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Last active November 20, 2017 16:17
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Running longjob on DICE machines

A quick overview of how to run longjob on DICE - here, focusing on opening a jupyter notebook for a long period of time (28days)


  1. ssh through the network gateway: ssh, and into any compute server you wish to use.
  2. create a screen so that it doesnt kill the process after you log out:
$ screen -S <session-name> # name the screen session
$ screen -S mlp (e.g) 

This opens a new screen terminal (more on screen here)

  1. activate your virtual environment: source activate mlp
  2. Start the longjob:
$ longjob -28day -c <jobname/command> # start a long job executing the jobname/command
$ longjob -28day -c "(nohup nice -n 19 jupyter notebook --no-browser --port=<remoteport>)"

<remoteport> refers to the port that you wish your notebook to run on the remote server


  1. If you run into problem generating a kerebos key, is it possible that there is already a key that was cached. This might happen:
Waiting for job to start...
krenew: unable to run command (nohup: No such file or directory
krenew: error reading ticket cache: No credentials cache found (filename: /tmp/krb5cc_14asdas42427_GBltpqweqweqeF)
krenew: cannot destroy ticket cache: No credentials cache found (filename: /tmp/krb5cc_14asdas42427_GBltasdasdqwepF)

Due to the mechanism of the command,longjob (see [1]), we can destroy the current key so that a new one will the kinit-ed:

(mlp) $ kdestroy # destroy all the keys generated!

Try running the longjob command again.


Here is a good tutorial:



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