabled', 'enabled', 'X2APIC', 'XAPIC']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'flow_control' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'none', 'rts-cts']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'frb2enable' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'hardware_prefetch' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'hwpm_enable' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Disabled', 'HWPM Native Mode', 'HWPM OOB Mode', 'NATIVE MODE', 'Native Mode with no Legacy', 'OOB MODE']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'imc_interleave' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', '1-way Interleave', '2-way Interleave', 'Auto']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'intel_dynamic_speed_select' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'intel_hyper_threading_tech' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'intel_speed_select' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Base', 'Config 1', 'Config 2', 'Config 3', 'Config 4']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'intel_turbo_boost_tech' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'intel_virtualization_technology' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'intel_vt_for_directed_io' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'intel_vtd_coherency_support' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'intel_vtd_interrupt_remapping' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'intel_vtd_pass_through_dma_support' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'intel_vtdats_support' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'ioh_error_enable' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'No', 'Yes']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'ioh_resource' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'IOH0 24k IOH1 40k', 'IOH0 32k IOH1 32k', 'IOH0 40k IOH1 24k', 'IOH0 48k IOH1 16k', 'IOH0 56k IOH1 8k']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'ip_prefetch' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'ipv4http' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'ipv4pxe' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'ipv6http' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'ipv6pxe' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'kti_prefetch' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'disabled', 'enabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'legacy_os_redirection' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'legacy_usb_support' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'auto', 'disabled', 'enabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'llc_alloc' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'disabled', 'enabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'llc_prefetch' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'lom_port0state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'disabled', 'enabled', 'Legacy Only', 'UEFI Only']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'lom_port1state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'disabled', 'enabled', 'Legacy Only', 'UEFI Only']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'lom_port2state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'disabled', 'enabled', 'Legacy Only', 'UEFI Only']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'lom_port3state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'disabled', 'enabled', 'Legacy Only', 'UEFI Only']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'lom_ports_all_state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'lv_ddr_mode' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'auto', 'performance-mode', 'power-saving-mode']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'make_device_non_bootable' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'memory_bandwidth_boost' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'memory_inter_leave' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', '1 Way Node Interleave', '2 Way Node Interleave', '4 Way Node Interleave', '8 Way Node Interleave', 'disabled', 'enabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'memory_mapped_io_above4gb' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'memory_refresh_rate' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', '1x Refresh', '2x Refresh']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'memory_thermal_throttling' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'CLTT with PECI', 'Disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'mirroring_mode' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'inter-socket', 'intra-socket']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'mmcfg_base' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', '1 GB', '2 GB', '2.5 GB', '3 GB', 'Auto']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'network_stack' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'numa_optimized' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'nvmdimm_perform_config' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'BW Optimized', 'Balanced Profile', 'Latency Optimized']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'onboard10gbit_lom' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'onboard_gbit_lom' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'onboard_scu_storage_support' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'onboard_scu_storage_sw_stack' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Intel RSTe', 'LSI SW RAID']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'operation_mode' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Test Only', 'Test and Repair']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'os_boot_watchdog_timer' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'os_boot_watchdog_timer_policy' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'do-nothing', 'power-off', 'reset']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'os_boot_watchdog_timer_timeout' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', '5-minutes', '10-minutes', '15-minutes', '20-minutes']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'out_of_band_mgmt_port' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'package_cstate_limit' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'C0 C1 State', 'C0/C1', 'C2', 'C6 Non Retention', 'C6 Retention', 'No Limit']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'panic_high_watermark' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'High', 'Low']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'partial_cache_line_sparing' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'partial_mirror_mode_config' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'disabled', 'Percentage', 'Value in GB']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'patrol_scrub' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'disabled', 'Enable at End of POST', 'enabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'pc_ie_ras_support' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'pc_ie_ssd_hot_plug_support' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'pch_usb30mode' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'pci_option_ro_ms' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'disabled', 'enabled', 'Legacy Only', 'UEFI Only']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'pci_rom_clp' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_ari_support' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'disabled', 'enabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_pll_ssc' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'ZeroPointFive']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_slot_mraid1link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_slot_mraid1option_rom' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_slot_mraid2link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_slot_mraid2option_rom' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_slot_mstorraid_link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_slot_mstorraid_option_rom' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme1link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme1option_rom' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme2link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme2option_rom' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme3link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme3option_rom' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme4link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme4option_rom' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme5link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme5option_rom' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme6link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme6option_rom' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_slots_cdn_enable' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'pop_support' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'post_error_pause' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'post_package_repair' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Disabled', 'Hard PPR']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'processor_c1e' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'processor_c3report' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'processor_c6report' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'processor_cstate' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'psata' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'AHCI', 'Disabled', 'LSI SW RAID']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'pstate_coord_type' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'HW ALL', 'SW ALL', 'SW ANY']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'putty_key_pad' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'ESCN', 'LINUX', 'SCO', 'VT100', 'VT400', 'XTERMR6']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'pwr_perf_tuning' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'bios', 'os', 'peci']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'qpi_link_frequency' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', '6.4-gt/s', '7.2-gt/s', '8.0-gt/s', '9.6-gt/s', 'auto']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'qpi_link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', '10.4GT/s', '11.2GT/s', '12.8GT/s', '14.4GT/s', '16.0GT/s', '9.6GT/s', 'Auto']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'qpi_snoop_mode' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'auto', 'cluster-on-die', 'early-snoop', 'home-directory-snoop', 'home-directory-snoop-with-osb', 'home-snoop']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'rank_inter_leave' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', '1-way', '2-way', '4-way', '8-way', 'auto']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'redirection_after_post' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Always Enable', 'Bootloader']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'sata_mode_select' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'AHCI', 'Disabled', 'LSI SW RAID']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'select_memory_ras_configuration' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'adddc-sparing', 'lockstep', 'maximum-performance', 'mirror-mode-1lm', 'mirroring', 'partial-mirror-mode-1lm', 'sparing']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'select_ppr_type' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'disabled', 'Hard PPR', 'Soft PPR']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'serial_port_aenable' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'sev' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', '253 ASIDs', '509 ASIDs', 'Auto']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'sgx_auto_registration_agent' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'sgx_factory_reset' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'sgx_le_wr' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'sgx_package_info_in_band_access' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'sgx_qos' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'sha1pcr_bank' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'sha256pcr_bank' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'single_pctl_enable' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'No', 'Yes']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot10link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot10state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'disabled', 'enabled', 'Legacy Only', 'UEFI Only']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot11link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot11state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot12link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot12state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot13state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot14state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot1link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot1state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'disabled', 'enabled', 'Legacy Only', 'UEFI Only']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot2link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot2state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'disabled', 'enabled', 'Legacy Only', 'UEFI Only']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot3link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot3state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'disabled', 'enabled', 'Legacy Only', 'UEFI Only']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot4link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot4state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'disabled', 'enabled', 'Legacy Only', 'UEFI Only']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot5link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot5state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'disabled', 'enabled', 'Legacy Only', 'UEFI Only']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot6link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot6state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'disabled', 'enabled', 'Legacy Only', 'UEFI Only']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot7link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot7state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'disabled', 'enabled', 'Legacy Only', 'UEFI Only']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot8link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot8state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'disabled', 'enabled', 'Legacy Only', 'UEFI Only']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot9link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot9state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'disabled', 'enabled', 'Legacy Only', 'UEFI Only']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_flom_link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme10link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme10option_rom' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme11link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme11option_rom' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme12link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme12option_rom' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme13link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme13option_rom' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme14link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme14option_rom' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme15link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme15option_rom' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme16link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme16option_rom' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme17link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme17option_rom' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme18link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme18option_rom' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme19link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme19option_rom' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme1link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme1option_rom' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme20link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme20option_rom' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme21link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme21option_rom' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme22link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme22option_rom' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme23link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme23option_rom' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme24link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme24option_rom' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme2link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme2option_rom' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme3link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme3option_rom' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme4link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme4option_rom' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme5link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme5option_rom' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme6link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme6option_rom' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme7link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme7option_rom' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme8link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme8option_rom' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme9link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme9option_rom' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_slot5link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_slot6link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_gpu1state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_gpu2state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_gpu3state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_gpu4state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_gpu5state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_gpu6state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_gpu7state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_gpu8state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_hba_link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_hba_state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'disabled', 'enabled', 'Legacy Only', 'UEFI Only']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_lom1link' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_lom2link' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_mezz_state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'disabled', 'enabled', 'Legacy Only', 'UEFI Only']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_mlom_link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_mlom_state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'disabled', 'enabled', 'Legacy Only', 'UEFI Only']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_mraid_link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_mraid_state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n10state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n11state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n12state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n13state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n14state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n15state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n16state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n17state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n18state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n19state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n1state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'disabled', 'enabled', 'Legacy Only', 'UEFI Only']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n20state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n21state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n22state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n23state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n24state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n2state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'disabled', 'enabled', 'Legacy Only', 'UEFI Only']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n3state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n4state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n5state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n6state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n7state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n8state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n9state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_raid_link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_raid_state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme1link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme1state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme2link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme2state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme3link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme3state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme4link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme4state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme5state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme6state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme7state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme8state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_riser1link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_riser1slot1link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_riser1slot2link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_riser1slot3link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_riser2link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_riser2slot4link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_riser2slot5link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_riser2slot6link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_sas_state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'disabled', 'enabled', 'Legacy Only', 'UEFI Only']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_ssd_slot1link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_ssd_slot2link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'smee' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'smt_mode' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Off']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'snc' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'disabled', 'enabled', 'SNC2', 'SNC4']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'snoopy_mode_for2lm' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'snoopy_mode_for_ad' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'sparing_mode' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'dimm-sparing', 'rank-sparing']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'sr_iov' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'streamer_prefetch' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'svm_mode' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'terminal_type' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'pc-ansi', 'vt100', 'vt100-plus', 'vt-utf8']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'tpm_control' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'tpm_pending_operation' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'None', 'TpmClear']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'tpm_ppi_required' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'tpm_support' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'tsme' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'disabled', 'enabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'txt_support' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'ucsm_boot_order_rule' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Loose', 'Strict']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'ufs_disable' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'uma_based_clustering' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Disable (All2All)', 'Hemisphere (2-clusters)', 'Quadrant (4-clusters)']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'upi_link_enablement' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', '1', '2', '3', 'Auto']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'upi_power_management' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'usb_emul6064' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'usb_port_front' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'usb_port_internal' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'usb_port_kvm' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'usb_port_rear' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'usb_port_sd_card' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'usb_port_vmedia' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'usb_xhci_support' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'vga_priority' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Offboard', 'Onboard', 'Onboard VGA Disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'virtual_numa' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'vmd_enable' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'vol_memory_mode' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', '1LM', '2LM']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'work_load_config' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Balanced', 'I/O Sensitive', 'NUMA', 'UMA']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'x2apic_opt_out' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'xpt_prefetch' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'disabled', 'enabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'xpt_remote_prefetch' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'disabled', 'enabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'acs_control_gpu1state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'acs_control_gpu2state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'acs_control_gpu3state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'acs_control_gpu4state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'acs_control_gpu5state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'acs_control_gpu6state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'acs_control_gpu7state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'acs_control_gpu8state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'acs_control_slot11state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'acs_control_slot12state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'acs_control_slot13state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'acs_control_slot14state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'adaptive_refresh_mgmt_level' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'adjacent_cache_line_prefetch' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'advanced_mem_test' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'all_usb_devices' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'altitude' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'aspm_support' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'assert_nmi_on_perr' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'assert_nmi_on_serr' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'auto_cc_state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'autonumous_cstate_enable' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'baud_rate' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'bme_dma_mitigation' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'boot_option_num_retry' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'boot_option_re_cool_down' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'boot_option_retry' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'boot_performance_mode' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'burst_and_postponed_refresh' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'c1auto_demotion' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'c1auto_un_demotion' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cmn_apbdis' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cmn_cpu_cpb' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cmn_cpu_gen_downcore_ctrl' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cmn_cpu_global_cstate_ctrl' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cmn_cpu_l1stream_hw_prefetcher' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cmn_cpu_l2stream_hw_prefetcher' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cmn_cpu_smee' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cmn_cpu_streaming_stores_ctrl' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cmn_determinism_slider' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cmn_efficiency_mode_en' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cmn_fixed_soc_pstate' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cmn_gnb_nb_iommu' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cmn_gnb_smu_df_cstates' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cmn_gnb_smucppc' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cmn_mem_ctrl_bank_group_swap_ddr4' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cmn_mem_map_bank_interleave_ddr4' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cmnc_tdp_ctl' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cpu_ccd_ctrl_ssp' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cpu_core_ctrl' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cpu_smt_ctrl' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_dbg_cpu_snp_mem_cover' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_dbg_cpu_snp_mem_size_cover' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_df_cmn_acpi_srat_l3numa' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_df_cmn_dram_nps' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_df_cmn_mem_intlv' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_df_cmn_mem_intlv_size' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_sev_snp_support' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cdn_enable' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cdn_support' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'channel_inter_leave' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cisco_adaptive_mem_training' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cisco_debug_level' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cisco_oprom_launch_optimization' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cisco_xgmi_max_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cke_low_policy' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'closed_loop_therm_throtl' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cmci_enable' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'config_tdp' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'config_tdp_level' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'console_redirection' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'core_multi_processing' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cpu_energy_performance' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cpu_frequency_floor' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cpu_pa_limit' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cpu_perf_enhancement' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cpu_performance' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cpu_power_management' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cr_qos' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'crfastgo_config' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'dcpmm_firmware_downgrade' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'demand_scrub' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'direct_cache_access' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'dma_ctrl_opt_in' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'dram_clock_throttling' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'dram_refresh_rate' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'dram_sw_thermal_throttling' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'eadr_support' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'edpc_en' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'enable_clock_spread_spec' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'enable_mktme' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'enable_rmt' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'enable_sgx' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'enable_tme' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'energy_efficient_turbo' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'eng_perf_tuning' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'enhanced_intel_speed_step_tech' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'epoch_update' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'epp_enable' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'epp_profile' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'error_check_scrub' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'execute_disable_bit' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'extended_apic' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'flow_control' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'frb2enable' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'hardware_prefetch' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'hwpm_enable' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'imc_interleave' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'intel_dynamic_speed_select' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'intel_hyper_threading_tech' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'intel_speed_select' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'intel_turbo_boost_tech' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'intel_virtualization_technology' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'intel_vt_for_directed_io' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'intel_vtd_coherency_support' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'intel_vtd_interrupt_remapping' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'intel_vtd_pass_through_dma_support' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'intel_vtdats_support' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'ioh_error_enable' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'ioh_resource' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'ip_prefetch' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'ipv4http' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'ipv4pxe' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'ipv6http' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'ipv6pxe' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'kti_prefetch' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'legacy_os_redirection' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'legacy_usb_support' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'llc_alloc' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'llc_prefetch' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'lom_port0state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'lom_port1state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'lom_port2state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'lom_port3state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'lom_ports_all_state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'lv_ddr_mode' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'make_device_non_bootable' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'memory_bandwidth_boost' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'memory_inter_leave' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'memory_mapped_io_above4gb' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'memory_refresh_rate' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'memory_size_limit' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'memory_thermal_throttling' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'mirroring_mode' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'mmcfg_base' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'network_stack' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'numa_optimized' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'nvmdimm_perform_config' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'onboard10gbit_lom' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'onboard_gbit_lom' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'onboard_scu_storage_support' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'onboard_scu_storage_sw_stack' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'operation_mode' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'os_boot_watchdog_timer' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'os_boot_watchdog_timer_policy' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'os_boot_watchdog_timer_timeout' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'out_of_band_mgmt_port' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'package_cstate_limit' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'panic_high_watermark' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'partial_cache_line_sparing' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'partial_mirror_mode_config' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'partial_mirror_percent' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'partial_mirror_value1' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'partial_mirror_value2' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'partial_mirror_value3' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'partial_mirror_value4' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'patrol_scrub' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'patrol_scrub_duration' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'pc_ie_ras_support' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'pc_ie_ssd_hot_plug_support' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'pch_pcie_pll_ssc' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'pch_usb30mode' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'pci_option_ro_ms' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'pci_rom_clp' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_ari_support' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_pll_ssc' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_slot_mraid1link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_slot_mraid1option_rom' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_slot_mraid2link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_slot_mraid2option_rom' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_slot_mstorraid_link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_slot_mstorraid_option_rom' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme1link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme1option_rom' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme2link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme2option_rom' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme3link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme3option_rom' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme4link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme4option_rom' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme5link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme5option_rom' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme6link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme6option_rom' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_slots_cdn_enable' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'pop_support' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'post_error_pause' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'post_package_repair' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'processor_c1e' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'processor_c3report' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'processor_c6report' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'processor_cstate' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'psata' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'pstate_coord_type' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'putty_key_pad' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'pwr_perf_tuning' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'qpi_link_frequency' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'qpi_link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'qpi_snoop_mode' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'rank_inter_leave' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'redirection_after_post' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'sata_mode_select' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'select_memory_ras_configuration' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'select_ppr_type' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'serial_port_aenable' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'sev' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'sgx_auto_registration_agent' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'sgx_epoch0' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'sgx_epoch1' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'sgx_factory_reset' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'sgx_le_pub_key_hash0' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'sgx_le_pub_key_hash1' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'sgx_le_pub_key_hash2' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'sgx_le_pub_key_hash3' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'sgx_le_wr' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'sgx_package_info_in_band_access' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'sgx_qos' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'sha1pcr_bank' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'sha256pcr_bank' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'single_pctl_enable' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot10link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot10state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot11link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot11state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot12link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot12state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot13state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot14state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot1link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot1state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot2link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot2state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot3link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot3state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot4link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot4state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot5link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot5state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot6link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot6state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot7link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot7state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot8link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot8state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot9link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot9state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_flom_link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme10link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme10option_rom' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme11link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme11option_rom' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme12link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme12option_rom' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme13link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme13option_rom' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme14link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme14option_rom' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme15link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme15option_rom' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme16link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme16option_rom' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme17link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme17option_rom' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme18link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme18option_rom' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme19link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme19option_rom' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme1link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme1option_rom' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme20link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme20option_rom' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme21link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme21option_rom' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme22link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme22option_rom' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme23link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme23option_rom' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme24link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme24option_rom' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme2link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme2option_rom' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme3link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme3option_rom' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme4link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme4option_rom' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme5link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme5option_rom' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme6link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme6option_rom' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme7link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme7option_rom' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme8link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme8option_rom' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme9link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme9option_rom' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_slot5link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_slot6link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_gpu1state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_gpu2state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_gpu3state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_gpu4state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_gpu5state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_gpu6state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_gpu7state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_gpu8state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_hba_link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_hba_state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_lom1link' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_lom2link' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_mezz_state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_mlom_link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_mlom_state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_mraid_link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_mraid_state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n10state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n11state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n12state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n13state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n14state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n15state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n16state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n17state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n18state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n19state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n1state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n20state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n21state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n22state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n23state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n24state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n2state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n3state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n4state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n5state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n6state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n7state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n8state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n9state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_raid_link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_raid_state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme1link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme1state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme2link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme2state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme3link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme3state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme4link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme4state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme5state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme6state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme7state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme8state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_riser1link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_riser1slot1link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_riser1slot2link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_riser1slot3link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_riser2link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_riser2slot4link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_riser2slot5link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_riser2slot6link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_sas_state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_ssd_slot1link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_ssd_slot2link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'smee' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'smt_mode' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'snc' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'snoopy_mode_for2lm' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'snoopy_mode_for_ad' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'sparing_mode' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'sr_iov' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'streamer_prefetch' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'svm_mode' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'terminal_type' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'tpm_control' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'tpm_pending_operation' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'tpm_ppi_required' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'tpm_support' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'tsme' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'txt_support' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'ucsm_boot_order_rule' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'ufs_disable' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'uma_based_clustering' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'upi_link_enablement' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'upi_power_management' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'usb_emul6064' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'usb_port_front' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'usb_port_internal' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'usb_port_kvm' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'usb_port_rear' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'usb_port_sd_card' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'usb_port_vmedia' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'usb_xhci_support' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'vga_priority' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'virtual_numa' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'vmd_enable' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'vol_memory_mode' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'work_load_config' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'x2apic_opt_out' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'xpt_prefetch' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'xpt_remote_prefetch' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'acs_control_gpu1state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'acs_control_gpu2state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'acs_control_gpu3state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'acs_control_gpu4state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'acs_control_gpu5state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'acs_control_gpu6state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'acs_control_gpu7state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'acs_control_gpu8state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'acs_control_slot11state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'acs_control_slot12state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'acs_control_slot13state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'acs_control_slot14state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'adaptive_refresh_mgmt_level' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'adjacent_cache_line_prefetch' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'advanced_mem_test' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'all_usb_devices' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'altitude' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'aspm_support' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'assert_nmi_on_perr' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'assert_nmi_on_serr' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'auto_cc_state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'autonumous_cstate_enable' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'baud_rate' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'bme_dma_mitigation' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'boot_option_num_retry' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'boot_option_re_cool_down' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'boot_option_retry' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'boot_performance_mode' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'burst_and_postponed_refresh' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'c1auto_demotion' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'c1auto_un_demotion' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cbs_cmn_apbdis' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cbs_cmn_cpu_cpb' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cbs_cmn_cpu_gen_downcore_ctrl' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cbs_cmn_cpu_global_cstate_ctrl' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cbs_cmn_cpu_l1stream_hw_prefetcher' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cbs_cmn_cpu_l2stream_hw_prefetcher' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cbs_cmn_cpu_smee' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cbs_cmn_cpu_streaming_stores_ctrl' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cbs_cmn_determinism_slider' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cbs_cmn_efficiency_mode_en' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cbs_cmn_fixed_soc_pstate' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cbs_cmn_gnb_nb_iommu' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cbs_cmn_gnb_smu_df_cstates' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cbs_cmn_gnb_smucppc' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cbs_cmn_mem_ctrl_bank_group_swap_ddr4' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cbs_cmn_mem_map_bank_interleave_ddr4' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cbs_cmnc_tdp_ctl' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cbs_cpu_ccd_ctrl_ssp' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cbs_cpu_core_ctrl' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cbs_cpu_smt_ctrl' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cbs_dbg_cpu_snp_mem_cover' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cbs_dbg_cpu_snp_mem_size_cover' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cbs_df_cmn_acpi_srat_l3numa' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cbs_df_cmn_dram_nps' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cbs_df_cmn_mem_intlv' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cbs_df_cmn_mem_intlv_size' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cbs_sev_snp_support' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cdn_enable' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cdn_support' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'channel_inter_leave' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cisco_adaptive_mem_training' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cisco_debug_level' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cisco_oprom_launch_optimization' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cisco_xgmi_max_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cke_low_policy' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'closed_loop_therm_throtl' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cmci_enable' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'config_tdp' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'config_tdp_level' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'console_redirection' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'core_multi_processing' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cpu_energy_performance' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cpu_frequency_floor' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cpu_pa_limit' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cpu_perf_enhancement' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cpu_performance' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cpu_power_management' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cr_qos' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'crfastgo_config' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'dcpmm_firmware_downgrade' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'demand_scrub' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'direct_cache_access' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'dma_ctrl_opt_in' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'dram_clock_throttling' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'dram_refresh_rate' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'dram_sw_thermal_throttling' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'eadr_support' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'edpc_en' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'enable_clock_spread_spec' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'enable_mktme' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'enable_rmt' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'enable_sgx' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'enable_tme' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'energy_efficient_turbo' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'eng_perf_tuning' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'enhanced_intel_speed_step_tech' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'epoch_update' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'epp_enable' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'epp_profile' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'error_check_scrub' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'execute_disable_bit' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'extended_apic' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'flow_control' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'frb2enable' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'hardware_prefetch' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'hwpm_enable' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'imc_interleave' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'intel_dynamic_speed_select' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'intel_hyper_threading_tech' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'intel_speed_select' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'intel_turbo_boost_tech' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'intel_virtualization_technology' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'intel_vt_for_directed_io' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'intel_vtd_coherency_support' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'intel_vtd_interrupt_remapping' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'intel_vtd_pass_through_dma_support' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'intel_vtdats_support' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'ioh_error_enable' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'ioh_resource' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'ip_prefetch' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'ipv4http' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'ipv4pxe' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'ipv6http' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'ipv6pxe' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'kti_prefetch' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'legacy_os_redirection' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'legacy_usb_support' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'llc_alloc' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'llc_prefetch' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'lom_port0state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'lom_port1state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'lom_port2state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'lom_port3state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'lom_ports_all_state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'lv_ddr_mode' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'make_device_non_bootable' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'memory_bandwidth_boost' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'memory_inter_leave' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'memory_mapped_io_above4gb' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'memory_refresh_rate' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'memory_size_limit' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'memory_thermal_throttling' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'mirroring_mode' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'mmcfg_base' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'network_stack' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'numa_optimized' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'nvmdimm_perform_config' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'onboard10gbit_lom' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'onboard_gbit_lom' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'onboard_scu_storage_support' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'onboard_scu_storage_sw_stack' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'operation_mode' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'os_boot_watchdog_timer' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'os_boot_watchdog_timer_policy' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'os_boot_watchdog_timer_timeout' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'out_of_band_mgmt_port' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'package_cstate_limit' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'panic_high_watermark' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'partial_cache_line_sparing' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'partial_mirror_mode_config' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'partial_mirror_percent' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'partial_mirror_value1' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'partial_mirror_value2' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'partial_mirror_value3' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'partial_mirror_value4' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'patrol_scrub' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'patrol_scrub_duration' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'pc_ie_ras_support' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'pc_ie_ssd_hot_plug_support' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'pch_pcie_pll_ssc' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'pch_usb30mode' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'pci_option_ro_ms' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'pci_rom_clp' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'pcie_ari_support' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'pcie_pll_ssc' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'pcie_slot_mraid1link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'pcie_slot_mraid1option_rom' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'pcie_slot_mraid2link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'pcie_slot_mraid2option_rom' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'pcie_slot_mstorraid_link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'pcie_slot_mstorraid_option_rom' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme1link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme1option_rom' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme2link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme2option_rom' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme3link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme3option_rom' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme4link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme4option_rom' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme5link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme5option_rom' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme6link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme6option_rom' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'pcie_slots_cdn_enable' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'pop_support' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'post_error_pause' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'post_package_repair' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'processor_c1e' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'processor_c3report' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'processor_c6report' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'processor_cstate' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'psata' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'pstate_coord_type' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'putty_key_pad' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'pwr_perf_tuning' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'qpi_link_frequency' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'qpi_link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'qpi_snoop_mode' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'rank_inter_leave' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'redirection_after_post' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'sata_mode_select' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'select_memory_ras_configuration' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'select_ppr_type' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'serial_port_aenable' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'sev' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'sgx_auto_registration_agent' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'sgx_epoch0' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'sgx_epoch1' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'sgx_factory_reset' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'sgx_le_pub_key_hash0' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'sgx_le_pub_key_hash1' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'sgx_le_pub_key_hash2' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'sgx_le_pub_key_hash3' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'sgx_le_wr' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'sgx_package_info_in_band_access' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'sgx_qos' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'sha1pcr_bank' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'sha256pcr_bank' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'single_pctl_enable' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot10link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot10state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot11link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot11state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot12link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot12state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot13state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot14state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot1link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot1state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot2link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot2state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot3link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot3state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot4link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot4state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot5link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot5state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot6link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot6state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot7link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot7state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot8link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot8state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot9link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot9state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_flom_link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_front_nvme10link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_front_nvme10option_rom' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_front_nvme11link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_front_nvme11option_rom' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_front_nvme12link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_front_nvme12option_rom' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_front_nvme13link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_front_nvme13option_rom' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_front_nvme14link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_front_nvme14option_rom' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_front_nvme15link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_front_nvme15option_rom' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_front_nvme16link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_front_nvme16option_rom' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_front_nvme17link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_front_nvme17option_rom' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_front_nvme18link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_front_nvme18option_rom' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_front_nvme19link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_front_nvme19option_rom' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_front_nvme1link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_front_nvme1option_rom' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_front_nvme20link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_front_nvme20option_rom' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_front_nvme21link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_front_nvme21option_rom' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_front_nvme22link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_front_nvme22option_rom' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_front_nvme23link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_front_nvme23option_rom' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_front_nvme24link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_front_nvme24option_rom' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_front_nvme2link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_front_nvme2option_rom' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_front_nvme3link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_front_nvme3option_rom' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_front_nvme4link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_front_nvme4option_rom' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_front_nvme5link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_front_nvme5option_rom' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_front_nvme6link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_front_nvme6option_rom' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_front_nvme7link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_front_nvme7option_rom' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_front_nvme8link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_front_nvme8option_rom' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_front_nvme9link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_front_nvme9option_rom' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_front_slot5link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_front_slot6link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_gpu1state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_gpu2state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_gpu3state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_gpu4state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_gpu5state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_gpu6state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_gpu7state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_gpu8state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_hba_link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_hba_state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_lom1link' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_lom2link' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_mezz_state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_mlom_link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_mlom_state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_mraid_link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_mraid_state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_n10state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_n11state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_n12state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_n13state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_n14state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_n15state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_n16state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_n17state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_n18state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_n19state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_n1state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_n20state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_n21state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_n22state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_n23state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_n24state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_n2state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_n3state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_n4state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_n5state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_n6state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_n7state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_n8state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_n9state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_raid_link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_raid_state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme1link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme1state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme2link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme2state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme3link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme3state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme4link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme4state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme5state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme6state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme7state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme8state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_riser1link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_riser1slot1link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_riser1slot2link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_riser1slot3link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_riser2link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_riser2slot4link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_riser2slot5link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_riser2slot6link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_sas_state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_ssd_slot1link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_ssd_slot2link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'smee' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'smt_mode' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'snc' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'snoopy_mode_for2lm' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'snoopy_mode_for_ad' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'sparing_mode' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'sr_iov' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'streamer_prefetch' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'svm_mode' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'terminal_type' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'tpm_control' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'tpm_pending_operation' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'tpm_ppi_required' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'tpm_support' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'tsme' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'txt_support' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'ucsm_boot_order_rule' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'ufs_disable' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'uma_based_clustering' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'upi_link_enablement' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'upi_power_management' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'usb_emul6064' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'usb_port_front' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'usb_port_internal' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'usb_port_kvm' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'usb_port_rear' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'usb_port_sd_card' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'usb_port_vmedia' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'usb_xhci_support' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'vga_priority' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'virtual_numa' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'vmd_enable' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'vol_memory_mode' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'work_load_config' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