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Fortran Errors
login1.stampede(120)$ ifort -free -I/work/02681/ankitg/installs/perfexpert_install/include -g -L /work/02681/ankitg/installs/perfexpert_install/binutils/lib -lbfd driver.f  -L/work/02681/ankitg/installs/perfexpert_install/lib -L/work/02681/ankitg/installs/libelf/lib -Wl,-rpath=/work/02681/ankitg/installs/libelf/lib -lmrt -lstdc++ -ldl -rdynamic -lelf -lbfd -lz -c -L/opt/apps/gcc/4.7.1/lib64/ -liberty -c
driver.f(2): error #5082: Syntax error, found '**' when expecting one of: ( % [ : . = =>
c **********************************************************************
driver.f(3): error #5082: Syntax error, found '*' when expecting one of: ( % [ : . = =>
c *                                                                    *
driver.f(4): error #5082: Syntax error, found '*' when expecting one of: ( % [ : . = =>
c *  copyright, 1993, the regents of the university of california.     *
driver.f(4): error #5082: Syntax error, found IDENTIFIER 'REGENTS' when expecting one of: ( * ) :: , <END-OF-STATEMENT> ; . % (/ + - [ : ] /) . ** / // ...
c *  copyright, 1993, the regents of the university of california.     *
driver.f(5): error #5082: Syntax error, found '*' when expecting one of: ( % [ : . = =>
c *  this software was produced under a u. s. government contract      *
driver.f(6): error #5082: Syntax error, found '*' when expecting one of: ( % [ : . = =>
c *  (w-7405-eng-36) by the los alamos national laboratory, which is   *
driver.f(6): error #5082: Syntax error, found IDENTIFIER 'THE' when expecting one of: ( * , <END-OF-STATEMENT> ; [ / = =>
c *  (w-7405-eng-36) by the los alamos national laboratory, which is   *
driver.f(7): error #5082: Syntax error, found '*' when expecting one of: ( % [ : . = =>
c *  operated by the university of california for the u. s. department *
driver.f(8): error #5082: Syntax error, found '*' when expecting one of: ( % [ : . = =>
c *  of energy. the u. s. government is licensed to use, reproduce,    *
driver.f(9): error #5082: Syntax error, found '*' when expecting one of: ( % [ : . = =>
c *  and distribute this software. permission is granted to the public *
driver.f(10): error #5082: Syntax error, found '*' when expecting one of: ( % [ : . = =>
c *  to copy and use this software without charge, provided that this  *
driver.f(11): error #5082: Syntax error, found '*' when expecting one of: ( % [ : . = =>
c *  notice and any statement of authorship are reproduced on all      *
driver.f(12): error #5082: Syntax error, found '*' when expecting one of: ( % [ : . = =>
c *  copies. neither the government nor the university makes any       *
driver.f(12): error #5082: Syntax error, found IDENTIFIER 'THE' when expecting one of: ( * ) :: , <END-OF-STATEMENT> ; . (/ + - [ : ] /) . ' ** / // ...
c *  copies. neither the government nor the university makes any       *
driver.f(13): error #5082: Syntax error, found '*' when expecting one of: ( % [ : . = =>
c *  warranty, express or implied, or assumes any liability            *
driver.f(13): error #5082: Syntax error, found IDENTIFIER 'OR' when expecting one of: ( * ) :: , <END-OF-STATEMENT> ; . % (/ + - [ : ] /) . ** / // ...
c *  warranty, express or implied, or assumes any liability            *
driver.f(13): error #5082: Syntax error, found IDENTIFIER 'ASSUMES' when expecting one of: ( * ) :: , . % + - [ : . ** / // .LT. < .LE. <= .EQ. == ...
