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Last active February 8, 2019 14:02
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Commom kubectl statements.

Show pods info.

  kubectl get pods

Show all pods.

  kubectl get pods --show-all

Get specify pod's decribe.

  kubectl describe pod <pod>  

Build a service object for outside accessing.

  kubectl expose pod <pod> --port=<port> --name=<service-name>

Port mapping from pod to host.

  kubectl port-forward <pod> <external-port>:<pod-port>

Attach into pod's inside.

  kubectl attach <pod> -i

Execute a command inside the pod.

  kubectl exec <pod> -- <command> 
  # Ex: kubectl exec <pod> -- ls /app

Add Labels

  kubectl label pods <pod> <label-key>=<label-value>

Show Labels

  kubectl get pod --show-labels


由於alpine 提供非常輕量級的 Docker's Image(5-6MB左右)。 適合用來測試Pod內部各個container的狀態,在輸入下方指令後,就可以連線到alpine內部,然後再安裝curl來測試內部容器的連線狀況。

  kubectl run -i --tty alpine --image=alpine --restart=Never -- sh
  # in alpine: (先安裝curl方便測試)
    => apk add --no-cache curl


  kubectl port-forward <pod> <external-port>:<pod-port>
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