'x2apic_opt_out' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'xpt_prefetch' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'xpt_remote_prefetch' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'acs_control_gpu1state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'acs_control_gpu2state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'acs_control_gpu3state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'acs_control_gpu4state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'acs_control_gpu5state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'acs_control_gpu6state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'acs_control_gpu7state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'acs_control_gpu8state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'acs_control_slot11state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'acs_control_slot12state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'acs_control_slot13state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'acs_control_slot14state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'adaptive_refresh_mgmt_level' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'adjacent_cache_line_prefetch' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'advanced_mem_test' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'all_usb_devices' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'altitude' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'aspm_support' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'assert_nmi_on_perr' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'assert_nmi_on_serr' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'auto_cc_state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'autonumous_cstate_enable' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'baud_rate' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'bme_dma_mitigation' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'boot_option_num_retry' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'boot_option_re_cool_down' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'boot_option_retry' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'boot_performance_mode' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'burst_and_postponed_refresh' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'c1auto_demotion' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'c1auto_un_demotion' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'cbs_cmn_apbdis' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'cbs_cmn_cpu_cpb' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'cbs_cmn_cpu_gen_downcore_ctrl' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'cbs_cmn_cpu_global_cstate_ctrl' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'cbs_cmn_cpu_l1stream_hw_prefetcher' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'cbs_cmn_cpu_l2stream_hw_prefetcher' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'cbs_cmn_cpu_smee' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'cbs_cmn_cpu_streaming_stores_ctrl' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'cbs_cmn_determinism_slider' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'cbs_cmn_efficiency_mode_en' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'cbs_cmn_fixed_soc_pstate' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'cbs_cmn_gnb_nb_iommu' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'cbs_cmn_gnb_smu_df_cstates' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'cbs_cmn_gnb_smucppc' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'cbs_cmn_mem_ctrl_bank_group_swap_ddr4' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'cbs_cmn_mem_map_bank_interleave_ddr4' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'cbs_cmnc_tdp_ctl' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'cbs_cpu_ccd_ctrl_ssp' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'cbs_cpu_core_ctrl' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'cbs_cpu_smt_ctrl' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'cbs_dbg_cpu_snp_mem_cover' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'cbs_dbg_cpu_snp_mem_size_cover' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'cbs_df_cmn_acpi_srat_l3numa' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'cbs_df_cmn_dram_nps' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'cbs_df_cmn_mem_intlv' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'cbs_df_cmn_mem_intlv_size' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'cbs_sev_snp_support' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'cdn_enable' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'cdn_support' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'channel_inter_leave' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'cisco_adaptive_mem_training' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'cisco_debug_level' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'cisco_oprom_launch_optimization' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'cisco_xgmi_max_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'cke_low_policy' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'closed_loop_therm_throtl' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'cmci_enable' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'config_tdp' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'config_tdp_level' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'console_redirection' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'core_multi_processing' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'cpu_energy_performance' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'cpu_frequency_floor' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'cpu_pa_limit' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'cpu_perf_enhancement' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'cpu_performance' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'cpu_power_management' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'cr_qos' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'crfastgo_config' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'dcpmm_firmware_downgrade' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'demand_scrub' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'direct_cache_access' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'dma_ctrl_opt_in' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'dram_clock_throttling' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'dram_refresh_rate' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'dram_sw_thermal_throttling' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'eadr_support' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'edpc_en' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'enable_clock_spread_spec' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'enable_mktme' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'enable_rmt' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'enable_sgx' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'enable_tme' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'energy_efficient_turbo' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'eng_perf_tuning' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'enhanced_intel_speed_step_tech' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'epoch_update' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'epp_enable' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'epp_profile' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'error_check_scrub' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'execute_disable_bit' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'extended_apic' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'flow_control' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'frb2enable' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'hardware_prefetch' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'hwpm_enable' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'imc_interleave' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'intel_dynamic_speed_select' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'intel_hyper_threading_tech' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'intel_speed_select' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'intel_turbo_boost_tech' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'intel_virtualization_technology' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'intel_vt_for_directed_io' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'intel_vtd_coherency_support' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'intel_vtd_interrupt_remapping' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'intel_vtd_pass_through_dma_support' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'intel_vtdats_support' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'ioh_error_enable' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'ioh_resource' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'ip_prefetch' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'ipv4http' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'ipv4pxe' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'ipv6http' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'ipv6pxe' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'kti_prefetch' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'legacy_os_redirection' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'legacy_usb_support' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'llc_alloc' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'llc_prefetch' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'lom_port0state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'lom_port1state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'lom_port2state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'lom_port3state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'lom_ports_all_state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'lv_ddr_mode' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'make_device_non_bootable' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'memory_bandwidth_boost' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'memory_inter_leave' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'memory_mapped_io_above4gb' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'memory_refresh_rate' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'memory_size_limit' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'memory_thermal_throttling' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'mirroring_mode' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'mmcfg_base' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'network_stack' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'numa_optimized' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'nvmdimm_perform_config' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'onboard10gbit_lom' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'onboard_gbit_lom' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'onboard_scu_storage_support' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'onboard_scu_storage_sw_stack' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'operation_mode' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'os_boot_watchdog_timer' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'os_boot_watchdog_timer_policy' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'os_boot_watchdog_timer_timeout' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'out_of_band_mgmt_port' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'package_cstate_limit' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'panic_high_watermark' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'partial_cache_line_sparing' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'partial_mirror_mode_config' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'partial_mirror_percent' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'partial_mirror_value1' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'partial_mirror_value2' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'partial_mirror_value3' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'partial_mirror_value4' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'patrol_scrub' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'patrol_scrub_duration' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'pc_ie_ras_support' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'pc_ie_ssd_hot_plug_support' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'pch_pcie_pll_ssc' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'pch_usb30mode' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'pci_option_ro_ms' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'pci_rom_clp' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'pcie_ari_support' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'pcie_pll_ssc' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'pcie_slot_mraid1link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'pcie_slot_mraid1option_rom' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'pcie_slot_mraid2link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'pcie_slot_mraid2option_rom' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'pcie_slot_mstorraid_link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'pcie_slot_mstorraid_option_rom' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme1link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme1option_rom' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme2link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme2option_rom' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme3link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme3option_rom' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme4link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme4option_rom' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme5link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme5option_rom' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme6link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme6option_rom' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'pcie_slots_cdn_enable' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'pop_support' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'post_error_pause' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'post_package_repair' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'processor_c1e' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'processor_c3report' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'processor_c6report' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'processor_cstate' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'psata' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'pstate_coord_type' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'putty_key_pad' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'pwr_perf_tuning' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'qpi_link_frequency' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'qpi_link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'qpi_snoop_mode' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'rank_inter_leave' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'redirection_after_post' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'sata_mode_select' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'select_memory_ras_configuration' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'select_ppr_type' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'serial_port_aenable' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'sev' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'sgx_auto_registration_agent' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'sgx_epoch0' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'sgx_epoch1' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'sgx_factory_reset' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'sgx_le_pub_key_hash0' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'sgx_le_pub_key_hash1' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'sgx_le_pub_key_hash2' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'sgx_le_pub_key_hash3' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'sgx_le_wr' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'sgx_package_info_in_band_access' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'sgx_qos' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'sha1pcr_bank' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'sha256pcr_bank' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'single_pctl_enable' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot10link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot10state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot11link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot11state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot12link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot12state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot13state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot14state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot1link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot1state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot2link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot2state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot3link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot3state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot4link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot4state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot5link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot5state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot6link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot6state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot7link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot7state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot8link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot8state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot9link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot9state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_flom_link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_front_nvme10link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_front_nvme10option_rom' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_front_nvme11link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_front_nvme11option_rom' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_front_nvme12link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_front_nvme12option_rom' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_front_nvme13link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_front_nvme13option_rom' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_front_nvme14link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_front_nvme14option_rom' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_front_nvme15link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_front_nvme15option_rom' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_front_nvme16link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_front_nvme16option_rom' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_front_nvme17link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_front_nvme17option_rom' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_front_nvme18link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_front_nvme18option_rom' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_front_nvme19link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_front_nvme19option_rom' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_front_nvme1link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_front_nvme1option_rom' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_front_nvme20link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_front_nvme20option_rom' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_front_nvme21link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_front_nvme21option_rom' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_front_nvme22link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_front_nvme22option_rom' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_front_nvme23link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_front_nvme23option_rom' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_front_nvme24link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_front_nvme24option_rom' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_front_nvme2link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_front_nvme2option_rom' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_front_nvme3link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_front_nvme3option_rom' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_front_nvme4link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_front_nvme4option_rom' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_front_nvme5link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_front_nvme5option_rom' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_front_nvme6link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_front_nvme6option_rom' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_front_nvme7link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_front_nvme7option_rom' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_front_nvme8link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_front_nvme8option_rom' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_front_nvme9link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_front_nvme9option_rom' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_front_slot5link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_front_slot6link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_gpu1state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_gpu2state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_gpu3state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_gpu4state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_gpu5state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_gpu6state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_gpu7state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_gpu8state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_hba_link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_hba_state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_lom1link' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_lom2link' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_mezz_state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_mlom_link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_mlom_state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_mraid_link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_mraid_state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_n10state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_n11state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_n12state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_n13state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_n14state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_n15state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_n16state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_n17state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_n18state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_n19state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_n1state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_n20state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_n21state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_n22state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_n23state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_n24state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_n2state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_n3state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_n4state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_n5state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_n6state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_n7state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_n8state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_n9state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_raid_link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_raid_state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme1link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme1state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme2link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme2state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme3link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme3state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme4link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme4state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme5state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme6state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme7state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme8state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_riser1link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_riser1slot1link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_riser1slot2link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_riser1slot3link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_riser2link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_riser2slot4link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_riser2slot5link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_riser2slot6link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_sas_state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_ssd_slot1link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_ssd_slot2link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'smee' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'smt_mode' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'snc' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'snoopy_mode_for2lm' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'snoopy_mode_for_ad' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'sparing_mode' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'sr_iov' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'streamer_prefetch' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'svm_mode' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'terminal_type' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'tpm_control' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'tpm_pending_operation' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'tpm_ppi_required' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'tpm_support' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'tsme' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'txt_support' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'ucsm_boot_order_rule' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'ufs_disable' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'uma_based_clustering' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'upi_link_enablement' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'upi_power_management' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'usb_emul6064' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'usb_port_front' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'usb_port_internal' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'usb_port_kvm' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'usb_port_rear' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'usb_port_sd_card' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'usb_port_vmedia' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'usb_xhci_support' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'vga_priority' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'virtual_numa' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'vmd_enable' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'vol_memory_mode' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'work_load_config' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'x2apic_opt_out' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'xpt_prefetch' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'xpt_remote_prefetch' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'acs_control_gpu1state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'acs_control_gpu2state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'acs_control_gpu3state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'acs_control_gpu4state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'acs_control_gpu5state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'acs_control_gpu6state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'acs_control_gpu7state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'acs_control_gpu8state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'acs_control_slot11state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'acs_control_slot12state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'acs_control_slot13state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'acs_control_slot14state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'adaptive_refresh_mgmt_level' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Default', 'Level A', 'Level B', 'Level C']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'adjacent_cache_line_prefetch' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'advanced_mem_test' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'disabled', 'enabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'all_usb_devices' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'altitude' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', '300-m', '900-m', '1500-m', '3000-m', 'auto']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'aspm_support' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'Force L0s', 'L1 Only']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'assert_nmi_on_perr' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'assert_nmi_on_serr' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'auto_cc_state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'autonumous_cstate_enable' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'baud_rate' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', '9600', '19200', '38400', '57600', '115200']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'bme_dma_mitigation' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'boot_option_num_retry' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', '5', '13', 'Infinite']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'boot_option_re_cool_down' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', '15', '45', '90']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'boot_option_retry' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'boot_performance_mode' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Max Efficient', 'Max Performance', 'Set by Intel NM']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'burst_and_postponed_refresh' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'c1auto_demotion' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'c1auto_un_demotion' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cmn_apbdis' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', '0', '1', 'Auto']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cmn_cpu_cpb' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cmn_cpu_gen_downcore_ctrl' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'FOUR (2 + 2)', 'FOUR (4 + 0)', 'SIX (3 + 3)', 'THREE (3 + 0)', 'TWO (1 + 1)', 'TWO (2 + 0)']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cmn_cpu_global_cstate_ctrl' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'disabled', 'enabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cmn_cpu_l1stream_hw_prefetcher' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'disabled', 'enabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cmn_cpu_l2stream_hw_prefetcher' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'disabled', 'enabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cmn_cpu_smee' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'disabled', 'enabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cmn_cpu_streaming_stores_ctrl' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'disabled', 'enabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cmn_determinism_slider' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Performance', 'Power']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cmn_efficiency_mode_en' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Enabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cmn_fixed_soc_pstate' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'P0', 'P1', 'P2', 'P3']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cmn_gnb_nb_iommu' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'disabled', 'enabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cmn_gnb_smu_df_cstates' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'disabled', 'enabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cmn_gnb_smucppc' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'disabled', 'enabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cmn_mem_ctrl_bank_group_swap_ddr4' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'disabled', 'enabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cmn_mem_map_bank_interleave_ddr4' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cmnc_tdp_ctl' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Manual']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cpu_ccd_ctrl_ssp' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', '2 CCDs', '3 CCDs', '4 CCDs', '6 CCDs', 'Auto']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cpu_core_ctrl' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'FIVE (5 + 0)', 'FOUR (4 + 0)', 'ONE (1 + 0)', 'SEVEN (7 + 0)', 'SIX (6 + 0)', 'THREE (3 + 0)', 'TWO (2 + 0)']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cpu_smt_ctrl' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'disabled', 'enabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_dbg_cpu_snp_mem_cover' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Custom', 'disabled', 'enabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_df_cmn_acpi_srat_l3numa' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'disabled', 'enabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_df_cmn_dram_nps' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'NPS0', 'NPS1', 'NPS2', 'NPS4']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_df_cmn_mem_intlv' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Channel', 'Die', 'None', 'Socket']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_df_cmn_mem_intlv_size' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', '256 Bytes', '512 Bytes', '1 KB', '2 KB', '4 KB', 'Auto']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_sev_snp_support' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cdn_enable' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cdn_support' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'disabled', 'enabled', 'LOMs Only']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'channel_inter_leave' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', '1-way', '2-way', '3-way', '4-way', 'auto']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cisco_adaptive_mem_training' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cisco_debug_level' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Maximum', 'Minimum', 'Normal']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cisco_oprom_launch_optimization' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cisco_xgmi_max_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cke_low_policy' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'auto', 'disabled', 'fast', 'slow']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'closed_loop_therm_throtl' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cmci_enable' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'config_tdp' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'config_tdp_level' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Level 1', 'Level 2', 'Normal']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'configured_boot_mode' in argument_spec defines choices as (['Legacy', 'Uefi']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'console_redirection' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'com-0', 'com-1', 'disabled', 'enabled', 'serial-port-a']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'controller_slot' in argument_spec found in boot_devices defines choices as (['1-255', 'M', 'HBA', 'SAS', 'RAID', 'MRAID', 'MSTOR-RAID']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'core_multi_processing' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', '11', '12', '13', '14', '15', '16', '17', '18', '19', '20', '21', '22', '23', '24', '25', '26', '27', '28', '29', '30', '31', '32', '33', '34', '35', '36', '37', '38', '39', '40', '41', '42', '43', '44', '45', '46', '47', '48', '49', '50', '51', '52', '53', '54', '55', '56', '57', '58', '59', '60', '61', '62', '63', '64', 'all']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cpu_energy_performance' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'balanced-energy', 'balanced-performance', 'balanced-power', 'energy-efficient', 'performance', 'power']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cpu_frequency_floor' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cpu_pa_limit' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cpu_perf_enhancement' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cpu_performance' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'custom', 'enterprise', 'high-throughput', 'hpc']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cpu_power_management' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'custom', 'disabled', 'energy-efficient', 'performance']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cr_qos' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Disabled', 'Mode 0 - Disable the PMem QoS Feature', 'Mode 1 - M2M QoS Enable and CHA QoS Disable', 'Mode 2 - M2M QoS Enable and CHA QoS Enable', 'Profile 1', 'Recipe 1', 'Recipe 2', 'Recipe 3']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'crfastgo_config' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Default', 'Disable optimization', 'Enable optimization', 'Option 1', 'Option 2', 'Option 3', 'Option 4', 'Option 5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'dcpmm_firmware_downgrade' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'demand_scrub' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'device_type' in argument_spec found in boot_devices defines choices as (['iSCSI', 'Local CDD', 'Local Disk', 'NVMe', 'PCH Storage', 'PXE', 'SAN', 'SD Card', 'UEFI Shell', 'USB', 'Virtual Media']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'direct_cache_access' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'auto', 'disabled', 'enabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'dma_ctrl_opt_in' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'dram_clock_throttling' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Balanced', 'Energy Efficient', 'Performance']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'dram_refresh_rate' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', '1x', '2x', '3x', '4x', 'Auto']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'dram_sw_thermal_throttling' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'eadr_support' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'disabled', 'enabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'edpc_en' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Disabled', 'On Fatal Error', 'On Fatal and Non-Fatal Errors']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'enable_clock_spread_spec' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', '0P3_Percent', '0P5_Percent', 'disabled', 'enabled', 'Hardware', 'Off']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'enable_mktme' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'enable_rmt' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'enable_sgx' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'enable_tme' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'energy_efficient_turbo' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'eng_perf_tuning' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'BIOS', 'OS']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'enhanced_intel_speed_step_tech' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'epoch_update' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Change to New Random Owner EPOCHs', 'Manual User Defined Owner EPOCHs', 'SGX Owner EPOCH activated']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'epp_enable' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'epp_profile' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Balanced