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Last active October 29, 2018 04:04
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#!/usr/bin/env python2
Solar Analytics code assignment
from __future__ import print_function
__author__ = "Yaroslav Hovorunov"
__version__ = "0.1.0"
__license__ = "MIT"
import argparse
import logging
import re
import os
class DataError(Exception):
"""Incorrect data exception"""
def read_data_from_list(data):
Reads data from a list or stream.
:param data: A list with puzzle
:return: Tuple (puzzle, words)
:raises: DataError, ValueError
line_n = 0
dimensions = len(data[line_n].strip('\n')) # Length of first line
if dimensions < 1:
raise DataError("Unexpected file format")
for line_n, line in enumerate(data):
if len(line.strip('\n')) != dimensions:
raise DataError("Unexpected file format")
# Here line_n should point to the empty line separating puzzle and words list
if"[^\s]", data[line_n]):
raise DataError("Incorrect file format at line {}".format(line_n+1))
if dimensions != line_n:
raise DataError("Incorrect dimensions {}x{}. Square expected.".format(dimensions, line_n))
puzzle = [bytearray(ln.lower().strip('\n')) for ln in data[:line_n]]
words = [ln.lower().strip('\n') for ln in data[line_n+1:] if ln != "\n"]
# make sure data contains letters only
nonletters = re.compile("[^\w\s]")
for i, s in enumerate(puzzle):
raise DataError("Incorrect file format at line {}".format(i+1))
for i, s in enumerate(words):
raise DataError("Incorrect file format at line {}".format(i+line_n+3))
return puzzle, words
def match_2d(puzzle, row, col, word):
Match word in current position in 4 directions
:param puzzle:
:param row:
:param col:
:param word:
:return: Tuple x, y end coordinates or None
# Directions - left, down, right, up
dirs = [(1, 0), (0, 1), (-1, 0), (0, -1)]
word = bytearray(word)
# Check starting point first
if puzzle[row][col] != word[0]:
return None
# Dimensions
dim = len(puzzle)
# Search in multiple directions
for x, y in dirs:
ri = row
ci = col
for ch in word[1:]:
ri += x
ci += y
if ri < 0 or ri == dim or ci < 0 or ci == dim:
if ch != puzzle[ri][ci]:
return ri, ci
return None
def search_word(puzzle, word):
Search one word in puzzle
:param puzzle:
:param word:
:return: Tuple (col, row), (x, y) coordinates or None
dim = len(puzzle)
for row in range(0, dim):
for col in range(0, dim):
coord = match_2d(puzzle, row, col, word)
if coord is not None:
return (col, row), coord
return None
def search_words(puzzle, words):
Searches for words in puzzle
:param puzzle:
:param words:
:return: Dictionary of found words with coordinates
found = {}
# Sort words by length to prevent words crossings
# not needed if crossings are allowed
for word in sorted(words, key=len, reverse=True):
coord = search_word(puzzle, word)
if coord is not None:
(col, row), (x, y) = coord
found[word] = ((col, row), (y, x))
# Uppercase found word to exclude them from further search
# Not needed since crossings are allowed
# for ri in range(row, x+1) if x > row else range(x, row+1):
# for ci in range(col, y+1) if y > col else range(y, col+1):
# puzzle[ri][ci] = chr(puzzle[ri][ci]).upper()
return found
def format_results(words, found):
Format result into strings
:param words:
:param found:
:return: List of strings
result = []
for word in words:
if word in found:
(r, c), (x, y) = found[word]
result.append("{} ({}, {}) ({}, {})".format(word.upper(), r+1, c+1, x+1, y+1))
result.append("{} not found".format(word.upper()))
return result
def main(args, loglevel):
Main function.
:param args: List of arguments from argparse
:param loglevel:
logging.basicConfig(format="%(levelname)s: %(message)s", level=loglevel)
# Section that loads data
# Open .pzl file
with open(args.puzzle_file, 'r') as f:
# Read data from pzl file
data = f.readlines()
# Parse data
puzzle, words = read_data_from_list(data)
found = search_words(puzzle, words)
result = format_results(words, found)
out_file_name, _ = os.path.splitext(args.puzzle_file)
with open(out_file_name + ".out", 'w') as f:
# Write result in output file
except DataError as err:
logging.error("Cannot read file {} - {}".format(args.puzzle_file, err))
except OSError as err:
logging.error("Cannot open file {} - {}".format(args.puzzle_file, err.strerror))
except Exception:
logging.exception("Unexpected error")
# Standard code to parse arguments and call the main() function to begin
# the program.
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description="Looks up for words in a puzzle file")
help="A text file containing puzzle and hidden words")
help="increase log verbosity",
args = parser.parse_args()
# Setup logging
if args.verbose:
loglevel = logging.DEBUG
loglevel = logging.INFO
main(args, loglevel)
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