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Last active August 14, 2020 08:01
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CISC 661 ProjectTasks
VirtualBox: this program will help you create and manage virtual machines.
Begin with three VMs:
* Metasploitable 2: This virtual machine will be your "target" box, running a vulnerable web application called Mutillidae II that can be exploited in various ways.
* Kali Linux: You will use this virtual machine to connect to and exploit the web app being served from the Metasploitable box. Kali comes preloaded with lots of useful penetration testing tools.
* Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (Bionic Beaver): This VM will also be a target box.
Task 1: Setup the environment:
* Download and install Virtualbox
* Download all the images we need:
* Ubuntu Bionic Beaver:
* Kali Linux:
* Metasploitable2:
* Create a Host-Only network on Virtualbox if one is not available
* Create metaspoitable VM to boot directly from image, RAM: 1024 MB should be good
* Before you launch metasploitable, ensure host-only network is chosen
* Launch and grab IP address
* Username/Password: msfadmin
* Create Kali Linux VM
* Double click on the Vbox ova file to import into VirtualBox
* Set network to “Host only Network" (vboxnet0) before starting the VM
* You might have to disable USB support because it was baked into the VM
* Launch
* Username/Password: root/toor
* Create Ubuntu Bionic VM
* Same procedure as above
* Except, you want a NAT network for a little bit so you can use the internet
* Samhain setup needs it
* Make sure you setup the Guest Additions stuff correctly
Task 2: Use Metasploit and Armitage on your Kali machine to find a successful exploit.
* Armitage is a GUI attack tool, equivalent attacks can be achieved with msfconsole
* Open Armitage on Kali Linux (Either from teh terminal, or the menu on the left on the desktop)
* “Connect” with default database parameters (Ignore all the “Connection Refused” errors)
* Provide IP of Metasploitable2 VM (
* Provide IP of Ubuntu Bionic (
* TIP: Clear Database from the GUI will reset everything: attacks/hosts etc.
* Inspect “Services” on the ports -> Right-Click each host and check what’s running on it
* Attacks->"Find Attacks” will tell you what attacks can be performed on each host, and you can then go ahead and perform each attack serially
* “Check Exploit” against each category of exploits will tell you if an “exploit” can be used, some exploits don’t support a “Check Exploit”, you’ll have to fire the attack and find out if that vulnerability exists
* Attacks-> “Hail Mary” -> the old db_pwned replacement (Kali’s own “auto_pwned" implementation)
* Go through attacks, explain a little bit about each
* Show “Meterpreter” and actions
* Start “msfconsole” from Kali Linux’s terminal
* Command: “help” - list of features / options that you can use
* “hosts” - lists all hosts
* “hosts -d <HOST_IP>” - deletes specific hosts
* “set” and “setg” LHOST, RHOST, LPORT, RPORT
* “show exploits”
Task 3 - Samhain and Host IPS protection: Install Samhain on the Ubuntu VM, configure it to create alerts
* Host intrustion detection system - useful to set up honeypots
* File and Folder integrity - checksums, signatures etc.
* Samhain - Opensource HIDS with centralized management
* Uses ^^:
* File integrity verification
* Logfile monitoring
* Login/logout monitoring
* Hidden process detection
* Open port detection
* Server authenticates clients, stores configuration+logs+alerts+baseline data+reports from clients
* Server uses an rdbms - sql, postgreSQL, oracle
* Clients perform integrity checks - report anamolies to server
On the Ubuntu Bionic
# Samhain installation is recommended to be done as root
sudo su -
# Set the hostname
hostnamectl set-hostname gouthamr-bionic.local
# Lets install vim
# Lets install apache
apt install -y apache2
# Lets install and configure mysql
apt install -y mysql-server
apt install -y mysql-client libmysqlclient-dev
mysql_secure_installation # Remember the root password (test1234)
# test the installation
mysql -u root -p
# Create a yule user with gpg key
sudo useradd -s /bin/bash -m yule
echo "yule ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" | sudo tee /etc/sudoers.d/yule
passwd yule. # optional
su - yule
gpg --full-generate-key # old cmd: gpg --gen-key
# Set a good password (test1234)
# If you get a permission denied error:
# ls -la $(tty)
# sudo chown yule /dev/pts/<NUMBER>
# and retry
# As root user again:
gunzip samhain-current.tar.gz
tar -xf samhain-current.tar
# Verify Samhain
gpg --keyserver --recv-key 0F571F6C
gpg --fingerprint 0F571F6C
gpg --verify samhain-4.3.1.tar.gz.asc samhain-4.3.1.tar.gz
# Unzip and process second stage tar file
gunzip samhain-4.3.1.tar.gz
tar -xf samhain-4.3.1.tar
cd samhain-4.3.1
# Install Samhain
# Configure installation with ./configure [options]
# Some interesting options are:
# ./configure --enable-install-name=<NAME> -> Renames Samhain!
# ./configure --enable-nocl=<PASSWORD>. -> Requires password to interact with CLI (Empty Password = Disable CLI)
# First, lets configure and make with no opts so we can get the ability to perform a TIGER192 checksum.
# Notice the output:
# samhain has been configured as follows:
# System binaries: /usr/local/sbin
# Configuration file: /etc/samhainrc
# Manual pages: /usr/local/man
# Data directory: /var/lib/samhain
# Database file: /var/lib/samhain/samhain_file
# PID file: /run/
# Log file: /var/log/samhain_log
# Base key: 1614151854,1084170124
# Selected rc file: samhainrc.linux
# Now the real deal:
# 0 = Root, 102 = syslog, 1001 = yule (# id yule —> to check)
./configure --with-gpg=/usr/bin/gpg --enable-network=server --with-database=mysql --enable-xml-log --with-port=50888 --enable-identity=yule —with-trusted=0,102,1001
# Output:
# samhain has been configured as follows:
# System binaries: /usr/local/sbin
# Configuration file: /etc/yulerc
# Manual pages: /usr/local/man
# Data directory: /var/lib/yule
# Database file: /var/lib/yule/yule_file
# PID file: /run/
# Log file: /var/log/yule/yule_log
# Base key: 542842942,1086046077
# Selected rc file: yulerc
make install
# Enter gpg-key password
# Sign the configuration file, this will create a /etc/yulerc.asc file
gpg --homedir /home/yule/.gnupg --clearsign /etc/yulerc
# Rename the /etc/yulerc.asc as /etc/yulerc
# Copy the other file over if you want to be safe: cp /etc/yulerc /root/yulerc
mv /etc/yulerc.asc /etc/yulerc
# Create boot-init script
make install-boot
# MYSQL Configuration:
mysql -p < sql_init/samhain.mysql.init
# These commands will ask for your root MySQL password.
echo "grant select, insert on samhain.log to samhain@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'samhain';" | mysql -p
echo "FLUSH PRIVILEGES;" | mysql -p
# Set the ownership of some files:
chown yule:yule /var/log/yule
chown yule:yule /etc/yulerc
chown yule:yule /var/lib/yule
# Set yule to start at boot
update-rc.d yule defaults
# Start yule
/etc/init.d/yule start
# if that errors out about missing key:
# cp -Rp /home/yule/.gnupg/pubring.kbx /home/yule/.gnupg/pubring.gpg
# Apache Configuration
vi /etc/apache2/apache2.conf
<Directory "/var/log/yule/">
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
Alias /yule.html "/var/log/yule/yule.html"
<Directory /var/log/yule>
Options ExecCGI
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None
Require all granted
alias /yule.html /var/log/yule/yule.html
# Client Side configuration instructions still necessary
Task 4 - Install pFSense on Ubuntu VM & block UDP traffic
* Download pFSense from
* Steps:
* Keep a Ubuntu VM around to configure pFSense.
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