Performance', 'Balanced Power', 'Performance', 'Power']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'error_check_scrub' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Disabled', 'Enabled with Result Collection', 'Enabled without Result Collection']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'execute_disable_bit' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'extended_apic' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'disabled', 'enabled', 'X2APIC', 'XAPIC']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'flow_control' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'none', 'rts-cts']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'frb2enable' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'hardware_prefetch' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'hwpm_enable' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Disabled', 'HWPM Native Mode', 'HWPM OOB Mode', 'NATIVE MODE', 'Native Mode with no Legacy', 'OOB MODE']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'imc_interleave' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', '1-way Interleave', '2-way Interleave', 'Auto']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'intel_dynamic_speed_select' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'intel_hyper_threading_tech' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'intel_speed_select' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Base', 'Config 1', 'Config 2', 'Config 3', 'Config 4']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'intel_turbo_boost_tech' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'intel_virtualization_technology' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'intel_vt_for_directed_io' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'intel_vtd_coherency_support' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'intel_vtd_interrupt_remapping' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'intel_vtd_pass_through_dma_support' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'intel_vtdats_support' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'interface_source' in argument_spec found in boot_devices defines choices as (['name', 'mac', 'port']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'ioh_error_enable' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'No', 'Yes']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'ioh_resource' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'IOH0 24k IOH1 40k', 'IOH0 32k IOH1 32k', 'IOH0 40k IOH1 24k', 'IOH0 48k IOH1 16k', 'IOH0 56k IOH1 8k']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'ip_prefetch' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'ip_type' in argument_spec found in boot_devices defines choices as (['None', 'IPv4', 'IPv6']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'ipv4http' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'ipv4pxe' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'ipv6http' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'ipv6pxe' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'kti_prefetch' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'disabled', 'enabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'legacy_os_redirection' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'legacy_usb_support' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'auto', 'disabled', 'enabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'llc_alloc' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'disabled', 'enabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'llc_prefetch' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'lom_port0state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'disabled', 'enabled', 'Legacy Only', 'UEFI Only']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'lom_port1state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'disabled', 'enabled', 'Legacy Only', 'UEFI Only']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'lom_port2state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'disabled', 'enabled', 'Legacy Only', 'UEFI Only']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'lom_port3state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'disabled', 'enabled', 'Legacy Only', 'UEFI Only']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'lom_ports_all_state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'lv_ddr_mode' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'auto', 'performance-mode', 'power-saving-mode']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'make_device_non_bootable' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'memory_bandwidth_boost' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'memory_inter_leave' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', '1 Way Node Interleave', '2 Way Node Interleave', '4 Way Node Interleave', '8 Way Node Interleave', 'disabled', 'enabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'memory_mapped_io_above4gb' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'memory_refresh_rate' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', '1x Refresh', '2x Refresh']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'memory_thermal_throttling' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'CLTT with PECI', 'Disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'mirroring_mode' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'inter-socket', 'intra-socket']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'mmcfg_base' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', '1 GB', '2 GB', '2.5 GB', '3 GB', 'Auto']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'network_slot' in argument_spec found in boot_devices defines choices as (['1 - 255', 'MLOM', 'L', 'L1', 'L2', 'OCP']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'network_stack' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'numa_optimized' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'nvmdimm_perform_config' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'BW Optimized', 'Balanced Profile', 'Latency Optimized']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'onboard10gbit_lom' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'onboard_gbit_lom' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'onboard_scu_storage_support' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'onboard_scu_storage_sw_stack' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Intel RSTe', 'LSI SW RAID']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'operation_mode' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Test Only', 'Test and Repair']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'os_boot_watchdog_timer' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'os_boot_watchdog_timer_policy' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'do-nothing', 'power-off', 'reset']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'os_boot_watchdog_timer_timeout' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', '5-minutes', '10-minutes', '15-minutes', '20-minutes']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'out_of_band_mgmt_port' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'package_cstate_limit' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'C0 C1 State', 'C0/C1', 'C2', 'C6 Non Retention', 'C6 Retention', 'No Limit']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'panic_high_watermark' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'High', 'Low']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'partial_cache_line_sparing' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'partial_mirror_mode_config' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'disabled', 'Percentage', 'Value in GB']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'patrol_scrub' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'disabled', 'Enable at End of POST', 'enabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'pc_ie_ras_support' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'pc_ie_ssd_hot_plug_support' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'pch_usb30mode' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'pci_option_ro_ms' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'disabled', 'enabled', 'Legacy Only', 'UEFI Only']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'pci_rom_clp' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_ari_support' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'disabled', 'enabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_pll_ssc' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'ZeroPointFive']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_slot_mraid1link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_slot_mraid1option_rom' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_slot_mraid2link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_slot_mraid2option_rom' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_slot_mstorraid_link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_slot_mstorraid_option_rom' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme1link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme1option_rom' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme2link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme2option_rom' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme3link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme3option_rom' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme4link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme4option_rom' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme5link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme5option_rom' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme6link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme6option_rom' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_slots_cdn_enable' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'pop_support' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'post_error_pause' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'post_package_repair' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Disabled', 'Hard PPR']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'processor_c1e' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'processor_c3report' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'processor_c6report' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'processor_cstate' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'psata' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'AHCI', 'Disabled', 'LSI SW RAID']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'pstate_coord_type' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'HW ALL', 'SW ALL', 'SW ANY']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'putty_key_pad' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'ESCN', 'LINUX', 'SCO', 'VT100', 'VT400', 'XTERMR6']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'pwr_perf_tuning' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'bios', 'os', 'peci']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'qpi_link_frequency' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', '6.4-gt/s', '7.2-gt/s', '8.0-gt/s', '9.6-gt/s', 'auto']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'qpi_link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', '10.4GT/s', '11.2GT/s', '12.8GT/s', '14.4GT/s', '16.0GT/s', '9.6GT/s', 'Auto']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'qpi_snoop_mode' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'auto', 'cluster-on-die', 'early-snoop', 'home-directory-snoop', 'home-directory-snoop-with-osb', 'home-snoop']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'rank_inter_leave' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', '1-way', '2-way', '4-way', '8-way', 'auto']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'redirection_after_post' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Always Enable', 'Bootloader']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'sata_mode_select' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'AHCI', 'Disabled', 'LSI SW RAID']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'sd_card_subtype' in argument_spec found in boot_devices defines choices as (['None', 'flex-util', 'flex-flash', 'SDCARD']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'select_memory_ras_configuration' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'adddc-sparing', 'lockstep', 'maximum-performance', 'mirror-mode-1lm', 'mirroring', 'partial-mirror-mode-1lm', 'sparing']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'select_ppr_type' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'disabled', 'Hard PPR', 'Soft PPR']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'serial_port_aenable' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'sev' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', '253 ASIDs', '509 ASIDs', 'Auto']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'sgx_auto_registration_agent' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'sgx_factory_reset' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'sgx_le_wr' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'sgx_package_info_in_band_access' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'sgx_qos' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'sha1pcr_bank' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'sha256pcr_bank' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'single_pctl_enable' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'No', 'Yes']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot10link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot10state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'disabled', 'enabled', 'Legacy Only', 'UEFI Only']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot11link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot11state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot12link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot12state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot13state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot14state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot1link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot1state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'disabled', 'enabled', 'Legacy Only', 'UEFI Only']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot2link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot2state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'disabled', 'enabled', 'Legacy Only', 'UEFI Only']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot3link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot3state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'disabled', 'enabled', 'Legacy Only', 'UEFI Only']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot4link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot4state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'disabled', 'enabled', 'Legacy Only', 'UEFI Only']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot5link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot5state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'disabled', 'enabled', 'Legacy Only', 'UEFI Only']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot6link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot6state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'disabled', 'enabled', 'Legacy Only', 'UEFI Only']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot7link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot7state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'disabled', 'enabled', 'Legacy Only', 'UEFI Only']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot8link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot8state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'disabled', 'enabled', 'Legacy Only', 'UEFI Only']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot9link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot9state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'disabled', 'enabled', 'Legacy Only', 'UEFI Only']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_flom_link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme10link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme10option_rom' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme11link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme11option_rom' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme12link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme12option_rom' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme13link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme13option_rom' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme14link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme14option_rom' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme15link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme15option_rom' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme16link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme16option_rom' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme17link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme17option_rom' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme18link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme18option_rom' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme19link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme19option_rom' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme1link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme1option_rom' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme20link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme20option_rom' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme21link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme21option_rom' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme22link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme22option_rom' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme23link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme23option_rom' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme24link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme24option_rom' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme2link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme2option_rom' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme3link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme3option_rom' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme4link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme4option_rom' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme5link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme5option_rom' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme6link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme6option_rom' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme7link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme7option_rom' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme8link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme8option_rom' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme9link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme9option_rom' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_slot5link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_slot6link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_gpu1state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_gpu2state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_gpu3state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_gpu4state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_gpu5state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_gpu6state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_gpu7state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_gpu8state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_hba_link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_hba_state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'disabled', 'enabled', 'Legacy Only', 'UEFI Only']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_lom1link' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_lom2link' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_mezz_state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'disabled', 'enabled', 'Legacy Only', 'UEFI Only']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_mlom_link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_mlom_state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'disabled', 'enabled', 'Legacy Only', 'UEFI Only']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_mraid_link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_mraid_state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n10state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n11state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n12state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n13state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n14state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n15state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n16state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n17state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n18state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n19state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n1state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'disabled', 'enabled', 'Legacy Only', 'UEFI Only']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n20state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n21state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n22state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n23state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n24state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n2state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'disabled', 'enabled', 'Legacy Only', 'UEFI Only']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n3state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n4state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n5state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n6state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n7state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n8state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n9state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_raid_link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_raid_state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme1link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme1state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme2link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme2state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme3link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme3state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme4link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme4state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme5state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme6state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme7state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme8state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_riser1link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_riser1slot1link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_riser1slot2link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_riser1slot3link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_riser2link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_riser2slot4link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_riser2slot5link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_riser2slot6link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_sas_state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'disabled', 'enabled', 'Legacy Only', 'UEFI Only']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_ssd_slot1link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_ssd_slot2link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'smee' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'smt_mode' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Off']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'snc' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'disabled', 'enabled', 'SNC2', 'SNC4']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'snoopy_mode_for2lm' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'snoopy_mode_for_ad' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'sparing_mode' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'dimm-sparing', 'rank-sparing']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'sr_iov' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'streamer_prefetch' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'svm_mode' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'terminal_type' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'pc-ansi', 'vt100', 'vt100-plus', 'vt-utf8']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'tpm_control' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'tpm_pending_operation' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'None', 'TpmClear']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'tpm_ppi_required' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'tpm_support' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'tsme' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'disabled', 'enabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'txt_support' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'ucsm_boot_order_rule' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Loose', 'Strict']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'ufs_disable' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'uma_based_clustering' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Disable (All2All)', 'Hemisphere (2-clusters)', 'Quadrant (4-clusters)']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'upi_link_enablement' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', '1', '2', '3', 'Auto']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'upi_power_management' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'usb_emul6064' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'usb_port_front' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'usb_port_internal' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'usb_port_kvm' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'usb_port_rear' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'usb_port_sd_card' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'usb_port_vmedia' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'usb_subtype' in argument_spec found in boot_devices defines choices as (['None', 'usb-cd', 'usb-fdd', 'usb-hdd']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'usb_xhci_support' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'vga_priority' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Offboard', 'Onboard', 'Onboard VGA Disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'virtual_media_subtype' in argument_spec found in boot_devices defines choices as (['None', 'cimc-mapped-dvd', 'cimc-mapped-hdd', 'kvm-mapped-dvd', 'kvm-mapped-hdd', 'kvm-mapped-fdd']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'virtual_numa' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'vmd_enable' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'vol_memory_mode' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', '1LM', '2LM']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'work_load_config' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Balanced', 'I/O Sensitive', 'NUMA', 'UMA']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'x2apic_opt_out' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'xpt_prefetch' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'disabled', 'enabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'xpt_remote_prefetch' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'disabled', 'enabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'acs_control_gpu1state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'acs_control_gpu2state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'acs_control_gpu3state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'acs_control_gpu4state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'acs_control_gpu5state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'acs_control_gpu6state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'acs_control_gpu7state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'acs_control_gpu8state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'acs_control_slot11state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'acs_control_slot12state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'acs_control_slot13state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'acs_control_slot14state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'adaptive_refresh_mgmt_level' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'adjacent_cache_line_prefetch' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'advanced_mem_test' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'all_usb_devices' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'altitude' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'aspm_support' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'assert_nmi_on_perr' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'assert_nmi_on_serr' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'auto_cc_state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'autonumous_cstate_enable' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'baud_rate' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'bme_dma_mitigation' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'boot_option_num_retry' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'boot_option_re_cool_down' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'boot_option_retry' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'boot_performance_mode' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'burst_and_postponed_refresh' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'c1auto_demotion' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'c1auto_un_demotion' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cmn_apbdis' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cmn_cpu_cpb' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cmn_cpu_gen_downcore_ctrl' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cmn_cpu_global_cstate_ctrl' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cmn_cpu_l1stream_hw_prefetcher' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cmn_cpu_l2stream_hw_prefetcher' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cmn_cpu_smee' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cmn_cpu_streaming_stores_ctrl' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cmn_determinism_slider' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cmn_efficiency_mode_en' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cmn_fixed_soc_pstate' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cmn_gnb_nb_iommu' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cmn_gnb_smu_df_cstates' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cmn_gnb_smucppc' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cmn_mem_ctrl_bank_group_swap_ddr4' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cmn_mem_map_bank_interleave_ddr4' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cmnc_tdp_ctl' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cpu_ccd_ctrl_ssp' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cpu_core_ctrl' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cpu_smt_ctrl' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_dbg_cpu_snp_mem_cover' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_dbg_cpu_snp_mem_size_cover' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_df_cmn_acpi_srat_l3numa' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_df_cmn_dram_nps' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_df_cmn_mem_intlv' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_df_cmn_mem_intlv_size' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_sev_snp_support' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cdn_enable' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cdn_support' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'channel_inter_leave' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cisco_adaptive_mem_training' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cisco_debug_level' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cisco_oprom_launch_optimization' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cisco_xgmi_max_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cke_low_policy' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'closed_loop_therm_throtl' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cmci_enable' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'config_tdp' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'config_tdp_level' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'configured_boot_mode' in argument_spec defines default as ('Legacy') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'console_redirection' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'core_multi_processing' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cpu_energy_performance' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cpu_frequency_floor' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cpu_pa_limit' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cpu_perf_enhancement' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cpu_performance' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cpu_power_management' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cr_qos' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'crfastgo_config' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'dcpmm_firmware_downgrade' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'demand_scrub' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'direct_cache_access' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'dma_ctrl_opt_in' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'dram_clock_throttling' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'dram_refresh_rate' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'dram_sw_thermal_throttling' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'eadr_support' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'edpc_en' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'enable_clock_spread_spec' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'enable_mktme' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'enable_rmt' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'enable_sgx' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'enable_tme' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'enabled' in argument_spec found in boot_devices defines default as (True) but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'energy_efficient_turbo' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'eng_perf_tuning' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'enhanced_intel_speed_step_tech' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'epoch_update' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'epp_enable' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'epp_profile' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'error_check_scrub' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'execute_disable_bit' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'extended_apic' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'flow_control' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'frb2enable' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'hardware_prefetch' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'hwpm_enable' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'imc_interleave' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'intel_dynamic_speed_select' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'intel_hyper_threading_tech' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'intel_speed_select' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'intel_turbo_boost_tech' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'intel_virtualization_technology' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'intel_vt_for_directed_io' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'intel_vtd_coherency_support' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'intel_vtd_interrupt_remapping' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'intel_vtd_pass_through_dma_support' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'intel_vtdats_support' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'interface_source' in argument_spec found in boot_devices defines default as ('name') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'ioh_error_enable' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'ioh_resource' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'ip_prefetch' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'ip_type' in argument_spec found in boot_devices defines default as ('None') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'ipv4http' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'ipv4pxe' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'ipv6http' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'ipv6pxe' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'kti_prefetch' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'legacy_os_redirection' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'legacy_usb_support' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'llc_alloc' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'llc_prefetch' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'lom_port0state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'lom_port1state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'lom_port2state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'lom_port3state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'lom_ports_all_state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'lv_ddr_mode' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'make_device_non_bootable' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'memory_bandwidth_boost' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'memory_inter_leave' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'memory_mapped_io_above4gb' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'memory_refresh_rate' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'memory_size_limit' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'memory_thermal_throttling' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'mirroring_mode' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'mmcfg_base' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'network_stack' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'numa_optimized' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'nvmdimm_perform_config' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'onboard10gbit_lom' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'onboard_gbit_lom' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'onboard_scu_storage_support' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'onboard_scu_storage_sw_stack' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'operation_mode' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'os_boot_watchdog_timer' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'os_boot_watchdog_timer_policy' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'os_boot_watchdog_timer_timeout' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'out_of_band_mgmt_port' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'package_cstate_limit' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'panic_high_watermark' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'partial_cache_line_sparing' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'partial_mirror_mode_config' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'partial_mirror_percent' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'partial_mirror_value1' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'partial_mirror_value2' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'partial_mirror_value3' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'partial_mirror_value4' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'patrol_scrub' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'patrol_scrub_duration' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'pc_ie_ras_support' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'pc_ie_ssd_hot_plug_support' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'pch_pcie_pll_ssc' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'pch_usb30mode' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'pci_option_ro_ms' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'pci_rom_clp' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_ari_support' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_pll_ssc' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_slot_mraid1link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_slot_mraid1option_rom' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_slot_mraid2link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_slot_mraid2option_rom' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_slot_mstorraid_link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_slot_mstorraid_option_rom' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme1link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme1option_rom' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme2link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme2option_rom' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme3link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme3option_rom' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme4link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme4option_rom' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme5link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme5option_rom' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme6link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme6option_rom' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_slots_cdn_enable' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'pop_support' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'post_error_pause' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'post_package_repair' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'processor_c1e' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'processor_c3report' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'processor_c6report' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'processor_cstate' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'psata' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'pstate_coord_type' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'putty_key_pad' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'pwr_perf_tuning' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'qpi_link_frequency' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'qpi_link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'qpi_snoop_mode' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'rank_inter_leave' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'redirection_after_post' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'sata_mode_select' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'sd_card_subtype' in