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Kubernetes - Architecture in ASCII

KUBERNETES Architecture in ASCII

       ┇                                                                                                                           ┇
       ┇     CLUSTER "test" (                                                                         ┇
       ┇                                                                                                                           ┇
    ┏╸╸┻╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸┓  ┇
    ┇                                                                                                                           ┇  ┇
    ┇     CLUSTER "development" (                                                                  ┇  ┇
    ┇                                                                                                                           ┇  ┇
    ┇       => A set of working machines with a shared network.                                                                 ┇  ┇
    ┇       => Each Cluster provides API via unique API Server.                                                                 ┇  ┇
    ┇                                                                                                                           ┇  ┇
    ┇   ┏╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸┓         ┏╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸┓   ┇  ┇
    ┇   ┇   Control Plane                                 ┇         ┇  Worker Nodes                                         ┇   ┇  ┇
    ┇   ┇                                                 ┇         ┇                                                       ┇   ┇  ┇
    ┇   ┇    => These components make global              ┇         ┇   => Working machines that provide CPU + Ram          ┇   ┇  ┇
    ┇   ┇       decisions about the cluster.              ┇         ┇      to Pods.                                         ┇   ┇  ┇
    ┇   ┇                                                 ┇         ┇                                                       ┇   ┇  ┇
    ┇   ┇    => Detecting and responding to               ┇         ┇   => Each node may be a virtual or physical machine.  ┇   ┇  ┇
    ┇   ┇       cluster events.                           ┇         ┇                                                       ┇   ┇  ┇
    ┇   ┇                                                 ┇         ┇   => Nodes are NOT created by Kubernetes BUT          ┇   ┇  ┇
    ┇   ┇ ┌─────────────────────────────────────┐         ┇         ┇      externally either by the cloud service provider  ┇   ┇  ┇
    ┇   ┇ │ API Server                          │         ┇         ┇      or the Kubernetes cluster manager.               ┇   ┇  ┇
    ┇   ┇ │                                     │         ┇         ┇                                                       ┇   ┇  ┇
╔════════▶│ => Front End for Control panel.     │         ┇         ┇       ┌────────────────────────────────────────────┐  ┇   ┇  ┇
║   ┇   ┇ │                                     │         ┇         ┇     ┌─┴──────────────────────────────────────────┐ │  ┇   ┇  ┇
║   ┇   ┇ │ => You can run several instances    │         ┇         ┇   ┌─┴──────────────────────────────────────────┐ │ │  ┇   ┇  ┇
║   ┇   ┇ │    of kube-apiserver and balance    │◀────────╂────┬────╂───┤ Node "work-8ff4ed2-pool01-61bc0015-2tpsr"  │ │ │  ┇   ┇  ┇
║   ┇   ┇ │    traffic between those instances. │         ┇    │    ┇ ┌─┴──────────────────────────────────────────┐ │ │ │  ┇   ┇  ┇
║   ┇   ┇ └┬─┬─┬────────────────────────────────┘         ┇    └────╂─┤ Node "work-8ff4ed2-pool01-61bc0015-tj7d8"  │ │ │ │  ┇   ┇  ┇
║   ┇   ┇  │ │ │                                          ┇         ┇ │ (DNS subdomain)                            │ │ │ │  ┇   ┇  ┇
║   ┇   ┇  │ │ │  ┌─────────────────────────────────────┐ ┇         ┇ │ ┌─────────────────────────────────┐        │ │ │ │  ┇   ┇  ┇
║   ┇   ┇  │ │ └─▶│ ETCD                                │ ┇         ┇ │ │ kubelet                         │        │ │ │ │  ┇   ┇  ┇
║   ┇   ┇  │ │    │                                     │ ┇         ┇ │ │                                 │        │ │ │ │  ┇   ┇  ┇
║   ┇   ┇  │ │    │ => Key value store used for all     │ ┇         ┇ │ │ => An agent runs on each node.  │        │ │ │ │  ┇   ┇  ┇
║   ┇   ┇  │ │    │    cluster data.                    │ ┇         ┇ │ │                                 │        │ │ │ │  ┇   ┇  ┇
║   ┇   ┇  │ │    │                                     │ ┇         ┇ │ │ => Makes sure that containers   │        │ │ │ │  ┇   ┇  ┇
║   ┇   ┇  │ │    │ => Usage example:                   │ ┇         ┇ │ │    are running in a Pod.        │        │ │ │ │  ┇   ┇  ┇
