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Created November 29, 2014 03:45
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This implementaion of BLEU also considers synonyms and tries to give
more points to the correct order of words.
import re
import os
import sys
import shelve
import optparse
import itertools
from math import log, exp
from collections import Counter
ngram_max = 4
def parse_options():
p = optparse.OptionParser('usage: %prog [options] test-file ref-file')
p.add_option('-p', '--penalty', dest='brevity_penalty',
action='store_true', help='consider brevity penalty')
p.add_option('-n', '--no-synonyms', dest='consider_synonyms',
action='store_false', default=True, help='the result will be same as BLEU')
p.add_option('--synonym-score', dest='synonym_score', type='float',
default=0.90, help='synonyms score ratio, a float between 0 and 1')
p.add_option('-r', '--rare-words', dest='consider_rare_words',
action='store_true', default=False, help='consider extra score for rare words')
p.add_option('--rare-words-score', dest='rare_words_score', type='float',
default=1.50, help='rare words score ratio, a float greater than 1')
p.add_option('--rare-words-percent', dest='rare_words_percent', type='int',
default=10, help='percent of rare words compared to all words in ref')
p.add_option('--rare-words-min', dest='rare_words_min', type='int', default=20,
help='minimum distinct words in ref needed to calculate rare words score')
p.add_option('--synonyms-db', dest='synonyms_db',
default='synonyms.db', help='synonyms database file')
opt, args = p.parse_args()
if len(args) != 2:
p.error('missing input files')
return opt, args
def ngram(seg, n):
param seg: str, a unicode str like "a b c d"
param n: int
return: [str], n-grams. for n=2 and seg="a b c d" return value is ["a b", "b c", "c d"]
This function does not clear seg, so it consider "this test." as "this" and "test."
not "this" and "test"
a = seg.split()
assert n > 0
if n > len(a):
# assert n<=len(a), 'can not create %d-gram from "%s"'%(n, seg)
return None
r = []
for i in range(len(a) - n + 1):
t = ' '.join(a[i:i + n])
return r
def synonyms(name):
synonyms of a name from wordnet: 'hello' -> ['howdy', 'hi', 'hello', 'how do you do', 'hullo']
name itself always is in the result.
param name: str
return: [str]
l = syndb.get(name, [])
if name not in l:
l = [i.replace('-', ' ').replace('_', ' ') for i in l]
return l
def find_best(word, ref):
try to find the best choice between the word itself and all of its synonyms,
the best is the most repeated one in the ref. if word and one of its synonyms have
same repeat, the word is the better choice.
param word: str, a word in test (test is not passed to this function)
param ref: str, the ref segments
return: srt
if word in ('as', 'one', 'us'):
return word
syns = synonyms(word)
synsc = Counter(dict([(i, ref.count(i)) for i in syns]))
w_max, c_max = synsc.most_common()[0]
if c_max == synsc[word]:
return word
return w_max
def closest_syntest_to_ref(test, ref):
replace words of test with their synonyms to find closest sentence to the ref.
param test: str
param ref: str
return: str
return ' '.join([find_best(i, ref) for i in test.split()])
def sbleu(test, ref, rare_words=None):
param test: str, test segments. segment is a unicode str contains words.
param refs: str, ref translations.
return: {n-gram: (num_of_mached_ngrams, num_of_test_ngrams, score)}, where n-gram is
1 to ngram_max and score is 0 to 1
tst_str = test
ref_str = ref
if opt.consider_synonyms:
closest = closest_syntest_to_ref(tst_str, ref_str)
closest = test
if rare_words != None:
rare_words = set(rare_words)
result = {}
for n in range(1, ngram_max + 1):
tst = ngram(tst_str, n)
ref = ngram(ref_str, n)
cls = ngram(closest, n)
if tst == None or ref == None or cls == None:
result[n] = (0, 0, 0.0)
tstc = Counter(tst)
refc = Counter(ref)
clsc = Counter(cls)
m_all = 0
for word in clsc.keys():
m_word = min(clsc[word], refc[word])
if (opt.consider_synonyms) and (word in refc) and (word in clsc) and (word not in tstc):
m_word = m_word * opt.synonym_score
if (rare_words != None) and (word in refc) and (word in clsc) and \
(len(set(word.split()) & rare_words) > 0):
m_word = m_word * opt.rare_words_score
m_all += m_word
result[n] = (m_all, len(cls), min(float(m_all) / len(cls), 1.0))
return result
def sbleu_corpus(test, ref):
param test: list, [str]
param ref: list, [str]
return: {n-gram: score}, where n-gram is 1 to ngram_max
assert len(test) == len(ref)
# rare words
if opt.consider_rare_words == True:
rare = Counter()
for i in ref:
rare = [i[0] for i in rare.most_common()]
if len(rare) > opt.rare_words_min:
rare_words = rare[-len(rare) * opt.rare_words_percent / 100:]
rare_words = None
# sum
ngram_list = range(1, ngram_max + 1)
test_ngrams = dict.fromkeys(ngram_list, 0)
matched_ngrams = dict.fromkeys(ngram_list, 0)
for t, r in itertools.izip(test, ref):
d = sbleu(t, r, rare_words)
for n in ngram_list:
len_t = d[n][1]
matched_t = d[n][0]
test_ngrams[n] += len_t
matched_ngrams[n] += matched_t
# brevity penalty
if opt.brevity_penalty == True:
r = float(sum(map(len, test)))
c = float(sum(map(len, ref)))
penalty = exp(1 - r / c) if c < r else 1.0
penalty = 1.0
ref_length = sum([len(i.split()) for i in ref])
len_score = min(0.0, 1.0 - ref_length / test_ngrams[1])
ind = {} # individual
cum = {} # cumulative
s = 0.0
for n in ngram_list:
ind[n] = 0.0 if test_ngrams[n] == 0 else penalty * matched_ngrams[n] / test_ngrams[n]
s += log(ind[n])
cum[n] = exp(s / n + len_score)
return {'ind': ind, 'cum': cum}
def clear_str(s):
return re.sub('[\.,-:"\'\n\?\!;\$\%]', '', s.lower())
def sbleu_file(test, ref):
t = [clear_str(i) for i in open(test).readlines()]
r = [clear_str(i) for i in open(ref).readlines()]
return sbleu_corpus(t, r)
def main():
global opt, syndb
opt, args = parse_options()
if not os.path.exists(opt.synonyms_db):
print >> sys.stderr, 'error: "%s" file not found' % opt.synonyms_db
syndb =
r = sbleu_file(args[0], args[1])
print ' ' + ' '.join(['%d-gram' % n for n in range(1, ngram_max + 1)])
print 'individual: ' + ' '.join(['%0.4f' % r['ind'][n] for n in range(1, ngram_max + 1)])
print 'cumulative: ' + ' '.join(['%0.4f' % r['cum'][n] for n in range(1, ngram_max + 1)])
print 'score:', '%0.4f' % r['cum'][4]
if __name__ == '__main__':
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