argument_spec found in boot_devices defines default as ('None') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'select_memory_ras_configuration' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'select_ppr_type' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'serial_port_aenable' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'sev' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'sgx_auto_registration_agent' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'sgx_epoch0' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'sgx_epoch1' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'sgx_factory_reset' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'sgx_le_pub_key_hash0' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'sgx_le_pub_key_hash1' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'sgx_le_pub_key_hash2' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'sgx_le_pub_key_hash3' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'sgx_le_wr' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'sgx_package_info_in_band_access' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'sgx_qos' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'sha1pcr_bank' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'sha256pcr_bank' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'single_pctl_enable' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot10link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot10state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot11link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot11state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot12link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot12state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot13state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot14state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot1link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot1state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot2link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot2state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot3link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot3state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot4link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot4state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot5link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot5state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot6link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot6state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot7link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot7state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot8link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot8state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot9link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot9state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_flom_link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme10link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme10option_rom' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme11link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme11option_rom' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme12link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme12option_rom' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme13link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme13option_rom' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme14link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme14option_rom' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme15link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme15option_rom' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme16link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme16option_rom' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme17link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme17option_rom' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme18link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme18option_rom' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme19link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme19option_rom' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme1link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme1option_rom' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme20link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme20option_rom' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme21link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme21option_rom' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme22link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme22option_rom' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme23link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme23option_rom' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme24link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme24option_rom' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme2link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme2option_rom' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme3link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme3option_rom' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme4link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme4option_rom' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme5link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme5option_rom' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme6link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme6option_rom' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme7link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme7option_rom' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme8link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme8option_rom' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme9link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme9option_rom' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_slot5link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_slot6link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_gpu1state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_gpu2state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_gpu3state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_gpu4state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_gpu5state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_gpu6state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_gpu7state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_gpu8state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_hba_link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_hba_state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_lom1link' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_lom2link' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_mezz_state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_mlom_link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_mlom_state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_mraid_link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_mraid_state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n10state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n11state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n12state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n13state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n14state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n15state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n16state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n17state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n18state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n19state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n1state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n20state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n21state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n22state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n23state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n24state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n2state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n3state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n4state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n5state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n6state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n7state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n8state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n9state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_raid_link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_raid_state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme1link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme1state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme2link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme2state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme3link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme3state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme4link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme4state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme5state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme6state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme7state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme8state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_riser1link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_riser1slot1link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_riser1slot2link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_riser1slot3link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_riser2link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_riser2slot4link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_riser2slot5link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_riser2slot6link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_sas_state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_ssd_slot1link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_ssd_slot2link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'smee' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'smt_mode' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'snc' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'snoopy_mode_for2lm' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'snoopy_mode_for_ad' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'sparing_mode' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'sr_iov' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'streamer_prefetch' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'svm_mode' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'terminal_type' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'tpm_control' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'tpm_pending_operation' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'tpm_ppi_required' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'tpm_support' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'tsme' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'txt_support' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'ucsm_boot_order_rule' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'uefi_enable_secure_boot' in argument_spec defines default as (False) but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'ufs_disable' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'uma_based_clustering' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'upi_link_enablement' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'upi_power_management' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'usb_emul6064' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'usb_port_front' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'usb_port_internal' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'usb_port_kvm' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'usb_port_rear' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'usb_port_sd_card' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'usb_port_vmedia' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'usb_subtype' in argument_spec found in boot_devices defines default as ('None') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'usb_xhci_support' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'vga_priority' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'virtual_media_subtype' in argument_spec found in boot_devices defines default as ('None') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'virtual_numa' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'vmd_enable' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'vol_memory_mode' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'work_load_config' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'x2apic_opt_out' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'xpt_prefetch' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'xpt_remote_prefetch' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-elements-mismatch: Argument 'boot_devices' in argument_spec specifies elements as dict,but elements is not documented
plugins/modules/ doc-required-mismatch: Argument 'device_name' in argument_spec found in boot_devices is required, but is not documented as being required
plugins/modules/ doc-required-mismatch: Argument 'device_type' in argument_spec found in boot_devices is required, but is not documented as being required
plugins/modules/ missing-suboption-docs: Argument 'boot_devices' in argument_spec has sub-options but documentation does not define it
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'acs_control_gpu1state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'acs_control_gpu2state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'acs_control_gpu3state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'acs_control_gpu4state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'acs_control_gpu5state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'acs_control_gpu6state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'acs_control_gpu7state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'acs_control_gpu8state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'acs_control_slot11state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'acs_control_slot12state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'acs_control_slot13state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'acs_control_slot14state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'adaptive_refresh_mgmt_level' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'adjacent_cache_line_prefetch' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'advanced_mem_test' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'all_usb_devices' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'altitude' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'aspm_support' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'assert_nmi_on_perr' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'assert_nmi_on_serr' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'auto_cc_state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'autonumous_cstate_enable' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'baud_rate' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'bme_dma_mitigation' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'boot_devices' in argument_spec defines type as 'list' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'boot_option_num_retry' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'boot_option_re_cool_down' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'boot_option_retry' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'boot_performance_mode' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'bootloader_description' in argument_spec found in boot_devices defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'bootloader_name' in argument_spec found in boot_devices defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'bootloader_path' in argument_spec found in boot_devices defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'burst_and_postponed_refresh' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'c1auto_demotion' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'c1auto_un_demotion' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cbs_cmn_apbdis' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cbs_cmn_cpu_cpb' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cbs_cmn_cpu_gen_downcore_ctrl' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cbs_cmn_cpu_global_cstate_ctrl' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cbs_cmn_cpu_l1stream_hw_prefetcher' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cbs_cmn_cpu_l2stream_hw_prefetcher' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cbs_cmn_cpu_smee' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cbs_cmn_cpu_streaming_stores_ctrl' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cbs_cmn_determinism_slider' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cbs_cmn_efficiency_mode_en' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cbs_cmn_fixed_soc_pstate' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cbs_cmn_gnb_nb_iommu' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cbs_cmn_gnb_smu_df_cstates' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cbs_cmn_gnb_smucppc' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cbs_cmn_mem_ctrl_bank_group_swap_ddr4' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cbs_cmn_mem_map_bank_interleave_ddr4' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cbs_cmnc_tdp_ctl' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cbs_cpu_ccd_ctrl_ssp' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cbs_cpu_core_ctrl' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cbs_cpu_smt_ctrl' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cbs_dbg_cpu_snp_mem_cover' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cbs_dbg_cpu_snp_mem_size_cover' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cbs_df_cmn_acpi_srat_l3numa' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cbs_df_cmn_dram_nps' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cbs_df_cmn_mem_intlv' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cbs_df_cmn_mem_intlv_size' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cbs_sev_snp_support' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cdn_enable' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cdn_support' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'channel_inter_leave' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cisco_adaptive_mem_training' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cisco_debug_level' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cisco_oprom_launch_optimization' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cisco_xgmi_max_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cke_low_policy' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'closed_loop_therm_throtl' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cmci_enable' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'config_tdp' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'config_tdp_level' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'configured_boot_mode' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'console_redirection' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'controller_slot' in argument_spec found in boot_devices defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'core_multi_processing' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cpu_energy_performance' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cpu_frequency_floor' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cpu_pa_limit' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cpu_perf_enhancement' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cpu_performance' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cpu_power_management' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cr_qos' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'crfastgo_config' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'dcpmm_firmware_downgrade' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'demand_scrub' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'device_name' in argument_spec found in boot_devices defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'device_type' in argument_spec found in boot_devices defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'direct_cache_access' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'dma_ctrl_opt_in' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'dram_clock_throttling' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'dram_refresh_rate' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'dram_sw_thermal_throttling' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'eadr_support' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'edpc_en' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'enable_clock_spread_spec' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'enable_mktme' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'enable_rmt' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'enable_sgx' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'enable_tme' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'enabled' in argument_spec found in boot_devices defines type as 'bool' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'energy_efficient_turbo' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'eng_perf_tuning' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'enhanced_intel_speed_step_tech' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'epoch_update' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'epp_enable' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'epp_profile' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'error_check_scrub' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'execute_disable_bit' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'extended_apic' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'flow_control' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'frb2enable' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'hardware_prefetch' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'hwpm_enable' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'imc_interleave' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'intel_dynamic_speed_select' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'intel_hyper_threading_tech' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'intel_speed_select' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'intel_turbo_boost_tech' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'intel_virtualization_technology' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'intel_vt_for_directed_io' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'intel_vtd_coherency_support' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'intel_vtd_interrupt_remapping' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'intel_vtd_pass_through_dma_support' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'intel_vtdats_support' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'interface_name' in argument_spec found in boot_devices defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'interface_source' in argument_spec found in boot_devices defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'ioh_error_enable' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'ioh_resource' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'ip_prefetch' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'ip_type' in argument_spec found in boot_devices defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'ipv4http' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'ipv4pxe' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'ipv6http' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'ipv6pxe' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'kti_prefetch' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'legacy_os_redirection' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'legacy_usb_support' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'llc_alloc' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'llc_prefetch' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'lom_port0state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'lom_port1state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'lom_port2state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'lom_port3state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'lom_ports_all_state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'lun' in argument_spec found in boot_devices defines type as 'int' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'lv_ddr_mode' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'mac_address' in argument_spec found in boot_devices defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'make_device_non_bootable' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'memory_bandwidth_boost' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'memory_inter_leave' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'memory_mapped_io_above4gb' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'memory_refresh_rate' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'memory_size_limit' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'memory_thermal_throttling' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'mirroring_mode' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'mmcfg_base' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'network_slot' in argument_spec found in boot_devices defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'network_stack' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'numa_optimized' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'nvmdimm_perform_config' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'onboard10gbit_lom' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'onboard_gbit_lom' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'onboard_scu_storage_support' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'onboard_scu_storage_sw_stack' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'operation_mode' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'os_boot_watchdog_timer' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'os_boot_watchdog_timer_policy' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'os_boot_watchdog_timer_timeout' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'out_of_band_mgmt_port' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'package_cstate_limit' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'panic_high_watermark' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'partial_cache_line_sparing' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'partial_mirror_mode_config' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'partial_mirror_percent' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'partial_mirror_value1' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'partial_mirror_value2' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'partial_mirror_value3' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'partial_mirror_value4' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'patrol_scrub' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'patrol_scrub_duration' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'pc_ie_ras_support' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'pc_ie_ssd_hot_plug_support' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'pch_pcie_pll_ssc' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'pch_usb30mode' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'pci_option_ro_ms' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'pci_rom_clp' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'pcie_ari_support' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'pcie_pll_ssc' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'pcie_slot_mraid1link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'pcie_slot_mraid1option_rom' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'pcie_slot_mraid2link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'pcie_slot_mraid2option_rom' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'pcie_slot_mstorraid_link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'pcie_slot_mstorraid_option_rom' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme1link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme1option_rom' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme2link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme2option_rom' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme3link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme3option_rom' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme4link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme4option_rom' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme5link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme5option_rom' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme6link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme6option_rom' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'pcie_slots_cdn_enable' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'pop_support' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'port' in argument_spec found in boot_devices defines type as 'int' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'post_error_pause' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'post_package_repair' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'processor_c1e' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'processor_c3report' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'processor_c6report' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'processor_cstate' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'psata' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'pstate_coord_type' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'putty_key_pad' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'pwr_perf_tuning' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'qpi_link_frequency' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'qpi_link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'qpi_snoop_mode' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'rank_inter_leave' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'redirection_after_post' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'sata_mode_select' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'sd_card_subtype' in argument_spec found in boot_devices defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'select_memory_ras_configuration' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'select_ppr_type' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'serial_port_aenable' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'sev' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'sgx_auto_registration_agent' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'sgx_epoch0' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'sgx_epoch1' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'sgx_factory_reset' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'sgx_le_pub_key_hash0' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'sgx_le_pub_key_hash1' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'sgx_le_pub_key_hash2' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'sgx_le_pub_key_hash3' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'sgx_le_wr' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'sgx_package_info_in_band_access' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'sgx_qos' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'sha1pcr_bank' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'sha256pcr_bank' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'single_pctl_enable' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot10link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot10state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot11link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot11state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot12link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot12state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot13state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot14state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot1link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot1state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot2link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot2state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot3link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot3state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot4link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot4state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot5link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot5state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot6link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot6state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot7link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot7state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot8link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot8state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot9link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot9state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_flom_link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_front_nvme10link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_front_nvme10option_rom' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_front_nvme11link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_front_nvme11option_rom' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_front_nvme12link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_front_nvme12option_rom' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_front_nvme13link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_front_nvme13option_rom' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_front_nvme14link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_front_nvme14option_rom' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_front_nvme15link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_front_nvme15option_rom' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_front_nvme16link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_front_nvme16option_rom' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_front_nvme17link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_front_nvme17option_rom' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_front_nvme18link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_front_nvme18option_rom' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_front_nvme19link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_front_nvme19option_rom' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_front_nvme1link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_front_nvme1option_rom' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_front_nvme20link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_front_nvme20option_rom' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_front_nvme21link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_front_nvme21option_rom' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_front_nvme22link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_front_nvme22option_rom' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_front_nvme23link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_front_nvme23option_rom' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_front_nvme24link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_front_nvme24option_rom' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_front_nvme2link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_front_nvme2option_rom' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_front_nvme3link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_front_nvme3option_rom' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_front_nvme4link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_front_nvme4option_rom' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_front_nvme5link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_front_nvme5option_rom' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_front_nvme6link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_front_nvme6option_rom' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_front_nvme7link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_front_nvme7option_rom' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_front_nvme8link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_front_nvme8option_rom' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_front_nvme9link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_front_nvme9option_rom' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_front_slot5link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_front_slot6link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_gpu1state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_gpu2state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_gpu3state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_gpu4state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_gpu5state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_gpu6state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_gpu7state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_gpu8state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_hba_link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_hba_state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_lom1link' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_lom2link' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_mezz_state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_mlom_link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_mlom_state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_mraid_link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_mraid_state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_n10state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_n11state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_n12state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_n13state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_n14state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_n15state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_n16state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_n17state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_n18state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_n19state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_n1state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_n20state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_n21state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_n22state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_n23state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_n24state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_n2state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_n3state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_n4state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_n5state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_n6state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_n7state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_n8state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_n9state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_raid_link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_raid_state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme1link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme1state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme2link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme2state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme3link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme3state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme4link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme4state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme5state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme6state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme7state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme8state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_riser1link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_riser1slot1link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_riser1slot2link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_riser1slot3link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_riser2link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_riser2slot4link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_riser2slot5link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_riser2slot6link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_sas_state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_ssd_slot1link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'slot_ssd_slot2link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'smee' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'smt_mode' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'snc' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'snoopy_mode_for2lm' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'snoopy_mode_for_ad' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'sparing_mode' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'sr_iov' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'streamer_prefetch' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'svm_mode' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'terminal_type' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'tpm_control' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'tpm_pending_operation' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'tpm_ppi_required' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'tpm_support' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'tsme' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'txt_support' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'ucsm_boot_order_rule' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'uefi_enable_secure_boot' in