║   ┇   ┇  │ │    │      $ etcdctl put mykey "awesome"  │ ┇         ┇ │ └─────────────────────────────────┘        │ │ │ │  ┇   ┇  ┇
║   ┇   ┇  │ │    │      $ etcdctl get mykey            │ ┇         ┇ │ ┌─────────────────────────────────┐        │ │ │ │  ┇   ┇  ┇
║   ┇   ┇  │ │    └─────────────────────────────────────┘ ┇         ┇ │ │ kube-proxy                      │        │ │ │ │  ┇   ┇  ┇
║   ┇   ┇  │ │                                            ┇         ┇ │ │                                 │        │ │ │ │  ┇   ┇  ┇
║   ┇   ┇  │ │    ┌─────────────────────────────────────┐ ┇         ┇ │ │ => A network proxy that runs    │        │ │ │ │  ┇   ┇  ┇
║   ┇   ┇  │ └───▶│ Controller Manager                  │ ┇         ┇ │ │    on each node.                │        │ │ │ │  ┇   ┇  ┇
║   ┇   ┇  │      │                                     │ ┇         ┇ │ │                                 │        │ │ │─┘  ┇   ┇  ┇
║   ┇   ┇  │      │ => Runs controller process.         │ ┇         ┇ │ │ => Maintains network rules on   │        │ │─┘    ┇   ┇  ┇
║   ┇   ┇  │      │                                     │ ┇         ┇ │ │    nodes.                       │        │╥┘      ┇   ┇  ┇
║   ┇   ┇  │      │ => Logically, each controller is a  │ ┇         ┇ │ └─────────────────────────────────┘        │║       ┇   ┇  ┇
║   ┇   ┇  │      │    separate process, but to reduce  │ ┇         ┇ └─────────────╥──────────────────────────────┘║       ┇   ┇  ┇
║   ┇   ┇  │      │    complexity, they are all         │ ┇         ┗╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╫╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╫╸╸╸╸╸╸╸┛   ┇  ┇
║   ┇   ┇  │      │    compiled into a single binary    │ ┇                         ║                               ║           ┇  ┇
║   ┇   ┇  │      │    and run in a single process.     │ ┇                         ║       Each Pod gets           ║           ┇  ┇
║   ┇   ┇  │      │                                     │ ┇                         ║       a worker node.          ║           ┇  ┇
║   ┇   ┇  │      │ => Each controller is a control     │ ┇                         ║                               ║           ┇  ┇
║   ┇   ┇  │      │    loop that watch the state of     │ ┇                         ║                               ║           ┇  ┇
║   ┇   ┇  │      │    your cluster, then makes or      │ ┇                         ║                               ║           ┇  ┇
║   ┇   ┇  │      │    request changes where needed.    │ ┇                         ║                               ║           ┇  ┇
║   ┇   ┇  │      └─────────────────────────────────────┘ ┇                         ║                               ║           ┇  ┇
║   ┇   ┇  │                                              ┇                         ║                               ║           ┇  ┇
║   ┇   ┇  │      ┌─────────────────────────────────────┐ ┇                         ║                               ║           ┇  ┇
║   ┇   ┇  └─────▶│ Scheduler                           │ ┇                         ║                               ║           ┇  ┇
║   ┇   ┇         │                                     │ ┇                         ║                               ║           ┇  ┇
║   ┇   ┇         │ => Assigns worker nodes to newly    │ ┇                         ║                               ║           ┇  ┇
║   ┇   ┇         │    created Pods.                    │ ┇                         ║                               ║           ┇  ┇
║   ┇   ┇         └─────────────────────────────────────┘ ┇                         ║                               ║           ┇  ┇
║   ┇   ┗╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸┛                         ║                               ║           ┇  ┇
║   ┇                                                                               ║                               ║           ┇  ┇
║   ┇   ┏╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╫╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸┓              ║           ┇  ┇
║   ┇   ┇  Namespaces                                                               ║                ┇              ║           ┇  ┇
║   ┇   ┇                                                                           ║                ┇              ║           ┇  ┇
║   ┇   ┇   => Each namespace isolates resources (nodes) for objects.               ║                ┇              ║           ┇  ┇
║   ┇   ┇                                                                           ║                ┇              ║           ┇  ┇
║   ┇   ┇      ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━╫━━━━━━━━━━━━┓   ┇              ║           ┇  ┇
║   ┇   ┇      ┃ Namespace "zurich"                                                 ║            ┃   ┇              ║           ┇  ┇
