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mongodb::version: '3.4.9'
mongodb::features: 'Server,ProductFeature,Client,MonitoringTools,ImportExportTools,Router,MiscellaneousTools'
mongodb::packagename: 'mongodb-server-enterprise-x64'
- dbpath: 'D:\mongodata'
logpath: 'D:\mongologs'
keypath: 'D:\mongokey'
keyfile: 'OpsMdbKey'
cfgpath: 'D:\mongocfg'
replsetname: 'opsMdb'
root@vagrant-ubuntu-trusty-64:/vagrant# docker build -f Dockerfile.test -t .
Sending build context to Docker daemon 123.9 MB
Step 1 : FROM debian:jessie
---> 19134a8202e7
Step 2 : MAINTAINER Viktor Farcic ""
---> Using cache
---> 127985d5d68a
Step 3 : ENV VERSION 1.0
---> Using cache
---> b7867473a69d
puppet apply -vd --hiera_config C:\tmp\vagrant-puppet\environments\hiera.yaml --modulepath=c:\tmp\vagrant-puppet\environments\development\modules c:\tmp\vagrant-puppet\environments\development\manifests\site.pp
[root@puppet-master puppetlabs]# cd console-services/
console-services-daemon.log console-services.log
2016-10-23 00:59:19,617 INFO [o.e.j.u.log] Logging initialized @80811ms
2016-10-23 00:59:36,050 INFO [m.core] Starting migrations
2016-10-23 00:59:36,062 INFO [c.z.h.HikariDataSource] HikariPool-0 - is starting.
2016-10-23 01:00:06,197 ERROR [m.database] Error creating DB connection for {:datasource #object[com.zaxxer.hikari.Hikar
iDataSource 0x52687917 "HikariDataSource (HikariPool-0)"]}
java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: HikariPool-0 - Connection is not available, request timed out after 30006ms.
at com.zaxxer.hikari.pool.HikariPool.getConnection( ~[console-services-release.jar:na]
at com.zaxxer.hikari.pool.HikariPool.getConnection( ~[console-services-release.jar:na]
-bash-4.1$ sqlplus -S /nolog @xdb_protocol.sql
Session altered.
Starting Oracle XML DB Installation ...
Enter Parameter #1 <XDB_PASSWD>, password for XDB schema:
==> ve_oracle_centos7: Error: Execution of 'su - oracle -c "export ORACLE_SID=A0
01;export ORAENV_ASK=NO;. oraenv; sqlplus -S /nolog @/tmp/command20160822-6157-
1p7y9zs.sql"' returned 150: The Oracle base remains unchanged with value /u01/ap
==> ve_oracle_centos7:
==> ve_oracle_centos7:
==> ve_oracle_centos7: Starting Oracle XML DB Installation ...
==> ve_oracle_centos7: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
==> ve_oracle_centos7: Enter Parameter #1 <XDB_PASSWD>, password for XDB schema:
File "/etc/passwd"
F should be file (FAILED - 1)
1) File "/etc/passwd" should be file
On host `'
Failure/Error: it { should be_file }
[root@centos7 trace]# cat alert_A001.log
Mon Aug 22 15:48:28 2016
Starting ORACLE instance (normal) (OS id: 32572)
Mon Aug 22 15:48:28 2016
CLI notifier numLatches:3 maxDescs:1674
Mon Aug 22 15:48:28 2016
Mon Aug 22 15:48:28 2016
Dump of system resources acquired for SHARED GLOBAL AREA (SGA)
==> ve_oracle_centos7: Error: Execution of 'su - oracle -c "export ORACLE_SID=A0
01;export ORAENV_ASK=NO;. oraenv; sqlplus -S /nolog @/tmp/command20160822-18988
-5dgody.sql"' returned 41: The Oracle base remains unchanged with value /u01/app
==> ve_oracle_centos7: ORACLE instance started.
==> ve_oracle_centos7: Total System Global Area,2.0267E+10,bytes
==> ve_oracle_centos7: Fixed Size , 2934840,bytes
==> ve_oracle_centos7: Variable Size ,2818574280,bytes
==> ve_oracle_centos7: Database Buffers ,1.7381E+10,bytes
==> ve_oracle_centos7: Redo Buffers , 64172032,bytes
class ve_oracle::database (
String $oracle_base = hiera('oracle_base_dir'),
String $oracle_home = hiera('oracle_home_dir'),
String $db_name = hiera('db_name')
) {
$folders = ['/data/oradata','/data/oradata/A001','/data/dpdump','/data/dpdump/safe']