argument_spec defines type as 'bool' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'ufs_disable' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'uma_based_clustering' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'upi_link_enablement' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'upi_power_management' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'usb_emul6064' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'usb_port_front' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'usb_port_internal' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'usb_port_kvm' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'usb_port_rear' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'usb_port_sd_card' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'usb_port_vmedia' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'usb_subtype' in argument_spec found in boot_devices defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'usb_xhci_support' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'vga_priority' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'virtual_media_subtype' in argument_spec found in boot_devices defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'virtual_numa' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'vmd_enable' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'vol_memory_mode' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'work_load_config' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'x2apic_opt_out' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'xpt_prefetch' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'xpt_remote_prefetch' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'acs_control_gpu1state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'acs_control_gpu2state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'acs_control_gpu3state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'acs_control_gpu4state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'acs_control_gpu5state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'acs_control_gpu6state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'acs_control_gpu7state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'acs_control_gpu8state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'acs_control_slot11state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'acs_control_slot12state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'acs_control_slot13state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'acs_control_slot14state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'adaptive_refresh_mgmt_level' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'adjacent_cache_line_prefetch' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'advanced_mem_test' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'all_usb_devices' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'altitude' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'aspm_support' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'assert_nmi_on_perr' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'assert_nmi_on_serr' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'auto_cc_state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'autonumous_cstate_enable' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'baud_rate' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'bme_dma_mitigation' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'boot_devices' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'boot_option_num_retry' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'boot_option_re_cool_down' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'boot_option_retry' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'boot_performance_mode' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'bootloader_description' found in boot_devices is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'bootloader_name' found in boot_devices is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'bootloader_path' found in boot_devices is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'burst_and_postponed_refresh' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'c1auto_demotion' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'c1auto_un_demotion' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'cbs_cmn_apbdis' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'cbs_cmn_cpu_cpb' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'cbs_cmn_cpu_gen_downcore_ctrl' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'cbs_cmn_cpu_global_cstate_ctrl' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'cbs_cmn_cpu_l1stream_hw_prefetcher' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'cbs_cmn_cpu_l2stream_hw_prefetcher' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'cbs_cmn_cpu_smee' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'cbs_cmn_cpu_streaming_stores_ctrl' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'cbs_cmn_determinism_slider' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'cbs_cmn_efficiency_mode_en' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'cbs_cmn_fixed_soc_pstate' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'cbs_cmn_gnb_nb_iommu' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'cbs_cmn_gnb_smu_df_cstates' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'cbs_cmn_gnb_smucppc' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'cbs_cmn_mem_ctrl_bank_group_swap_ddr4' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'cbs_cmn_mem_map_bank_interleave_ddr4' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'cbs_cmnc_tdp_ctl' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'cbs_cpu_ccd_ctrl_ssp' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'cbs_cpu_core_ctrl' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'cbs_cpu_smt_ctrl' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'cbs_dbg_cpu_snp_mem_cover' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'cbs_dbg_cpu_snp_mem_size_cover' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'cbs_df_cmn_acpi_srat_l3numa' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'cbs_df_cmn_dram_nps' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'cbs_df_cmn_mem_intlv' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'cbs_df_cmn_mem_intlv_size' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'cbs_sev_snp_support' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'cdn_enable' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'cdn_support' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'channel_inter_leave' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'cisco_adaptive_mem_training' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'cisco_debug_level' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'cisco_oprom_launch_optimization' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'cisco_xgmi_max_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'cke_low_policy' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'closed_loop_therm_throtl' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'cmci_enable' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'config_tdp' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'config_tdp_level' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'configured_boot_mode' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'console_redirection' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'controller_slot' found in boot_devices is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'core_multi_processing' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'cpu_energy_performance' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'cpu_frequency_floor' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'cpu_pa_limit' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'cpu_perf_enhancement' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'cpu_performance' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'cpu_power_management' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'cr_qos' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'crfastgo_config' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'dcpmm_firmware_downgrade' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'demand_scrub' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'device_name' found in boot_devices is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'device_type' found in boot_devices is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'direct_cache_access' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'dma_ctrl_opt_in' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'dram_clock_throttling' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'dram_refresh_rate' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'dram_sw_thermal_throttling' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'eadr_support' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'edpc_en' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'enable_clock_spread_spec' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'enable_mktme' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'enable_rmt' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'enable_sgx' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'enable_tme' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'enabled' found in boot_devices is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'energy_efficient_turbo' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'eng_perf_tuning' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'enhanced_intel_speed_step_tech' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'epoch_update' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'epp_enable' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'epp_profile' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'error_check_scrub' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'execute_disable_bit' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'extended_apic' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'flow_control' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'frb2enable' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'hardware_prefetch' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'hwpm_enable' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'imc_interleave' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'intel_dynamic_speed_select' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'intel_hyper_threading_tech' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'intel_speed_select' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'intel_turbo_boost_tech' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'intel_virtualization_technology' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'intel_vt_for_directed_io' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'intel_vtd_coherency_support' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'intel_vtd_interrupt_remapping' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'intel_vtd_pass_through_dma_support' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'intel_vtdats_support' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'interface_name' found in boot_devices is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'interface_source' found in boot_devices is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'ioh_error_enable' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'ioh_resource' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'ip_prefetch' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'ip_type' found in boot_devices is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'ipv4http' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'ipv4pxe' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'ipv6http' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'ipv6pxe' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'kti_prefetch' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'legacy_os_redirection' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'legacy_usb_support' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'llc_alloc' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'llc_prefetch' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'lom_port0state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'lom_port1state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'lom_port2state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'lom_port3state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'lom_ports_all_state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'lun' found in boot_devices is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'lv_ddr_mode' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'mac_address' found in boot_devices is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'make_device_non_bootable' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'memory_bandwidth_boost' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'memory_inter_leave' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'memory_mapped_io_above4gb' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'memory_refresh_rate' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'memory_size_limit' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'memory_thermal_throttling' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'mirroring_mode' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'mmcfg_base' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'network_slot' found in boot_devices is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'network_stack' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'numa_optimized' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'nvmdimm_perform_config' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'onboard10gbit_lom' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'onboard_gbit_lom' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'onboard_scu_storage_support' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'onboard_scu_storage_sw_stack' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'operation_mode' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'os_boot_watchdog_timer' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'os_boot_watchdog_timer_policy' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'os_boot_watchdog_timer_timeout' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'out_of_band_mgmt_port' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'package_cstate_limit' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'panic_high_watermark' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'partial_cache_line_sparing' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'partial_mirror_mode_config' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'partial_mirror_percent' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'partial_mirror_value1' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'partial_mirror_value2' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'partial_mirror_value3' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'partial_mirror_value4' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'patrol_scrub' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'patrol_scrub_duration' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'pc_ie_ras_support' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'pc_ie_ssd_hot_plug_support' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'pch_pcie_pll_ssc' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'pch_usb30mode' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'pci_option_ro_ms' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'pci_rom_clp' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'pcie_ari_support' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'pcie_pll_ssc' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'pcie_slot_mraid1link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'pcie_slot_mraid1option_rom' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'pcie_slot_mraid2link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'pcie_slot_mraid2option_rom' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'pcie_slot_mstorraid_link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'pcie_slot_mstorraid_option_rom' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme1link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme1option_rom' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme2link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme2option_rom' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme3link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme3option_rom' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme4link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme4option_rom' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme5link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme5option_rom' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme6link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme6option_rom' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'pcie_slots_cdn_enable' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'pop_support' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'port' found in boot_devices is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'post_error_pause' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'post_package_repair' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'processor_c1e' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'processor_c3report' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'processor_c6report' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'processor_cstate' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'psata' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'pstate_coord_type' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'putty_key_pad' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'pwr_perf_tuning' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'qpi_link_frequency' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'qpi_link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'qpi_snoop_mode' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'rank_inter_leave' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'redirection_after_post' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'sata_mode_select' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'sd_card_subtype' found in boot_devices is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'select_memory_ras_configuration' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'select_ppr_type' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'serial_port_aenable' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'sev' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'sgx_auto_registration_agent' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'sgx_epoch0' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'sgx_epoch1' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'sgx_factory_reset' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'sgx_le_pub_key_hash0' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'sgx_le_pub_key_hash1' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'sgx_le_pub_key_hash2' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'sgx_le_pub_key_hash3' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'sgx_le_wr' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'sgx_package_info_in_band_access' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'sgx_qos' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'sha1pcr_bank' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'sha256pcr_bank' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'single_pctl_enable' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot10link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot10state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot11link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot11state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot12link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot12state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot13state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot14state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot1link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot1state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot2link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot2state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot3link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot3state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot4link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot4state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot5link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot5state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot6link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot6state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot7link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot7state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot8link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot8state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot9link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot9state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_flom_link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_front_nvme10link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_front_nvme10option_rom' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_front_nvme11link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_front_nvme11option_rom' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_front_nvme12link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_front_nvme12option_rom' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_front_nvme13link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_front_nvme13option_rom' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_front_nvme14link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_front_nvme14option_rom' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_front_nvme15link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_front_nvme15option_rom' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_front_nvme16link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_front_nvme16option_rom' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_front_nvme17link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_front_nvme17option_rom' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_front_nvme18link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_front_nvme18option_rom' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_front_nvme19link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_front_nvme19option_rom' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_front_nvme1link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_front_nvme1option_rom' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_front_nvme20link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_front_nvme20option_rom' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_front_nvme21link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_front_nvme21option_rom' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_front_nvme22link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_front_nvme22option_rom' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_front_nvme23link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_front_nvme23option_rom' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_front_nvme24link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_front_nvme24option_rom' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_front_nvme2link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_front_nvme2option_rom' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_front_nvme3link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_front_nvme3option_rom' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_front_nvme4link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_front_nvme4option_rom' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_front_nvme5link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_front_nvme5option_rom' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_front_nvme6link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_front_nvme6option_rom' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_front_nvme7link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_front_nvme7option_rom' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_front_nvme8link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_front_nvme8option_rom' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_front_nvme9link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_front_nvme9option_rom' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_front_slot5link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_front_slot6link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_gpu1state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_gpu2state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_gpu3state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_gpu4state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_gpu5state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_gpu6state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_gpu7state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_gpu8state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_hba_link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_hba_state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_lom1link' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_lom2link' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_mezz_state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_mlom_link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_mlom_state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_mraid_link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_mraid_state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_n10state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_n11state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_n12state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_n13state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_n14state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_n15state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_n16state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_n17state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_n18state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_n19state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_n1state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_n20state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_n21state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_n22state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_n23state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_n24state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_n2state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_n3state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_n4state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_n5state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_n6state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_n7state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_n8state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_n9state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_raid_link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_raid_state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme1link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme1state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme2link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme2state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme3link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme3state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme4link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme4state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme5state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme6state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme7state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme8state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_riser1link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_riser1slot1link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_riser1slot2link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_riser1slot3link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_riser2link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_riser2slot4link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_riser2slot5link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_riser2slot6link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_sas_state' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_ssd_slot1link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'slot_ssd_slot2link_speed' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'smee' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'smt_mode' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'snc' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'snoopy_mode_for2lm' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'snoopy_mode_for_ad' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'sparing_mode' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'sr_iov' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'streamer_prefetch' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'svm_mode' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'terminal_type' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'tpm_control' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'tpm_pending_operation' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'tpm_ppi_required' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'tpm_support' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'tsme' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'txt_support' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'ucsm_boot_order_rule' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'uefi_enable_secure_boot' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'ufs_disable' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'uma_based_clustering' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'upi_link_enablement' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'upi_power_management' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'usb_emul6064' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'usb_port_front' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'usb_port_internal' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'usb_port_kvm' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'usb_port_rear' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'usb_port_sd_card' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'usb_port_vmedia' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'usb_subtype' found in boot_devices is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'usb_xhci_support' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'vga_priority' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'virtual_media_subtype' found in boot_devices is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'virtual_numa' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'vmd_enable' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'vol_memory_mode' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'work_load_config' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'x2apic_opt_out' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'xpt_prefetch' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ undocumented-parameter: Argument 'xpt_remote_prefetch' is listed in the argument_spec, but not documented in the module documentation