║   ┇   ┇   ┏━━┻━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━╫━━━━━━━━━┓  ┃   ┇              ║           ┇  ┇
║   ┇   ┇   ┃ Namespace "bern" (Unique DNS label)                                   ║         ┃  ┃   ┇              ║           ┇  ┇
║   ┇   ┇   ┃                                                                       ║         ┃  ┃   ┇              ║           ┇  ┇
║   ┇   ┇   ┃ ┏╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╫╸╸╸╸╸╸╸┓ ┃  ┃   ┇              ║           ┇  ┇
║   ┇   ┇   ┃ ┇ Namespaced Objects                                                  ║       ┇ ┃  ┃   ┇              ║           ┇  ┇
║   ┇   ┇   ┃ ┇                                                                     ║       ┇ ┃  ┃   ┇              ║           ┇  ┇
║   ┇   ┇   ┃ ┇  => Persistent entities in         => Kinds of namespaced           ║       ┇ ┃  ┃   ┇              ║           ┇  ┇
║   ┇   ┇   ┃ ┇     the Kubernetes system.            objects:                      ║       ┇ ┃  ┃   ┇              ║           ┇  ┇
║   ┇   ┇   ┃ ┇                                        - Deployment                 ║       ┇ ┃  ┃   ┇              ║           ┇  ┇
║   ┇   ┇   ┃ ┇                                        - Service                    ║       ┇ ┃  ┃   ┇              ║           ┇  ┇
║   ┇   ┇   ┃ ┇                                        - ReplicaSet                 ║       ┇ ┃  ┃   ┇              ║           ┇  ┇
║   ┇   ┇   ┃ ┇                                        - StatefulSet                ║       ┇ ┃  ┃   ┇              ║           ┇  ┇
║   ┇   ┇   ┃ ┇                                        - DaemonSet                  ║       ┇ ┃  ┃   ┇              ║           ┇  ┇
║   ┇   ┇   ┃ ┇                                        - Job                        ║       ┇ ┃  ┃   ┇              ║           ┇  ┇
║   ┇   ┇   ┃ ┇                                        - CronJob                    ║       ┇ ┃  ┃   ┇              ║           ┇  ┇
║   ┇   ┇   ┃ ┇                                                                     ║       ┇ ┃  ┃   ┇              ║           ┇  ┇
║   ┇   ┇   ┃ ┇ ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━╫━━━━━┓ ┇ ┃  ┃   ┇              ║           ┇  ┇
║   ┇   ┇   ┃ ┇ ┃ Deployment "php-deployment" (DNS Label)                           ║     ┃ ┇ ┃  ┃   ┇              ║           ┇  ┇
║   ┇   ┇   ┃ ┇ ┃                                                                   ║     ┃ ┇ ┃  ┃   ┇              ║           ┇  ┇
║   ┇   ┇   ┃ ┇ ┃ => Contains a configured set     => Make use of the Deployment    ║     ┃ ┇ ┃  ┃   ┇              ║           ┇  ┇
║   ┇   ┇   ┃ ┇ ┃    of Pods/ReplicaSets.             Controller to allow           ║     ┃ ┇ ┃  ┃   ┇              ║           ┇  ┇
║   ┇   ┇   ┃ ┇ ┃                                     declarative updates for       ║     ┃ ┇ ┃  ┃   ┇              ║           ┇  ┇
║   ┇   ┇   ┃ ┇ ┃                                     Pods and ReplicaSets.         ║     ┃ ┇ ┃  ┃   ┇              ║           ┇  ┇
║   ┇   ┇   ┃ ┇ ┃                                                                   ║     ┃ ┇ ┃  ┃   ┇              ║           ┇  ┇
║   ┇   ┇   ┃ ┇ ┃  ╔════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝     ┃ ┇ ┃  ┃   ┇              ║           ┇  ┇
║   ┇   ┇   ┃ ┇ ┃  ║                                                                      ┃ ┇ ┃  ┃   ┇              ║           ┇  ┇
║   ┇   ┇   ┃ ┇ ┃  ║   ╔══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╪═╪═╪══╪═══╪══════════════╝           ┇  ┇
║   ┇   ┇   ┃ ┇ ┃  ║   ▼                                                                  ┃ ┇ ┃  ┃   ┇                          ┇  ┇
║   ┇   ┇   ┃ ┇ ┃  ║ ┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ ┃ ┇ ┃  ┃   ┇                          ┇  ┇
║   ┇   ┇   ┃ ┇ ┃  ▼ │ Pod "work.job.sync-users-28202505-lzqbp"                         │ ┃ ┇ ┃  ┃   ┇                          ┇  ┇
║   ┇   ┇   ┃ ┇ ┃ ┌──┴────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │ ┃ ┇ ┃  ┃   ┇                          ┇  ┇
║   ┇   ┇   ┃ ┇ ┃ │ Pod "php-deployment-c7cc59cd-42qjf" (DNS Label)                   │ │ ┃ ┇ ┃  ┃   ┇                          ┇  ┇
║   ┇   ┇   ┃ ┇ ┃ │                                                                   │ │ ┃ ┇ ┃  ┃   ┇                          ┇  ┇
║   ┇   ┇   ┃ ┇ ┃ │ => Smallest deployable unit    ┌───────────────────────────────┐  │ │ ┃ ┇ ┃  ┃   ┇                          ┇  ┇
║   ┇   ┇   ┃ ┇ ┃ │    in kubernetes.              │ Container "nginx" (DNS Label) │  │ │ ┃ ┇ ┃  ┃   ┇                          ┇  ┇
║   ┇   ┇   ┃ ┇ ┃ │                              ┌─┴───────────────────────────┐   │  │ │ ┃ ┇ ┃  ┃   ┇                          ┇  ┇
║   ┇   ┇   ┃ ┇ ┃ │ => Consists of one or more   │ Container "php" (DNS Label) │   │  │ │ ┃ ┇ ┃  ┃   ┇                          ┇  ┇