c *  warranty, express or implied, or assumes any liability            *
driver.f(14): error #5082: Syntax error, found '*' when expecting one of: ( % [ : . = =>
c *  responsibility for the use of this software.                      *
driver.f(15): error #5082: Syntax error, found '*' when expecting one of: ( % [ : . = =>
c *                                                                    *
driver.f(16): error #5082: Syntax error, found '**' when expecting one of: ( % [ : . = =>
c **********************************************************************
driver.f(17): error #5082: Syntax error, found END-OF-STATEMENT when expecting one of: ( % [ : . = =>
driver.f(18): error #5143: Missing mandatory separating blank
c  this program is an explict decomposition version of the 3d sweeper
driver.f(18): error #5082: Syntax error, found IDENTIFIER 'THIS' when expecting one of: ( % [ : . = =>
c  this program is an explict decomposition version of the 3d sweeper
driver.f(19): error #5082: Syntax error, found END-OF-STATEMENT when expecting one of: ( % [ : . = =>
driver.f(40): error #5082: Syntax error, found END-OF-STATEMENT when expecting one of: ( % [ : . = =>
driver.f(41): error #5082: Syntax error, found IDENTIFIER 'INITIALIZE' when expecting one of: ( % [ : . = =>
c  initialize the tasking system and spawn the daughter tasks:
driver.f(42): error #5082: Syntax error, found IDENTIFIER 'THE' when expecting one of: ( % [ : . = =>
c    the processor grid is npe_i X npe_j
driver.f(43): error #5082: Syntax error, found IDENTIFIER 'SEND' when expecting one of: ( % [ : . = =>
c    send pvm initialization data to other tasks:
driver.f(44): error #5082: Syntax error, found IDENTIFIER 'SET' when expecting one of: ( % [ : . = =>
c    set position of each task in the processor grid (mype_i, mype_j):
driver.f(45): error #5082: Syntax error, found IDENTIFIER 'DETERMINE' when expecting one of: ( % [ : . = =>
c    determine the subgrid (it by jt):
driver.f(47): catastrophic error: Too many errors, exiting
compilation aborted for driver.f (code 1)
program driver
c **********************************************************************
c * *
c * copyright, 1993, the regents of the university of california. *
c * this software was produced under a u. s. government contract *
c * (w-7405-eng-36) by the los alamos national laboratory, which is *
c * operated by the university of california for the u. s. department *
c * of energy. the u. s. government is licensed to use, reproduce, *
c * and distribute this software. permission is granted to the public *
c * to copy and use this software without charge, provided that this *
c * notice and any statement of authorship are reproduced on all *
c * copies. neither the government nor the university makes any *
c * warranty, express or implied, or assumes any liability *
c * responsibility for the use of this software. *
c * *
c **********************************************************************
c this program is an explict decomposition version of the 3d sweeper
implicit none
integer it_g,jt_g,it,jt,kt,mm,mmo,mmi,isct
double precision dx, dy, dz, epsi, err
integer mk,isn,nm
integer iprint
logical do_dsa
integer it_dsa,jt_dsa,kt_dsa