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'acs_control_gpu1state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'acs_control_gpu2state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'acs_control_gpu3state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'acs_control_gpu4state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'acs_control_gpu5state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'acs_control_gpu6state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'acs_control_gpu7state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'acs_control_gpu8state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'acs_control_slot11state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'acs_control_slot12state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'acs_control_slot13state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'acs_control_slot14state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'adaptive_refresh_mgmt_level' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Default', 'Level A', 'Level B', 'Level C']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'adjacent_cache_line_prefetch' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'advanced_mem_test' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'disabled', 'enabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'all_usb_devices' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'altitude' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', '300-m', '900-m', '1500-m', '3000-m', 'auto']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'aspm_support' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'Force L0s', 'L1 Only']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'assert_nmi_on_perr' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'assert_nmi_on_serr' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'auto_cc_state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'autonumous_cstate_enable' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'baud_rate' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', '9600', '19200', '38400', '57600', '115200']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'bme_dma_mitigation' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'boot_option_num_retry' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', '5', '13', 'Infinite']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'boot_option_re_cool_down' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', '15', '45', '90']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'boot_option_retry' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'boot_performance_mode' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Max Efficient', 'Max Performance', 'Set by Intel NM']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'burst_and_postponed_refresh' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'c1auto_demotion' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'c1auto_un_demotion' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cmn_apbdis' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', '0', '1', 'Auto']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cmn_cpu_cpb' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cmn_cpu_gen_downcore_ctrl' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'FOUR (2 + 2)', 'FOUR (4 + 0)', 'SIX (3 + 3)', 'THREE (3 + 0)', 'TWO (1 + 1)', 'TWO (2 + 0)']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cmn_cpu_global_cstate_ctrl' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'disabled', 'enabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cmn_cpu_l1stream_hw_prefetcher' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'disabled', 'enabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cmn_cpu_l2stream_hw_prefetcher' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'disabled', 'enabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cmn_cpu_smee' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'disabled', 'enabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cmn_cpu_streaming_stores_ctrl' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'disabled', 'enabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cmn_determinism_slider' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Performance', 'Power']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cmn_efficiency_mode_en' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Enabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cmn_fixed_soc_pstate' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'P0', 'P1', 'P2', 'P3']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cmn_gnb_nb_iommu' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'disabled', 'enabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cmn_gnb_smu_df_cstates' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'disabled', 'enabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cmn_gnb_smucppc' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'disabled', 'enabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cmn_mem_ctrl_bank_group_swap_ddr4' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'disabled', 'enabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cmn_mem_map_bank_interleave_ddr4' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cmnc_tdp_ctl' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Manual']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cpu_ccd_ctrl_ssp' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', '2 CCDs', '3 CCDs', '4 CCDs', '6 CCDs', 'Auto']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cpu_core_ctrl' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'FIVE (5 + 0)', 'FOUR (4 + 0)', 'ONE (1 + 0)', 'SEVEN (7 + 0)', 'SIX (6 + 0)', 'THREE (3 + 0)', 'TWO (2 + 0)']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cpu_smt_ctrl' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'disabled', 'enabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_dbg_cpu_snp_mem_cover' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Custom', 'disabled', 'enabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_df_cmn_acpi_srat_l3numa' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'disabled', 'enabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_df_cmn_dram_nps' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'NPS0', 'NPS1', 'NPS2', 'NPS4']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_df_cmn_mem_intlv' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Channel', 'Die', 'None', 'Socket']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_df_cmn_mem_intlv_size' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', '256 Bytes', '512 Bytes', '1 KB', '2 KB', '4 KB', 'Auto']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_sev_snp_support' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cdn_enable' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cdn_support' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'disabled', 'enabled', 'LOMs Only']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'channel_inter_leave' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', '1-way', '2-way', '3-way', '4-way', 'auto']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cisco_adaptive_mem_training' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cisco_debug_level' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Maximum', 'Minimum', 'Normal']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cisco_oprom_launch_optimization' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cisco_xgmi_max_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cke_low_policy' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'auto', 'disabled', 'fast', 'slow']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'closed_loop_therm_throtl' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cmci_enable' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'config_tdp' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'config_tdp_level' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Level 1', 'Level 2', 'Normal']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'configured_boot_mode' in argument_spec defines choices as (['Legacy', 'Uefi']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'console_redirection' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'com-0', 'com-1', 'disabled', 'enabled', 'serial-port-a']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'controller_slot' in argument_spec found in boot_devices defines choices as (['1-255', 'M', 'HBA', 'SAS', 'RAID', 'MRAID', 'MSTOR-RAID']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'core_multi_processing' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', '11', '12', '13', '14', '15', '16', '17', '18', '19', '20', '21', '22', '23', '24', '25', '26', '27', '28', '29', '30', '31', '32', '33', '34', '35', '36', '37', '38', '39', '40', '41', '42', '43', '44', '45', '46', '47', '48', '49', '50', '51', '52', '53', '54', '55', '56', '57', '58', '59', '60', '61', '62', '63', '64', 'all']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cpu_energy_performance' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'balanced-energy', 'balanced-performance', 'balanced-power', 'energy-efficient', 'performance', 'power']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cpu_frequency_floor' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cpu_pa_limit' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cpu_perf_enhancement' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cpu_performance' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'custom', 'enterprise', 'high-throughput', 'hpc']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cpu_power_management' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'custom', 'disabled', 'energy-efficient', 'performance']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'cr_qos' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Disabled', 'Mode 0 - Disable the PMem QoS Feature', 'Mode 1 - M2M QoS Enable and CHA QoS Disable', 'Mode 2 - M2M QoS Enable and CHA QoS Enable', 'Profile 1', 'Recipe 1', 'Recipe 2', 'Recipe 3']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'crfastgo_config' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Default', 'Disable optimization', 'Enable optimization', 'Option 1', 'Option 2', 'Option 3', 'Option 4', 'Option 5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'dcpmm_firmware_downgrade' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'demand_scrub' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'device_type' in argument_spec found in boot_devices defines choices as (['iSCSI', 'Local CDD', 'Local Disk', 'NVMe', 'PCH Storage', 'PXE', 'SAN', 'SD Card', 'UEFI Shell', 'USB', 'Virtual Media']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'direct_cache_access' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'auto', 'disabled', 'enabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'dma_ctrl_opt_in' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'dram_clock_throttling' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Balanced', 'Energy Efficient', 'Performance']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'dram_refresh_rate' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', '1x', '2x', '3x', '4x', 'Auto']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'dram_sw_thermal_throttling' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'eadr_support' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'disabled', 'enabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'edpc_en' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Disabled', 'On Fatal Error', 'On Fatal and Non-Fatal Errors']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'enable_clock_spread_spec' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', '0P3_Percent', '0P5_Percent', 'disabled', 'enabled', 'Hardware', 'Off']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'enable_mktme' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'enable_rmt' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'enable_sgx' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'enable_tme' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'energy_efficient_turbo' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'eng_perf_tuning' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'BIOS', 'OS']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'enhanced_intel_speed_step_tech' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'epoch_update' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Change to New Random Owner EPOCHs', 'Manual User Defined Owner EPOCHs', 'SGX Owner EPOCH activated']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'epp_enable' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'epp_profile' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Balanced Performance', 'Balanced Power', 'Performance', 'Power']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'error_check_scrub' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Disabled', 'Enabled with Result Collection', 'Enabled without Result Collection']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'execute_disable_bit' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'extended_apic' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'disabled', 'enabled', 'X2APIC', 'XAPIC']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'flow_control' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'none', 'rts-cts']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'frb2enable' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'hardware_prefetch' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'hwpm_enable' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Disabled', 'HWPM Native Mode', 'HWPM OOB Mode', 'NATIVE MODE', 'Native Mode with no Legacy', 'OOB MODE']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'imc_interleave' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', '1-way Interleave', '2-way Interleave', 'Auto']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'intel_dynamic_speed_select' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'intel_hyper_threading_tech' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'intel_speed_select' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Base', 'Config 1', 'Config 2', 'Config 3', 'Config 4']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'intel_turbo_boost_tech' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'intel_virtualization_technology' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'intel_vt_for_directed_io' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'intel_vtd_coherency_support' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'intel_vtd_interrupt_remapping' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'intel_vtd_pass_through_dma_support' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'intel_vtdats_support' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'interface_source' in argument_spec found in boot_devices defines choices as (['name', 'mac', 'port']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'ioh_error_enable' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'No', 'Yes']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'ioh_resource' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'IOH0 24k IOH1 40k', 'IOH0 32k IOH1 32k', 'IOH0 40k IOH1 24k', 'IOH0 48k IOH1 16k', 'IOH0 56k IOH1 8k']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'ip_prefetch' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'ip_type' in argument_spec found in boot_devices defines choices as (['None', 'IPv4', 'IPv6']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'ipv4http' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'ipv4pxe' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'ipv6http' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'ipv6pxe' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'kti_prefetch' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'disabled', 'enabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'legacy_os_redirection' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'legacy_usb_support' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'auto', 'disabled', 'enabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'llc_alloc' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'disabled', 'enabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'llc_prefetch' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'lom_port0state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'disabled', 'enabled', 'Legacy Only', 'UEFI Only']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'lom_port1state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'disabled', 'enabled', 'Legacy Only', 'UEFI Only']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'lom_port2state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'disabled', 'enabled', 'Legacy Only', 'UEFI Only']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'lom_port3state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'disabled', 'enabled', 'Legacy Only', 'UEFI Only']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'lom_ports_all_state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'lv_ddr_mode' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'auto', 'performance-mode', 'power-saving-mode']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'make_device_non_bootable' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'memory_bandwidth_boost' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'memory_inter_leave' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', '1 Way Node Interleave', '2 Way Node Interleave', '4 Way Node Interleave', '8 Way Node Interleave', 'disabled', 'enabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'memory_mapped_io_above4gb' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'memory_refresh_rate' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', '1x Refresh', '2x Refresh']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'memory_thermal_throttling' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'CLTT with PECI', 'Disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'mirroring_mode' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'inter-socket', 'intra-socket']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'mmcfg_base' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', '1 GB', '2 GB', '2.5 GB', '3 GB', 'Auto']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'network_slot' in argument_spec found in boot_devices defines choices as (['1 - 255', 'MLOM', 'L', 'L1', 'L2', 'OCP']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'network_stack' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'numa_optimized' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'nvmdimm_perform_config' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'BW Optimized', 'Balanced Profile', 'Latency Optimized']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'onboard10gbit_lom' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'onboard_gbit_lom' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'onboard_scu_storage_support' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'onboard_scu_storage_sw_stack' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Intel RSTe', 'LSI SW RAID']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'operation_mode' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Test Only', 'Test and Repair']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'os_boot_watchdog_timer' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'os_boot_watchdog_timer_policy' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'do-nothing', 'power-off', 'reset']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'os_boot_watchdog_timer_timeout' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', '5-minutes', '10-minutes', '15-minutes', '20-minutes']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'out_of_band_mgmt_port' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'package_cstate_limit' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'C0 C1 State', 'C0/C1', 'C2', 'C6 Non Retention', 'C6 Retention', 'No Limit']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'panic_high_watermark' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'High', 'Low']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'partial_cache_line_sparing' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'partial_mirror_mode_config' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'disabled', 'Percentage', 'Value in GB']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'patrol_scrub' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'disabled', 'Enable at End of POST', 'enabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'pc_ie_ras_support' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'pc_ie_ssd_hot_plug_support' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'pch_usb30mode' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'pci_option_ro_ms' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'disabled', 'enabled', 'Legacy Only', 'UEFI Only']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'pci_rom_clp' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_ari_support' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'disabled', 'enabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_pll_ssc' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'ZeroPointFive']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_slot_mraid1link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_slot_mraid1option_rom' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_slot_mraid2link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_slot_mraid2option_rom' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_slot_mstorraid_link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_slot_mstorraid_option_rom' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme1link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme1option_rom' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme2link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme2option_rom' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme3link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme3option_rom' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme4link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme4option_rom' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme5link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme5option_rom' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme6link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme6option_rom' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_slots_cdn_enable' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'pop_support' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'post_error_pause' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'post_package_repair' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Disabled', 'Hard PPR']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'processor_c1e' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'processor_c3report' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'processor_c6report' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'processor_cstate' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'psata' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'AHCI', 'Disabled', 'LSI SW RAID']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'pstate_coord_type' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'HW ALL', 'SW ALL', 'SW ANY']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'putty_key_pad' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'ESCN', 'LINUX', 'SCO', 'VT100', 'VT400', 'XTERMR6']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'pwr_perf_tuning' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'bios', 'os', 'peci']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'qpi_link_frequency' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', '6.4-gt/s', '7.2-gt/s', '8.0-gt/s', '9.6-gt/s', 'auto']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'qpi_link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', '10.4GT/s', '11.2GT/s', '12.8GT/s', '14.4GT/s', '16.0GT/s', '9.6GT/s', 'Auto']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'qpi_snoop_mode' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'auto', 'cluster-on-die', 'early-snoop', 'home-directory-snoop', 'home-directory-snoop-with-osb', 'home-snoop']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'rank_inter_leave' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', '1-way', '2-way', '4-way', '8-way', 'auto']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'redirection_after_post' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Always Enable', 'Bootloader']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'sata_mode_select' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'AHCI', 'Disabled', 'LSI SW RAID']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'sd_card_subtype' in argument_spec found in boot_devices defines choices as (['None', 'flex-util', 'flex-flash', 'SDCARD']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'select_memory_ras_configuration' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'adddc-sparing', 'lockstep', 'maximum-performance', 'mirror-mode-1lm', 'mirroring', 'partial-mirror-mode-1lm', 'sparing']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'select_ppr_type' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'disabled', 'Hard PPR', 'Soft PPR']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'serial_port_aenable' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'sev' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', '253 ASIDs', '509 ASIDs', 'Auto']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'sgx_auto_registration_agent' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'sgx_factory_reset' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'sgx_le_wr' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'sgx_package_info_in_band_access' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'sgx_qos' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'sha1pcr_bank' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'sha256pcr_bank' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'single_pctl_enable' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'No', 'Yes']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot10link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot10state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'disabled', 'enabled', 'Legacy Only', 'UEFI Only']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot11link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot11state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot12link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot12state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot13state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot14state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot1link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot1state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'disabled', 'enabled', 'Legacy Only', 'UEFI Only']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot2link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot2state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'disabled', 'enabled', 'Legacy Only', 'UEFI Only']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot3link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot3state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'disabled', 'enabled', 'Legacy Only', 'UEFI Only']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot4link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot4state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'disabled', 'enabled', 'Legacy Only', 'UEFI Only']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot5link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot5state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'disabled', 'enabled', 'Legacy Only', 'UEFI Only']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot6link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot6state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'disabled', 'enabled', 'Legacy Only', 'UEFI Only']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot7link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot7state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'disabled', 'enabled', 'Legacy Only', 'UEFI Only']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot8link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot8state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'disabled', 'enabled', 'Legacy Only', 'UEFI Only']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot9link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot9state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'disabled', 'enabled', 'Legacy Only', 'UEFI Only']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_flom_link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme10link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme10option_rom' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme11link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme11option_rom' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme12link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme12option_rom' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme13link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme13option_rom' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme14link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme14option_rom' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme15link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme15option_rom' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme16link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme16option_rom' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme17link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme17option_rom' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme18link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme18option_rom' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme19link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme19option_rom' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme1link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme1option_rom' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme20link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme20option_rom' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme21link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme21option_rom' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme22link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme22option_rom' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme23link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme23option_rom' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme24link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme24option_rom' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme2link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme2option_rom' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme3link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme3option_rom' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme4link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme4option_rom' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme5link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme5option_rom' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme6link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme6option_rom' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme7link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme7option_rom' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme8link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme8option_rom' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme9link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme9option_rom' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_slot5link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_slot6link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_gpu1state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_gpu2state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_gpu3state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_gpu4state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_gpu5state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_gpu6state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_gpu7state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_gpu8state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_hba_link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_hba_state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'disabled', 'enabled', 'Legacy Only', 'UEFI Only']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_lom1link' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_lom2link' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_mezz_state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'disabled', 'enabled', 'Legacy Only', 'UEFI Only']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_mlom_link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_mlom_state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'disabled', 'enabled', 'Legacy Only', 'UEFI Only']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_mraid_link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_mraid_state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n10state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n11state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n12state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n13state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n14state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n15state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n16state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n17state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n18state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n19state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n1state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'disabled', 'enabled', 'Legacy Only', 'UEFI Only']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n20state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n21state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n22state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n23state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n24state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n2state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'disabled', 'enabled', 'Legacy Only', 'UEFI Only']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n3state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n4state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n5state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n6state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n7state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n8state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n9state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_raid_link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_raid_state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme1link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme1state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme2link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme2state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme3link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme3state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme4link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3', 'GEN4', 'GEN5']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme4state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme5state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme6state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme7state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme8state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_riser1link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_riser1slot1link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_riser1slot2link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_riser1slot3link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_riser2link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_riser2slot4link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_riser2slot5link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_riser2slot6link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_sas_state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'disabled', 'enabled', 'Legacy Only', 'UEFI Only']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_ssd_slot1link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_ssd_slot2link_speed' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Disabled', 'GEN1', 'GEN2', 'GEN3']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'smee' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'smt_mode' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'Off']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'snc' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'disabled', 'enabled', 'SNC2', 'SNC4']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'snoopy_mode_for2lm' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'snoopy_mode_for_ad' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'sparing_mode' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'dimm-sparing', 'rank-sparing']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'sr_iov' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'state' in argument_spec defines choices as (['present', 'absent']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'streamer_prefetch' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'svm_mode' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'terminal_type' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'pc-ansi', 'vt100', 'vt100-plus', 'vt-utf8']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'tpm_control' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'tpm_pending_operation' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'None', 'TpmClear']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'tpm_ppi_required' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'tpm_support' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'tsme' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'disabled', 'enabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'txt_support' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'ucsm_boot_order_rule' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Loose', 'Strict']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'ufs_disable' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'uma_based_clustering' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Disable (All2All)', 'Hemisphere (2-clusters)', 'Quadrant (4-clusters)']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'upi_link_enablement' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', '1', '2', '3', 'Auto']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'upi_power_management' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'usb_emul6064' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'usb_port_front' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'usb_port_internal' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'usb_port_kvm' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'usb_port_rear' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'usb_port_sd_card' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'usb_port_vmedia' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'usb_subtype' in argument_spec found in boot_devices defines choices as (['None', 'usb-cd', 'usb-fdd', 'usb-hdd']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'usb_xhci_support' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'vga_priority' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Offboard', 'Onboard', 'Onboard VGA Disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'virtual_media_subtype' in argument_spec found in boot_devices defines choices as (['None', 'cimc-mapped-dvd', 'cimc-mapped-hdd', 'kvm-mapped-dvd', 'kvm-mapped-hdd', 'kvm-mapped-fdd']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'virtual_numa' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'vmd_enable' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'vol_memory_mode' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', '1LM', '2LM']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'work_load_config' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Balanced', 'I/O Sensitive', 'NUMA', 'UMA']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'x2apic_opt_out' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'enabled', 'disabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'xpt_prefetch' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'disabled', 'enabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-choices-do-not-match-spec: Argument 'xpt_remote_prefetch' in argument_spec defines choices as (['platform-default', 'Auto', 'disabled', 'enabled']) but documentation defines choices as ([])