║   ┇   ┇   ┃ ┇ ┃ │    containers with shared    │                             │   │  │ │ ┃ ┇ ┃  ┃   ┇                          ┇  ┇
║   ┇   ┇   ┃ ┇ ┃ │    context:                  │ => The container runs       │   │  │ │ ┃ ┇ ┃  ┃   ┇                          ┇  ┇
║   ┇   ┇   ┃ ┇ ┃ │     - Linux namespaces       │    application processes.   │   │  │ │ ┃ ┇ ┃  ┃   ┇                          ┇  ┇
║   ┇   ┇   ┃ ┇ ┃ │     - cgroups                │                             │   │  │ │ ┃ ┇ ┃  ┃   ┇                          ┇  ┇
║   ┇   ┇   ┃ ┇ ┃ │                              │ => A virtual system         │   │  │ │ ┃ ┇ ┃  ┃   ┇                          ┇  ┇
║   ┇   ┇   ┃ ┇ ┃ │                              │    build from an image.     │   │  │ │ ┃ ┇ ┃  ┃   ┇                          ┇  ┇
║   ┇   ┇   ┃ ┇ ┃ │                              │                             │   │  │ │ ┃ ┇ ┃  ┃   ┇                          ┇  ┇
║   ┇   ┇   ┃ ┇ ┃ │                              │ => An image is a            │   │  │ │ ┃ ┇ ┃  ┃   ┇                          ┇  ┇
║   ┇   ┇   ┃ ┇ ┃ │                              │    ready-to-run             │   │  │ │ ┃ ┇ ┃  ┃   ┇                          ┇  ┇
║   ┇   ┇   ┃ ┇ ┃ │                              │    software package.        │   │  │ │ ┃ ┇ ┃  ┃   ┇                          ┇  ┇
║   ┇   ┇   ┃ ┇ ┃ │                              │                             │   │  │ │ ┃ ┇ ┃  ┃   ┇                          ┇  ┇
║   ┇   ┇   ┃ ┇ ┃ │                              │ => The build container      │   │  │ │ ┃ ┇ ┃  ┃   ┇                          ┇  ┇
║   ┇   ┇   ┃ ┇ ┃ │                              │    runtime must implement   │   │  │ │ ┃ ┇ ┃  ┃   ┇                          ┇  ┇
║   ┇   ┇   ┃ ┇ ┃ │                              │    the Kubernetes           │   │  │ │ ┃ ┇ ┃  ┃   ┇                          ┇  ┇
║   ┇   ┇   ┃ ┇ ┃ │                              │    Container Runtime        │───┘  │ │ ┃ ┇ ┃  ┃   ┇                          ┇  ┇
║   ┇   ┇   ┃ ┇ ┃ │                              │    Interface.               │      │─┘ ┃ ┇ ┃  ┃   ┇                          ┇  ┇
║   ┇   ┇   ┃ ┇ ┃ │                              └─────────────────────────────┘      │   ┃ ┇ ┃  ┃   ┇                          ┇  ┇
║   ┇   ┇   ┃ ┇ ┃ └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘   ┃ ┇ ┃  ┃   ┇                          ┇  ┇
║   ┇   ┇   ┃ ┇ ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛ ┇ ┃━━┛   ┇                          ┇  ┇
║   ┇   ┇   ┃ ┗╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸┛ ┃      ┇                          ┇  ┇
║   ┇   ┇   ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛      ┇                          ┇╸╸┛
║   ┇   ┇                                                                                            ┇                          ┇
║   ┇   ┗╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸┛                          ┇
║   ┇                                                                                                                           ┇
║   ┗╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸┛
║   ┏╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸┓
║   ┇                                                                                                                           ┇
║   ┇     CONTEXTs                                                                                                              ┇
║   ┇                                                                                                                           ┇
║   ┇       => Set of access certificates to get access to Cluster namespace(s).                                                ┇
║   ┇       => A context contains certificates for Cluster + User.                                                              ┇
║   ┇       => Contexts are configured in the `~/.kube/config` file:                                                            ┇
║   ┇          # ~/.kube/config                                                                                                 ┇
║   ┇              ...                                                                                                          ┇
║   ┇              contexts:                                                                                                    ┇
║   ┇              - context:                                                                                                   ┇
║   ┇                  cluster: development                                                                                     ┇
║   ┇                  user: dev1                                                                                               ┇
║   ┇                  namespace: zurich                                                                                        ┇
