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Last active September 23, 2022 20:12
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flyte poc
import typing
from flytekit import task, workflow, get_reference_entity, kwtypes
from flytekit.models.core.identifier import ResourceType
from typing import Dict# noqa: E402
def say_hello() -> str:
return "hello world"
ref_entity = get_reference_entity(
def my_wf() -> Dict:
res = say_hello()
output = ref_entity(my_input=res)
return output
if __name__ == "__main__":
print(f"Running my_wf() { my_wf() }")
import typing # noqa: E402
from collections import Counter # noqa: E402
from typing import Dict, Tuple # noqa: E402
from flytekit import LaunchPlan, task, workflow # noqa: E402
# from .core import tensorflow_training_step, fds_importer_step
@task(cache=True, cache_version='1.0')
def count_freq_words(input_string1: str) -> Dict:
# input_string = "The cat sat on the mat"
words = input_string1.split()
wordCount = dict(Counter(words))
return wordCount
def do_something_else(input_dict1: Dict) -> Dict:
for item in input_dict1:
return input_dict1
def fds_importer(my_input: str) -> typing.NamedTuple("ResultFDS", result=Dict):
dict1 = count_freq_words(input_string1=my_input)
result = do_something_else(input_dict1=dict1)
return result
fds_importer_step = LaunchPlan.get_or_create(
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