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Last active January 3, 2016 10:59
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AWS EC2 インスタンスをRuby から立ち上げ。SSH キーを用意させるので、立ち上げたあとにそのまま利用できる。
require 'aws-sdk'
require 'pp'
# if not set region, it will set us-east by default
ec2 = 'ap-northeast-1')
# List up key pairs you have
# Available Regions
ami_id = "ami-a25415cb" # RHL
ami_id = "ami-10314d79" # Ubuntu
ami_id = "ami-29d54d28" # AMIMOTO Wordpress AMI
ami_id = "ami-0b13700a" # Amazon Linux (amzn-ami-pv-2013.09.2.i386-ebs)
key_pair_name = 'amazon_linux'
# create a key if not exists
key_pair = proc {|key_pair_name|
file_path = File.expand_path("~/.ssh/#{key_pair_name}.pem")
if ec2.key_pairs[key_pair_name].exists? then
puts "key pair is exist."
puts "key pair is not exist."
key_pair = ec2.key_pairs.create(key_pair_name)
private_key = key_pair.private_key, 'w', 0400) do |f|
f.write private_key
# Launch Instance
pp instance = ec2.instances.create(
image_id: ami_id.to_s,
instance_type: 't1.micro',
key_pair: key_pair
)#=> <AWS::EC2::Instance id:i-xxxxxxxx>
# Add Tag to launched instance. (eg. key=name, value=ruby-auto-launch)
pp instance.add_tag('name', value: 'ruby-auto-launch') #=> <AWS::EC2::Tag:instance:i-xxxxxxxx:name>
# List up Instances status
pp ec2.instances.inject({}) {|m, i| m[] = i.status; m }
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