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Created May 1, 2021 22:10
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$jhrl = ''
$allPropertiesURL = ''
$wc = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
# Download main page, and parse out actuall properties URL
$baseHTML = $wc.DownloadString($jhrl)
$allPropertiesURL = [Regex]::Matches($baseHTML,'data-bto-jump-select="(.*?). />').Groups[1].Value
# Using downloaded properties info, parse out URL for each property
$rentals = @{}
$rentalTXT = $wc.DownloadString($allPropertiesURL)
$rentalOptions = ([xml]($rentalTXT+"</div>")) | Select-Object -Skip 1 | ForEach-Object { $_.Value.Substring(34) }
# Loop over each property, downloading the page and parsing out the Drupal object for availability etc and cache it in the $rentals object
$i = 0
foreach ($rental in $rentalOptions) {
try {
$html = $wc.DownloadString("$jhrl$rental")
$json = [Regex]::Matches($html,'<script>jQuery.extend\(Drupal.settings, (.*?)\);</script>').Groups[1].Value
$obj = ConvertFrom-Json $json
$rentals[$rental] = $obj
} catch [WebException] {
Write-Error "Error downloading: $rental"
} finally {
Write-Progress -Activity "Downloading Properties . . ." -Status "Downloaded $i of $($rentalOptions.Count)" -percentComplete (($i / $rentalOptions.Count) * 100)
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