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Created August 31, 2018 16:32
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Round numbers quiz for class 5
from random import randrange, choice
from decimal import Decimal
from collections import defaultdict
from operator import itemgetter
import argparse
import sys
#Global variables
name_to_zeroes = {
"": 0,
"one": 0,
"ten": 1,
"hundred": 2,
"thousand": 3,
"lakh": 5,
"crore": 7
rounding_choices = [
'ten thousandth',
def wordsToZeroes(round_to):
#returns number of zeroes and direction
words = round_to.split(' ')
direction = "right" if words[-1].endswith('th') else "left"
if words[-1].endswith('th'):
direction = "right"
words[-1] = words[-1][:-2]
direction = "left"
total_zeroes = 0
for word in words:
total_zeroes += name_to_zeroes[word]
return total_zeroes, direction
def createNumber(number_size, decimal_size):
number = str(randrange(1,10))
for _ in range(number_size - 1):
#higher chance for number to be 5 or higher
number += str(randrange(3,10))
if not decimal_size:
return number
number += '.'
for _ in range(decimal_size):
number += str(randrange(3,10))
return number
def roundNumber(number, num_zeroes, direction):
#Returns answer as decimal
n = Decimal(number)
if direction == "right":
return round(n, num_zeroes)
m = 10**num_zeroes
return Decimal(round(n / m) * m)
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('-c', '--count', type=int, default=10,
help='Number of questions to ask in this session')
parser.add_argument('-f', '--force-decimal', help="Force numbers to have decimal part",
parser.add_argument('-r', '--round-to', help='Fix "round to" value', choices=rounding_choices)
parser.add_argument('-n', '--num-size', type=int, help="Fix number of digits to left")
parser.add_argument('-d', '--dec-size', type=int, help="Fix number of digits in decimal part")
parser.add_argument('--debug', action='store_true')
args = parser.parse_args()
#Quiz number properties
force_decimal = args.force_decimal
g_round_to = args.round_to
g_number_size = args.num_size
g_decimal_size = args.dec_size
question_count = args.count
wrong_answers = defaultdict(int)
right_ans_count = 0
quit = None
debug = args.debug
for qno in range(1, question_count + 1):
if quit == "exit": break
#generate initial values
round_to = g_round_to or choice(rounding_choices)
number_size = g_number_size or randrange(10)
decimal_size = g_decimal_size
number = None
#get number metadata
num_zeroes, direction = wordsToZeroes(round_to)
#Fix number and decimal sizes
if direction == "left" and (not number_size or number_size <= num_zeroes):
number_size = num_zeroes + randrange(2,5)
if force_decimal or (direction == "right" and (not decimal_size or decimal_size <= num_zeroes)):
decimal_size = num_zeroes + randrange(2,5)
#Create number
number = createNumber(number_size, decimal_size)
#Get answer
answer = roundNumber(number, num_zeroes, direction)
#Keep asking the same question until the right answer is given
while right_ans_count != qno:
if quit == "exit": break
if qno != 1:
print('\n' * 10)
print("QUESTION #{} OF {}".format(qno, question_count))
question_statement = "What is {} rounded to {}?".format(number, round_to)
user_answer = Decimal(input("Your answer: "))
if debug:
print("Answer is {}".format(answer))
print(user_answer == answer)
print(type(user_answer), type(answer))
if user_answer == answer:
print("You got it right!")
right_ans_count += 1
wrong_answers[question_statement] += 1
#don't prompt if exercise has ended already
if right_ans_count != question_count:
print('Type "exit" to quit exercise')
quit = input('Press "Enter" key to continue: ')
#give exercise results
retry_qs_and_counts = sorted(wrong_answers.items(), key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True)
wrong_answer_count = len(wrong_answers)
if quit == "exit":
print("Exercise ended prematurely")
elif not retry_qs_and_counts:
print("Congratulations! You answered all of the questions correctly!!")
right_answer_count = question_count - wrong_answer_count
print("You scored {}%".format(round((right_answer_count / question_count) * 100, 2)))
print("You struggled to answer {} questions.".format(wrong_answer_count))
if wrong_answer_count > 5:
input('Press "Enter" key to see them and revise them')
for question, retry_count_plus_one in retry_qs_and_counts:
print('"{}", Retry count: {}'.format(question, retry_count_plus_one - 1))
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