integer ibc,jbc,kbc
integer jt_ibc,kt_ibc,mm_ibc
integer it_jbc,kt_jbc,mm_jbc
integer it_kbc,jt_kbc,mm_kbc
integer myid, numtasks, npe_i, npe_j, mype_i, mype_j
integer istart,jstart
integer north, south, east, west
integer its
double precision t0,t1,et0,et1,grind
integer kb,nmsgs
double precision mem,effic,effic1,effic2
integer i,mi,ndiag,icpu,ncpu
integer ifixups,nfixups
c initialize the tasking system and spawn the daughter tasks:
c the processor grid is npe_i X npe_j
c send pvm initialization data to other tasks:
c set position of each task in the processor grid (mype_i, mype_j):
c determine the subgrid (it by jt):
c determine the neighbors for each processor task:
call task_init(myid, numtasks)
c read input on master node and broadcast to slaves
call read_input(it_g,jt_g,kt,mm,isct,dx,dy,dz,epsi,
& iprint,do_dsa,ifixups,ibc,jbc,kbc,mk,isn,nm,
& myid,numtasks,npe_i,npe_j,mmo,mmi,ncpu)
c determine the decomposition
call decomp(it_g,jt_g, it,jt, istart,jstart, kt,
& myid,numtasks,npe_i,npe_j,mype_i,mype_j,
& north,south,east,west)
c conditional array sizes
if (do_dsa) then
it_dsa = it + 1
jt_dsa = jt + 1
kt_dsa = kt + 1
it_dsa = 1
jt_dsa = 1
kt_dsa = 1
if ( then
jt_ibc = jt
kt_ibc = kt
mm_ibc = mm
jt_ibc = 1
kt_ibc = 1
mm_ibc = 1
if ( then
it_jbc = it
kt_jbc = kt
mm_jbc = mm
it_jbc = 1
kt_jbc = 1
mm_jbc = 1
if ( then
it_kbc = it
jt_kbc = jt
mm_kbc = mm
it_kbc = 1
jt_kbc = 1
mm_kbc = 1
if (myid .eq. 1) then
print *,'SWEEP3D - Method 5 -',
& ' Pipelined Wavefront with Line-Recursion'
print *,'Version 2.2b'
print 100, isn,isct,mm,nm,it_g,jt_g,kt
100 format(' S',i1,'P',i1,3x,'-',1x,i2,' angles/octant,',
& i3,' moments'/,
& ' global grid: ',i3,'x',i3,'x',i3)
print *,numtasks,'domains - ',npe_i,'x',npe_j,
& 'decomposition'
mem = float(it)*float(jt)*float(kt)*(3+(isct+1)+2*nm)
if (do_dsa) then
mem = mem + float(it_dsa)*float(jt_dsa)*float(kt_dsa)*3
kb = (kt+mk-1)/mk
print *,kb*mmo,'domain pipelined blocks -',mk,'k-planes by',
& mmi,'angles each'
mem = mem*8/1.0d+6
print 101,mem
101 format(' estimated memory usage per domain:',f7.1,' MB')
if (npe_i.eq.1 .and. npe_j.eq.1) then
nmsgs = 0
else if (npe_i.eq.1) then
nmsgs = 2*(2*mmo)*(1+1+0+0) + (npe_j-2)*(2*mmo)*(1+1+1+1)
else if (npe_j.eq.1) then
nmsgs = 2*(2*mmo)*(1+1+0+0) + (npe_i-2)*(2*mmo)*(1+1+1+1)
nmsgs = 4*(2*mmo)*(2+1+0+1)
& + 2*(npe_i-2)*(2*mmo)*(2+1+1+2)
& + 2*(npe_j-2)*(2*mmo)*(2+1+1+2)
& + (npe_i-2)*(npe_j-2)*(2*mmo)*(2+2+2+2)
nmsgs = nmsgs * kb
print *,nmsgs,'global messages per iteration'
effic1 = float(8*mmo*kb)/
& float(8*mmo*kb + 2*(npe_i-1) + 4*(npe_j-1))
print 102,100.0*effic1
102 format(f6.2,'% domain parallel efficiency -',
& ' due to decomposition & blocking')
icpu = 0
do i = 1, jt+mk-1+mmi-1
ndiag = 0
do mi = 1, mmi
ndiag = ndiag + max(min(i-mi+1,jt,mk,jt+mk-i+mi-1),0)
end do
icpu = icpu + ( ndiag + ncpu-1 )/ncpu
effic2 = float(mmi*jt*mk)/float(icpu*ncpu)
print 103,100.0*effic2,ncpu
103 format(f6.2,'% multitasking efficiency on',i4,
& ' processors')
print 104,100.0*effic1*effic2,npe_i*npe_j,ncpu
104 format(f6.2,'% combined efficiency on a cluster of ',i4,i4,
& '-way SMPs')
if (do_dsa) then
print *,'DSA leakage calculation: ON'
print *,'DSA leakage calculation: OFF'
if ( then