║   ┇                name: dev-zurich                                                                                           ┇
║   ┇              - context:                                                                                                   ┇
║   ┇                  cluster: development                                                                                     ┇
║   ┇                  user: dev1                                                                                               ┇
║   ┇                  namespace: bern                                                                                          ┇
║   ┇                name: dev-bern                                                                                             ┇
║   ┇              - context:                                                                                                   ┇
║   ┇                  cluster: test                                                                                            ┇
║   ┇                  user: tester1                                                                                            ┇
║   ┇                name: test                                                                                                 ┇
║   ┇                # Default namespace is "default"                                                                           ┇
║   ┇                                                                                                                           ┇
║   ┇       => Communication to Cluster API server:                                                                             ┇
║   ┇          $> kubectl config set-context dev-zurich   # Switch context                                                      ┇
║   ┇          Switched context to "dev-zurich"                                                                                 ┇
║   ┇                                                                                                                           ┇
║   ┇          $> kubectl get pods                        # Get all pods                                                        ┇
║   ┇          NAME                                  READY   STATUS      RESTARTS       AGE                                     ┇
║   ┇          work.job.sync-users-28202505-lzqbp    2/2     Running     11 (11h ago)   32h                                     ┇
║   ┇          php-deployment-c7cc59cd-42qjf         0/1     Completed   0              14h                                     ┇
║   ┇                                                                                                                           ┇
║   ┇                                                                                                                           ┇
╚═════════════════════╦══════════════════════════════════════╦══════════════════════════════════════╗                           ┇
    ┇                 ║                                      ║                                      ║                           ┇
    ┇    ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓      ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓      ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓        ┇
    ┇    ┃  Context "dev-zurich"         ┃      ┃  Context "dev-bern"           ┃      ┃  Context "test"               ┃        ┇
    ┇    ┃                               ┃      ┃                               ┃      ┃                               ┃        ┇
    ┇    ┃    cluster   = "development"  ┃      ┃    cluster   = "development"  ┃      ┃    cluster   = "test"         ┃        ┇
    ┇    ┃    namespace = "zurich"       ┃      ┃    namespace = "bern"         ┃      ┃    namespace = "default"      ┃        ┇
    ┇    ┃    username  = "dev1"         ┃      ┃    username  = "dev1"         ┃      ┃    username  = "tester1"      ┃        ┇
    ┇    ┃                               ┃      ┃                               ┃      ┃                               ┃        ┇
    ┇    ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛      ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛      ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛        ┇
    ┇                                                                                                                           ┇


An open-source container orchestration system for automating software deployment, scaling, and management.


Automated configuring, coordinating, and managing of computer systems and software.

Container orchastration

Automatically provisions, deploys, scales, and manages containerized applications.


Adding or removing workforce (CPU/RAM/Threads) depending on the workload.

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