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'acs_control_gpu1state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'acs_control_gpu2state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'acs_control_gpu3state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'acs_control_gpu4state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'acs_control_gpu5state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'acs_control_gpu6state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'acs_control_gpu7state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'acs_control_gpu8state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'acs_control_slot11state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'acs_control_slot12state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'acs_control_slot13state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'acs_control_slot14state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'adaptive_refresh_mgmt_level' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'adjacent_cache_line_prefetch' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'advanced_mem_test' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'all_usb_devices' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'altitude' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'aspm_support' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'assert_nmi_on_perr' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'assert_nmi_on_serr' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'auto_cc_state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'autonumous_cstate_enable' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'baud_rate' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'bme_dma_mitigation' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'boot_option_num_retry' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'boot_option_re_cool_down' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'boot_option_retry' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'boot_performance_mode' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'burst_and_postponed_refresh' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'c1auto_demotion' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'c1auto_un_demotion' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cmn_apbdis' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cmn_cpu_cpb' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cmn_cpu_gen_downcore_ctrl' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cmn_cpu_global_cstate_ctrl' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cmn_cpu_l1stream_hw_prefetcher' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cmn_cpu_l2stream_hw_prefetcher' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cmn_cpu_smee' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cmn_cpu_streaming_stores_ctrl' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cmn_determinism_slider' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cmn_efficiency_mode_en' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cmn_fixed_soc_pstate' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cmn_gnb_nb_iommu' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cmn_gnb_smu_df_cstates' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cmn_gnb_smucppc' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cmn_mem_ctrl_bank_group_swap_ddr4' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cmn_mem_map_bank_interleave_ddr4' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cmnc_tdp_ctl' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cpu_ccd_ctrl_ssp' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cpu_core_ctrl' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_cpu_smt_ctrl' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_dbg_cpu_snp_mem_cover' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_dbg_cpu_snp_mem_size_cover' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_df_cmn_acpi_srat_l3numa' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_df_cmn_dram_nps' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_df_cmn_mem_intlv' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_df_cmn_mem_intlv_size' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cbs_sev_snp_support' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cdn_enable' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cdn_support' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'channel_inter_leave' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cisco_adaptive_mem_training' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cisco_debug_level' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cisco_oprom_launch_optimization' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cisco_xgmi_max_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cke_low_policy' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'closed_loop_therm_throtl' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cmci_enable' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'config_tdp' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'config_tdp_level' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'configured_boot_mode' in argument_spec defines default as ('Legacy') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'console_redirection' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'core_multi_processing' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cpu_energy_performance' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cpu_frequency_floor' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cpu_pa_limit' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cpu_perf_enhancement' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cpu_performance' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cpu_power_management' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'cr_qos' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'crfastgo_config' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'dcpmm_firmware_downgrade' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'demand_scrub' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'direct_cache_access' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'dma_ctrl_opt_in' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'dram_clock_throttling' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'dram_refresh_rate' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'dram_sw_thermal_throttling' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'eadr_support' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'edpc_en' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'enable_clock_spread_spec' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'enable_mktme' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'enable_rmt' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'enable_sgx' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'enable_tme' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'enabled' in argument_spec found in boot_devices defines default as (True) but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'energy_efficient_turbo' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'eng_perf_tuning' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'enhanced_intel_speed_step_tech' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'epoch_update' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'epp_enable' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'epp_profile' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'error_check_scrub' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'execute_disable_bit' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'extended_apic' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'flow_control' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'frb2enable' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'hardware_prefetch' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'hwpm_enable' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'imc_interleave' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'intel_dynamic_speed_select' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'intel_hyper_threading_tech' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'intel_speed_select' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'intel_turbo_boost_tech' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'intel_virtualization_technology' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'intel_vt_for_directed_io' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'intel_vtd_coherency_support' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'intel_vtd_interrupt_remapping' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'intel_vtd_pass_through_dma_support' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'intel_vtdats_support' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'interface_source' in argument_spec found in boot_devices defines default as ('name') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'ioh_error_enable' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'ioh_resource' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'ip_prefetch' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'ip_type' in argument_spec found in boot_devices defines default as ('None') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'ipv4http' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'ipv4pxe' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'ipv6http' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'ipv6pxe' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'kti_prefetch' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'legacy_os_redirection' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'legacy_usb_support' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'llc_alloc' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'llc_prefetch' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'lom_port0state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'lom_port1state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'lom_port2state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'lom_port3state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'lom_ports_all_state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'lv_ddr_mode' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'make_device_non_bootable' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'memory_bandwidth_boost' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'memory_inter_leave' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'memory_mapped_io_above4gb' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'memory_refresh_rate' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'memory_size_limit' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'memory_thermal_throttling' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'mirroring_mode' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'mmcfg_base' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'network_stack' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'numa_optimized' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'nvmdimm_perform_config' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'onboard10gbit_lom' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'onboard_gbit_lom' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'onboard_scu_storage_support' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'onboard_scu_storage_sw_stack' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'operation_mode' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'organization' in argument_spec defines default as ('default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'os_boot_watchdog_timer' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'os_boot_watchdog_timer_policy' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'os_boot_watchdog_timer_timeout' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'out_of_band' in argument_spec defines default as (False) but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'out_of_band_mgmt_port' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'package_cstate_limit' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'panic_high_watermark' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'partial_cache_line_sparing' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'partial_mirror_mode_config' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'partial_mirror_percent' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'partial_mirror_value1' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'partial_mirror_value2' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'partial_mirror_value3' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'partial_mirror_value4' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'patrol_scrub' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'patrol_scrub_duration' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'pc_ie_ras_support' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'pc_ie_ssd_hot_plug_support' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'pch_pcie_pll_ssc' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'pch_usb30mode' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'pci_option_ro_ms' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'pci_rom_clp' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_ari_support' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_pll_ssc' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_slot_mraid1link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_slot_mraid1option_rom' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_slot_mraid2link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_slot_mraid2option_rom' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_slot_mstorraid_link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_slot_mstorraid_option_rom' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme1link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme1option_rom' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme2link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme2option_rom' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme3link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme3option_rom' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme4link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme4option_rom' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme5link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme5option_rom' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme6link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme6option_rom' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'pcie_slots_cdn_enable' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'pop_support' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'post_error_pause' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'post_package_repair' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'processor_c1e' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'processor_c3report' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'processor_c6report' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'processor_cstate' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'psata' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'pstate_coord_type' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'putty_key_pad' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'pwr_perf_tuning' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'qpi_link_frequency' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'qpi_link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'qpi_snoop_mode' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'rank_inter_leave' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'redirection_after_post' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'sata_mode_select' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'sd_card_subtype' in argument_spec found in boot_devices defines default as ('None') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'select_memory_ras_configuration' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'select_ppr_type' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'serial_port_aenable' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'sev' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'sgx_auto_registration_agent' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'sgx_epoch0' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'sgx_epoch1' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'sgx_factory_reset' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'sgx_le_pub_key_hash0' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'sgx_le_pub_key_hash1' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'sgx_le_pub_key_hash2' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'sgx_le_pub_key_hash3' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'sgx_le_wr' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'sgx_package_info_in_band_access' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'sgx_qos' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'sha1pcr_bank' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'sha256pcr_bank' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'single_pctl_enable' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot10link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot10state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot11link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot11state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot12link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot12state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot13state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot14state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot1link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot1state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot2link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot2state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot3link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot3state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot4link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot4state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot5link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot5state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot6link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot6state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot7link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot7state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot8link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot8state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot9link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot9state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_flom_link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme10link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme10option_rom' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme11link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme11option_rom' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme12link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme12option_rom' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme13link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme13option_rom' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme14link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme14option_rom' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme15link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme15option_rom' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme16link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme16option_rom' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme17link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme17option_rom' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme18link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme18option_rom' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme19link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme19option_rom' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme1link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme1option_rom' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme20link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme20option_rom' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme21link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme21option_rom' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme22link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme22option_rom' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme23link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme23option_rom' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme24link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme24option_rom' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme2link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme2option_rom' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme3link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme3option_rom' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme4link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme4option_rom' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme5link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme5option_rom' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme6link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme6option_rom' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme7link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme7option_rom' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme8link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme8option_rom' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme9link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_nvme9option_rom' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_slot5link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_front_slot6link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_gpu1state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_gpu2state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_gpu3state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_gpu4state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_gpu5state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_gpu6state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_gpu7state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_gpu8state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_hba_link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_hba_state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_lom1link' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_lom2link' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_mezz_state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_mlom_link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_mlom_state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_mraid_link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_mraid_state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n10state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n11state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n12state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n13state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n14state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n15state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n16state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n17state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n18state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n19state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n1state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n20state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n21state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n22state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n23state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n24state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n2state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n3state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n4state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n5state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n6state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n7state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n8state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_n9state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_raid_link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_raid_state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme1link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme1state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme2link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme2state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme3link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme3state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme4link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme4state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme5state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme6state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme7state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_rear_nvme8state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_riser1link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_riser1slot1link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_riser1slot2link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_riser1slot3link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_riser2link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_riser2slot4link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_riser2slot5link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_riser2slot6link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_sas_state' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_ssd_slot1link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'slot_ssd_slot2link_speed' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'smee' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'smt_mode' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'snc' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'snoopy_mode_for2lm' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'snoopy_mode_for_ad' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'sparing_mode' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'sr_iov' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'state' in argument_spec defines default as ('present') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'streamer_prefetch' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'svm_mode' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'terminal_type' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'tpm_control' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'tpm_pending_operation' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'tpm_ppi_required' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'tpm_support' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'tsme' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'txt_support' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'ucsm_boot_order_rule' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'uefi_enable_secure_boot' in argument_spec defines default as (False) but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'ufs_disable' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'uma_based_clustering' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'upi_link_enablement' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'upi_power_management' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'usb_emul6064' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'usb_port_front' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'usb_port_internal' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'usb_port_kvm' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'usb_port_rear' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'usb_port_sd_card' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'usb_port_vmedia' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'usb_subtype' in argument_spec found in boot_devices defines default as ('None') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'usb_xhci_support' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'vga_priority' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'virtual_media_subtype' in argument_spec found in boot_devices defines default as ('None') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'virtual_numa' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'vmd_enable' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'vol_memory_mode' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'work_load_config' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'x2apic_opt_out' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'xpt_prefetch' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-default-does-not-match-spec: Argument 'xpt_remote_prefetch' in argument_spec defines default as ('platform-default') but documentation defines default as (None)
plugins/modules/ doc-elements-mismatch: Argument 'boot_devices' in argument_spec specifies elements as dict,but elements is not documented
plugins/modules/ doc-elements-mismatch: Argument 'tags' in argument_spec specifies elements as dict,but elements is not documented
plugins/modules/ doc-required-mismatch: Argument 'device_name' in argument_spec found in boot_devices is required, but is not documented as being required
plugins/modules/ doc-required-mismatch: Argument 'device_type' in argument_spec found in boot_devices is required, but is not documented as being required
plugins/modules/ doc-required-mismatch: Argument 'ip_pool' in argument_spec is required, but is not documented as being required
plugins/modules/ doc-required-mismatch: Argument 'name' in argument_spec is required, but is not documented as being required
plugins/modules/ missing-suboption-docs: Argument 'boot_devices' in argument_spec has sub-options but documentation does not define it
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'acs_control_gpu1state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'acs_control_gpu2state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'acs_control_gpu3state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'acs_control_gpu4state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'acs_control_gpu5state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'acs_control_gpu6state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'acs_control_gpu7state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'acs_control_gpu8state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'acs_control_slot11state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'acs_control_slot12state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'acs_control_slot13state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'acs_control_slot14state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'adaptive_refresh_mgmt_level' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'adjacent_cache_line_prefetch' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'advanced_mem_test' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'all_usb_devices' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'altitude' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'aspm_support' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'assert_nmi_on_perr' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'assert_nmi_on_serr' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'auto_cc_state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'autonumous_cstate_enable' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'baud_rate' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'bme_dma_mitigation' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'boot_devices' in argument_spec defines type as 'list' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'boot_option_num_retry' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'boot_option_re_cool_down' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'boot_option_retry' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'boot_performance_mode' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'bootloader_description' in argument_spec found in boot_devices defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'bootloader_name' in argument_spec found in boot_devices defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'bootloader_path' in argument_spec found in boot_devices defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'burst_and_postponed_refresh' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'c1auto_demotion' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'c1auto_un_demotion' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cbs_cmn_apbdis' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cbs_cmn_cpu_cpb' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cbs_cmn_cpu_gen_downcore_ctrl' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cbs_cmn_cpu_global_cstate_ctrl' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cbs_cmn_cpu_l1stream_hw_prefetcher' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cbs_cmn_cpu_l2stream_hw_prefetcher' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cbs_cmn_cpu_smee' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cbs_cmn_cpu_streaming_stores_ctrl' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cbs_cmn_determinism_slider' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cbs_cmn_efficiency_mode_en' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cbs_cmn_fixed_soc_pstate' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cbs_cmn_gnb_nb_iommu' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cbs_cmn_gnb_smu_df_cstates' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cbs_cmn_gnb_smucppc' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cbs_cmn_mem_ctrl_bank_group_swap_ddr4' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cbs_cmn_mem_map_bank_interleave_ddr4' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cbs_cmnc_tdp_ctl' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cbs_cpu_ccd_ctrl_ssp' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cbs_cpu_core_ctrl' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cbs_cpu_smt_ctrl' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cbs_dbg_cpu_snp_mem_cover' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cbs_dbg_cpu_snp_mem_size_cover' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cbs_df_cmn_acpi_srat_l3numa' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cbs_df_cmn_dram_nps' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cbs_df_cmn_mem_intlv' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cbs_df_cmn_mem_intlv_size' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cbs_sev_snp_support' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cdn_enable' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cdn_support' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'channel_inter_leave' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cisco_adaptive_mem_training' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cisco_debug_level' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cisco_oprom_launch_optimization' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cisco_xgmi_max_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cke_low_policy' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'closed_loop_therm_throtl' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cmci_enable' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'config_tdp' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'config_tdp_level' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'configured_boot_mode' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'console_redirection' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'controller_slot' in argument_spec found in boot_devices defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'core_multi_processing' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cpu_energy_performance' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cpu_frequency_floor' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cpu_pa_limit' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cpu_perf_enhancement' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cpu_performance' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cpu_power_management' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'cr_qos' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'crfastgo_config' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'dcpmm_firmware_downgrade' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'demand_scrub' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'description' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'device_name' in argument_spec found in boot_devices defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'device_type' in argument_spec found in boot_devices defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'direct_cache_access' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'dma_ctrl_opt_in' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'dram_clock_throttling' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'dram_refresh_rate' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'dram_sw_thermal_throttling' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'eadr_support' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'edpc_en' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'enable_clock_spread_spec' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'enable_mktme' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'enable_rmt' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'enable_sgx' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'enable_tme' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'enabled' in argument_spec found in boot_devices defines type as 'bool' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'energy_efficient_turbo' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'eng_perf_tuning' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'enhanced_intel_speed_step_tech' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'epoch_update' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'epp_enable' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'epp_profile' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'error_check_scrub' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'execute_disable_bit' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'extended_apic' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'flow_control' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'frb2enable' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'hardware_prefetch' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'hwpm_enable' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'imc_interleave' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'intel_dynamic_speed_select' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'intel_hyper_threading_tech' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'intel_speed_select' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'intel_turbo_boost_tech' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'intel_virtualization_technology' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'intel_vt_for_directed_io' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'intel_vtd_coherency_support' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'intel_vtd_interrupt_remapping' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'intel_vtd_pass_through_dma_support' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'intel_vtdats_support' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'interface_name' in argument_spec found in boot_devices defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'interface_source' in argument_spec found in boot_devices defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'ioh_error_enable' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'ioh_resource' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'ip_pool' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'ip_prefetch' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'ip_type' in argument_spec found in boot_devices defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'ipv4http' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'ipv4pxe' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'ipv6http' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'ipv6pxe' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'kti_prefetch' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'legacy_os_redirection' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'legacy_usb_support' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'llc_alloc' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'llc_prefetch' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'lom_port0state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'lom_port1state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'lom_port2state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'lom_port3state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'lom_ports_all_state' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'lun' in argument_spec found in boot_devices defines type as 'int' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'lv_ddr_mode' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'mac_address' in argument_spec found in boot_devices defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'make_device_non_bootable' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'memory_bandwidth_boost' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'memory_inter_leave' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'memory_mapped_io_above4gb' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'memory_refresh_rate' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'memory_size_limit' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'memory_thermal_throttling' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'mirroring_mode' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'mmcfg_base' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'name' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'network_slot' in argument_spec found in boot_devices defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'network_stack' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'numa_optimized' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'nvmdimm_perform_config' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'onboard10gbit_lom' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'onboard_gbit_lom' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'onboard_scu_storage_support' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'onboard_scu_storage_sw_stack' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'operation_mode' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'organization' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'os_boot_watchdog_timer' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'os_boot_watchdog_timer_policy' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'os_boot_watchdog_timer_timeout' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'out_of_band' in argument_spec defines type as 'bool' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'out_of_band_mgmt_port' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'package_cstate_limit' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'panic_high_watermark' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'partial_cache_line_sparing' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'partial_mirror_mode_config' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'partial_mirror_percent' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'partial_mirror_value1' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'partial_mirror_value2' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'partial_mirror_value3' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'partial_mirror_value4' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'patrol_scrub' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'patrol_scrub_duration' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'pc_ie_ras_support' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'pc_ie_ssd_hot_plug_support' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'pch_pcie_pll_ssc' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'pch_usb30mode' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'pci_option_ro_ms' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'pci_rom_clp' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'pcie_ari_support' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'pcie_pll_ssc' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'pcie_slot_mraid1link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'pcie_slot_mraid1option_rom' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'pcie_slot_mraid2link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'pcie_slot_mraid2option_rom' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'pcie_slot_mstorraid_link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'pcie_slot_mstorraid_option_rom' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme1link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme1option_rom' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme2link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme2option_rom' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme3link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme3option_rom' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme4link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme4option_rom' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme5link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme5option_rom' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme6link_speed' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'pcie_slot_nvme6option_rom' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'pcie_slots_cdn_enable' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
plugins/modules/ parameter-type-not-in-doc: Argument 'pop_support' in argument_spec defines type as 'str' but documentation doesn't define type
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