print *,'Flux fixups: ON (always)'
else if (ifixups.eq.0) then
print *,'Flux fixups: OFF'
print *,'Flux fixups: ON (after',-ifixups,'iterations)'
call inner_auto (it, jt, kt, nm, isct, mm,mmo,mmi, mk,
& dx, dy, dz, epsi, err, iprint, do_dsa,
& it_g, jt_g, istart,jstart,
& myid, numtasks, north, south, east, west,
& its,t0,t1,et0,et1,
& it_dsa,jt_dsa,kt_dsa, ifixups,nfixups,
& ibc,jbc,kbc,
& jt_ibc,kt_ibc,mm_ibc,
& it_jbc,kt_jbc,mm_jbc,
& it_kbc,jt_kbc,mm_kbc)
if (myid .eq. 1) then
print*,'CPU time was: ', t1 -t0
print*,'Elapsed time was: ', et1 -et0
grind = 1.0e6*(t1-t0)/(real(its)*real(it_g)*real(jt_g)
1 *real(kt)*real(mm)*real(8))
print '('' CPU grind time: '',1pg10.3)',grind
grind = 1.0e6*(et1-et0)/(real(its)*real(it_g)*real(jt_g)
1 *real(kt)*real(mm)*real(8))
print '('' Wall grind time: '',1pg10.3)',grind
call task_end()
PROGRAM driver
c **********************************************************************
c * *
c * copyright, 1993, the regents of the university of california. *
c * this software was produced under a u. s. government contract *
c * (w-7405-eng-36) by the los alamos national laboratory, which is *
c * operated by the university of california for the u. s. department *
c * of energy. the u. s. government is licensed to use, reproduce, *
c * and distribute this software. permission is granted to the public *
c * to copy and use this software without charge, provided that this *
c * notice and any statement of authorship are reproduced on all *
c * copies. neither the government nor the university makes any *
c * warranty, express or implied, or assumes any liability *
c * responsibility for the use of this software. *
c * *
c **********************************************************************
c this program is an explict decomposition version of the 3d sweeper
INTEGER :: it_g, jt_g, it, jt, kt, mm, mmo, mmi, isct
DOUBLE PRECISION :: dx, dy, dz, epsi, err
INTEGER :: mk, isn, nm
INTEGER :: iprint
LOGICAL :: do_dsa
INTEGER :: it_dsa, jt_dsa, kt_dsa
INTEGER :: ibc, jbc, kbc
INTEGER :: jt_ibc, kt_ibc, mm_ibc
INTEGER :: it_jbc, kt_jbc, mm_jbc
INTEGER :: it_kbc, jt_kbc, mm_kbc
INTEGER :: myid, numtasks, npe_i, npe_j, mype_i, mype_j
INTEGER :: istart, jstart
INTEGER :: north, south, east, west
INTEGER :: its
DOUBLE PRECISION :: t0, t1, et0, et1, grind
INTEGER :: kb, nmsgs
DOUBLE PRECISION :: mem, effic, effic1, effic2
INTEGER :: i, mi, ndiag, icpu, ncpu
INTEGER :: ifixups, nfixups
c initialize the tasking system and spawn the daughter tasks:
c the processor grid is npe_i X npe_j
c send pvm initialization data to other tasks:
c set position of each task in the processor grid (mype_i, mype_j):
c determine the subgrid (it by jt):
c determine the neighbors for each processor task:
CALL indigo__init(1,0)
CALL indigo__create_map()
CALL task_init(myid,numtasks)
c read input on master node and broadcast to slaves
CALL read_input(it_g,jt_g,kt,mm,isct,dx,dy,dz,epsi,iprint,do_dsa,ifixups,ibc,jbc,kbc,mk,isn,nm,myid,numtasks,npe_i,npe_j,mmo,mmi,ncpu)
c determine the decomposition
CALL decomp(it_g,jt_g,it,jt,istart,jstart,kt,myid,numtasks,npe_i,npe_j,mype_i,mype_j,north,south,east,west)
c conditional array sizes
IF (do_dsa) THEN
it_dsa = it + 1
jt_dsa = jt + 1
kt_dsa = kt + 1
it_dsa = 1
jt_dsa = 1
kt_dsa = 1
IF (ibc .NE. 0) THEN
jt_ibc = jt
kt_ibc = kt
mm_ibc = mm
jt_ibc = 1
kt_ibc = 1
mm_ibc = 1
IF (jbc .NE. 0) THEN
it_jbc = it
kt_jbc = kt
mm_jbc = mm
it_jbc = 1
kt_jbc = 1
mm_jbc = 1
IF (kbc .NE. 0) THEN
it_kbc = it
jt_kbc = jt
mm_kbc = mm
it_kbc = 1
jt_kbc = 1
mm_kbc = 1
IF (myid .EQ. 1) THEN
PRINT *, 'SWEEP3D - Method 5 -',' Pipelined Wavefront with Line-Recursion'
PRINT *, 'Version 2.2b'
PRINT 100, isn,isct,mm,nm,it_g,jt_g,kt
100 format ( ' S',i1,'P',i1,3x,'-',1x,i2,' angles/octant,',i3,' moments',/,' global grid: ',i3,'x',i3,'x',i3 )
PRINT *, numtasks,'domains - ',npe_i,'x',npe_j,'decomposition'
mem = float(it) * float(jt) * float(kt) * (3 + (isct + 1) + 2 * nm)
IF (do_dsa) THEN
mem = mem + float(it_dsa) * float(jt_dsa) * float(kt_dsa) * 3
kb = (kt + mk - 1) / mk
PRINT *, kb * mmo,'domain pipelined blocks -',mk,'k-planes by',mmi,'angles each'
mem = mem * 8 / 1.0d+6
PRINT 101, mem
101 format ( ' estimated memory usage per domain:',f7.1,' MB' )
IF (npe_i .EQ. 1 .AND. npe_j .EQ. 1) THEN
nmsgs = 0
ELSE IF (npe_i .EQ. 1) THEN
nmsgs = 2 * (2 * mmo) * (1 + 1 + 0 + 0) + (npe_j - 2) * (2 * mmo) * (1 + 1 + 1 + 1)
ELSE IF (npe_j .EQ. 1) THEN
nmsgs = 2 * (2 * mmo) * (1 + 1 + 0 + 0) + (npe_i - 2) * (2 * mmo) * (1 + 1 + 1 + 1)
nmsgs = 4 * (2 * mmo) * (2 + 1 + 0 + 1) + 2 * (npe_i - 2) * (2 * mmo) * (2 + 1 + 1 + 2) + 2 * (npe_j - 2) * (2 * mmo) * (2 + 1 + 1 + 2) + (npe_i - 2) * (npe_j - 2) * (2 * mmo) * (2 + 2 + 2 + 2)
nmsgs = nmsgs * kb
PRINT *, nmsgs,'global messages per iteration'
effic1 = float(8 * mmo * kb) / float(8 * mmo * kb + 2 * (npe_i - 1) + 4 * (npe_j - 1))
PRINT 102, 100.0 * effic1
102 format ( f6.2,'% domain parallel efficiency -',' due to decomposition & blocking' )
icpu = 0
DO i = 1, jt + mk - 1 + mmi - 1
ndiag = 0
DO mi = 1, mmi
ndiag = ndiag + max(min(i - mi + 1,jt,mk,jt + mk - i + mi - 1),0)
icpu = icpu + (ndiag + ncpu - 1) / ncpu
effic2 = float(mmi * jt * mk) / float(icpu * ncpu)
PRINT 103, 100.0 * effic2,ncpu
103 format ( f6.2,'% multitasking efficiency on',i4,' processors' )
PRINT 104, 100.0 * effic1 * effic2,npe_i * npe_j,ncpu
104 format ( f6.2,'% combined efficiency on a cluster of ',i4,i4,'-way SMPs' )
IF (do_dsa) THEN
PRINT *, 'DSA leakage calculation: ON'
PRINT *, 'DSA leakage calculation: OFF'
IF (ifixups > 0) THEN
PRINT *, 'Flux fixups: ON (always)'
ELSE IF (ifixups .EQ. 0) THEN
PRINT *, 'Flux fixups: OFF'
PRINT *, 'Flux fixups: ON (after',-ifixups,'iterations)'
CALL inner_auto(it,jt,kt,nm,isct,mm,mmo,mmi,mk,dx,dy,dz,epsi,err,iprint,do_dsa,it_g,jt_g,istart,jstart,myid,numtasks,north,south,east,west,its,t0,t1,et0,et1,it_dsa,jt_dsa,kt_dsa,ifixups,nfixups,ibc,jbc,kbc,jt_ibc,kt_ibc,mm_ibc,it_jbc,kt_jbc,mm_jbc,it_kbc,jt_kbc,mm_kbc)
IF (myid .EQ. 1) THEN
PRINT *, 'CPU time was: ',t1 - t0
PRINT *, 'Elapsed time was: ',et1 - et0
grind = 1.0e6 * (t1 - t0) / (real(its) * real(it_g) * real(jt_g) * real(kt) * real(mm) * real(8))
PRINT '('' CPU grind time: '',1pg10.3)', grind
grind = 1.0e6 * (et1 - et0) / (real(its) * real(it_g) * real(jt_g) * real(kt) * real(mm) * real(8))
PRINT '('' Wall grind time: '',1pg10.3)', grind
CALL task_end()
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